
第十篇 应许、预言、余数和恢复

The Promise, the Prophecy, the Remnant, and the Recovery



壹 神拣选了以色列人,使他们成为祂的子民,作召会的预表─罗九11~13,徒七38:

I. God chose the children of Israel and made them His people as a type of the church—Rom. 9:11-13; Acts 7:38:

一 作神选民的以色列人,是召会最大、集体的预表─林前十1~11。

A. The children of Israel, as the chosen people of God, are the great-est, collective type of the church—1 Cor. 10:1-11.

二 在这预表中,我们能看见召会蒙神拣选并救赎,享受基督与那灵作生命的供应,建造神的居所,承受基督作她的分,堕落且被掳,却得恢复,并等候基督的来临。

B. In this type we can see that the church is chosen and redeemed by God, enjoys Christ and the Spirit as the life supply, builds God's habitation, inherits Christ as its portion, degrades and is captured, is recovered, and awaits Christ's coming.

贰 耶和华应许要使被掳的以色列回转,并要领他们回到他们的地─耶十六15,三十1~3、10~11,16~19,三一1~9、11~13:

II. Jehovah promised to turn the captivity of Israel and bring them back to their land—Jer. 16:15; 30:1-3, 10-11, 16-19; 31:1-9, 11-13:

一 “耶和华说,我知道我向你们所怀的意念,是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念,要叫你们末后有好结局,有指望”─二九11。

A. "I know the thoughts that I think about you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace and not for evil, to give you a latter end and a hope"—29:11.

二 “我以永远的爱爱了你,因此我以慈爱吸引了你”─三一3。

B. "I have loved you with an eternal love; I Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness"—31:3.

三 “我也必使你们被掳的人归回,将你们从各国,和我所赶你们到的各处招聚来,又将你们带回我使你们被迁徙离开的地方;这是耶和华说的”─二九14。

C. "I will turn your captivity and gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, declares Jeho-vah, and bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile"—29:14.

四 “以色列的处女啊,我要再建造你,你就被建造;你必再以自己的鼓为妆饰,与欢笑的人一同跳舞而出”─三一4。

D. "I will build you again, and you will be built, I O virgin of Israel. I Again you will adorn yourself with your tambourines I And will go forth in the dance of those who make merry"—31:4.

五 “他们要来到锡安的高处歌唱,又涌向耶和华的美福,……他们的心必像浇灌的园子,他们也不再有一点愁烦”─12节。

E. "They will come and sing in the height of Zion, I And they will flow forth to the goodness of Jehovah… I And their soul will be like a watered garden, I And they will not languish anymore"— v. 12.

六 “我要使他们的悲哀转为欢喜,并要安慰他们,使他们的忧愁转为快乐”─13节。

F. "I will turn their mourning to gladness I And comfort them and cause them to rejoice after their sorrow"—v. 13.

叁 耶利米预言以色列要在巴比伦被掳七十年─二五11:

III. Jeremiah prophesied that the captivity of Israel in Babylon would be for seventy years—25:11:

一 关于七十年的话是对耶利米的安慰,向他保证他的国、他的民、殿和城悲惨的情形,只会持续七十年─二九10,亚七5。

A. The word about seventy years was a comfort to Jeremiah, assur-ing him that the miserable situation of his country and his people, of the temple and the city, would last only seventy years—29:10; Zech. 7:5.

二 神怎样任凭百姓被掳,祂也要照样带他们回来,不是像俘虏,乃是像得胜的战士─代下三六21~23。

B. Just as God gave the people up to captivity, He would bring them back, not as captives but as triumphant warriors—2 Chron. 36:21-23.

三 但以理得知耶利米二十五章十一至十二节和二十九章十至十四节里论到以色列被掳七十年的预言,他便“面向主神寻求,祷告”─但九2~3:

C. Because Daniel understood the prophecies in Jeremiah 25:11-12 and 29:10-14 concerning the seventy years of Israel's captivity, he set his face "toward the Lord God to seek Him in prayer"— Dan. 9:2-3:

1 但以理是神在地上的同工,他从经书上得知神的旨意,就根据经书的话为神的旨意祷告。

1. As God's co-worker on earth, Daniel understood God's will from the Scrip tures and prayed for God's will according to the Scriptures.

2 但以理知道神的心意是要把以色列人带回以色列地,重新建造耶路撒冷,就为这事祷告;以色列人归回耶路撒冷,是神成全了但以理的祷告。

2. Daniel knew that God's intention was to bring the children of Israel back to the land of Israel for the rebuilding of Jeru-salem, and thus, he prayed for it; the return of the children of Israel to Jerusalem was God's fulfilling of Daniel's prayer.

肆 耶和华说,祂要将祂羊群中所余剩的,从祂赶逐他们所到的各地招聚出来,领他们归回自己的草场,他们必繁衍增多─耶二三3:

IV. Jehovah said that He would gather the remnant of His flock out of the lands where He had driven them and that He would bring them back to their pasture, and they would be fruitful and multiply—Jer. 23:3:

一 以色列人被掳七十年之后,神进来呼召他们从巴比伦回到圣地─二五11:

A. After the seventy-year captivity, God came in to call the children of Israel to return from Babylon to the Holy Land—25:11:

1 当神呼召祂的子民回到祂所拣选的地时,很少人回应;大多数的人仍留在被掳之地。

1. When God called His people to come back to His chosen land, very few responded; the majority remained in their captivity.

2 只有少数人回到神所拣选的地;那些回到耶路撒冷重新建造圣殿的人,乃是神的遗民─拉一3,二1~67。

2. Only a small number came back to the chosen land; those who returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple were the remnant of God's people—Ezra 1:3; 2:1-67.

3 神应许祂的子民被掳到巴比伦七十年之后,要回到耶路撒冷(耶二五11,二九10);在以斯拉记和尼希米记里,遗民照着这应许归回。─引用经文

3. God promised that His people would return to Jerusalem after seventy years of captivity in Babylon (Jer. 25:11; 29:10); in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah a remnant returned according to this promise.

二 在主今日的恢复里,我们乃是神子民的余数,回到祂原初的心意,但许多真信徒却分散了,留在被掳之地─诗一二六1~4:

B. In the Lord's recovery today we are a remnant of God's people who have come back to His original intention while so many genuine believers are scattered and remain in captivity—Psa. 126:1-4:

1 我们是基督身体上那些回到原初一的立场上的肢体,并且作神的遗民站住这立场─申十二5。

1. We are members of the Body of Christ who have come back to the original ground of oneness and are standing here as God's remnant—Deut. 12:5.

2 大部分的基督徒还留在被掳之地;只有少数遗民为着神的建造回到正确的立场─11节,十六2,诗一三二13~14。

2. The majority of Christians remain in captivity; only a small remnant have returned to the proper ground for God's build-ing—v. 11; 16:2; Psa. 132:13-14.

三 以色列人从巴比伦归回耶路撒冷,预备了基督来临的路─弥五2,太二4~6,路二4~7:

C. The return of the children of Israel from Babylon to Jerusalem prepared the way for the coming of Christ—Micah 5:2; Matt. 2:4-6; Luke 2:4-7:

1 主的第一次来临,系于神的百姓从巴比伦被掳之地归回圣地:

1. The Lord's first coming depended on the return of God's peo-ple from their captivity in Babylon to the Holy Land:

a 照着弥迦书五章二节里的预言,基督要生于伯利恒。─引用经文

a. According to the prophecy in Micah 5:2, Christ was to be born in Bethlehem.

b 为着应验这个预言,神的百姓必须在圣地─太二4~6,路二4~7。

b. In order for this prophecy to be fulfilled, God's people had to be in the Holy Land—Matt. 2:4-6; Luke 2:4-7.

c 被掳归回的遗民是神所使用的凭借,以重建圣殿,并带进基督的第一次来临─弥五2。

c. The remnant of returned captives was the instrument used by God to rebuild the temple and usher in the first coming of Christ—Micah 5:2.

d 没有遗民回到圣地,基督就无法借着成为肉体来到地上─路一35,二4~7。

d. Without the return of the remnant to the Holy Land, there would have been no way for Christ to come to the earth through incarnation—Luke 1:35; 2:4-7.

2 同样,基督的第二次来临系于祂新约信徒中的余数从巴比伦被掳之地,从堕落的基督教,归回一的独一立场,为要建造召会,神属灵的殿─弗二21~22,启二1,提前三15,彼前二5:

2. Likewise, Christ's second coming depends on the return of a remnant of His New Testament believers from their captivity in Babylon, degraded Christianity, to the unique ground of one ness for the building of the church, God's spiritual house— Eph. 2:21-22; Rev. 2:1; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Pet. 2:5:

a 主正在呼召祂子民的余数,从巴比伦被掳之地出来,回到召会的正确立场,以应付祂的需要─启十八4,赛五二11,耶五十8,五一6、9、45。

a. The Lord is calling a remnant of His people to meet His need by coming out of Babylonian captivity and returning to the proper ground of the church—Rev. 18:4; Isa. 52:11; Jer. 50:8; 51:6, 9, 45.

b 主的目的不是要复兴整个基督教,乃是要呼召祂子民中那些愿意付代价跟从祂的余数,使祂的定旨得着完成,并作为身体的一部分得着建造─太十六18,十八17,弗一22~23,二21~22,四16,启一11,二二16。

b. The Lord's intention is not to revive Christianity as a whole but to call a remnant of His people who are willing to pay the price to follow Him for the fulfillment of His purpose and to be built up as a part of the Body—Matt. 16:18; 18:17; Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22; 4:16; Rev. 1:11; 22:16.

伍 耶和华说,祂必使以色列人得着恢复─耶三十17(痊愈,英译作recovery,恢复),三三6:─引用经文

V. Jehovah said that He would bring recovery to the children of Israel—Jer. 30:17; 33:6:

一 耶和华应许要使耶路撒冷城得着康复痊愈─6节。

A. Jehovah promised to bring the city of Jerusalem recovery and healing—v. 6.

二 祂说,祂要将丰盛的平安和真实显明与他们,也要洁净他们一切的罪孽,又要赦免他们一切的罪孽,就是向祂所犯的罪,并干犯祂的罪─6~8节。

B. He said that He would reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth and that He would cleanse them from all their iniquity and forgive all their iniquities, by which they had sinned against Him and transgressed against Him—vv. 6-8.

三 耶和华进一步应许,耶路撒冷要在万国的人面前,名为可喜乐的城,使祂得赞美,得荣耀─9节。

C. Jehovah made the further promise that Jerusalem would be a name of glad ness and a praise and a glory to Him before all the nations—v. 9.

陆 以色列人从被掳归回预表召会的恢复─拉一3~11,尼二11、17:

VI. The return of the children of Israel from their captivity typ-ifies the recovery of the church—Ezra 1:3-11; Neh. 2:11, 17:

一 当我们说到召会的恢复,我们的意思是,一样东西原初有,后来失落或被破坏了,现在需要将那样东西带回到原初的光景─太十六18,十八17。

A. When we speak of the recovery of the church, we mean that some-thing was there originally, that it became lost or damaged, and that now there is the need to bring that thing back to its original state—Matt. 16:18; 18:17.

二 因为经过了许多世纪的历史,召会已经堕落了,所以召会需要照着神原初的心意而得复原─林前一2,十二27,罗十二4~5,十六1、4~5,启一11,二二16。

B. Because the church has become degraded through the many cen-turies of its history, it needs to be restored according to God's ori-ginal intention—1 Cor. 1:2; 12:27; Rom. 12:4-5; 16:1, 4-5; Rev. 1:11; 22:16.

三 以色列人得恢复,意思就是他们从巴比伦被带回到耶路撒冷;召会的恢复包含一个归回,就是从巴比伦所表征被掳和分裂的立场归回─诗一二六1~4,一三三1。

C. For the children of Israel to be recovered meant for them to be brought back to Jerusalem from Babylon; the recovery of the church involves a return from the capturing and divisive ground signified by Babylon—Psa. 126:1-4; 133:1.

四 以色列人回到耶路撒冷,神命定独一的立场,带着所有被掳到巴比伦之神殿的器皿─代下三六18,拉五14,六5:

D. The children of Israel went back to Jerusalem, the God-ordained unique ground, with all the vessels of the temple of God, which had been brought to Babylon—2 Chron. 36:18; Ezra 5:14; 6:5:

1 耶路撒冷就是神子民敬拜神的中心,这独一的中心保守了神子民的一;为此,在旧约里神的子民必须被带回到耶路撒冷,神所命定独一的立场─申十二11,十六2,二六2。

1. Jerusalem was the center for God's people to worship Him, and this unique center preserved the oneness of the people of God; for this reason it was necessary for God's people in the Old Testament to be brought back to Jeru salem, the unique ground ordained by God—Deut. 12:11; 16:2; 26:2.

2 这些器皿是银的、金的,表征基督的丰富并对基督各方面的经历─弗三8。

2. These vessels, which were of silver and gold, signify the riches of Christ and the various aspects of the experience of Christ— Eph. 3:8.

3 今天的巴比伦不仅将神的子民掳去,也抢夺了神殿中一切的丰富;现今主不仅要呼召祂忠信的子民从巴比伦出来,并将他们带回到正确的召会生活,也要将已经失去之基督的各方面恢复回来─17~19节,西一15~20,二16~17,三4。

3. Today's Babylon has not only captured God's people but also robbed all the riches from God's temple; now the Lord wants not only to call His faithful people out of Babylon and bring them back to the proper church life but also to recover all the different aspects of Christ, which have been lost—vv. 17-19; Col. 1:15-20; 2:16-17; 3:4.

五 召会的恢复,也是由在耶路撒冷重建神的殿,就是神的家,以及重建耶路撒冷城所预表─拉一3,尼二11、17,诗二六8,三六8~9,四六1、5,四七2、6~8:

E. The recovery of the church is also typified by the rebuilding of the temple of God, the house of God in Jerusalem, and the rebuild-ing of the city of Jeru salem—Ezra 1:3; Neh. 2:11, 17; Psa. 26:8; 36:8-9; 46:1, 5; 47:2, 6-8:

1 圣殿,乃是神同在的地方,需要受到保护;城墙对殿乃是防御。

1. The temple, the place of God's presence, needed protection; the wall of the city was the defense of the temple.

2 我们要明白新约里家和城的关系,就需要领悟召会乃是基督的扩大和基督的扩增─约三29~30,弗四13,西二19:

2. In order to understand the relationship between the house and the city in the New Testament, we need to realize that the church is the enlargement of Christ and the increase of Christ—John 3:29-30; Eph. 4:13; Col. 2:19:

a 基督第一步的扩大是召会作为神的家,由所有的信徒摆在一起所组成,作基督的扩增─弗二21~22。

a. The first step of the enlargement of Christ is the church as the house, composed of all the believers put together to be the increase of Christ—Eph. 2:21-22.

b 基督第二步的扩大是召会作为神的城;召会作为家必须扩大到召会作为城─太五14,启三7、12,二一9~10。

b. The second step of the enlargement of Christ is the church as the city; the church as the house must be enlarged to be the church as the city—Matt. 5:14; Rev. 3:7, 12; 21:9-10.

c 召会作为家和城的建造,乃是神永远定旨的中心─弗二21~22,提前三15,启二一2~3。

c. The building of the church as the house and the city is the center of God's eternal purpose—Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rev. 21:2-3.

3 神的子民若没有从大巴比伦恢复到召会生活,基督就没有路带进祂第二次的来─一7:

3. If there is no recovery of God's people from Babylon the Great to the church life, there will be no way for Christ to carry out His second coming—1:7:

a 这就是为什么主在末了的时候,一直作工要得着召会的恢复─11节,三7~10,二二16,林前十二27,一2。

a. This is the reason that the Lord, at the end time, is work-ing to have a recovery of the church—v. 11; 3:7-10; 22:16; 1 Cor. 12:27; 1:2.

b 这个恢复对于基督的再来,乃是预备和基础─启一7,三11,十九7~9,二二7、12、20。

b. This recovery will be a preparation and a base for Christ's coming again—Rev. 1:7; 3:11; 19:7-9; 22:7, 12, 20.
