
第四篇 因素四:基督的身体和地方召会中的权柄

The Factor of Authority in the Body of Christ and in the Local Churches



壹 神是至高的权柄;祂有一切的权柄─罗九21~22:

I. God is the supreme authority; He has all authority—Rom. 9:21-22:

一 神的权柄实在就是神的本身;权柄是出自于神自己的所是─启二二1。

A. God's authority is actually God Himself; authority issues out from God's own being—Rev. 22:1.

二 所有的权柄─属灵的、地位的和行政的─都是来自于神─林后十8,十三10,约十九10~11,创九6。

B. All authority—spiritual, positional, and governmental—derives from God—2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10; John 19:10-11; Gen. 9:6.

三 认识权柄是里面的开启,不是外面的教导─徒二二6~16。

C. Knowing authority is an inward revelation rather than an outward teaching— Acts 22:6-16.

四 主耶稣是一个在权柄之下的人;祂降卑自己,行父的旨意,顺从至死,且死在十字架上─太八9,约四34,六38,腓二7~8。

D. The Lord Jesus was a man under authority; He humbled Himself, did the Father's will, and was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross—Matt. 8:9; John 4:34; 6:38; Phil. 2:7-8.

五 主在神性里为神的独生子,已经有管理万有的权柄;然而,祂在人性里为人子,作属天之国的王,天上地上所有的权柄,是在祂复活之后赐给祂的─太二八18。

E. In His divinity, as the only begotten Son of God, the Lord had authority over all, but in His humanity, as the Son of Man and the King of the heavenly kingdom, all authority in heaven and on earth was given to Him after His resurrection— Matt. 28:18.

六 神所高举的耶稣现今作为地上君王的元首,乃是所有掌权者的元首;祂是神圣行政里至高的元首,以完成神永远的计划─徒二23、36,五31,启一5。

F. Now as the Ruler of the kings of the earth, the God-exalted Jesus is the Ruler over all the ones who are in power; He is the chief Ruler in the divine government for the fulfillment of God's eternal plan—Acts 2:23, 36; 5:31; Rev. 1:5.

七 在基督的升天里,神使祂成为召会身体独一的头,并使祂就职作宇宙的头;全宇宙的头乃是耶稣─西一18,徒二36,弗一22~23。

G. In Christ's ascension God made Him the unique Head of the Body, the church, and inaugurated Him into the headship of the universe; the Head of the whole universe is Jesus—Col. 1:18; Acts 2:36; Eph. 1:22-23.

贰 基督是团体身体(召会)的头,也是所有个别信徒的头;祂是我们各人直接的头,我们都在祂的权柄之下─西一18,林前十一3:

II. Christ is both the Head corporately of the Body, the church, and individually of all the believers; He is the Head directly of every one of us, and we all are under His authority—Col. 1:18; 1 Cor. 11:3:

一 基督作头,就是祂在身体上有一切的权柄─罗九21、23,太二八18:

A. For Christ to be the Head is for Him to have all the authority in the Body— Rom. 9:21, 23; Matt. 28:18:

1 身体不能任意动,是头有命令才动。

1. The Body cannot move freely; it can move only at the direction of the Head.

2 指挥身体及其众肢体的权柄是操之于头。

2. The authority to direct the Body and all its members rests with the Head.

二 我们是不是服在元首的权柄之下,就可以证明我们有没有认识身体的生命─林前十一3,弗四15~16,西一18,三4:

B. Whether we are under the authority of the Head determines whether we know the life of the Body—1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 4:15-16; Col. 1:18; 3:4:

1 身体只能有一个头,只能服从一个头─一18。

1. The Body can have only one Head and can submit only to one Head—1:18.

2 唯有基督是独一的元首,我们必须服从祂,尊荣并见证神所高举之基督独一的元首权柄─弗一22~23,太二三8~12。

2. Only Christ is the unique Head, and we must submit to Him, honoring and testifying to the unique headship of the God-exalted Christ—Eph. 1:22-23; Matt. 23:8-12.

三 为着在身体里生活,我们需要认识身体中的权柄─弗一22~23,西一18,二19:

C. In order to live in the Body, we need to recognize the authority in the Body— Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18; 2:19:

1 关于身体中的权柄,首要的就是元首的权柄贯通全身体─弗五23~24:

1. Concerning the authority in the Body, first and foremost is the need for the authority of the Head flowing throughout the whole Body—Eph. 5:23-24:

a 当我们直接服从元首的时候,我们也必须顾到身体;我们若说我们是服从元首的权柄,却不顾到身体,这是不可能的。

a. When we submit directly to the Head, we also care for the Body; it is impossible for us to say that we are submitting to the authority of the Head without caring for the Body.

b 唯有主是我们的头,只有祂有权柄指挥祂身上肢体的行动。

b. Only the Lord is our Head, and only He has the authority to direct the moves of the members of His Body.

2 在身体里,长老和使徒是代表的权柄,执行元首的权柄─徒十四23,提前五17上,林前十二28:

2. In the Body the elders and the apostles are deputy authorities, carrying out the authority of the Head—Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 5:17a; 1 Cor. 12:28:

a 一面,众肢体直接服从元首─弗五24上。

a. On the one hand, all the members of the Body submit directly to the Head—Eph. 5:24a.

b 另一面,众肢体也服从元首的代表─来十三17。

b. On the other hand, the members submit to the deputies of the Head— Heb. 13:17.

叁 召会的秩序来自召会中的权柄─尊重基督独一的元首权柄─西一18,腓一1:

III. The order of the church comes out of the authority in the church—the honoring of the unique headship of Christ—Col. 1:18; Phil. 1:1:

一 召会里没有人的组织,却有属灵的秩序─1节,林前十四40,十一34下。

A. In the church there is no human organization, but there is a spiritual order— v. 1; 1 Cor. 14:40; 11:34b.

二 召会的头是主基督,召会中的权柄是基督的作头─太二八18,西一18。

B. The Head of the church is Christ the Lord, and the authority in the church is the headship of Christ—Matt. 28:18; Col. 1:18.

三 召会中应当有秩序,但这秩序来自基督的作头─弗一22~23。

C. In the church there must be order, but this order comes from the headship of Christ—Eph. 1:22-23.

四 我们唯有服从基督独一的元首权柄,才能真实地实行召会生活─西一18,二19:

D. We can have the real practice of the church life only by submitting to the unique headship of Christ—Col. 1:18; 2:19:

1 召会中的秩序来自于基督的作头实际地被我们实现出来─林前十一3、16,弗一22。

1. The order in the church comes from the headship of Christ being realized by us in a practical way—1 Cor. 11:3, 16; Eph. 1:22.

2 在召会中,我们若不是实际地将基督的作头实现出来,而有属灵的秩序,我们就不可能实行真实的召会生活─林前十一3,十四40。

2. If we do not have the spiritual order in the church that comes from realizing the headship of Christ in a practical way, there is no possibility for us to practice the real church life—1 Cor. 11:3; 14:40.

肆 在召会中,神的权柄由使徒和长老所彰显并代表─十二28,彼前五1~3:

IV. In the church God's authority is expressed and represented by the apostles and elders—12:28; 1 Pet. 5:1-3:

一 神分派长老和使徒在召会中作权柄─林前十二28,徒十四23。

A. God has appointed elders and apostles to be the authority in the church—1 Cor. 12:28; Acts 14:23.

二 使徒和长老在他们自己里面并没有权柄,他们只有站在元首的权柄底下时,才有权柄;他们是代表元首的权柄而在召会中执行权柄。

B. Apostles and elders have no authority in themselves; they have authority only as they stand under the authority of the Head; they exercise authority in the church by representing the authority of the Head.

三 神为着显明祂在召会中的权柄,就在各地方召会中设立长老来代表祂的权柄─23节,多一5:

C. In order to manifest His authority in the church, God appoints elders in every local church to represent His authority—v. 23; Titus 1:5:

1 在宇宙召会里有使徒的职分,这职分赋与使徒地位和权利,为着地方召会的行政设立长老─林前十二28,徒十四23,多一5。

1. In the universal church there is the office of apostleship, which gives the apostles the position and the right to appoint elders for the administration of the local churches—1 Cor. 12:28; Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5.

2 在使徒选立长老时,圣灵与他们是一;使徒选立长老是照着圣灵的引导─徒二十28。

2. The Holy Spirit was one with the apostles in their appointment of the elders, and the apostles did this according to the leading of the Holy Spirit—Acts 20:28.

3 长老的权柄是为着代表并彰显神的权柄─彼前五1~3。

3. The authority of the elders is for representing and expressing God's authority—1 Pet. 5:1-3.

4 长老作监督,主要的责任不是辖管,乃是牧养,给群羊(就是神的召会)周全柔细的照顾─徒二十28。

4. The main responsibility of the elders as overseers is not to rule but to shepherd, to take all-inclusive tender care of the flock, the church of God—Acts 20:28.

5 关于长老职分,合乎圣经的原则总是有多位长老;因着长老职分是多数的,就没有固定的领头人,并且能顾到、保守并尊重基督独一的元首权柄─十四23,多一5。

5. The scriptural principle with regard to eldership is plurality; with the plurality of the eldership, there is no definite leader, and the unique headship of Christ is regarded, preserved, and respected—14:23; Titus 1:5.

6 在召会生活中,我们要信从那些带领我们的,且要服从(来十三17);我们若不能服从神所设立的代表权柄,就不能服从神。─引用经文

6. In the church life we need to obey the ones leading us and submit to them (Heb. 13:17); if we cannot submit to God's appointed deputy authority, we cannot submit to God.

伍 今天在召会生活里有神圣的管理,这管理来自神和羔羊的宝座─启二二1~2:

V. There is a divine government in the church life today, and this government comes from the throne of God and of the Lamb—Rev. 22:1-2:

一 召会中神圣的权柄是为着让神将祂自己分赐到我们里面作生命,作生命的供应,并作全丰全足的恩典;只有借着服从神的宝座,我们才能有分于祂流通之恩典全丰全足的源头─林后十三14,启二二1~2、16上。

A. The divine authority in the church is for God to dispense Himself into us as life, as the life supply, and as the all-sufficient grace; only by submitting to the throne can we share in His all-sufficient source of the flowing grace—2 Cor. 13:14; Rev. 22:1-2, 16a.

二 希伯来四章十六节之施恩的宝座,就是启示录四章之掌权的宝座;到了二十二章一至二节,这宝座成了神和羔羊的宝座,从那里流出“一道生命水的河,明亮如水晶”(1):─引用经文

B. The throne of grace in Hebrews 4:16 is the throne of authority in Revelation 4, which becomes in Revelation 22:1-2 the throne of God and of the Lamb, out from which flows "a river of water of life, bright as crystal" (v. 1):

1 这宝座虽然是掌权的宝座,元首的宝座,却有生命水的河从宝座流出来─1节。

1. Although the throne is the throne of authority, the throne of headship, out of the throne flows the river of water of life—v. 1.

2 这宝座不仅是神的,更是神和羔羊的宝座,意即神在羔羊里流出,作为恩典给我们享受:

2. The fact that the throne is not only the throne of God but the throne of God and of the Lamb means that God in the Lamb is flowing out as grace for our enjoyment:

a 我们绝不该将权柄与恩典分开,或将恩典与权柄分开;恩典与权柄乃是一─来四16,启二二1。

a. We should never separate authority from grace or grace from authority; grace and authority are one—Heb. 4:16; Rev. 22:1.

b 每当我们来到这宝座前,我们就觉得神的恩典如同江河流到我们里面─来四16,启二1~2。

b. Whenever we come to this throne, we have the sense that the grace of God is like a river flowing into us—Heb. 4:16; Rev. 22:1-2.

3 今天主耶稣不是仅仅凭权柄掌权,乃是借着祂生命的涌流作恩典,在召会里,在众召会中间,并在众召会之上掌权─四2~3,五6,七9,二二1~2。

3. Today the Lord Jesus does not reign merely with authority; He is reigning in the church, among the churches, and over all the churches through the flowing of His life as grace—4:2-3; 5:6; 7:9; 22:1-2.

三 神和羔羊的宝座─权柄─不仅是神圣行政的源头,也是神圣交通的源头─1~2节:

C. The throne, the authority, of God and of the Lamb is not only the source of the divine administration; it is also the source of the divine fellowship—vv. 1-2:

1 在身体里有权柄和交通这两条线─林前十一3,十二12~13、18,一9,十16~17。

1. Authority and fellowship are two lines in the Body—1 Cor. 11:3; 12:12-13, 18; 1:9; 10:16-17.

2 宝座是权柄的事,而涌流的河是交通的事;这交通乃是由那“纯金,好像透明的玻璃”的街道所表征─启二一21:

2. Whereas the throne is a matter of authority, the flowing river is a matter of fellowship, signified by the street, which is of "pure gold, like transparent glass"—Rev. 21:21:

a 宝座代表神圣的权柄,从这宝座流出生命水的河,使我们享受神圣的交通─二二1~2。

a. The throne represents the divine authority, and from the throne flows the river of water of life for us to enjoy the divine fellowship—22:1-2.

b 在这交通里,有神圣的权柄;因为在神的经纶里,权柄总是与交通并行─林后十8,十三10、14。

b. In this fellowship there is the divine authority, for in God's economy authority always goes together with fellowship—2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10, 14.

3 为着在实行上建造地方召会,我们同时需要神和羔羊的宝座,以及生命水的河,明亮如水晶,从神和羔羊的宝座流出来,流在街道中─启二二1~2。

3. In order to build up a local church in a practical way, we need both the throne of God and of the Lamb and the water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne and flowing on the street—Rev. 22:1-2.
