第八篇 大卫的后裔成为神的儿子

The Seed of David Becoming the Son of God



壹 “我必兴起你……的后裔接续你,……我要作他的父,他要作我的子”─撒下七12上、14上:

I. "I will raise up your seed after you…I will be his Father, and he will be My son"—2 Sam. 7:12a, 14a:

一 这里“你……的后裔”就字面说,是指大卫的儿子所罗门─王上五5,八15~20。

A. Your seed here refers, literally, to Solomon, David's son—1 Kings 5:5; 8:15-20.

二 按希伯来一章五节下半(那里引用了撒下七章十四节上半),大卫的后裔实际上就是基督作神的长子,兼有神性和人性─来一5上、6。

B. According to Hebrews 1:5b, which quotes 2 Samuel 7:14a, David's seed is actually Christ as God's firstborn Son, who has both divinity and humanity—Heb. 1:5a, 6.

三 撒下七章十二节上半论到“你……的后裔”以及十四节论到“我的子”的话,含示大卫的后裔要成为神的儿子,也就是说,人的后裔要成为神圣的子─罗一3~4。

C. Your seed in 2 Samuel 7:12a and My son in verse 14a imply that the seed of David would become the Son of God, that is, that a human seed would become a divine Son—Rom. 1:3-4.

四 关于大卫的后裔成为神的儿子,这话在新约里继续且强有力地发展─太二二41~45,启二二16。

D. This word concerning the seed of David becoming the Son of God is continued and developed strongly in the New Testament—Matt. 22:41-45; Rev. 22:16.

贰 在马太二十二章四十一至四十五节主耶稣问了宇宙中最大的问题:“论到基督,你们怎么看?祂是谁的子孙?”─42节上:

II. In Matthew 22:41-45 the Lord Jesus asked the greatest question in the universe: "What do you think concerning the Christ? Whose son is He?"—v. 42a:

一 法利赛人说,基督是大卫的子孙;主问他们,基督既是大卫的子孙,大卫怎么还称基督为主─43~45节。

A. The Pharisees said that the Christ was David's son, and the Lord asked them how David could call the Christ Lord when the Christ was his son—vv. 43-45.

二 我们只有在灵里,借着神的启示,才能认识基督─43节,弗三5。

B. Christ can be known by us only in our spirit through God's revelation—v. 43; Eph. 3:5.

三 基督是神;在祂的神性里,祂是大卫的主─太二二43。

C. Christ is God; in His divinity He is the Lord of David—Matt. 22:43.

四 基督也是人;在祂的人性里,祂是大卫的子孙─42、45节。

D. Christ is also a man; in His humanity He is the son of David—vv. 42, 45.

叁 在启示录二十二章十六节主耶稣说,“我是大卫的根,又是他的后裔”:

III. In Revelation 22:16 the Lord Jesus said, "I am the Root and the Offspring of David":

一 在神性方面,基督是大卫的根,是他的源头;在人性方面,基督是大卫的后裔,是他的后代。

A. In His divinity, Christ is the Root, the source, of David; in His humanity, Christ is the Offspring, the issue, of David.

二 基督是主,作大卫的根;祂也是大卫的子孙,是大卫的苗,作他的后裔;正如“大卫的后裔”指主是人,祂出于大卫;照样,“大卫的根”指祂是神,大卫出于祂。

B. Christ is the Lord as the Root of David, and He is also the son, the shoot, of David as the Offspring of David; just as the Offspring of David denotes that the Lord is man and that He came out of David, so also the Root of David denotes that He is God and that David came out of Him.

三 在启示录二十二章十六节基督自己承认,祂是人,祂也是神,祂兼有人的性情和神圣的性情。─引用经文

C. In Revelation 22:16 Christ Himself acknowledged that He is man as well as God, that He has both the human nature and the divine nature.

肆 在行传十三章保罗说,从大卫的后裔中,“神已经照着所应许的,给以色列带来一位救主,就是耶稣”(23),并且“神已经……完全应验〔这应许〕,叫耶稣复活了,正如诗篇第二篇上所记:‘你是我的儿子,我今日生了你’”(33):

IV. In Acts 13 Paul said that from David's seed "God, according to promise, brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus" (v. 23), and that "God has fully fulfilled this promise…in raising up Jesus, as it is also written in the second Psalm, 'You are My Son; this day have I begotten You'" (v. 33):

一 在三十二至三十三节我们看见,基督作神的长子,乃是神向祖宗的应许,神借着叫耶稣复活,应验这应许。─引用经文

A. In verses 32 and 33 we see that Christ as the Firstborn of God was promised to the fathers, and God fulfilled this promise by raising up Jesus.

二 复活对那人耶稣乃是出生:

B. Resurrection was a birth to the man Jesus:

1 在复活里,祂被神生为许多弟兄中的长子─罗八29。

1. He was begotten by God in His resurrection to be the firstborn Son of God among many brothers—Rom. 8:29.

2 祂从永远就是神的独生子─约一18,三16。

2. He was the only begotten Son of God from eternity—John 1:18; 3:16.

3 成为肉体以后,祂借着复活,在人性里被神生为长子─来一6。

3. After His incarnation, through resurrection He was begotten by God in His humanity to be God's firstborn Son—Heb. 1:6.

三 保罗能在诗篇二篇七节看见主的复活:“你是我的儿子,我今日生了你”:

C. Paul was able to see the Lord's resurrection in Psalm 2:7: "You are My Son; ? Today I have begotten You":

1 保罗把“今日”一辞应用到主复活的日子。

1. Paul applied the word today to the day of the Lord's resurrection.

2 这就是说,基督的复活就是祂生为神的长子。

2. This means that Christ's resurrection was His birth as the firstborn Son of God.

3 人子耶稣借着从死人中复活,生为神的儿子;所以,神使耶稣从死人中复活,乃是将祂生为神的长子─徒十三33。

3. Jesus, the Son of Man, was born to be the Son of God through being raised up from the dead; therefore, God's raising up Jesus from the dead was His begetting of Him to be His firstborn Son—Acts 13:33.

四 神的独生子借着成为肉体穿上人性,成了神人(约一14、18,路一35);然后这神人在复活里由神而生,成为神的长子(徒十三33,来一6,罗八29):─引用经文

D. Through incarnation God's only begotten Son put on humanity and became the God-man (John 1:14, 18; Luke 1:35); then in resurrection this God-man was born of God to be His Firstborn (Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:6; Rom. 8:29):

1 神的独生子在成为肉体以前,没有人的性情,只有神圣的性情。

1. Before incarnation God's only begotten Son did not have the human nature; He had only the divine nature.

2 神的长子在复活里,有神圣的性情,也有人的性情。

2. In resurrection God's firstborn Son has the human nature as well as the divine nature.

五 基督借着祂的复活,生为神的长子,同时祂所有的信徒也生为神许多的儿子─彼前一3,来二10:

E. Through His resurrection Christ was born to be the firstborn Son, and at the same time all His believers were born to be the many sons of God—1 Pet. 1:3; Heb. 2:10:

1 在神许多儿子当中,只有长子是神的独生子─约一18,约壹四9。

1. Among these many sons, only the Firstborn is God's only begotten Son—John 1:18; 1 John 4:9.

2 这位神的独生子在祂复活的人性里,也是神的长子─罗八29。

2. This only begotten Son of God, in His resurrected humanity, is also the firstborn Son of God—Rom. 8:29.

3 神的长子兼有神性和人性,我们这些作神许多儿子的信徒,也兼具人的性情和神的性情─彼后一4。

3. The Firstborn has both divinity and humanity, and we, His believers as God's many sons, also possess both the human nature and the divine nature—2 Pet. 1:4.

伍 我们需要认识,基督在祂的复活里,以大能被标出为具有人性之神的儿子─罗一3~4:

V. We need to know Christ in His resurrection designated as the Son of God in power with His human nature—Rom. 1:3-4:

一 基督在成为肉体与复活以前,已经是神的儿子,是神的独生子─约一18,三16。

A. Before His incarnation and resurrection, Christ was the Son of God, the only begotten Son—John 1:18; 3:16.

二 虽然基督在成为肉体以前已经是神的儿子,但祂仍需要从复活被标出为神的儿子,因为祂借着成为肉体,穿上与神性毫无关系的人的性情─一1、14,罗八3:

B. Although Christ already was the Son of God before the incarnation, He still needed to be designated the Son of God out of resurrection because by incarnation He had put on the human nature, which had nothing to do with divinity—1:1, 14; Rom. 8:3:

1 神的儿子成为肉体以后,祂神圣的性情被肉体所遮蔽。

1. After the Son of God became incarnate, His divine nature was concealed by the flesh.

2 基督在祂的神性里已经是神的儿子,但祂那由马利亚所生的部分,即带着属人性情的耶稣,并不是神的儿子─路一31~32、35。

2. Christ was already the Son of God in His divinity, but the part of Him that was Jesus with the human nature, born of Mary, was not the Son of God—Luke 1:31-32, 35.

3 借着复活,基督圣别且拔高祂属人的性情,就是祂的人性,祂就从复活被标出为带着这属人性情之神的儿子;在这意义上,祂是在祂的复活里生为神的儿子─罗一3~4,徒十三33,来一5。

3. By His resurrection Christ sanctified and uplifted His human nature, His humanity, and He was designated out of resurrection as the Son of God with this human nature; in this sense He was begotten the Son of God in His resurrection—Rom. 1:3-4; Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:5.

4 被标出为神的儿子是“以大能”,就是基督复活的大能,其实际就是那灵─罗一4,腓三10,弗一19~20。

4. This designation of the Son of God was "in power," the power of Christ's resurrection, the reality of which is the Spirit—Rom. 1:4; Phil. 3:10; Eph. 1:19-20.

三 借着在复活里的标出,那在成为肉体以前已经是神儿子的基督,以新的方式成了神的儿子─罗一4:

C. Through designation in resurrection the Christ who was already the Son of God before His incarnation became the Son of God in a new way—Rom. 1:4:

1 在成为肉体以前,祂只是具有神性之神的儿子;借着祂的复活,祂被标出为兼具神性与人性之神的儿子─4节。

1. Before His incarnation He was the Son of God only with divinity; through His resurrection He was designated the Son of God with both divinity and humanity—v. 4.

2 基督若没有穿上属人的性情,祂就不需要被标出为神的儿子,因为在祂的神性里,甚至从永远祂就已经是神的儿子─约一18,十七5。

2. If Christ had not put on human nature, there would have been no need for Him to be designated the Son of God, for in His divinity He was already the Son of God, even from eternity—John 1:18; 17:5.

3 借着成为肉体,祂穿上了人性,而在复活里祂被标出为具有人性之神的儿子─一14,罗八3,一3~4,来二14:

3. Having put on humanity through incarnation, He was designated the Son of God with humanity in resurrection—1:14; Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; Heb. 2:14:

a 作为被标出之神的儿子,基督有两种性情,神性与人性;祂如今所有的人性不是天然的人性,乃是在复活里拔高的人性─罗一4。

a. As the designated Son of God, Christ has two natures, divinity and humanity; the humanity that He now has is not a natural humanity but a humanity uplifted in resurrection—Rom. 1:4.

b 甚至基督属人的性情也被标出为神的儿子,因为祂已被标出为兼具神性与人性之神的儿子。

b. Even Christ's human nature has been designated the Son of God, for He has been designated the Son of God with both divinity and humanity.

四 基督被标出为具有人性之神的儿子,乃是“按圣别的灵”─4节:

D. The designation of Christ as the Son of God with humanity was "according to the Spirit of holiness"—v. 4:

1 圣别的灵是在主耶稣里面生命的素质;祂在肉体里在地上生活时,祂里面有这素质─太一18、20,路一35。

1. The Spirit of holiness is the life essence within the Lord Jesus; when He lived on earth in the flesh, He had this essence within Him—Matt. 1:18, 20; Luke 1:35.

2 主耶稣从死人中复活时,祂借着复活,按祂里面圣别的灵,以大能被标出为神的儿子─罗一4。

2. When the Lord Jesus was resurrected from among the dead, He was designated the Son of God in power by resurrection according to the Spirit of holiness that was in Him—Rom. 1:4.

3 如今祂是神的儿子,比以前更美妙,因如今祂兼有神圣的性情,以及复活、变化、拔高、荣化并被标出之属人的性情─六4,路二四26,约十七5,徒三13。

3. Now He is the Son of God in a way that is more wonderful than before, for now He has both the divine nature and the resurrected, transformed, uplifted, glorified, and designated human nature—6:4; Luke 24:26; John 17:5; Acts 3:13.

五 我们需要将罗马一章三至四节与八章二十九节联起来看:─引用经文

E. We need to connect Romans 1:3-4 and 8:29:

1 借着祂的成为肉体、钉十字架和复活,神的儿子基督成了神的长子;而许多儿子,就是基督的众弟兄,要模成祂的形像─来二10~11,罗八29。

1. Through His incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, Christ, the Son of God, became the firstborn Son, and the many sons, who are the brothers of Christ, are being conformed to His image—Heb. 2:10-11; Rom. 8:29.

2 在罗马一章三至四节,神的儿子基督是原型;而在八章二十九节,许多弟兄是从原型“大量生产”的人,并且要借着在生命里得救,模成神长子的形像。─引用经文

2. In Romans 1:3-4 Christ, the Son of God, is the prototype, whereas in 8:29 the many brothers are those who have been "mass-produced" from the prototype and, by being saved in life, will be conformed to the image of the firstborn Son.

3 这把我们带到“成为神”这件事,并且含示神在祂经纶里的目的,是要使祂自己成为人,为要在基督里,使我们在基督里的信徒和神的儿女,在生命、性情和构成上(但不在神格上)成为神;这样的含示意义极其重大,并且圣经至终完成于这件事─29节,一3~4,约一1~13,约壹三1,启二一2、10~11。

3. This brings us to the matter of deification and implies that God's intention in His economy is to make Himself man so that, in Christ, we, the believers in Christ and children of God, may become God in life, in nature, and in constitution (but not in the Godhead); such an implication is exceedingly great, and eventually, the Bible consummates with this matter—v. 29; 1:3-4; John 1:1-13; 1 John 3:1; Rev. 21:2, 10-11.
