第十篇 禧年(一)

The Jubilee (1)



壹 利未记二十五章八至十七节里的禧年,作为预言记载在以赛亚六十一章一至三节,实际地应验在路加四章十六至二十二节:─引用经文

I. The year of jubilee in Leviticus 25:8-17 is recorded as a prophecy in Isaiah 61:1-3 and is fulfilled in reality in Luke 4:16-22:

一 禧年有两项主要的福分,就是各人归回失去的产业,并从奴役得着释放─利二五8~17:

A. In the year of jubilee there were two main blessings: the returning of every man to his lost possession and the liberation from slavery—Lev. 25:8-17:

1 每一个卖了他所分得美地一分产业的,在禧年要归回自己的产业,而无须付赎价(10、13、28);并且凡卖了自己作奴仆的,要重得自由,归回本家(39~41)。─引用经文

1. In the year of jubilee everyone who had sold his possession, his allotted portion of the good land, was returned to it without paying anything to redeem it (vv. 10, 13, 28), and everyone who had sold himself into slavery regained his freedom and returned to his family (vv. 39-41).

2 归回自己的产业以及得自由归回本家,表征在新约的禧年里,信徒已经归回神,就是他们所失去神圣的产业,并且从一切捆绑得释放,回到召会,就是他们神圣的家─弗一13~14,约八32、36,参诗六八5~6。

2. Returning to one's possession and being freed and returning to one's family signify that in the New Testament jubilee the believers have returned to God as their lost divine possession, have been released from all bondage, and have returned to the church as their divine family—Eph. 1:13-14; John 8:32, 36; cf. Psa. 68:5-6.

二 在旧约的预表里,禧年持续一年之久,其应验却是指整个新约时代,恩典时代,这是神悦纳归回的罪囚的时候(赛四九8,路十五17~24,林后六2),也是那些在罪的捆绑下受压制的人享受神救恩之释放的时候(罗七14~八2)。─引用经文

B. In the Old Testament type the jubilee lasted for one year, but in the fulfillment it refers to the entire New Testament age, the age of grace, as the time when God accepts the returned captives of sin (Isa. 49:8; Luke 15:17-24; 2 Cor. 6:2) and when those oppressed under the bondage of sin enjoy the release of God's salvation (Rom. 7:14—8:2).

三 信徒在恩典时代对禧年的享受,就是享受基督作为神给他们的恩典,这享受要带进千年国里对禧年完满的享受,以及在新天新地新耶路撒冷里最完满的享受─约一16~17,罗五17,腓三14,启二二1~2上。

C. The believers'enjoyment of the jubilee in the age of grace (their enjoyment of Christ as God's grace to them) will issue in the full enjoyment of the jubilee in the millennium and in the fullest enjoyment in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth—John 1:16-17; Rom. 5:17; Phil. 3:14; Rev. 22:1-2a.

贰 禧年乃是基督作为恩典,借着祂的恩言分赐到我们里面,给我们享受的年代;新约的禧年乃是我们得救的狂喜年代─路四22,诗四五2,约一14~17,林后六2:

II. The year of jubilee is the age of Christ as grace dispensed into us for our enjoyment by His words of grace; the New Testament jubilee is an age of ecstasy for our salvation—Luke 4:22; Psa. 45:2; John 1:14-17; 2 Cor. 6:2:

一 新约时代就是狂喜时代,基督徒乃是狂喜的人;若是我们从来没有在神面前狂喜过,就表明我们对神的享受不够─五13,徒十一5,二二17,诗四三4上,五一12,彼前一8,赛十二3~6。

A. The New Testament age is an age of ecstasy, and a Christian is a person in ecstasy; if we have never been in ecstasy before God, this shows that we do not have a sufficient enjoyment of God—5:13; Acts 11:5; 22:17; Psa. 43:4a; 51:12; 1 Pet. 1:8; Isa. 12:3-6.

二 “禧年”的意思就是无忧无虑、无牵无挂、无缺无乏、无病无灾,什么难处都没有,什么都是好处;因此,一切应心,万事如意,逍遥自在,狂喜欢腾─诗一〇三1~5。

B. Jubilee means having no worry or anxiety, no concern or care, no lack or shortage, no sickness or calamity, and no problems whatsoever but, rather, having all benefits; hence, all things are pleasant and satisfying to our heart, and we are free from anxiety, at ease, excited, and exultant—Psa. 103:1-5.

三 我们必须接受主耶稣在我们里面作真正的禧年;我们得着了祂,就有神作我们的产业,并且能蒙拯救脱离罪和撒但的辖制,而有真正的自由与安息─徒二六18,弗一13~14,西一12,太十一28,约八32、36:

C. We must receive the Lord Jesus as the real jubilee in us; if we have Him, we have God as our possession and can be delivered from the bondage of sin and Satan to have real freedom and rest—Acts 26:18; Eph. 1:13-14; Col. 1:12; Matt. 11:28; John 8:32, 36:

1 我们接受基督作我们的救主和生命时,祂就进到我们里面作我们的禧年,但我们若没有让基督在我们里面活着,也不凭基督活着,我们就还没有实际地活在禧年里─利二五11~12。

1. When we receive Christ as our Savior and life, He comes into us to be our jubilee, but unless we allow Him to live in us and unless we live by Him, we are not practically living in the jubilee—Lev. 25:11-12.

2 我们的心若放在主以外任何的人事物上,乃是拜偶像,结局都是苦恼─约壹五21,参结十四3、5,六9。

2. If our heart is set on any person, thing, or matter other than the Lord, this is idolatry, and the end is wretchedness—1 John 5:21; cf. Ezek. 14:3, 5; 6:9.

3 我们若让基督在我们里面活着,并凭祂活着,一切就都应心、如意;否则一切就都是难处,凡事都没有禧年。

3. If we allow Christ to live in us and we live by Him, everything is to our satisfaction; otherwise, everything is a problem, and nothing is a jubilee.

四 只有当这位包罗万有的基督给我们得着了,给我们享受了,我们才可能一切应心,万事如意;不是外面的人事物,乃是里面的基督,能叫我们安稳无忧地面对各样的环境─腓三8~9,四5~8、11~13。

D. Everything can be satisfying to us only after we have gained the all-inclusive Christ as our enjoyment; it is not outward persons, matters, or things but Christ within us who enables us to be calm and free of worries as we face all kinds of situations—Phil. 3:8-9; 4:5-8, 11-13.

叁 路加四章禧年的宣扬,控制了整卷路加福音的中心思想,而十五章浪子的比喻是禧年绝佳的例证─11~32节:

III. The proclamation of the jubilee in Luke 4 governs the central thought of the whole Gospel of Luke, and the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15 is an excellent illustration of the jubilee—vv. 11-32:

一 浪子离开父家,卖了产业,也卖了自身:

A. The prodigal son left his father's house, selling his possession and himself:

1 器皿的内容就是器皿的产业,而人乃是神的器皿;因此,人如果没有神作产业和享受,就是空的、穷的─罗九21~23,弗二12,诗十六5,启三17~18。

1. The content of a vessel is its possession, and man is a vessel of God; hence, if man does not have God as his possession and enjoyment, he is empty and poor—Rom. 9:21-23; Eph. 2:12; Psa. 16:5; Rev. 3:17-18.

2 亚当没有接受生命树时,就失去他享受神的分;世上一切不信的人都失去神作他们的产业和享受,并且将自己的肢体卖给罪,成为罪的奴仆─弗二12,罗七14,六19。

2. Adam lost his portion of the enjoyment of God when he did not take the tree of life; all the unbelieving people of the world have lost God as their possession and enjoyment and have sold their members to sin in order to become slaves of sin—Eph. 2:12; Rom. 7:14; 6:19.

3 人生不过是劳苦愁烦,转眼成空;人生的实况乃是虚空的虚空,空中之空─都是捕风─诗九十10,七三14、16~17、25,传一2~11、14。

3. Human life is nothing but labor and sorrow and will soon be gone; the true condition of human life is vanity of vanities, emptiness of emptinesses—a chasing after wind—Psa. 90:10; 73:14, 16-17, 25; Eccl. 1:2-11, 14.

4 堕落的人没有真实的住处;他们都是漂泊、流浪、无家可归的,因为神是人真正的居所─诗九十1,创二八17~19,约十五4,太十一28。

4. Fallen people have no real dwelling place; they are drifting about and wandering without a home, because God is man's real dwelling place—Psa. 90:1; Gen. 28:17-19; John 15:4; Matt. 11:28.

二 有一天浪子归回产业,回到父家,那就是禧年,就是自由;那也就是一切应心,万事如意─路十五20、24,参利二五11~12:

B. One day the prodigal son returned to his possession and his father's house; that was a jubilee, a liberation, and everything became pleasant and satisfying—Luke 15:20, 24; cf. Lev. 25:11-12:

1 神在救赎里作了我们的产业,给我们享受;得救就是归回我们的产业,归回神,回来归向神,重新享受神作我们的产业─弗一13~14。

1. In redemption God is our possession for our enjoyment; to be saved is to return to our inheritance, to return to God, to come back to God and enjoy Him anew as our possession—Eph. 1:13-14.

2 得救就是得着神;我们有了神,就什么都有了;我们没有神,就什么都没有了─西一12,诗歌七〇一首。

2. To be saved is to gain God; when we have God, we have everything; without God, we have nothing—Col. 1:12; Hymns, #1080.

3 神在基督里作了我们的福分,但许多基督徒不快乐,像灯不亮,因为他们没有“打开开关”,没有以神作他们的分─弗四18,腓二12~16。

3. God has become our blessed portion in Christ, but many Christians are unhappy and are like lights that do not shine, because they do not "turn on the switch" by taking God as their portion—Eph. 4:18; Phil. 2:12-16.

三 父亲悦纳儿子,儿子回到父亲那里并归回父家,对儿子来说,这就是禧年,恩年─路十五20:

C. The father's acceptance of the son and the son's returning to his father and his father's house were the year of jubilee to the son, the year of grace—Luke 15:20:

1 神在基督里作了肥牛犊,给悔改归回的浪子享受─23节。

1. God in Christ has become the fattened calf for the enjoyment of the repentant and returned prodigal sons—v. 23.

2 这符合利未记二十五章十一至十二节,那里说,在禧年的时候不要种,也不要收,只要吃和享受;我们一悔改归向神,接受主耶稣,我们里面就得着神,这也就是我们禧年的开始。─引用经文

2. This corresponds to Leviticus 25:11-12, which says that the people were neither to sow nor reap in the year of the jubilee but only to eat and enjoy; once we repent and return to God by receiving the Lord Jesus, we obtain God within, and this is the beginning of our jubilee.

3 我们不是父亲的雇工,乃是众子享受祂,并能一直享受神作我们的产业,从现今直到永远。

3. We are not the Father's hired servants but His enjoying sons, and we can continually enjoy God as our possession from now unto eternity.
