
第五篇 借着复兴的生活并牧养的工作,而为着主的来临将自己预备好

Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming by Having a Revived Living and a Labor of Shepherding



壹 我们要为着主的来临将自己预备好,就需要借着复兴的生活(日日得更新的生活─林后四16~18),而维持我们的得胜;这更新必须每早晨都新而又新(太十三43,路一78~79,箴四18,士五31):─引用经文

I. In order to make ourselves ready for the Lord's coming, we need to maintain our victory by having a?revived living, a living of being renewed day by day (2 Cor. 4:16-18); this renewal has to be refreshed every morning (Matt. 13:43; Luke 1:78-79; Prov. 4:18; Judg. 5:31):

一 我们必须每日清晨享受主,有新的起头─诗一一九147~148。

A. We must enjoy the Lord early in the morning to have a new start of each day—Psa. 119:147-148.

二 我们每天早晨都该让主耶稣,我们的日头,在我们里面升起,使我们得着更新─路一78~79,玛四2,士五31:

B. Every morning we should allow the Lord Jesus, our Sun, to rise up in us so that we can be renewed—Luke 1:78-79; Mal. 4:2; Judg. 5:31:

1 我们每天早晨都该早起与主交通;我们可以祷告:“主啊,谢谢你,又是一个新的起头,愿这一天是我人生中可记念的一天”;这就是晨晨复兴。

1. We should rise up early in the morning to fellowship with the Lord, and we can pray, "Thank You, Lord, for a new beginning; may this day be a memorable day in my life"; this is what we call a morning-by-morning revival.

2 我们应当每早晨靠着基督作我们的赎罪祭,献上祂作燔祭和平安祭,好有一个新的起头;我们不但要天天这样作,还要作得有味道,有深度─利六12~13。

2. Every morning we should offer up Christ as our burnt offering and peace offering, based upon His being our sin offering, so that we may have a new beginning; not only must we do this every day, but we must also do it with sweetness and depth—Lev. 6:12-13.

3 每早晨以基督为我们的燔祭,就是取用祂作那过着绝对满足神之生活的一位,并作那使我们能过这样生活的生命─一9,六12~13,约五19、30,六38,七18,八29。

3. To take Christ as our burnt offering every morning is to take Him as the One who lived a life absolutely for God's satisfaction and as the life that enables us to have such a living—1:9; 6:12-13; John 5:19, 30; 6:38; 7:18; 8:29.

三 我们要过复兴的生活,就必须是爱主到极点,并向祂活的人,每天以最完满的享受并赢得基督为目标─林前二9,林后五14~15,腓三14。

C. In order to have a revived living, we must be those who love the Lord to the uttermost and live to Him with the daily goal of having the fullest enjoyment and gaining of Christ—1 Cor. 2:9; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; Phil. 3:14.

四 我们必须是那些过祭坛和帐棚生活的人─创十二7~8,十三3~4、18:

D. We must be those who live the life of?the altar and the tent—Gen. 12:7-8; 13:3-4, 18:

1 神向我们的显现产生我们的奉献,使我们筑坛;坛是为着敬拜神,将我们一切所是并所有,为着神的定旨献给神;筑坛的意义就是我们的生活是为着神,神是我们的生命,并且我们生活的意义就是神─八20~21上,出二九18~22。

1. God's appearing to us issues in our consecration, causing us to build an altar; an altar is for worshipping God by offering all that we are and have to God for His purpose; building an altar means that our life is for God, that God is our life, and that the meaning of our life is God—8:20-21a; Exo. 29:18-22.

2 过帐棚的生活是我们宣告自己在地上是客旅,是寄居的,寻找更美的家乡,并热切等候神所建筑的城新耶路撒冷─来十一9~10、13、16。

2. To live the life of the tent is our declaration that we are strangers and sojourners on the earth who are seeking a better country and eagerly waiting for the God-built city, the New Jerusalem—Heb. 11:9-10, 13, 16.

五 每天有更新的复兴,就是每天有新鲜的变化;我们若一生都在这样的变化中,就能在主的生命里长大,以致成熟─罗十二2,林后三18,来六1上。

E. To have a revival that is renewed daily is to have a transformation that is fresh daily; if?we remain in this transformation our whole life, we will grow in the life of the Lord until we are matured—Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18; Heb. 6:1a.

六 我们凭四个项目而日日得更新:十字架(林后四10~12、16~18);圣灵,凭圣灵我们就因神圣的生命得着重修、再制和改造(多三5);我们调和的灵(弗四23);以及神的圣言(五26)。─引用经文

F. We are renewed day by day through four items: the cross (2 Cor. 4:10-12, 16-18); the Holy Spirit by which we are reconditioned, remade, and remodeled with the divine life (Titus 3:5); our mingled spirit (Eph. 4:23); and the holy word of God (5:26).

七 我们需要在新样里来赴主的筵席(太二六29);主绝不吃喝旧的筵席;我们需要学习说,“对不起,请赦免我”,借以得更新。─引用经文

G. We need to come to the Lord's table in newness (Matt. 26:29); the Lord never takes an old table; we need to be renewed by learning to say, "I'm sorry; forgive me."

八 当我们在苦难中,我们需要每早晨接受主新的怜恤,好使我们经历祂的更新;不然,我们就依旧不变,我们所经过的苦难就是徒然的─哀三22~24,林后四16~18。

H. While we are in the midst of suffering, we need to receive the Lord's new compassions every morning so that we may experience His renewing; otherwise, we will remain the same, and the suffering we pass through will be in vain—Lam. 3:22-24; 2 Cor. 4:16-18.

贰 我们要为着主的来临将自己预备好,就需要借着有分于基督天上的职事,喂养祂的小羊并牧养祂的羊,以照顾神的羊群,就是召会,结果带进基督的身体,而维持我们的得胜─约二一15~17,彼前二25,五1~4,来十三20~21:

II. In order to make ourselves ready for the Lord's coming, we need to maintain our victory by participating in Christ's heavenly ministry to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep in order to take care of God's flock, which is the church that issues in the Body of Christ—John 21:15-17; 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:1-4; Heb. 13:20-21:

一 我们必须照着主耶稣尽职的榜样牧养人,以完成神永远的经纶─太九36,约十11,来十三20,彼前五4:

A. We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry for carrying out God's eternal economy—Matt. 9:36; John 10:11; Heb. 13:20; 1 Pet. 5:4:

1 我们没有父的爱和赦免的心,也没有救主牧养和寻找的灵,这是我们不结果子的原因─路十五1~24。

1. Our not having the Father's loving and forgiving heart and the Savior's shepherding and seeking spirit is the reason for our barrenness—Luke 15:1-24.

2 我们必须在耶稣的人性里顾惜人(使他们快乐,并使他们觉得愉快和舒适)(太九10,路七34);我们必须在基督的神性里喂养人(以那在三个时期中尽其职事之包罗万有的基督喂养他们)(太二四45~47)。─引用经文

2. We need to cherish people (to make them happy and to make them feel pleasant and comfortable) in the humanity of Jesus (Matt. 9:10; Luke 7:34); we need to nourish people (to feed them with the all-inclusive Christ in His ministry of three stages) in the divinity of Christ (Matt. 24:45-47).

3 基督必须经过撒玛利亚,特意绕道去叙加,要得着一个不道德的妇人,借着请那妇人给祂水喝而顾惜她,好用涌流的三一神作生命水的河喂养她─约四3~14。

3. Christ had to pass through Samaria, purposely detouring to Sychar to gain one immoral woman, cherishing her by asking her to give Him something to drink in order to nourish her with the flowing Triune God as the river of water of life—John 4:3-14.

4 主是没有罪的一位,但祂不定罪那行淫的妇人,却顾惜她,在法理一面赦免她的罪,并在生机一面使她从罪得自由(八1~11、32、36);基督借着钉十字架而拯救的第一个人,乃是一个判处死刑的强盗,这也是很有意义的(路二三42~43)。─引用经文

4. As the One without sin, He did not condemn the adulterous woman but cherished her for the forgiveness of her sins judicially and for the setting free from her sins organically (8:1-11, 32, 36); it is also significant that the first one saved by Christ through His crucifixion was a robber sentenced to death (Luke 23:42-43).

5 主到耶利哥,只是为着要探访并得着一个人,就是税吏长,而祂的传扬乃是一种牧养(十九1~10);祂也借着给孩子们按手,而顾惜那些父母(太十九13~15)。─引用经文

5. The Lord went to Jericho just to visit and gain one person, a chief tax collector, and His preaching was a shepherding (19:1-10); He also cherished the parents by laying His hands on their children (Matt. 19:13-15).

6 升天的主乃是“行走的基督”并“说话的那灵”,照顾作为金灯台的众召会;祂在众召会中间行走,要察知每一个召会的光景,然后祂就照着所看见的对我们说话,使众召会所有的圣徒都能新陈代谢并生机地被变化,目的是要使他们成为祂的得胜者─启一12~13,二1、7。

6. In His caring for the churches as the golden lampstands, the ascended Lord is the "walking Christ" and the "speaking Spirit"; by His walking in the midst of?the churches, He gets to know the condition of each church, and then according to what He sees, He speaks to us so that all the saints in the churches might be metabolically and organically transformed with the aim of making them His overcomers—Rev. 1:12-13; 2:1, 7.

二 我们必须照着使徒保罗的榜样牧养人;保罗牧养圣徒,就像乳养的母亲和劝勉的父亲一样,照顾神的群羊─帖前二7~8、11~12,提前一16,徒二十28:

B. We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the apostle Paul, who shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father in order to take care of God's flock—1 Thes. 2:7-8, 11-12; 1 Tim. 1:16; Acts 20:28:

1 保罗牧养在以弗所的圣徒,“或在公众面前,或挨家挨户”教导他们(20),并且流泪劝戒每一位圣徒,三年之久(31、19),将神一切的旨意告诉他们(27)。─引用经文

1. Paul shepherded the saints in Ephesus by teaching them "publicly and from house to house" (v. 20) and by admonishing each one of the saints with tears for three years (vv. 31, 19), declaring to them all the counsel of God (v. 27).

2 保罗亲密地关切信徒(林后七2~7,门7、12),他下到软弱之人的水平上,好能得着他们(林后十一28~29,林前九22,参太十二20)。─引用经文

2. Paul had an intimate concern for the believers (2 Cor. 7:2-7; Philem. 7, 12), and he came down to the weak ones' level so that he could gain them (2 Cor. 11:28-29; 1 Cor. 9:22; cf. Matt. 12:20).

3 为着圣徒的缘故,保罗乐意花费他所有的,指他的财物;并花费他所是的,指他这人(林后十二15);他是奠祭,与基督这产生酒者是一,牺牲他自己,使别人得以享受基督(腓二17,士九13,弗三2)。─引用经文

3. Paul was willing to spend what he had, referring to his possessions, and to spend what he was, referring to his being, for the sake of the saints (2 Cor. 12:15); he was a drink offering, one with Christ as the wine producer, sacrificing himself for others' enjoyment of Christ (Phil. 2:17; Judg. 9:13; Eph. 3:2).

4 保罗凭灵而行而尊重神,好叫他能将那灵服事给人,而尊重人─林后三3、6、8,加五16、25,士九9。

4. Paul walked by the Spirit to honor God so that he could minister the Spirit to honor man—2 Cor. 3:3, 6, 8; Gal. 5:16, 25; Judg. 9:9.

5 保罗在他的教训里指明,召会是养育人的家,是医治并恢复人的医院,也是教导并造就人的学校─弗二19,帖前五14,林前十四31。

5. Paul indicated in his teaching that the church is a home to raise up people, a hospital to heal and recover them, and a school to teach and edify them—Eph. 2:19; 1?Thes. 5:14; 1 Cor. 14:31.

6 保罗启示,我们为着建造基督的身体,要成为什么或要作什么,极超越的路乃是爱;爱有效能─八1,十二31,十三4~8上,弗一4,三17,四2、15~16,五2,六24,启二4~5,西一18下,帖前一3。

6. Paul revealed that love is the most excellent way for us to be anything and to do anything for the building up of the Body of Christ; love prevails—8:1; 12:31; 13:4-8a; Eph. 1:4; 3:17; 4:2, 15-16; 5:2; 6:24; Rev. 2:4-5; Col. 1:18b; 1 Thes. 1:3.
