
第二篇 借着活在神圣的罗曼史里,经历神圣三一的神圣分赐

Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity by Living in the Divine Romance



壹 在最纯洁、最圣别的意义上,圣经是一对宇宙配偶的罗曼史─神在基督里是新郎,神所救赎的人是新妇─约三29,太二五6,启十九7,二一2,二二17:

I. The Bible is a romance, in the most pure and the most holy sense, of a universal couple—God in Christ as the Bridegroom and God's redeemed people as the bride—John 3:29; Matt. 25:6; Rev. 19:7; 21:2; 22:17:

一 历世纪以来,神与人有一段罗曼史;祂造人的目的乃是要得着一个配偶─17节。

A. Throughout the centuries, God has had a romance with man; He created man with the purpose of having a counterpart—v. 17.

二 神是个爱人,并且祂按着自己这个爱人的形像来造人;这就是说,祂创造人,为要叫人爱祂─可十二30,弗三14~19。

B. God is a lover, and He created man in the image of Himself as a lover; this means that He created man so that man would love Him—Mark 12:30; Eph. 3:14-19.

三 全本圣经是一部神圣的罗曼史,而雅歌是这罗曼史的摘要─一2~3,八14:

C. The entire Bible is a divine romance, and Song of Songs is an abridged form of this romance—1:2-3; 8:14:

1 圣经是一本罗曼蒂克的书,而我们与主的关系应当越过越罗曼蒂克─歌四7。

1. The Bible is a romantic book, and our relationship with the Lord should become more and more romantic—S. S. 4:7.

2 我们与主耶稣之间若没有罗曼史,我们就是宗教的基督徒,不是罗曼蒂克的基督徒─一2~3。

2. If there is no romance between us and the Lord Jesus, then we are religious Christians, not romantic Christians—1:2-3.

3 全本圣经乃是神圣追求的话;在圣经里,我们看见神寻求我们的爱─林后十一2。

3. As a whole, the Bible is a word of the divine courtship; in the Bible we see that God is seeking our love—2 Cor. 11:2.

四 我们若要遵守神追求的话,就需要对祂有一种有回应且情深的爱;雅歌中描绘这种有回应且情深的爱,那里有一幅良人与祂佳偶之间爱的图画─一2~4,林后五14~15,约十四21、23:

D. If we would keep God's courting word, we need a responsive, affectionate love for Him; this kind of responsive, affectionate love is depicted in Song of Songs, where we have a portrait of the love between the Beloved and His love—1:2-4; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; John 14:21, 23:

1 雅歌的主题是:一个绝佳婚姻里爱的历史,启示出个别信徒与基督爱的交通中进展的经历─一2。

1. The subject of Song of Songs is the history of love in an excellent marriage, revealing the progressive experience of an individual believer's loving fellowship with Christ—1:2.

2 雅歌是一幅奇妙生动的图画,以诗的体裁,描绘新郎基督和爱祂的新妇之间新婚的爱─二4,六3,七11~12,八5~6、14。

2. Song of Songs is a marvelous and vivid portrait, in poetic form, of the bridal love between Christ as the Bridegroom and His lovers as His bride—2:4; 6:3; 7:11-12; 8:5-6, 14.

贰 在雅歌中我们看见,经历神圣分赐与活在神圣罗曼史里的关系:

II. In Song of Songs we see the relationship between the experience of the divine dispensing and living in the divine romance:

一 我们若真爱主,就必在生命上长大并变化─林后五14~15,三18。

A. If we really love the Lord, we will surely have the growth and transformation in life—2 Cor. 5:14-15; 3:18.

二 在雅歌中,寻求者因着深爱她的良人,就经历神圣的分赐,且在生命的长大里不断地改变─一2~3、4下、9、12、15,二2、14,三6~7,四7、12~15,六4、10、13上。

B. Because the seeking one in Song of Songs loves her beloved so much, she experiences the divine dispensing, and there is a continual change in her growth in life—1:2-3, 4b, 9, 12, 15; 2:2, 14; 3:6-7; 4:7, 12-15; 6:4, 10, 13a.

三 人无论爱什么,他的全心,甚至全人,都摆在所爱的上面,被其霸占并得着─提前六10~11,提后三2~4,四8、10上,多一8:

C. Whatever one loves, his whole heart, even his whole being, is set on and occupied and possessed by—1 Tim. 6:10-11; 2 Tim. 3:2-4; 4:8, 10a; Titus 1:8:

1 “爱神的意思,是把我们全人,灵、魂、体,连同我们的心、心思和力量(可十二30),都完全摆在祂身上。这就是说,我们全人都让祂占有,消失在祂里面,以致祂成了我们的一切,我们在日常生活里,实际地与祂是一。”(林前二9注1)─引用经文

1. "To love God means to set our entire being—spirit, soul, and body, with the heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30)—absolutely on Him, that is, to let our entire being be occupied by Him and lost in Him, so that He becomes everything to us and we are one with Him practically in our daily life" (footnote 3 on 1 Cor. 2:9).

2 爱主耶稣就是欣赏祂,将我们全人指向祂,向祂敞开,享受祂,让祂居第一位,与祂是一,活祂,并成为祂─太二六6~13,林后三16,可十二30,西一18,林前六17,腓一20~21,诗歌三六六首第二节。

2. To love the Lord Jesus is to appreciate Him, to direct our being toward Him, to open to Him, to enjoy Him, to give Him the first place, to be one with Him, to live Him, and to become Him—Matt. 26:6-13; 2 Cor. 3:16; Mark 12:30; Col. 1:18; 1 Cor. 6:17; Phil. 1:20-21; Hymns, #477, stanza 2.

叁 得撒和耶路撒冷表征神的圣所、神的居所,有神的圣城环绕作其保障─歌六4上:

III. Tirzah and Jerusalem signify God's sanctuary, God's dwelling place, with God's holy city surrounding it to be its safeguard—S. S. 6:4a:

一 当基督的佳偶与神成为一,作神的居所时,她在神眼中就美丽如得撒,秀美如耶路撒冷。

A. When the lover of Christ becomes one with God to be God's dwelling place, in the eyes of God she is as beautiful as Tirzah and as lovely as Jerusalem.

二 基督的佳偶借着在复活里,在基督的升天里生活,就在基督生命的丰富里成熟,使她成为神的建造,就是成为神的圣所及其保障─参创二8~12、18~24,林前三9~12。

B. Through her living in Christ's ascension in resurrection, the lover of Christ becomes mature in the riches of the life of Christ so that she becomes the building of God, the sanctuary of God and its safeguard—cf. Gen. 2:8-12, 18-24; 1 Cor. 3:9-12.

三 基督的佳偶活在至圣所里,活在天上圣所的内室里,就是在幔内,于经历基督的复活之后,借着十字架经历基督的升天─歌四8。

C. The lover of Christ lives in the Holy of Holies, the inner chamber of the heavenly sanctuary, within the veil, experiencing the ascension of Christ through the cross after her experience of His resurrection—S. S. 4:8.

四 我们借着用上好的爱爱主,就合并到三一神里,成为祂的居所─启二4,约十四20~21、23,弗三17:

D. By loving the Lord with the best love, we are incorporated into the Triune God to become His dwelling place—Rev. 2:4; John 14:20-21, 23; Eph. 3:17:

1 神里面的爱使祂渴望与我们联结、调和并合并;同样的爱在我们里面,也使我们渴望与祂联结、调和并合并─约壹四19、8、16。

1. It is the love in God that gives Him the yearning to unite, mingle, and incorporate with us, and it is the same love in us that gives us the yearning to unite, mingle, and incorporate with Him—1 John 4:19, 8, 16.

2 我们借着用上好的爱爱主,并借着有分于神圣罗曼史的每一方面,得以成为新耶路撒冷,就是扩大的至圣所─歌一2~3,二14,四8,六4,启二一9~10。

2. By loving the Lord with the best love and by participating in every aspect of the divine romance, we become the New Jerusalem, which is the enlarged Holy of Holies—S. S. 1:2-3; 2:14; 4:8; 6:4; Rev. 21:9-10.

五 成为神的圣所,乃是在基督的生命及其追测不尽的丰富里长大以至成熟,而被建造(与基督身体的建造有关)─弗四12~16:

E. To become the sanctuary of God is to be built up (related to the building up of the Body of Christ) in the growth in the life of Christ with its unsearchable riches unto maturity—Eph. 4:12-16:

1 在旧约里,神的建造由得撒和耶路撒冷所预表;在新约里,这建造乃是基督生机的身体─弗四16。

1. In the Old Testament the building of God is typified by Tirzah and Jerusalem; in the New Testament it is the organic Body of Christ—Eph. 4:16.

2 基督身体的建造是生机的,在于我们在生命里的长大和成熟─15节。

2. The building up of the Body is organic and depends on our growth and maturity in life—v. 15.

3 至终,基督生机身体(也是基督的妻子─五25~32)的建造,要终极完成圣城新耶路撒冷,作至圣所的终极完成,就是神与祂赎民在永世里相互的住处─启二一2~3、16、22。

3. Ultimately, this building up of the organic Body of Christ, which is also Christ's wife (5:25-32), will consummate the New Jerusalem, the holy city as the consummation of the Holy of Holies, the mutual dwelling of God and His redeemed in eternity—Rev. 21:2-3, 16, 22.

肆 基督的佳偶在基督生命的成熟里,成了书拉密女,表征她成了基督的复制和复本,配得过祂,好与祂成为婚配─歌六13:

IV. In the maturity of Christ's life, the lover of Christ becomes the Shulammite, signifying that she has become the reproduction and duplication of Christ to match Him for their marriage—S. S. 6:13:

一 圣经一再告诉我们,神要使祂自己与我们成为一,并使我们与祂成为一─在生命和性情上,但不在神格上,与祂一样─启二一2,二二17。

A. The Bible tells us repeatedly that God's intention is to make Himself one with us and to make us one with Him—the same in life and nature but not in the Godhead—Rev. 21:2; 22:17.

二 我们来看如何达到神圣启示的高峰─神成为人,为要使人在生命和性情上成为神─时,不该信靠自己,乃该倚靠主作为爱、能力和怜悯,使我们成为蒙怜悯、得尊贵、得荣耀的器皿─歌八5~6。

B. When we consider how to arrive at the high peak of the divine revelation—God becoming man to make man God in life and nature—we should not trust in ourselves but depend on the Lord as love, power, and mercy to make us vessels of mercy, honor, and glory—S. S. 8:5-6.
