
第二篇 儆醒预备,好为着主即将第二次来临得以被主预备好

Watching and Being Ready in Order to Be Prepared by the Lord for His Second and Imminent Coming



壹 “来临”(巴路西亚)在原文的意思是“同在”;基督的来临将是祂与祂子民同在的时候;祂的巴路西亚要开始于大灾难之前男孩子(启十二5)和初熟果子(十四1~4)的被提,结束于大灾难末了祂和圣徒一同在地上的显现(太二四27、30,帖后二8,犹14)。─引用经文

I. The Greek word for coming (parousia) means "presence"; Christ's coming will be His presence with His people; His parousia will begin with the rapture of the man-child (Rev. 12:5) and of the firstfruits (14:1-4) before the great tribulation and will end with His appearing on the earth with the saints at the end of the great tribulation (Matt. 24:27, 30; 2 Thes. 2:8; Jude 14).

贰 我们需要看见主即将第二次来临的兆头─太二四1~3:

II. We need to see the signs of the Lord's second and imminent coming—Matt. 24:1-3:

一 这世代末了(末了三年半大灾难即将开始时)最大的兆头,乃是国度的福音传遍整个居人之地─14节,启六2。

A. The greatest sign of the end of this age (when the last three and a half years of the great tribulation are about to begin) is the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to the whole inhabited earth—v. 14; Rev. 6:2.

二 主的来临另一个大的兆头,是无花果树所代表的以色列奇迹的复国;这无花果树是给信徒这世代终结的兆头─太二四32~35,耶二四2、5、8。

B. Another great sign of the Lord's coming is when Israel, represented by the fig tree, was miraculously restored as a nation; to the believers this fig tree is a sign of the end of this age—Matt. 24:32-35; Jer. 24:2, 5, 8.

三 在主再来的那日子以前,必有背道的事,并且那不法的人,就是敌基督,要显露出来─帖后二3、7:

C. Before the day of the Lord's second coming, the apostasy will come, and the man of lawlessness, Antichrist, will be revealed—2 Thes. 2:3, 7:

1 罪就是不法,就是在神管治人的原则以外,不在这原则之下过生活─约壹三4。

1. Sin is lawlessness, which is the living of a life outside of and not under the principle of God's ruling over man—1 John 3:4.

2 今天不法的奥秘在列国和人类社会中运行,只等敌基督那不法者显露出来;因为灭亡的人不领受对真理的爱,神就使那活动有力、迷惑人的错谬,运行在他们里面,叫他们信从虚谎─帖后二11。

2. The mystery of lawlessness is working today among the nations and in human society until Antichrist as the man of lawlessness is revealed; because the perishing ones do not receive the love of the truth, God sends to them an operation of error, an active power of misleading, that they might believe the lie—2 Thes. 2:11.

3 因此,我们能看见以赛亚五章二十节应验在那些相信谎言的人身上:“祸哉,那些称恶为善,称善为恶,以暗为光,以光为暗,以苦为甜,以甜为苦的人!”

3. Thus, we can see that Isaiah 5:20 is fulfilled with the ones who believe the lie—"Woe to those who call evil good, ? And good evil; ? Who put darkness for light, ? And light for darkness; ? Who put bitter for sweet, ? And sweet for bitter!"

四 今世末了的三年半大灾难要开始时,敌基督要把那行毁坏的可憎偶像,就是他自己的像,设立在圣殿里,叫人敬拜那像和他(太二四15,但九27,启十三14,十四9、11);这表明在主回来以前,神的殿要被重建(帖后二4)。─引用经文

D. When the great tribulation, the last three and a half years of this age, is about to begin, Antichrist will set up an abominable idol of desolation, an image of himself, in the temple and make people worship both it and him (Matt. 24:15; Dan. 9:27; Rev. 13:14; 14:9, 11); this shows that the temple of God will be rebuilt before the Lord comes back (2 Thes. 2:4).

五 洪水以前的挪亚世代被邪恶的生活所麻醉,其光景描绘出主的来临和大灾难以前,世人生活的危险光景─太二四3、21、27、37、39,路十七26~27,二一34~36。

E. The conditions of evil living that stupefied the generation of Noah before the flood portray the perilous condition of man's living before the Lord's coming and the great tribulation—Matt. 24:3, 21, 27, 37, 39; Luke 17:26-27; 21:34-36.

六 主再来的一种兆头是许多信徒的信心都失掉了─“人子来的时候,在地上找得到信心么?”─十八8。

F. A sign of the Lord's second coming is a lack of faith among many of His believers—"When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"—18:8.

七 主再来的另一种兆头是:“只因不法的事增多,许多人的爱心就渐渐冷淡了”─太二四12,启二4。

G. Another sign of the Lord's second coming is that "because lawlessness will be multiplied, the love of the many will grow cold"—Matt. 24:12; Rev. 2:4.

八 末世和主再来的一个兆头是过度积攒钱财─“你们在末后的日子积蓄财宝”─雅五3:

H. A sign of the end times and of the Lord's second coming is the over-accumulation of wealth—"You have stored up treasure in the last days"—James 5:3:

1 主再来之前,在末后的日子,人要空前地积攒钱财,因此不晓得他们要来的悲惨,以及他们受神审判悲惨的定命─太十六27。

1. In the last days before the Lord's coming, men will accumulate wealth in an unprecedented way and will thus be unaware of their coming miseries and their miserable destiny of God's judgment—Matt. 16:27.

2 在末后的日子,人不仅享受物质的东西,并且放纵情欲和空前的宴乐也特别多─雅五1~6,参亚五5~11。

2. In the last days there will be a multiplication of material enjoyment and lustful indulgence with unprecedented hedonism—James 5:1-6; cf. Zech. 5:5-11.

叁 我们要被主提取,就必须是为着祂即将的来临儆醒并预备好成为祂新妇的人(太二四32~44,启十九7),好使我们能在大灾难之前被提(三10,路二一36):─引用经文

III. To be taken by the Lord, we need to be those who are watchful for His imminent coming and prepared and ready to be His bride (Matt. 24:32-44; Rev. 19:7) so that we may be raptured before the great tribulation (3:10; Luke 21:36):

一 被提的意思就是被接到主的同在里;我们要被接到主的同在里,今天就必须是在祂的同在里─林后二10,诗十六11,二七8,四三4,徒三19~20,出三三14~16,参创四16。

A. The meaning of rapture is to be taken into the Lord's presence; if we would be taken into the Lord's presence, we must be in His presence today—2 Cor. 2:10; Psa. 16:11; 27:8; 43:4; Acts 3:19-20; Exo. 33:14-16; cf. Gen. 4:16.

二 我们要成为爱主的显现(祂的回来)的人,就必须宝爱祂今天向我们的显现,显明─提后四8,徒二六16,约十四21。

B. In order to be those who love the Lord's appearing, His coming back, we must treasure His appearing, His manifestation, to us today—2 Tim. 4:8; Acts 26:16; John 14:21.

三 被提取的那一个人是在生命上成熟的,另一个人则不是;成熟是一生之久的事;为着主的来临,我们需要爱祂到极点,并在一切事上长到祂里面,借此预备自己,使我们在祂显现时可以成熟而被提─来六1,约二一15~17,弗四15,参创五22~24。

C. The one who is taken is mature in life, and the other is not; to become mature is a lifelong matter; for the Lord's coming, we need to prepare ourselves by loving Him to the uttermost and by growing up into Him in all things so that, at His appearing, we may be matured to be raptured—Heb. 6:1; John 21:15-17; Eph. 4:15; cf. Gen. 5:22-24.

四 预备好被提,乃在于借着祷告被基督充满到极点,使我们在生命上长大成熟─弗三16~17上,诗歌二九八首。

D. Being ready to be raptured is a matter of being filled with Christ to the uttermost by praying that we may grow and mature in life—Eph. 3:16-17a; Hymns, #395.

五 儆醒之意,即小心,不大意,天天防备有会跌倒之可能;儆醒者必是不信靠自己,不自信的人─耶十七7~8,林后一8~9,腓三3,林前十12。

E. The meaning of being watchful is to be careful, not careless, every day on the alert against the possibility of stumbling; those who watch must be those who do not trust in themselves and are not self-confident—Jer. 17:7-8; 2 Cor. 1:8-9; Phil. 3:3; 1 Cor. 10:12.

六 主要像贼一样(太二四43~44),隐密地临到那些爱祂的人,把他们当作宝贝取走;基督在信祂的人是宝贵的(彼前二7),我们的渴望是让祂以祂自己这无上的宝贝,我们的珍宝(林后四7),来充满并浸透我们,使我们成为珍贵的人,甚至就是珍贵本身(但九23,十11、19)。─引用经文

F. The Lord will come secretly, as a thief (Matt. 24:43-44), to those who love Him and will take them away as His treasures; Christ is the preciousness to His believers (1 Pet. 2:7), and our desire is for Him to fill us and saturate us with Himself as our supreme preciousness, our treasure (2 Cor. 4:7), so that we become men of preciousness, even preciousness itself (Dan. 9:23; 10:11, 19).

七 特别在这末后的日子,我们需要儆醒并留意申言者的话,如同留意照在暗处的灯,直等到天发亮,晨星在我们心里出现(彼后一19);在这不多的年日里,让我们作爱主、事奉主的人,天天复兴、得胜,让世界过去,预备自己,全心等候主再来。─引用经文

G. Especially in these last days, we need to be watchful and give heed to the prophetic word as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts (2 Pet. 1:19); in the few remaining days that we have, let us be those who love and serve the Lord, who are revived and overcoming every day, and who let the world go in order to be ready and waiting with all our heart for the Lord's second coming.

肆 主在马太二十五章一至十三节的话是关于儆醒的比喻:─引用经文

IV. The Lord's word in Matthew 25:1-13 is a parable for watchfulness:

一 童女象征信徒生命的一面;信徒是国度的子民,乃像贞洁的童女,在黑暗的世代里为主作见证(灯),并从世界走出去迎接主;为此,她们不仅需要圣灵的内住,也需要圣灵的充满─林后十一2,路十一13:

A. Virgins signify believers viewed from the aspect of life; the believers, the kingdom people, are like chaste virgins, bearing the Lord's testimony (the lamp) in the dark age and going out of the world to meet the Lord; for this they need not only the indwelling but also the filling of the Holy Spirit—2 Cor. 11:2; Luke 11:13:

1 灯象征信徒的灵,里面装着神的灵作油─箴二十27,赛六一1,来一9,罗八16:

1. Lamps signify the spirit of the believers, which contains the Spirit of God as the oil—Prov. 20:27; Isa. 61:1; Heb. 1:9; Rom. 8:16:

a 信徒从他们的灵里,照耀出神的灵所发的光;为要让神圣的光得以照进人内里的各部分,神的灵作为油,必须浸润(调和)作为灯芯的人的灵(参16),并与人的灵一同“焚烧”(十二11)。─引用经文

a. The believers shine forth the light of the Spirit of God from within their spirit; in order for the divine light to shine into man's inward parts, God's Spirit as the oil must soak (mingle with) man's spirit as the wick (cf. v.16) and "burn" together with man's spirit (12:11).

b 因此,信徒成了世上的光,如同灯照耀在这黑暗的世代里(太五14~16,腓二15~16),为主作见证,使神得着荣耀。─引用经文

b. Thus, the believers become the light of the world and shine as a lamp in the darkness of this age (Matt. 5:14-16; Phil. 2:15-16), bearing the testimony of the Lord for the glorification of God.

2 “出去”(太二五1),指明我们信徒不在任何地方定居或徘徊;反之,我们从世界出去,迎接要来的基督作我们的新郎。─引用经文

2. Went forth (Matt. 25:1) indicates that we believers do not settle or linger in any place; instead, we are going out of the world to meet the coming Christ as our Bridegroom.

3 我们作为主的寻求者等候主来,乃是靠着我们的良人而与祂一同出去迎见祂;我们无依无靠地信靠祂,并且不断地享受祂作我们“出去”的力量,把世界丢在背后─歌八5上。

3. As the Lord's seeking ones who are waiting for the Lord's coming, we are going out with Him to meet Him by leaning on Him as our Beloved, trusting in Him helplessly and constantly enjoying Him as our "going-out" strength to leave the world behind—S. S. 8:5a.

二 “愚拙的拿着她们的灯,却没有带着油;但精明的拿着她们的灯,又在器皿里带着油”─太二五3~4:

B. "The foolish, when they took their lamps, did not take oil with them; but the prudent took oil in their vessels with their lamps"—Matt. 25:3-4:

1 器皿象征信徒的魂─罗九21、23~24。

1. Vessels signify the souls of the believers—Rom. 9:21, 23-24.

2 有油在我们的灯里,就是有神的灵住在我们的灵里;器皿里带着油,就是有神的灵充满并浸透我们的魂,使我们能过童女的生活,作主的见证─太二五4、9~10。

2. Having oil in our lamp is to have the Spirit of God dwelling in our spirit; taking oil in our vessel is to have the Spirit of God filling and saturating our soul that we may be enabled to live the virgin life for the Lord's testimony—Matt. 25:4, 9-10.

3 我们有那灵在我们重生的灵里;但问题是,我们是否有额外的那灵在我们魂里。

3. We have the Spirit in our regenerated spirit, but there is a question as to whether or not we have an extra portion of the Spirit in our soul.

4 精明的童女拿着她们的灯,又在器皿里带着油;这表征借着在我们魂里被那灵充满,而有额外的一分油,使我们被变化─林后三18。

4. The prudent virgins took oil in their vessels with their lamps; this signifies having an extra portion of the oil by being filled with the Spirit in our soul for our transformation—2 Cor. 3:18.

三 得着油,接受更多那灵最好的一条路,是借着默想神的话,好在祷告的灵和气氛中与祂有亲密的交通─诗一一九15、23、25、27、48、78、97、99、148,约六63,弗六17~18。

C. One of the best ways to gain the oil, to receive more of the Spirit, is by musing on God's word in order to have intimate fellowship with Him in a spirit and atmosphere of prayer—Psa. 119:15, 23, 25, 27, 48, 78, 97, 99, 148; John 6:63; Eph. 6:17-18.

四 “愚拙的对精明的说,请分点油给我们,因为我们的灯要灭了。精明的回答说,恐怕不够我们和你们用的,不如你们到卖油的那里,为自己买吧”─太二五8~9:

D. "The foolish said to the prudent, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out. But the prudent answered, saying, Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you; go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves"—Matt. 25:8-9:

1 买的意思是付代价;我们必须付代价,使那灵充满在我们的魂里─4节,参箴二三23,启三18:

1. To buy means to pay a price; we need to pay the price for the filling of the Spirit in our soul—v. 4; cf. Prov. 23:23; Rev. 3:18:

a 进到我们灵里的那灵(罗八16)是白白赐给的,但浸透的灵作为额外的一分油以充满我们的魂,不是白白给的;这是我们必须出代价买的。─引用经文

a. The Spirit who came into our spirit (Rom. 8:16) was given to us freely, but the saturating Spirit as the extra portion of oil to fill our soul is not free; this is something for which we have to pay a price to buy.

b 代价包括撇下世界、对付己、爱主胜过一切、因基督将万事看作亏损等─太十六24~26,可十二30,腓三7~8。

b. The price involves matters such as giving up the world, dealing with the self, loving the Lord above all, and counting all things loss on account of Christ—Matt. 16:24-26; Mark 12:30; Phil. 3:7-8.

2 我们急切的需要,乃是更多得着那灵,就是经过过程之三一神的终极完成,而过一种生活,得以买额外的一分那灵,好浸透我们的全人─太二五9,参但五27。

2. Our urgent need is to gain more of the Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God, to live a life of buying an extra portion of the Spirit to saturate our entire being—Matt. 25:9; cf. Dan. 5:27.

五 愚拙的童女器皿里没有带着油,主耶稣来时也没有预备好,她们将错过婚筵;我们是否及早被提进入婚筵,在于我们是否天天买那灵─太二五10~12,启十九7~9,林后四16,多三5:

E. The foolish virgins, who do not take oil in their vessels and who are not ready when the Lord Jesus comes, will miss the wedding feast; whether or not we will be raptured early to enter into the wedding feast depends upon our daily buying of the Spirit—Matt. 25:10-12; Rev. 19:7-9; 2 Cor. 4:16; Titus 3:5:

1 我们要够资格被提进入新郎的婚筵,就要经过一段漫长的过程,累积足够属灵的油在我们的器皿里─启十九7~9。

1. For us to be qualified to be raptured to enter into the Bridegroom's marriage feast requires our passing through a long period of accumulating sufficient spiritual oil in our vessel—Rev. 19:7-9.

2 我们若要作精明、有智慧的童女,就是在生命上儆醒的人,就必须赎回光阴;这意思是我们把握每一有利的时机被那灵充满;足够的油使我们可以进入婚筵─弗五16。

2. If we would be prudent and wise virgins, those who are watchful in life, we need to redeem the time; this means that we seize every available opportunity to be filled with the Spirit; the sufficient oil will be our entry to the wedding feast—Eph. 5:16.

六 儆醒就是终日被那灵充满;我们若让那灵浸透我们全人,我们就是儆醒的人,为着主的再来预备自己并被主预备好─14~18节,启十九7,二一2。

F. To be watchful is to be filled with the Spirit all day long; if we allow the Spirit to saturate our entire being, we are watchful persons, making ourselves ready and being prepared by the Lord for His second coming—vv. 14-18; Rev. 19:7; 21:2.

七 我们每天需要儆醒,付代价买那灵(就是金油),使我们能用那灵供应众召会,作耶稣的见证,并得主赏赐,有分于羔羊的婚筵─太二五9~10,启三18,亚四6、11~14,士九9。

G. Every day we need to be watchful by paying the price to buy the Spirit as the golden oil so that we may supply the churches with the Spirit for the testimony of Jesus and be rewarded by the Lord to participate in the marriage dinner of the Lamb—Matt. 25:9-10; Rev. 3:18; Zech. 4:6, 11-14; Judg. 9:9.
