
第二篇 享受基督作素祭的实际,而有素祭的基督徒生活与素祭的召会生活,终极完成于新耶路撒冷这极大的素祭─三一神与三部分人调和的终极完成

Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Meal Offering to Have a Meal-offering Christian Life and a Meal-offering Church Life, Consummating in the New Jerusalem as a Great Meal Offering— the Ultimate Consummation of the Mingling of the Triune God with the Tripartite Man



壹 素祭预表在神人生活里的基督─利二1~16:

I. The meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living—Lev. 2:1-16:

一 细面是素祭的主要成分,表征基督的人性,在各方面都是柔细、完全、柔和、平衡、正确的,没有过度或不及之处;这表征基督人性生活和日常行事为人的优美和卓越─1节,约十八38,十九4、6下,路二40,二三14,赛五三3。

A. Fine flour, the main element of the meal offering, signifies Christ's humanity, which is fine, perfect, tender, balanced, and right in every way, with no excess and no deficiency; this signifies the beauty and excellence of Christ's human living and daily walk—v. 1; John 18:38; 19:4, 6b; Luke 2:40; 23:14; Isa. 53:3.

二 素祭的油表征神的灵作基督的神圣元素─利二1,路一35,三22,四18,来一9。

B. The oil of the meal offering signifies the Spirit of God as the divine element of Christ—Lev. 2:1; Luke 1:35; 3:22; 4:18; Heb. 1:9.

三 素祭里的细面调油,表征基督的人性与圣灵调和,并且祂的属人性情与神的神圣性情调和,使祂成为神人,独特的兼有神性和人性,并没有产生第三性─利二4~5,太一18、20。

C. The mingling of fine flour with the oil in the meal offering signifies that Christ's humanity is mingled with the Holy Spirit and His human nature is mingled with God's divine nature, making Him a God-man, possessing the divine nature and the human nature distinctly, without a third nature being produced—Lev. 2:4-5; Matt. 1:18, 20.

四 素祭中的乳香表征基督在祂复活里的馨香;乳香加在细面上,表征基督的人性含有祂复活的芬芳─利二1~2,参太二11,十一20~30,路十21:

D. The frankincense in the meal offering signifies the fragrance of Christ in His resurrection; that the frankincense was put on the fine flour signifies that Christ's humanity bears the aroma of His resurrection—Lev. 2:1-2; cf. Matt. 2:11; 11:20-30; Luke 10:21:

1 四福音描绘基督在祂的人性里调着祂的神性而生活,且从祂的受苦中彰显复活─参约十八4~8,十九26~27上。

1. As portrayed in the four Gospels, Christ lived a life in His humanity mingled with His divinity and expressing resurrection out from His sufferings—cf. John 18:4-8; 19:26-27a.

2 基督那为那灵充满并被复活浸透的生活,对神乃是怡爽的香气,使神得着安息、平安、喜乐、享受以及完全的满足─利二2,路四1,约十一25,太三17,十七5。

2. Christ's Spirit-filled and resurrection-saturated living was a satisfying fragrance to God, giving God rest, peace, joy, enjoyment, and full satisfaction—Lev. 2:2; Luke 4:1; John 11:25; Matt. 3:17; 17:5.

五 素祭所用以调和的盐,表征基督的死或十字架;盐的功用乃是调味、杀菌并防腐─利二13:

E. Salt, with which the meal offering was seasoned, signifies the death, or the cross, of Christ; salt functions to season, kill germs, and preserve—Lev. 2:13:

1 主耶稣一直过着一种调盐的生活,就是在十字架下的生活─可十38,约十二24,路十二49~50。

1. The Lord Jesus always lived a life of being salted, a life under the cross—Mark 10:38; John 12:24; Luke 12:49-50.

2 基督甚至在实际被钉十字架以前,就已经天天过着钉十字架的生活,否认祂的己和祂天然的生命,在复活里活父的生命─约六38,七6、16~18,参加二20。

2. Even before He was actually crucified, Christ daily lived a crucified life, denying Himself and His natural life and living the Father's life in resurrection— John 6:38; 7:6, 16-18; cf. Gal. 2:20.

3 神的约基本的因素是十字架,就是基督的钉死,由盐所表征;借着十字架,神的约得蒙保守,成为永远的约─参来十三20。

3. The basic factor of God's covenant is the cross, the crucifixion of Christ, signified by salt; it is by the cross that God's covenant is preserved to be an eternal covenant—cf. Heb. 13:20.

六 素祭没有酵,表征在基督里没有罪和任何消极的事物─利二4~5、11,林后五21,来四15,彼前二22,路二三14,参林前五6~8。

F. That the meal offering was without leaven signifies that in Christ there is no sin or any negative thing—Lev. 2:4-5, 11; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:15; 1 Pet. 2:22; Luke 23:14; cf. 1 Cor. 5:6-8.

七 素祭没有蜜,表征在基督里没有天然的感情和天然的良善─利二11,太十34~39,十二46~50,可十18。

G. That the meal offering was without honey signifies that in Christ there is no natural affection or natural goodness—Lev. 2:11; Matt. 10:34-39; 12:46-50; Mark 10:18.

贰 素祭预表我们的基督徒生活,乃是基督之神人生活的翻版─利二4,诗九二10,彼前二21,罗八2~3、11、13:

II. The meal offering typifies our Christian life as a duplication of Christ's God-man living—Lev. 2:4; Psa. 92:10; 1 Pet. 2:21; Rom. 8:2-3, 11, 13:

一 我们需要天天享受基督作我们的素祭,作为我们祭司的食物,使祂能借着我们,在祂那被神性所丰富的人性里,再次活在地上;我们若吃基督作素祭,就会成为我们所吃的,并且凭我们所吃的而活─利二3,约六57、63,参诗九二10,林前十17,腓一19~21上。

A. We need to enjoy Christ as our meal offering day by day for our priestly diet so that He can live again on the earth through us in His divinely enriched humanity; if we eat Christ as the meal offering, we will become what we eat and live by what we eat—Lev. 2:3; John 6:57, 63; cf. Psa. 92:10; 1 Cor. 10:17; Phil. 1:19-21a.

二 借着运用我们的灵,接触具体实化在话里的那灵,我们就吃耶稣的人性生命和生活,并被耶稣所构成,耶稣的人性生活也就成为我们的人性生活(弗六17~18,耶十五16,加六17),有祂那被神性所丰富之人性的特征如下:─引用经文

B. By exercising our spirit to touch the Spirit consolidated in the Word, we eat the human life and living of Jesus, we are constituted with Jesus, and the human living of Jesus becomes our human living (Eph. 6:17-18; Jer. 15:16; Gal. 6:17) with the following characteristics of His divinely enriched humanity:

1 耶稣的人性尽了全般的义─太三13~15。

1. The humanity of Jesus fulfills all righteousness—Matt. 3:13-15.

2 耶稣的人性没有安歇的地方─八20。

2. The humanity of Jesus has no resting place—8:20.

3 耶稣的人性是心里谦卑的─十一29。

3. The humanity of Jesus is lowly in heart—11:29.

4 耶稣的人性爱软弱的人─十二19~20。

4. The humanity of Jesus loves the weak ones—12:19-20.

5 耶稣的人性富有弹性─十七27。

5. The humanity of Jesus is flexible—17:27.

6 耶稣的人性是服事人的─可十45,见一10注1。

6. The humanity of Jesus serves others—Mark 10:45; see footnote 1 on 1:10.

7 耶稣的人性是顾惜人的─路四16~22,七34,十九1~10。

7. The humanity of Jesus cherishes people—Luke 4:16-22; 7:34; 19:1-10.

8 耶稣的人性是有次有序,毫不散漫的─可六39~40,约六12。

8. The humanity of Jesus is orderly, not sloppy—Mark 6:39-40; John 6:12.

9 耶稣的人性是受时间限制的─七6。

9. The humanity of Jesus is limited by time—7:6.

10 耶稣的人性是独特的─七46。

10. The humanity of Jesus is unique—7:46.

11 耶稣的人性知道该在何时哭─十一33、35。

11. The humanity of Jesus knows when to weep—11:33, 35.

12 耶稣的人性是卑微的─十三4~5。

12. The humanity of Jesus is humble—13:4-5.

叁 基督的生活和我们个人基督徒的生活,产生一个总和─召会生活,作为团体的素祭─利二1~2、4~5,林前十17,十二12、24~25:

III. Christ's life and our individual Christian life issue in a totality—the church life as a corporate meal offering—Lev. 2:1-2, 4-5; 1 Cor. 10:17; 12:12, 24-25:

一 这样的生活是人性调着圣灵的生活,且有圣灵浇灌在其上;也是有盐和乳香,但没有酵或蜜的生活;这两种形态的素祭─个人的基督和团体的基督(召会生活)─都是食物,使神得满足,也使我们得滋养。

A. Such a life is a life of humanity mingled with the Holy Spirit and that has the Holy Spirit poured upon it, a life with salt and frankincense, but with no leaven or honey; both forms of the meal offering—the individual Christ and the corporate Christ, the church life—are food for God's satisfaction and our nourishment.

二 素祭是相调的预表,相调将我们带进基督身体的实际,使神的经纶得以完成:

B. The meal offering is a type of blending to bring us into the reality of the Body of Christ for the fulfillment of God's economy:

1 “在林前十章十七节保罗说,‘因着只有一个饼,我们虽多,还是一个身体,因我们都分受这一个饼。’保罗看召会是一个饼,这种想法……乃是取自旧约。利未记二章四节的素祭,是由细面调油所作的饼组成的。面的每一部分都是用油混合或调和的。那就是相调。”(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第一册,关于相调的实行,一三九页)─引用经文

1. "In 1 Corinthians 10:17 Paul says, 'Seeing that there is one bread, we who are many are one Body; for we all partake of the one bread.' Paul's thought of the church being one bread was…taken from the Old Testament. The meal offering in Leviticus 2:4 consisted of cakes made of fine flour mingled with oil. Every part of the fine flour was mixed, or mingled, with the oil. That is blending" (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994–1997, vol. 1, "The Practical Points concerning Blending," p. 112).

2 那由素祭所预表之基督身体的实际,借着我们的相调得以实现出来,乃是被成全之神人所过的团体生活,他们是真正的人,但他们不凭自己的生命,乃凭经过过程之神的生命而活;经过过程之神的属性借着他们的人性美德彰显出来;被成全就是借着不断操练灵拒绝己,并凭另一个生命,就是作神生命的基督活着,而得以成熟─加二20,腓三10,一19~21上。

2. The reality of the Body of Christ realized through our being blended together, as typified by the meal offering, is the corporate living by the perfected God-men, who are genuine men but are not living by their life but by the life of the processed God, whose attributes have been expressed through their human virtues; to be perfected is to be matured by continually exercising our spirit to reject the self and live by another life, which is Christ as the life of God—Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10; 1:19-21a.

3 神已经将身体调和在一起(林前十二24);“调和”的希腊文含示失去区别;这辞的意思也是使之和谐、调整、调在一起并调节。─引用经文

3. God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24); the Greek word for blended implies the losing of distinctions; it also means "harmonized," "adjusted," "mingled," and "tempered."

4 我们要调在身体生活里,就是调在素祭的召会生活里,就必须经过十字架,并凭着那灵作每一件事,将基督分赐给彼此,以建造基督的身体。

4. In order to be blended in the Body life, the meal-offering church life, we have to go through the cross and do everything by the Spirit, dispensing Christ to one another for the building up of the Body of Christ.

5 所有这些点的意思,就是我们该交通;交通使我们相调,也就是说,交通调节、调整我们,使我们和谐一致,并把我们调在一起,使我们失去区别,并使我们免于在召会的生活和工作上留下我们个性的印记,好叫基督能真实的成为一切,又在一切之内─西三10~11。

5. All these points mean that we should fellowship; fellowship blends us; that is, it tempers, adjusts, harmonizes, and mingles us, causing us to lose our distinctions and saving us from leaving the impress of our personality upon the church's life and work, so that Christ can truly be all and in all—Col. 3:10-11.

6 “若没有与其他一同配搭的圣徒交通,我们就不该作什么。交通要求我们要作什么的时候先停下来。在召会生活里、在主的工作中,我们在配搭里都必须学习,没有交通就不要作什么。……调和的意思是,我们总该停下来与别人交通。”(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第四册,神圣奥秘的范围,二〇一页)

6. "We should not do anything without fellowshipping with the other saints who are coordinating with us. Fellowship requires us to stop when we are about to do something. In our coordination in the church life and in the Lord's work, we all have to learn not to do anything without fellowship…Blending means that we should always stop to fellowship with others" (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994–1997, vol. 4, "The Divine and Mystical Realm," p. 160).

三 素祭的召会生活可见于哥林多前书:

C. The meal-offering church life is seen in 1 Corinthians:

1 基督乃是神所赐给我们的那人─一2、9、30。

1. Christ is the man given to us by God—1:2, 9, 30.

2 保罗对哥林多人的嘱咐─“要作一个人”(十六13,直译)─意思就是我们该有耶稣那高超的、拔高的人性(九26~27,十三4~7),连同最高的美德,如超凡的爱、极广的宽恕、无上的信实、尽致的卑微、绝顶的纯洁、至圣至义、光明正大。─引用经文

2. Paul's charge to the Corinthians—"be a man" (16:13, lit.)—means that we should have the high, uplifted humanity of Jesus (9:26-27; 13:4-7) with the highest virtues, such as extraordinary love, boundless forbearance, unparalleled faithfulness, absolute humility, utmost purity, supreme holiness and righteousness, and brightness and uprightness.

3 我们若爱主并爱主的显现,仰望祂的来临(希腊文,parousia,巴路西亚,意即“同在”),就会蒙保守在基督作我们人格的境地中;事奉主的人要在圣灵里祷告,保守自己在神的爱中,好爱主到极点,并天天以奉献为彩饰,为荣美,甘心将自己献给主,而被孕育为滋润基督的甘露,人格才得到保障─犹19~21,提后四8,太二四3、37、39,林后五14~15,林前二9~10,诗一一〇3。

3. If we love the Lord and love His appearing, looking forward to His coming (Gk. parousia, meaning "presence"), we will be kept in the realm of having Christ as our humanity; the humanity of those who serve the Lord is safeguarded by their praying in the Holy Spirit to keep themselves in the love of God in order to love the Lord to the uttermost and by their daily offering themselves willingly to the Lord in the splendor, the beauty, of their consecration to be conceived as the dew to water Christ—Jude 19-21; 2 Tim. 4:8; Matt. 24:3, 37, 39; 2 Cor. 5:14-15; 1 Cor. 2:9-10; Psa. 110:3.

4 召会生活乃是人性为那灵所调抹,并用那灵调抹,且与那灵联合之调和的生活─林前二4、12,三16,六17。

4. The church life is a mingling living of humanity oiled by and with the Spirit and joined to the Spirit—1 Cor. 2:4, 12; 3:16; 6:17.

5 我们今天正在享受之神的恩典,乃是复活的基督作为赐生命的灵─十五10、45下:

5. The grace of God that we are enjoying today is the resurrected Christ as the life-giving Spirit—15:10, 45b:

a 我们必须同着基督天天向己死,好使我们能同着基督天天向神活─31、36节,约十二24~26。

a. We must die with Christ to self daily so that we may live with Christ to God daily—vv. 31, 36; John 12:24-26.

b 我们必须留在我们于其中蒙召的身分里,与神是一,并有神与我们同在,而证明复活的实际─林前七24、21~22上、10~13。

b. We must demonstrate the reality of resurrection by being one with God and having God with us in the status in which we were called—1 Cor. 7:24, 21-22a, 10-13.

c 我们的劳苦必须不是凭着我们天然的生命和能力,乃是凭着主作我们复活的生命和能力─十五10、58。

c. We must labor not by our natural life and natural ability but by the Lord as our resurrection life and power—15:10, 58.

6 我们必须享受钉十字架的基督,作为召会中一切问题的解答─一9、18、22~23上,参可十五31~32上。

6. We must enjoy the crucified Christ as the solution to all the problems in the church—1:9, 18, 22-23a; cf. Mark 15:31-32a.

7 我们必须享受基督作我们无酵的筵席─纯诚真实的生命供应;祂是绝对纯净,没有搀杂,并且满了实际─林前五6下~8。

7. We must enjoy Christ as our unleavened banquet—the life supply of sincerity and truth—who is absolutely pure, without mixture, and full of reality—1 Cor. 5:6b-8.

8 在召会生活中,天然的生命必须被盐─基督的十字架─所消杀─十五10,十二31,十三8上,林后五16。

8. In the church life, the natural life must be killed by the salt, by the cross of Christ—15:10; 12:31; 13:8a; 2 Cor. 5:16.

9 神渴望每个地方召会都是素祭,使祂满足,并且每天给圣徒完满的供应;这意思是,我们要吃我们的召会生活,因召会生活是我们每天的供应。

9. God desires that every local church be a meal offering to satisfy Him and fully supply the saints day by day; this means that we will eat our church life, for the church life will be our daily supply.

肆 新耶路撒冷作为三一神与三部分人的调和,将是极大的素祭,就是三一神与三部分人调和的终极完成─利二4,林后十三14,帖前五23:

IV. As the mingling of the Triune God with the tripartite man, the New Jerusalem will be a great meal offering, the ultimate consummation of the mingling of the Triune God with the tripartite man—Lev. 2:4; 2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Thes. 5:23:

一 十二这数字代表新耶路撒冷,指明新耶路撒冷是三一神(三)与祂所造之人(四)的调和─启二一12、14、21,二二2。

A. The number twelve, which represents the New Jerusalem, indicates that the New Jerusalem is the mingling of the Triune God (three) with His creature man (four)—Rev. 21:12, 14, 21; 22:2.

二 新耶路撒冷是经过过程并终极完成之三一神,与经过过程并终极完成之三部分召会的调和─17节上。

B. The New Jerusalem is the mingling of the processed and consummated Triune God with the processed and consummated tripartite church—v. 17a.

三 至终,三一、永远的神成为与我们众人联结、调和且合并的新耶路撒冷─二一3、22。

C. Eventually, the triune, eternal God becomes the New Jerusalem united, mingled, and incorporated with all of us—21:3, 22.
