
第九篇 以色列人没有王,各人行自己眼中看为正的事

The Children of Israel Not Having a King and Everyone Doing What Was Right in His Own Eyes



壹 以色列堕落,在行政、敬拜和道德上变得混乱─士三7~15,八33~35,十三1,十七5~6,十八30~31:

I. In their degradation Israel became chaotic in government, worship, and morality—Judg. 3:7-15; 8:33-35; 13:1; 17:5-6; 18:30-31:

一 以色列人取得迦南地为业之后,没有听从神的命令,赶出灭尽所有住在迦南地的七族─一27~36。

A. After the children of Israel possessed the land as their inheritance, they did not obey God's command to utterly drive out and destroy the seven tribes inhabiting Canaan—1:27-36.

二 结果以色列人事奉他们的神,因而行主眼中看为恶的事─二10~18。

B. As a result, the children of Israel served their gods, thus doing evil in the sight of the Lord—2:10-18.

三 以色列人离弃了领他们出埃及地的耶和华他们列祖的神,去随从跪拜四围之民的一些神,惹耶和华发怒─十6~7。

C. The children of Israel forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and they followed the gods of the people that were around them; they bowed themselves down to them and provoked Jehovah to anger—10:6-7.

四 神就把他们交在抢夺他们的人手中,又将他们交付在仇敌的手中,甚至他们再不能站立得住;他们无论何时出去,主的手都以灾祸攻击他们─二11~15。

D. God delivered them into the hands of spoilers, and He sold them into the hands of their enemies so that they could no longer stand; whenever they went out, the hand of the Lord was against them for evil—2:11-15.

五 士师时期可以说是以色列历史中最黑暗的一段,也是一段惨痛的时期。

E. The age of the judges may be considered the darkest period in the history of Israel; it was also a period of tragedy.

六 在那段时间,在以色列人中满了背叛神、拜偶像(十七~十八)、内战(九)、支派间的对立和争执(二十~二一)、淫乱(十九)、污秽、残酷的杀戮以及种种恶行。

F. At that time, among the children of Israel there were rebellions against God, idolatry (chs. 17—18), infighting (ch. 9), hostility and controversy among the tribes (chs. 20—21), fornication (ch. 19), filthiness, brutal killings, and all manner of evil doing.

贰 “那些日子,以色列中没有王,各人行自己眼中看为正的事”─二一25:

II. "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes"—21:25:

一 以色列民说他们中间没有王,这就是说,他们废掉了神和祂的身份,不承认神的君王身份─十七6,十八1,十九1。

A. When the people of Israel said that there was no king among them, this meant that they had annulled God and His status and did not recognize God's kingship—17:6; 18:1; 19:1.

二 虽然神的帐幕在示罗,大祭司有乌陵和土明,但在以色列中没有行政,没有管理,因为以色列废掉了神和祂作他们王的身份;因此,在士师记里没有神的彰显─十八31,出二八30注3。

B. Although God's tabernacle was at Shiloh and the high priest had the Urim and Thummim, there was no government, no administration, in Israel because Israel had annulled God and His status as their King, and thus, there was no expression of God in Judges—18:31; Exo. 28:30, footnote 1.

三 因着士师时期,以色列中没有王,以色列人各人行自己眼中看为正的事,结果就变得腐烂败坏─士十七6,十八1,十九1,二一25:

C. Because there was no king in Israel during the time of the judges, the children of Israel did what was right in their own eyes, and as a result they became rotten and corrupted—Judg. 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25:

1 摩西告诉以色列民,当他们进入美地的时候,不可行那些在自己眼中看为正,而在神眼中看为不正的事─申十二8~14。

1. Moses told the people of Israel that when they entered the good land, they should not do things that were right in their own eyes but not right in the eyes of God—Deut. 12:8-14.

2 撒但使以色列民行自己眼中看为正的事,成为无法无天的,不受神的约束;这可见于士师记十七至十八章,十九章一节,二十─章二十五节。

2. Satan caused the people of Israel to do what was right in their own eyes, to be lawless and godless, and to cast off God's constraint; this is revealed in Judges 17—18; 19:1; and 21:25.

3 今天的基督徒常说,某事在他们眼中看是对的,或是不对的;这种作法,就是行自己眼中看为正的事。

3. Christians today often say that to them a certain thing is right or wrong; to live in this way is to do what is right in our own eyes.

4 行我们自己眼中看为正的事,这是可怕的;我们必须行神眼中看为正的事─申十二8。

4. It is dreadful for us to do what is right in our own eyes; we must do what is right in the eyes of God—Deut. 12:8.

四 当以色列中没有王,就没有权柄,各人就任意而行;这正是现今邪恶世代─世界以及基督教这宗教系统─里的光景─弗二2、12。

D. When there was no king in Israel, there was no authority, and the people just did what they pleased; this is exactly the state of things in the present evil age, both in the world and in Christianity as a religious system—Eph. 2:2, 12.

五 在主的恢复里,我们需要蒙拯救脱离士师记所描绘的不法,而在神国里活在神的管治之下,并实行神的旨意─多二14,加一4,太六10。

E. In the Lord's recovery we need to be delivered from the lawlessness portrayed in Judges and to live under the rule of God in the kingdom of God and do the will of God—Titus 2:14; Gal. 1:4; Matt. 6:10.

叁 神是永世的君王,就是那有绝对权柄直到永远的一位,祂绝不改变─提前一17:

III. God is the King of the ages, the One with absolute authority for eternity, who never changes—1 Tim. 1:17:

一 我们所相信、所事奉,并且正分赐到我们里面的神,乃是永世的君王,永远的王─17节,林后十三14。

A. The God in whom we believe and whom we serve and who is being dispensed into us is the King of the ages, the King of eternity—v. 17; 2 Cor. 13:14.

二 基督生为王,就是那要牧养神子民的掌权者,现今祂是万王之王,万主之主─太二2、6,启十九16,十七14:

B. Christ was born to be the King, a Ruler who will shepherd God's people, and He is now the King of kings and the Lord of lords—Matt. 2:2, 6; Rev. 19:16; 17:14:

1 基督作为君王,祂是耶和华神,也是人─诗二四8、10。

1. As the King, Christ is Jehovah God, and He is also a man—Psa. 24:8, 10.

2 我们需要领悟基督是我们的王,在我们心里掌权,并承认基督在众地方召会中的君王职分;在众地方召会中,我们都活在祂的君王职分之下─弗三17,提前三15,六15。

2. We need to realize that Christ is our King reigning in our hearts and recognize the kingship of Christ in the local churches, where we live under His kingship—Eph. 3:17; 1 Tim. 3:15; 6:15.

3 基督将作为荣耀的王而来,祂是万军之耶和华,就是终极完成的三一神具体化身在得胜且要来的基督里,祂将在神永远的国里掌权─诗二四7~10。

3. Christ will come as the King of glory—Jehovah of hosts, the consummated Triune God embodied in the victorious and coming Christ, who will reign in God's eternal kingdom—Psa. 24:7-10.

4 基督在大卫的宝座上治理祂的国,首先要在千年国,然后要在新天新地,直到永远─赛九7,路一33注1。

4. Christ's ruling on the throne of David over His kingdom will be first in the millennium and then in the new heaven and new earth for eternity—Isa. 9:7; Luke 1:33, footnote 1.

5 “那时必有宝座因慈爱坚立,必有一位凭真实坐在其上,在大卫的帐幕中……”─赛十六5:

5. "Then will a throne be established in loving-kindness, /And upon it One will sit in truth /In the tent of David"—Isa. 16:5:

a 基督在大卫的帐幕中掌权,表征安慰、鼓励和复兴。

a. Christ's reigning in the tent of David signifies consolation, encouragement, and restoration.

b 基督的宝座必因慈爱(柔细的情爱)坚立,并且祂必凭真实(即真诚和信实)坐在其上─5节。

b. Christ's throne will be established in loving-kindness, tender affection, and He will sit on His throne in truth, that is, in truthfulness and faithfulness—v. 5.

c 我们若让基督在我们里面掌权,带进国度以及慈爱、真实、信实、公平和公义,我们也会像祂一样,有这些美德─5节。

c. If we allow Christ to reign in us, bringing in the kingdom with loving-kindness, truthfulness, faithfulness, justice, and righteousness, we will become the same as He is in these virtues—v. 5.

肆 我们需要蒙拯救脱离不法,不作行不法的人,并借着顺从事奉神的原则,行神眼中看为正的事─多二14,太七21~23:

IV. We need to be rescued from lawlessness and from being workers of lawlessness and to do what is right in the eyes of God by obeying the principle of serving God—Titus 2:14; Matt. 7:21-23:

一 行自己眼中看为正的事乃是不法─士二一25:

A. Doing what is right in our own eyes is lawlessness—Judg. 21:25:

1 “罪就是不法”;所以不法就是罪,或者反过来说,罪就是不法─约壹三4:

1. "Sin is lawlessness"; hence, lawlessness is sin, or, reciprocally, sin is lawlessness—1 John 3:4:

a 在约壹三章四节,“不法”(或,没有律法)是指没有或不在神管治人的原则之下。─引用经文

a. In 1 John 3:4 "lawlessness," or being without law, denotes being without, or not under, the principle of God's ruling over man.

b 犯罪即没有律法,违犯律法。

b. To sin is to be without law, to trespass against the law.

c 在神面前,罪就是人任性、任意行事,随己意而行并背叛神的权柄。

c. In God's eyes, a person sins when he acts according to his own nature and deliberation, walking according to self-will and rebelling against God's authority.

d 不法就是不承认神的权柄,不服神的权柄。

d. Lawlessness is not recognizing and submitting to God's authority.

e 行不法就是在神管治人的原则以外,不在这原则之下过生活;现今的时代,乃是充满不法,充满背叛。

e. To practice lawlessness is to live a life outside of and not under God's ruling principle over man; the present age is full of lawlessness and rebellion.

f 不法不只是背叛权柄,也是行事如同没有律法。

f. In lawlessness one not only rebels against authority but acts as if there were no law.

2 基督要洁净我们,归祂自己成为独特的子民,作祂特有的产业,就为我们舍了自己,赎我们脱离一切的不法─多二14。

2. In order to purify to Himself a particular people as His peculiar possession, Christ gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness—Titus 2:14.

二 “不是每一个对我说,主啊,主啊的人,都能进诸天的国,唯独实行我诸天之上父旨意的人,才能进去”─太七21:

B. "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but he who does the will of My Father who is in the heavens"—Matt. 7:21:

1 呼求主够叫我们得救,但要进诸天的国,还需要实行天父的旨意─罗十13,十二2,太十二50,弗五17,西一9。

1. To call on the Lord suffices for us to be saved, but to enter into the kingdom of the heavens, we also need to do the will of the heavenly Father—Rom. 10:13; 12:2; Matt. 12:50; Eph. 5:17; Col. 1:9.

2 进诸天的国,既然还要实行天父的旨意,就显然与借着重生进神的国不同─约三3、5:

2. Since entering into the kingdom of the heavens requires doing the will of the heavenly Father, it is clearly different from entering into the kingdom of God through regeneration—John 3:3, 5:

a 进神的国是借着神圣生命的出生─一12~13,三5~6。

a. The entrance into the kingdom of God is gained through being born of the divine life—1:12-13; 3:5-6.

b 进诸天的国是借着神圣生命的生活─太七21,十二50。

b. The entrance into the kingdom of the heavens is gained through the living of the divine life—Matt. 7:21; 12:50.

三 主耶稣斥责那些在祂的名里预言过,赶鬼过,并行过许多异能的人,因为他们这些“行不法的人”作那些事,是出于他们自己,不是因顺服神的旨意而作─七23:

C. The Lord Jesus rebuked those who prophesied, cast out demons, and did works of power in His name because, as "workers of lawlessness," they did these things out of themselves, not out of obedience to God's will—7:23:

1 宇宙中有两个原则:一是神权柄的原则,一是撒但背叛的原则─徒一7,赛十四13~14:

1. There are two principles in the universe—the principle of God's authority and the principle of Satan's rebellion—Acts 1:7; Isa. 14:13-14:

a 我们不能一面事奉神,一面又走背叛的路;我们必须脱离不法的原则,不走背叛的路─太二八18,犹11。

a. We cannot serve God on the one hand and take the way of rebellion on the other hand; we must turn away from the principle of lawlessness and reject the way of rebellion—Matt. 28:18; Jude 11.

b 事奉神的对面就是权柄;权柄的问题若没有好好解决,就在事奉上,各种样的难处都会发生。

b. Serving God is directly linked to His authority; if we do not settle the matter of authority, we will have problems in all areas of our service.

2 愿主保守我们的事奉,乃是在服从神的权柄与父的旨意的原则里─徒一7,太七21,十二50。

2. May the Lord preserve our service in the principle of submission to God's authority and the Father's will—Acts 1:7; Matt. 7:21; 12:50.

伍 士师记所记载行政、敬拜和道德的混乱,描绘在旧造里撒但的混乱─创三1~5,启二十10~二一4:

V. The chaos in government, worship, and morality recorded in the book of Judges portrays the satanic chaos in the old creation—Gen. 3:1-5; Rev. 20:10—21:4:

一 宇宙在混乱中;这混乱就是今天世上苦难的由来;只要万物中一天有这混乱的存在,世上就一天必定有苦难─罗八18~22。

A. The universe is in a state of chaos; this chaos is the source of suffering in the world today, and as long as there is chaos in creation, there will be sufferings in the world—Rom. 8:18-22.

二 宇宙的历史乃是神的经纶与撒但的混乱的历史─创一1~2、26,启二十10~二一4:

B. The history of the universe is a history of God's economy and Satan's chaos—Gen. 1:1-2, 26; Rev. 20:10—21:4:

1 魔鬼撒但是邪恶之混乱的源头与元素─太十六23,启二9~10,林后二11,彼前五8。

1. Satan, the devil, is the source and element of the evil chaos—Matt. 16:23; Rev. 2:9-10; 2 Cor. 2:11; 1 Pet. 5:8.

2 神自己就是神圣的经纶,并且祂进到了我们里面,作为一种行政、安排和计划,使一切都有次有序─弗一10,三10。

2. God Himself is the divine economy, and He has come into us as an administration, arrangement, and plan to put everything in order—Eph. 1:10; 3:10.

3 在圣经里,并在我们的经历中,撒但的混乱总是与神圣的经纶并行的,并且实际上是帮助神的经纶─9节。

3. In the Bible and in our experience, the satanic chaos always goes along with the divine economy and actually helps God's economy—v. 9.

三 我们活在混乱、背叛与不法中的人,需要对神的经纶有清楚的异象─诗二1~6,箴二九18上,弗三9:

C. As those who are living in the midst of chaos, rebellion, and lawlessness, we need to have a clear vision of God's economy—Psa. 2:1-6; Prov. 29:18a; Eph. 3:9:

1 我们需要被这异象管治、控制并指引─徒二六19。

1. We need to be governed, controlled, and directed by this vision—Acts 26:19.

2 我们必须在神的经纶,神永远的旨意这异象中刚强而不摇动─弗一10,三9,启四11,林前十五58,来十二28。

2. We must be strong and unshakable in the vision of God's economy, God's eternal will—Eph. 1:10; 3:9; Rev. 4:11; 1 Cor. 15:58; Heb. 12:28.

四 得胜者征服在旧造里撒但的混乱,并且为着新造完成神圣的经纶─提前一4,弗一10,三9~10,林后五17,加六15:

D. The overcomers conquer the satanic chaos in the old creation and carry out the divine economy for the new creation—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:10; 3:9-10; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15:

1 得胜者不是从撒但的混乱里被拯救出来,乃是胜过撒但毁坏的混乱,而在建造的神圣经纶里得胜─提前一3~4、19~20,四1~2,多三10,提后一15,四8。

1. The overcomers are not delivered out of the satanic chaos; instead, they conquer the destructive satanic chaos and triumph in the constructive divine economy—1 Tim. 1:3-4, 19-20; 4:1-2; Titus 3:10; 2 Tim. 1:15; 4:8.

2 当得胜者忍受混乱时,他们“在基督耶稣里的恩典上得着加力”(二1),能够为着神圣的经纶站住,且活出神圣的经纶─一10~15,三14~17,四2、5、7、18。

2. As the overcomers are suffering the chaos, they are "empowered in the grace which is in Christ Jesus" (2:1) and are able to stand for and live out the divine economy—1:10-15; 3:14-17; 4:2, 5, 7, 18.
