
第一篇 心里柔细的神那心里柔细的申言者耶利米

Jeremiah, the Tenderhearted Prophet of the Tenderhearted God



壹 耶利米生为祭司,却蒙神呼召,不只作以色列国的申言者,也作列国的申言者;因此,他是祭司申言者─耶一1、4~8。

I. Jeremiah was born a priest, but he was called by God to be a prophet not only to the nation of Israel but also to all the nations; hence, he was a priest -prophet—Jer. 1:1, 4-8.

贰 耶和华立耶利米在列邦列国之上,为要拔出并拆毁,毁坏并倾覆,建造并栽植─10节:

II. Jehovah appointed Jeremiah to be over the nations and over the kingdoms to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to tear down, and to build up and to plant—v. 10:

一 拔出、拆毁、毁坏,就是耶和华使之倾覆;建造并栽植,就是耶和华使之升高。

A. The plucking up, the breaking down, and the destroying are Jeho-vah's tearing down, whereas the building up and the planting are Jehovah's exalting.

二 这与耶利米这名的两个意义─“耶和华使之升高”和“耶和华使之倾覆”─相符。

B. This corresponds to the two meanings of the name Jeremiah— "Jehovah exalts" and "Jehovah tears down."

叁 耶和华使耶利米成为坚城、铁柱、铜墙,抵挡全地,就是抵挡犹大的君王、首领、祭司并那地的众民;他们要攻击他,却不能胜过他─18~19节:

III. Jehovah made Jeremiah into a fortified city, into an iron pil-lar, and into bronze walls against the whole land, the kings of Judah, its princes, its priests, and the people of the land; they would fight against him but would not prevail against him— vv. 18-19:

一 在地上,在神与反对祂、抵挡祂的人之间,一直有争战─弗六12。

A. On earth there is always a battle raging between God and those who oppose Him and fight against Him—Eph. 6:12.

二 神不自己直接争战,乃是借着祂所差遣的仆人争战─提前一18,六12,提后四7。

B. God fights not by Himself directly but through His servants who have been sent by Him—1 Tim. 1:18; 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:7.

三 神差遣祂的军队─一个名叫耶利米的青年人─与那些反对祂的人争战:

C. God sent His army—a young man named Jeremiah—to fight those who opposed Him:

1 耶利米被神装备到一个地步,成为坚城、铁柱、铜墙─耶一18。

1. Jeremiah was equipped by God to such an extent that he be-came a fortified city and an iron pillar and bronze walls—Jer. 1:18.

2 攻击耶利米─耶和华的一人军─的人,实际上就是攻击耶和华─19节上。

2. Those who fought against Jeremiah—Jehovah's one-person army—were actually fighting against Jehovah—v. 19a.

3 没有人会击败他,因为耶和华与他同在─19节下。

3. No one would defeat him because Jehovah was with him— v. 19b.

肆 耶利米是为神说话的得胜者─9~10节,二1~2:

IV. Jeremiah was an overcomer speaking for God—vv. 9-10; 2:1-2:

一 在预表的时代,得胜者是申言者;所有真正的申言者都是得胜者。

A. In the age of typology, the overcomers were the prophets; all the genuine proph ets were overcomers.

二 神大体的子民荒凉了,就需要有些人兴起作神的得胜者,以维持神所设立的见证。

B. When the majority of God's people were desolate, there was the need for some to rise up to be God's overcomers to maintain the testimony established by God.

三 申言者先顾到神的谕言;根据他们所说神的谕言,他们多少也运用神的权柄,如在君王大卫和申言者拿单身上所看见的─撒下七1~17,十二1~15。

C. The prophets took care of God's oracle first, and based upon the oracle, they exercised, to some extent, God's authority, as seen with David the king and Nathan the prophet—2 Sam. 7:1-17; 12:1-15.

四 启示录二、三章里的得胜者就是申言者之预表的应验。

D. The overcomers in Revelation 2 and 3 are the fulfillment of the typology of the prophets.

五 耶利米是得胜者,作相反的见证:

E. As an overcomer, Jeremiah was an anti-testimony:

1 以色列人荒凉了,耶利米就蒙神呼召作相反的见证─耶二七1~15。

1. The children of Israel had become desolate, and Jeremiah was called by God to be an anti-testimony—Jer. 27:1-15.

2 神的子民不知道自己在神面前罪恶深重,神已命定要用巴比伦惩罚他们,使他们被掳到巴比伦─十五12~14。

2. God's people did not realize that they were deep in sin before God and that God had already ordained that Babylon would be used to punish them, causing them to be captured to Bab-ylon—15:12-14.

3 以色列人落在这种麻木的光景里,得胜者耶利米乃是相反的见证,他说耶和华所给他的话,和那些假申言者相反─二七16~二八17。

3. Because Israel had fallen into such a befuddled situation, Jer emiah, an over comer, was an anti-testimony, speaking the word given to him by Jehovah and being contrary to the false prophets—27:16—28:17.

伍 耶利米书说到神柔细的心加上神的公义,这是该书特别的特征和地位─九10~11,二三5~6,三三16:

V. The book of Jeremiah has as its particular characteristic and standing God's tenderheartedness plus God's righteous-ness—9:10-11; 23:5-6; 33:16:

一 我们的神是心里柔细的,满了怜恤和同情,但祂也是绝对公义的─九10~11,二三6。

A. Our God is a tenderhearted God, full of compassion and sympa-thy, yet He is absolutely righteous—9:10-11; 23:6.

二 按照耶利米书,神的爱包含祂柔细的关切、怜恤和同情;甚至在惩治祂的选民以色列时,祂向他们也是怜恤的─哀三22~23。

B. According to the book of Jeremiah, God's love is a composition of His tender care, compassion, and sympathy; even while He chas-tises His elect people Israel, He is compassionate toward them— Lam. 3:22-23.

三 耶利米九章十至十一节和十七至十九节的话,表达耶和华对以色列受祂管教的感觉:─引用经文

C. The words in Jeremiah 9:10-11 and 17-19 express Jehovah's feel-ing concerning Israel's suffering of His correction:

1 虽然耶和华惩罚以色列,但祂对他们仍是同情的。

1. Although Jehovah was punishing Israel, He was still sympa-thetic toward them.

2 十八节里“我们”和“我们的”这些辞,指明耶和华将自己联于受苦的百姓,并在他们的受苦中与他们是一。─引用经文

2. The words us and our in verse 18 indicate that Jehovah joined Himself to the suffering people and was one with them in their suffering.

3 耶和华自己因同情祂的百姓而哭泣。

3. Jehovah Himself was weeping in sympathy with His people.

陆 耶利米书也是一本自传,耶利米告诉我们他的情形、他这个人和他的感觉,显示他柔细的心:

VI. The book of Jeremiah is also an autobiography in which Jeremiah tells us of his situation, his person, and his feeling, revealing his tender heart:

一 神是柔细、慈爱、怜恤并公义的,耶利米是胆怯的青年人,被神兴起作神的出口,为神说话并彰显神─三6~11,四3~31,三二26~27,三三1~2。

A. God is tender, loving, compassionate, and righteous, and Jere-miah, a timid young man, was raised up by God to be His mouth-piece to speak for Him and express Him—3:6-11; 4:3-31; 32:26-27; 33:1-2.

二 耶和华是心里柔细的神;在心里柔细这点上,耶利米与神完全是一;因此,神能使用申言者耶利米来彰显祂,为祂说话,并代表祂─二1~三5,四19,九1,10。

B. Jehovah is the tenderhearted God, and in being tenderhearted, Jeremiah was absolutely one with God; thus, God could use the prophet Jeremiah to express Him, speak for Him, and represent Him—2:1—3:5; 4:19; 9:1, 10.

三 耶和华进来管教虚伪的敬拜者,而耶利米对耶和华的管教有所反应;申言者的反应非常柔细,富有同情和怜恤─八18~19,21~22,九1~2,十19~25。

C. Jehovah came in to correct His hypocritical worshippers, and Jer emiah reacted to Jehovah's correction; the prophet's reaction was very tender, sympathetic, and compassionate—8:18-19, 21-22; 9:1-2; 10:19-25.

四 耶利米替神哭泣;他的哭泣表达神的哭泣─四19,九1,十三17:

D. Jeremiah wept on God's behalf; his weeping expressed God's weeping—4:19; 9:1; 13:17:

1 耶利米在他的哭泣上代表神─九10。

1. In his weeping Jeremiah represented God—9:10.

2 我们可以说,神在耶利米的哭泣里哭泣,因为耶利米在他的哭泣里与神是一─十三17。

2. We may say that God wept within Jeremiah's weeping, for in his weeping Jeremiah was one with God—13:17.

五 因着耶利米时常哭泣,甚至恸哭,所以他被称为哭泣的申言者─哀一16,二11,三48:

E. Because Jeremiah often wept, even wailed, he is called the weep-ing prophet—Lam. 1:16; 2:11; 3:48:

1 虽然神对祂的百姓是多忧伤,多痛苦,但是祂必须在地上找着一个有这种情感的人。

1. Although God was grieved and hurt because of His people, He had to find someone on earth who had these feelings.

2 当神的灵临到那特别的一位,耶利米,把祂的感觉放在耶利米的灵里时,申言者才能把神那个伤痛的感觉发表出来。

2. When His Spirit came upon that particular one, Jeremiah, and put His feel ings in Jeremiah's spirit, the prophet could then express the sorrowful feeling of God.

3 我们读耶利米书时会觉得,他虽然哭,他的情感是受过训练的─四19,九1,10,十三17。

3. As we read the book of Jeremiah, we can sense that, although he wept, his emotion had been disciplined—4:19; 9:1, 10; 13:17.

4 耶利米那忧伤的情感,会哭的情感,是受过训练和约束的,所以神能临到他,用他来发表神心中伤痛的感觉。

4. Jeremiah's sorrowful and weeping emotion had been disci-plined and restricted so that God could come to him and use him to express the sorrowful feelings that were in His heart.

柒 要让神能借着我们得着充分的发表,我们需要有属灵的情感,彼此相待要心存慈怜,能流泪的服事神─雅五11,出三四6,诗一○三8:

VII. In order that God may be fully expressed through us, we need to have spiritual emotions, be tenderhearted with one another, and be able to serve God with tears—James 5:11; Exo. 34:6; Psa. 103:8:

一 属灵的人是情感丰盛的;我们越属灵,情感就越丰盛─林前四21,林后六11,七3,十1,十二15:

A. A spiritual person is full of emotions; the more spiritual we are, the richer our emotions are—1 Cor. 4:21; 2 Cor. 6:11; 7:3; 10:1; 12:15:

1 我们需要主作工在我们身上,把我们的感觉作到细嫩的地步。

1. We need the Lord to work on us until our feelings are fine and tender.

2 当神作工的时候,每一次的责打,每一次的对付,都是把我们的感觉弄到比从前更细嫩、更敏锐;这乃是外面的人被拆毁最深的功课─四16。

2. Every time God works on us, chastises us, and deals with us, our feelings become finer and more sensitive; this is the deep-est lesson in the breaking of the outer man—4:16.

二 在召会生活中,我们相待需要心存慈怜─弗四32:

B. In the church life we need to be tenderhearted with one another— Eph. 4:32:

1 我们不该审判、定罪作我们同伴的信徒,乃要以恩慈待他们,心存慈怜,饶恕他们,正如神在基督里饶恕了我们一样─路六37,弗四32。

1. We should not judge and condemn our fellow believers but be kind to them, tenderhearted, forgiving them even as God in Christ also forgave us—Luke 6:37; Eph. 4:32.

2 我们越经历基督作我们生命的供应,我们就越心存慈怜。我们若心存慈怜,就会饶恕别人。

2. The more we experience Christ as our life supply, the more our hearts become tender, and when we are tenderhearted, we will forgive others.

三 使徒保罗服事主,常常流泪,并且流泪地劝戒圣徒─徒二十19、31,腓三18:

C. The apostle Paul served the Lord with tears and admonished the saints with tears—Acts 20:19, 31; Phil. 3:18:

1 我们若不知道哭泣流泪,就不是那么属灵。

1. If we do not know how to weep or shed tears, we are not very spiritual.

2 当我们活在灵里,以魂作器官,就能流泪地服事主并劝戒圣徒─徒二十19、31。

2. When we live in the spirit, using the soul as an organ, we will be able to serve the Lord and admonish the saints with tears— Acts 20:19, 31.

四 保罗“由于许多的患难,和心中的困苦,多多地流泪”,写信给哥林多人─林后二4:

D. "Out of much affliction and anguish of heart" Paul wrote to the Corinthians "through many tears"—2 Cor. 2:4:

1 保罗的表达是柔和的,且满了供应的生命亲密的关切─十一28,十二15。

1. Paul's expression was tender and filled with the intimate con-cern of the ministering life—11:28; 12:15.

2 在林后七章,保罗所表达的是对哥林多信徒深挚、柔细且亲密的关切;他的话非常摸着人─2~3节。

2. In 2 Corinthians 7 Paul conveyed a deep, tender, and intimate concern for the Corinthians; his word was very touching— vv. 2-3.

3 因着保罗的话是柔和的,满了亲密的关切,所以有能力和冲击力,能深深摸着信徒。

3. Because Paul's expression was tender and filled with intimate concern, it had power and impact, and it was able to touch the believers deeply.

五 在召会生活中,当我们经过流泪谷(巴迦谷),神叫这谷变为泉源之地;这泉源就是那灵─诗八四6,约四14,七38~39:

E. When, in the church life, we pass through the valley of Baca (weeping), God makes this valley a spring; this spring is the Spirit—Psa. 84:6; John 4:14; 7:38-39:

1 我们越在锡安大道上流泪(诗八四5),就越接受那灵;我们流泪时,就被那灵充满,那灵也就成为我们的泉源。─引用经文

1. The more we weep on the highways to Zion (Psa. 84:5), the more we receive the Spirit; while we are weeping, we are being filled with the Spirit, and the Spirit becomes our spring.

2 我们所流的眼泪是自己的,但这些眼泪带来泉源,成为秋雨,就是那灵作福分─亚十1,加三14,弗一3。

2. The tears we shed are our own, but these tears issue in a spring, which be comes the early rain, the Spirit as the bless-ing—Zech. 10:1; Gal. 3:14; Eph. 1:3.
