
第八篇 神万般的智慧

The Multifarious Wisdom of God



壹 箴言强调我们借着接触神,从神所得的智慧─一2,二10,四5,九10,十一2下,十四33上:

I. The book of Proverbs stresses wisdom that we receive from God through contacting God—1:2; 2:10; 4:5; 9:10; 11:2b; 14:33a:

一 箴言的主题是凭神的智慧过敬虔的生活─三13~18,八11。

A. The subject of Proverbs is living a godly life by God's wisdom—3:13-18; 8:11.

二 箴言的中心思想是我们该寻求智慧,好叫我们在地上过蒙神悦纳的敬虔生活─二1~9。

B. The central thought of Proverbs is that we should seek after wisdom so that we may live a godly life on earth that is acceptable to God—2:1-9.

三 智慧来自于神:“耶和华赐人智慧;知识和聪明都由祂口而出”─6节。

C. Wisdom comes from God: "Jehovah gives wisdom; ? From His mouth come knowledge and understanding"—v. 6.

四 智慧比金子、银子和珊瑚更贵重、更强,比任何其他事物更可喜爱─三14~15,八11、19。

D. Wisdom is more valuable and better than gold, silver, and corals, and is more desirable than anything else—3:14-15; 8:11, 19.

五 在箴言某些段落,神的智慧是人位化的─一20,三19,四5~9,八1~36:

E. In certain portions of Proverbs the wisdom of God is personified—1:20; 3:19; 4:5-9; 8:1-36:

1 神的智慧这样人位化,是指神圣三一的第二者,祂成了从神给所有新约信徒的智慧─太十一19,西二3,林前一24、30。

1. This personification of God's wisdom is a reference to the second of the Divine Trinity, who became wisdom from God to all the New Testament believers—Matt. 11:19; Col. 2:3; 1 Cor. 1:24, 30.

2 “耶和华以智慧立大地”─箴三19上:

2. "Jehovah by wisdom founded the earth"—Prov. 3:19a:

a 耶和华借以立大地并定诸天的这一位,乃是基督,祂是神的智慧─林前一24。

a. This One by whom Jehovah founded the earth and established the heavens is Christ, who is the wisdom of God—1 Cor. 1:24.

b 智慧是神创造万有的工师,为神所喜爱─箴八30。

b. Wisdom, as the master workman of God's creation of all things, is God's delight—Prov. 8:30.

c 神借着这位是智慧且为神所喜爱的基督创造万有─三19,西一16~17,来一2。

c. God's creation of all things is through Christ, who is wisdom and God's delight—3:19; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:2.

贰 罗马十一章三十三节上半说到神的智慧:“深哉,神的丰富、智慧和知识!”:─引用经文

II. Romans 11:33a speaks of God's wisdom: "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!":

一 看见智慧与知识的不同是很重要的─33节:

A. It is important to see the difference between wisdom and knowledge—v. 33:

1 智慧是为着计划、定意─弗一9,三11。

1. Wisdom is for planning and purposing—Eph. 1:9; 3:11.

2 智慧见于事物的创始,如罗马十一章三十六节所指明的:“万有都是本于祂、借着祂、并归于祂。”─引用经文

2. Wisdom is seen in the initiation of something, as indicated by Romans 11:36: "Out from Him and through Him and to Him are all things."

3 神是独一的创始者:“只有一位神,就是父,万物都本于祂”─林前八6上:

3. God is the unique Initiator: "One God, the Father, out from whom are all things"—1 Cor. 8:6a:

a 神创始了许多东西,不是凭祂的知识,乃是凭祂的智慧─箴三19,八12、22~31。

a. God has initiated many things, not by His knowledge but by His wisdom—Prov. 3:19; 8:12, 22-31.

b 当神进来应用祂所创始的,祂就展示祂的知识。

b. When God comes in to apply what He has initiated, He displays His knowledge.

二 神的智慧乃是“从前所隐藏,神奥秘中的智慧,就是神在万世以前,为使我们得荣耀所预定的”─林前二7:

B. The wisdom of God is "God's wisdom in a mystery, the wisdom which has been hidden, which God predestined before the ages for our glory"—1 Cor. 2:7:

1 基督作为神的中心和我们的分,给我们享受,乃是神奥秘中深奥的智慧─罗十一33。

1. As God's center and as our portion for our enjoyment, Christ is God's wisdom in a mystery that is deep and profound—Rom. 11:33.

2 在神里面有奥秘中的智慧;这智慧是在万世以前所隐藏,并为使我们得荣耀所预定的─林前二7。

2. Within God there is wisdom in a mystery; this wisdom has been hidden and predestined before the ages for our glory—1 Cor. 2:7.

三 “愿荣耀借着耶稣基督,归与这位独一、智慧的神,直到永永远远。阿们”─罗十六27:

C. "To the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen"—Rom. 16:27:

1 在全地各个地方召会中,我们都将荣耀归与这独一、智慧的神。

1. In the local churches throughout the earth, we all give glory to the only wise God.

2 这位智慧的神凭历世以来密而不宣之奥秘的启示,将耶稣基督赐给我们,使我们得救、重生,并且借着祂神圣的分赐,不断更新、变化我们,至终使我们得荣,模成神长子的形像,带我们进入荣耀─25节,三24~25,五10,八16、23、29,十二1~2。

2. The wise God has given Jesus Christ to us according to the revelation of the mystery, which has been kept in silence in the times of the ages, who also is the One who has saved us, regenerated us, and through His divine dispensing is continually renewing and transforming us, and who will eventually glorify us and conform us to the image of God's firstborn Son, bringing us into glory—v. 25; 3:24-25; 5:10; 8:16, 23, 29; 12:1-2.

叁 基督就是神的智慧─林前一24:

III. Christ is the wisdom of God—1 Cor. 1:24:

一 在新约里,人位化之神的智慧乃是基督为其实际─箴八1、12,九1,路二40、52,七35,太十一19:

A. In the New Testament the personified wisdom of God is Christ as its reality—Prov. 8:1, 12; 9:1; Luke 2:40, 52; 7:35; Matt. 11:19:

1 基督神性的智慧按着祂身量长大的程度显明出来─西二2~3,路二40、52。

1. The wisdom of Christ's deity was revealed in proportion to the measure of His bodily growth—Col. 2:2-3; Luke 2:40, 52.

2 马太十一章十九节下半指明智慧就是基督:─引用经文

2. Matthew 11:19b indicates that wisdom is Christ:

a 凡基督所行的,都是凭着神的智慧,就是基督自己─林前一24。

a. Whatever Christ did was done by the wisdom of God, which is Christ Himself—1 Cor. 1:24.

b 这智慧乃是从祂智慧的行为、智慧的行事,得称义、得表白。

b. This wisdom was justified, vindicated, by His wise works, His wise deeds.

3 在路加七章三十五节主耶稣说,“智慧从她所有的儿女得称为义”:─引用经文

3. In Luke 7:35 the Lord Jesus said, "Wisdom is justified by all her children":

a 凡相信基督的人,都是智慧的儿女,就是那称义基督和祂的行事,以及跟随祂作他们智慧的人。

a. Those who believe in Christ are the children of wisdom, those who justify Christ and His deeds and who follow Him as their wisdom.

b 基督的工作乃是产生我们作智慧的儿女,顾到智慧的生命。

b. Christ's work is to produce us as the children of wisdom caring for the life of wisdom.

二 “一切智慧和知识的宝藏,都藏在祂〔基督〕里面”─西二3:

B. In Christ "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden"—Col. 2:3:

1 神是智慧和知识的独一源头:

1. God is the unique source of wisdom and knowledge:

a 我们需要追溯智慧和知识的真源头乃是神─林前八6。

a. We need to trace wisdom and knowledge to their true source in God—1 Cor. 8:6.

b 一切智慧和知识的宝藏,都藏在那是神奥秘的基督里面─西二2~3。

b. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ, who is the mystery of God—Col. 2:2-3.

2 智慧和知识都具体化在基督里面,这事实由主自己所说的话,特别是记载在马太福音和约翰福音中的话,得着证明:

2. The fact that wisdom and knowledge are embodied in Christ is proved by His spoken words, especially those recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and John:

a 在这两卷书中所记载主的话,包含最高的哲学。

a. The Lord's words recorded in these two books contain the highest philosophy.

b 主话语中的观念既深且奥。

b. The concept in the Lord's words is deep and profound.

3 智慧和知识既藏在基督这宝藏里面,我们若没有基督,就绝不能得着智慧和知识─西一27,三4、10~11。

3. Since wisdom and knowledge are stored up in Christ as a treasure, we cannot have wisdom and knowledge unless we have Christ—Col. 1:27; 3:4, 10-11.

4 我们若操练全人接触主,基督这赐生命的灵就要浸透我们的灵和我们的心思;然后在我们的经历里,我们就有那藏在基督里的智慧和知识─二3。

4. If we exercise our being to contact the Lord, Christ as the lifegiving Spirit will saturate our spirit and our mind, and we will have in our experience the wisdom and knowledge that are hidden in Christ—2:3.

肆 作为信徒,我们是在基督里,并且基督成了从神给我们的智慧─林前一30:

IV. As believers, we are in Christ, and Christ has become the wisdom from God to us—1 Cor. 1:30:

一 我们信徒乃是新造,凡我们的所是和所有,都是出于神,不是出于我们自己─罗十一36。

A. What we believers, as the new creation, are and have is of God, not of ourselves—Rom. 11:36.

二 基督作我们的智慧乃是包罗万有的,在公义、圣别和救赎上成为从神给我们的智慧─林前一30:

B. As our wisdom, Christ is all-inclusive, becoming wisdom to us from God in righteousness, sanctification, and redemption—1 Cor. 1:30:

1 基督是我们的公义,借此我们已经得神称义,使我们能在灵里重生,得着神的生命─罗五18。

1. By Christ as our righteousness, we have been justified by God so that we might be reborn in our spirit to receive the divine life—Rom. 5:18.

2 基督是我们的圣别,借此我们在魂里渐渐被圣别,也就是在我们的心思、情感和意志里,因祂神圣的生命渐渐被变化─六19、22,十二2,林后三18。

2. By Christ as our sanctification, we are being sanctified in our soul, that is, transformed in our mind, emotion, and will with His divine life—6:19, 22; 12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18.

3 基督是我们的救赎,为着我们的身体得赎,借此我们的身体要因祂神圣的生命改变形状,有祂荣耀的样式─罗八23,腓三21。

3. Christ as our redemption is for the redemption of our body, by which we will be transfigured in our body with His divine life to have His glorious likeness—Rom. 8:23; Phil. 3:21.

三 林前一章三十节里“从神给我们”指有一种传输是现今的、实际的,也是经历的:─引用经文

C. To us from God in 1 Corinthians 1:30 refers to something present, practical, and experiential in the way of transmission:

1 基督成了从神给我们的智慧,指明有一种传输,就是基督作为智慧,从神传输给我们,为着我们日常的经历─30节。

1. For Christ to become wisdom to us from God indicates that there is a transmission of Christ as wisdom from God to us for our daily experience—v. 30.

2 基督作为智慧,应当不断地从神流到我们,在我们的经历上,作我们现时、实际的智慧。

2. Christ as wisdom should unceasingly flow from God to us to be our present and practical wisdom in our experience.

3 我们若留在主面前接受祂的分赐(约十五4~5),祂就要传输到我们里面作智慧,以处理各种的难处和事情。─引用经文

3. If we remain with the Lord to receive His dispensing (John 15:4-5), He will be transmitted into us as the wisdom to handle various problems and matters.

4 我们若与主是一,接受祂的分赐,我们就会日复一日,时时刻刻经历并享受祂作我们的智慧─林前六17,一30。

4. If we are one with the Lord and receive His dispensing, we will experience and enjoy Him as our wisdom day by day and hour by hour—1 Cor. 6:17; 1:30.

伍 借着召会,就使诸天界里执政的、掌权的,得知神万般的智慧─弗三10:

V. Through the church the multifarious wisdom of God will be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenlies—Eph. 3:10:

一 这些执政的和掌权的是指执政和掌权的天使,有良善的,也有邪恶的。

A. The rulers and authorities are the angelic rulers and authorities, both good and evil.

二 以弗所三章十节特别是指邪恶的,就是撒但和他的使者:─引用经文

B. Ephesians 3:10 especially refers to the evil ones—Satan and his angels:

1 撒但有他的国、他的使者和他掌权的范围─太十二26,二五41,弗六12:

1. Satan has his kingdom, his angels, and his sphere of rule—Matt. 12:26; 25:41; Eph. 6:12:

a 撒但掌权的范围是在空中和在地上─二2,约壹五19。

a. Satan's sphere of rule is in the air and on the earth—2:2; 1 John 5:19.

b 但以理书指明地上的列国都在撒但空中的掌权之下─十13。

b. The book of Daniel indicates that all nations on earth are under the rule of Satan in the air—10:13.

2 神借着召会显明祂的智慧,主要不是向人类,而是向那些背叛的天使,神仇敌的跟随者─启十二7。

2. Through the church God will make His wisdom known not mainly to human beings but to those rebellious angels who are the followers of God's enemy—Rev. 12:7.

三 甚至撒但的背叛也是在神智慧的范围内─赛十四12~14:

C. Even the rebellion of Satan is within the realm of God's wisdom—Isa. 14:12-14:

1 如果没有撒但的背叛,神的智慧就不能完全地显明。

1. If it were not for Satan's rebellion, God's wisdom could not be made known in a full way.

2 撒但制造了许多机会,使神的智慧得以万般地彰显出来,也就是说,以不同的方式,在不同的方面,从不同的角度彰显出来─弗三10。

2. Satan has created many opportunities for God's wisdom to be manifested in a multifarious way, that is, in various ways and aspects and from many angles—Eph. 3:10.

3 至终,神的仇敌撒但,要被征服并认识神万般的智慧─10节。

3. Eventually, Satan, God's enemy, will be subdued and will come to know God's multifarious wisdom—v. 10.

四 当神所拣选并救赎的人有分于并享受基督的丰富时,这些丰富就把他们构成召会;借着召会,诸天界里执政和掌权的天使,就得知神万般的智慧─8~10节:

D. When God's chosen and redeemed people partake of and enjoy the riches of Christ, these riches constitute them the church, through which God's multifarious wisdom is made known to the angelic rulers and authorities in the heavenlies—vv. 8-10:

1 借着召会,撒但和他的使者蒙羞的日子即将来临。

1. The day is coming when, through the church, Satan and his angels will be put to shame.

2 那时他们要知道,他们所作的一切,不过是给神机会显明祂的智慧。

2. They will realize that everything they have done has given God the opportunity to manifest His wisdom.

陆 新耶路撒冷作为召会的终极完成,充满了智慧─启一11,二一2、9~11,二二16:

VI. The New Jerusalem, as the ultimate consummation of the church, will be full of wisdom—Rev. 1:11; 21:2, 9-11; 22:16:

一 新耶路撒冷乃是由神所设计并建筑的,神是“那座有根基的城”的设计者并建筑者─来十一10:

A. The New Jerusalem is designed and constructed by God, the Architect and Builder of "the city which has the foundations"—Heb. 11:10:

1 这指明神既是一位巧妙的设计者,又是一位优秀的建筑者。

1. This indicates that God is a skilled Designer and top Craftsman.

2 作为这样一位设计者和建筑者,神必然不是设计并建筑一座物质的城─启二一9~11。

2. As such an Architect and Builder, God certainly has not designed and built a physical city—Rev. 21:9-11.

3 说新耶路撒冷是一座物质的城,贬低了神的智慧,也藐视了祂这位永远、智慧的设计者─来十一10。

3. To say that the New Jerusalem is a physical city depreciates God's wisdom and belittles Him as the eternal, wise Architect—Heb. 11:10.

4 神乃是设计并建造了一个属灵的实体,作祂团体的彰显─启二一9~11。

4. God has designed and built a spiritual entity for His corporate expression—Rev. 21:9-11.

5 神在祂的智慧里,是借着将祂自己这设计者并建筑者分赐到我们里面,而建筑新耶路撒冷─来十一10,林后十三14,启二一2,二二1~2。

5. In His wisdom God constructs the New Jerusalem by dispensing Himself as the Architect and Builder into our being—Heb. 11:10; 2 Cor. 13:14; Rev. 21:2; 22:1-2.

二 我们若领悟新耶路撒冷乃是一个表号,表征属灵和神圣的事物,就会开始看见在这城里的智慧─一1,二一9~11。

B. If we realize that the New Jerusalem is a sign that signifies spiritual and divine things, we will begin to see the wisdom of God in this city—1:1; 21:9-11.

三 神是一位智慧的设计者并建筑者,祂设计并建造这样一座城,作祂万般智慧的完满彰显─弗三10,启二一2、9~11。

C. God is a wise Architect and Builder who designs and builds such a city to be the full manifestation of His multifarious wisdom—Eph. 3:10; Rev. 21:2, 9-11.
