
第四篇 在真正的召会生活中,以基督为我们的生活而显大祂,并对付己而有在神圣荣耀里的一

Taking Christ as Our Living for His Magnification and Dealing with the Self for Our Oneness in the Divine Glory in the Genuine Church Life



壹 “我知道,这事借着你们的祈求,和耶稣基督之灵全备的供应,终必叫我得救。这是照着我所专切期待并盼望的,就是没有一事会叫我羞愧,只要凡事放胆,无论是生,是死,总叫基督在我身体上,现今也照常显大,因为在我,活着就是基督”─腓一19~21上:

I. "I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death. For to me, to live is Christ"—Phil. 1:19-21a:

一 活基督以显大祂,乃是有分于基督在生命里的救恩;这使我们得救脱离不活基督的失败,并脱离不显大基督的失败─罗五10。

A. To live Christ for His magnification is to participate in Christ's salvation in life, in which we are saved from the failure of not living Christ and from the defeat of not magnifying Christ—Rom. 5:10.

二 腓立比一章十九节的得救指得着维持并加力,能活基督而显大基督;这需要耶稣基督之灵全备的供应。─引用经文

B. Salvation in Philippians 1:19 means to be sustained and strengthened to live and magnify Christ; this requires the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

三 保罗说,他得救是“借着你们的祈求”,这是基督身体(召会)的供应;被囚并没有使保罗与基督的身体隔离,断绝这身体的供应。

C. Paul said that his salvation was "through your petition"; this is the supply of the Body of Christ, the church; imprisonment did not isolate Paul from the Body of Christ or cut him off from the supply of the Body.

四 保罗经历救恩的秘诀,就是耶稣基督之灵全备的供应;当我们享受耶稣基督那包罗万有、全备供应的那灵,并被祂充满,基督就得着显大,并成为我们的彰显─来一9下,三15下,六4下,林前十二3下。

D. The key to Paul's experience of salvation was the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ; when we enjoy the all-inclusive and bountifully supplying Spirit of Jesus Christ and are filled with Him, Christ is magnified and becomes our expression—Heb. 1:9b; 3:14a; 6:4b; 1 Cor. 12:3b.

五 我们需要在身体的生活里,并留在建造身体的祭司事奉里,使我们能持续的享受那灵全备的供应,就是身体的供应,好活基督以显大基督─诗一三三2,出三十26~31,腓一19,罗十五16,彼前二5、9。

E. We need to be in the Body life and remain in the priestly service that builds up the Body so that we can maintain our enjoyment of the bountiful supply of the Spirit, the supply of the Body, in order to live Christ for magnifying Christ—Psa. 133:2; Exo. 30:26-31; Phil. 1:19; Rom. 15:16; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9.

贰 在使徒的身体受苦时,基督得着显大,也就是祂被显示或宣扬为大(没有限量)、得着高举、得着称赞─腓一20:

II. In the apostle's suffering in his body, Christ was magnified; that is, He was shown or declared to be great (without limitation), exalted, and extolled— Phil. 1:20:

一 使徒的受苦给他机会,彰显基督无限的伟大─徒九16,林后六4,十一23,西一24。

A. The apostle's sufferings afforded him opportunity to express Christ in His unlimited greatness—Acts 9:16; 2 Cor. 6:4; 11:23; Col. 1:24.

二 在任何境遇下显大基督,就是经历基督而有最高的享受─腓一18,四23。

B. To magnify Christ under any circumstances is to experience Him with the topmost enjoyment—Phil. 1:18; 4:23.

三 当保罗被囚在罗马监狱的时候,他显大基督,使基督在囚禁他的人眼中显为大:

C. As Paul was held captive in a Roman prison, he magnified Christ, making Him to appear great in the eyes of his captors:

1 不论环境如何,保罗总是满了喜乐,他一直在主里喜乐─参徒十六23~26。

1. Regardless of the circumstances, Paul was full of joy and rejoicing in the Lord— cf. Acts 16:23-26.

2 腓立比书是说到对基督的经历和享受,其结果乃是喜乐,因此是一卷充满喜乐、欢喜的书─一4、18、25,二2、17~18、28~29,三1,四1、4。

2. Since Philippians is concerned with the experience and enjoyment of Christ, which issue in joy, it is a book filled with joy and rejoicing—1:4, 18, 25; 2:2, 17-18, 28-29; 3:1; 4:1, 4.

3 保罗在喜乐中一直将基督照耀并彰显出来,这乃是宣告基督无限的伟大,并宣告基督是取用不竭的─弗三8,参赛九6。

3. Paul's shining forth and expressing Christ in his joy were a declaration of the unlimited greatness of Christ and a declaration that Christ is inexhaustible— Eph. 3:8; cf. Isa. 9:6.

四 保罗一切的生活和工作都不是为着彰显他自己,或展示他的知识、能力、功劳和长处;他所是并所作的都是为着彰显基督,甚至显大基督─腓一20,三3~10,四22,林后四5:

D. All of Paul's life and work were not for expressing himself or for displaying his knowledge, his ability, or his other merits and strong points; what he was and what he did were for expressing Christ, even for magnifying Christ—Phil. 1:20; 3:3-10; 4:22; 2 Cor. 4:5:

1 “穿上主耶稣基督”就是凭基督活着并活出基督,而显大基督,使祂在真正的召会生活中得着团体的彰显─罗十三14。

1. To "put on the Lord Jesus Christ" is to live by Christ and live out Christ, thus magnifying Christ for His corporate expression in the genuine church life— Rom. 13:14.

2 由祭司衣服所表征之基督的彰显,使我们有资格作祭司事奉,并且圣别我们,使我们为着神独一的目的分别归神;基督的彰显作为我们的“圣衣”,乃是为荣耀为华美─出二八2~4,彼前二5:

2. The expression of Christ, signified by the priestly garments, qualifies us to serve as priests and sanctifies us unto God for His unique purpose; the expression of Christ as our "holy garments" is for glory and beauty—Exo. 28:2-4; 1 Pet. 2:5:

a “为荣耀”的意思就是把基督的神性连同祂神圣的属性彰显出来─约一14,来一3,约十七22,林后三18。

a. For glory means to express Christ's divinity with the divine attributes— John 1:14; Heb. 1:3; John 17:22; 2 Cor. 3:18.

b “为华美”的意思就是把基督的人性连同祂人性的美德彰显出来─路二四19,徒十六7,诗二七4。

b. For beauty means to express Christ's humanity with the human virtues— Luke 24:19; Acts 16:7; Psa. 27:4.

c 每当我们把神圣的荣耀调和着人性美德的华美而彰显出来时,我们就建造在一起而成为祭司的体系─彼前二5。

c. Whenever we express the divine glory blended with the beauty of human virtues, we are built up together as the priesthood—1 Pet. 2:5.

3 我们应当“一切都要为荣耀神而行”(林前十31),好使我们能“在〔我们的〕身体上荣耀神”(六20);在我们的身体上荣耀神,就是让住在我们里面的神(约壹四13),占有、浸透我们的身体,并借着我们的身体彰显祂自己。─引用经文

3. We should be those who "do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31) so that we can "glorify God in [our] body" (6:20); to glorify God in our body is to allow God, who dwells in us (1 John 4:13), to occupy and saturate our body and express Himself through our body.

叁 我们若借着活基督而在我们的身体上显大祂,使祂得彰显,我们就成了有力的因素、供应的管道,使圣徒在生命里长大并享受主─腓一20~26:

III. If we magnify Christ in our body for His expression by living Him, we will become strong factors, channels of supply, to enable the saints to grow in life and enjoy the Lord—Phil. 1:20-26:

一 在保罗带锁链的身体上,基督得着高举、颂扬、赞美和珍赏,这都是因为保罗活基督─21节,弗六20。

A. In Paul's chained body, Christ was exalted, extolled, praised, and appreciated because Paul lived Christ—v. 21; Eph. 6:20.

二 基督被显大,是要叫基督在祂复活的实际里被人看见,并在祂灵的实际里得以供应给人。

B. Christ's being magnified is so that He may be seen by others in the reality of His resurrection and ministered to others in the reality of His Spirit.

三 当保罗写信给腓立比人时,他正在监狱里生活,就着外面说,他并没有作工;他所说“我的工作有果子”,指明他的工作实际上就是他的生活─腓一22:

C. When Paul wrote to the Philippians, he was living in prison and not outwardly working; his speaking of "fruit for my work" indicates that his work was actually his living—Phil. 1:22:

1 这工作的果子就是基督活出来,得着显大,服事给人,并传输到别人里面。

1. The fruit of this work was Christ lived out, magnified, ministered, and transfused into others.

2 这工作的果子就是保罗在狱中生活的结果。

2. The fruit of this work was the issue, the result, of Paul's living in prison.

3 保罗这种活的工作,乃是将基督服事给人,并把他所显大的基督传输到别人里面。

3. Paul's living work was to minister Christ to others and to transfuse the Christ whom he magnified into them.

4 因着保罗显大基督,连在该撒家里也有人得救─四22。

4. Through Paul's magnification of Christ, even some in Caesar's household were saved—4:22.

四 我们众人都该渴望成为有力的因素、供应的管道,使圣徒得到信仰上的“进步”(指他们生命的长大)和“喜乐”(指他们对基督的享受);我们能不能成为圣徒生命长大与对基督享受的因素,在于我们有没有借着活基督来显大基督─一25:

D. All of us should aspire to be strong factors, channels of supply, to the saints for their "progress" (their growth in life) and their "joy of the faith" (their enjoyment of Christ); whether or not we are such factors of the saints' growth in life and of their enjoyment of Christ depends on whether or not we magnify Christ by living Him—1:25:

1 因为保罗活基督并显大基督到了极点,他就能把基督传输到圣徒里面,并把基督服事给众召会。

1. Because Paul lived and magnified Christ to the uttermost, he could transfuse Christ into the saints and minister Christ to all the churches.

2 关于要离世与基督同在,或是留在肉身里,保罗的考虑不是自私的,乃是为圣徒的缘故;他完全给主和召会所占有─23~24节。

2. Paul's consideration to either depart and be with Christ or to remain in the flesh was not selfish but was for the saints' sake; he was absolutely occupied by the Lord and the church—vv. 23-24.

3 我们或留下或到主那里去,对召会应该是非常要紧的;但这全在于我们有否活基督、显大基督、供应基督并从全人的深处把基督传输到圣徒里面─参二25~30。

3. It should matter to the church whether we remain or go to be with the Lord, but this depends on our living Christ, magnifying Christ, ministering Christ, and transfusing Christ from the depths of our being into that of the saints— cf. 2:25-30.

4 在身体生活里,急切需要一些人尽功用作供应的管道─亚四12~14。

4. In the Body life there is the urgent need of certain ones to function as channels of supply—Zech. 4:12-14.

肆 信徒要进入在神圣荣耀里的一,就是神团体的彰显,就必须完全对付己─约十七22,林后四5:

IV. In order for the believers to enter into the oneness in the divine glory, the corporate expression of God, they must fully deal with the self— John 17:22; 2 Cor. 4:5:

一 麻风表征从人的己里面发出来严重的罪,己乃是身体的仇敌;麻风是人背叛并不服的结果,洁净患麻风者,就是使罪人脱离己,得恢复与神与人有交通─参利十三45~46。

A. Leprosy signifies the serious sin that issues from within man's self, which is the enemy of the Body; leprosy results from man's rebellion and disobedience, and the cleansing of the leper is to recover the sinner from the self to the fellowship with God and with men—cf. Lev. 13:45-46.

二 患麻风者要得洁净,就必须“剃去所有的毛发,把头发、胡须、眉毛并全身的毛都剃了”(十四9);每一种不同的毛发表征己的不同方面:─引用经文

B. In order for a leper to be cleansed, he must "shave off all his hair; he shall shave his head and his beard and his eyebrows, even all his hair" (14:9); each of the different kinds of hair signifies different aspects of the self:

1 头发表征人自我炫耀的荣耀;每一个人都有他所夸耀之处;有人夸他的出身,有人夸他的学问,有人夸他的美德,也有人夸他的热心爱主;每一个人都能在自己身上找出一些可夸的地方,引以为荣,而显扬在人面前。

1. The hair of the head signifies man's glory in self-display; everyone has his boasts in certain areas; some boast of their ancestry, some of their education, some of their virtues, some of their zeal in their love for the Lord; everyone can find an area in which to boast, to glorify himself, and to make a display before man.

2 胡须表征人自居的尊贵;人以自己的地位、身家、或属灵而自居尊贵,总觉得自己比别人高超。

2. The beard signifies man's self-assumed honor; people esteem themselves honorable with regard to their position, their family background, or even their spirituality; they always have a feeling that they are above others.

3 眉毛表征人天然的美丽,人的优越、功劳、美德和长处;这些是出于人天然的出生,并非来自对神救恩的经历。

3. The eyebrows signify man's natural beauty, his excellencies, merits, virtues, and strong points, issuing from his natural birth, not from the experience of God's salvation.

4 全身的毛发表征人天然的力量和才能;我们人都满有天然的能力、办法、主张,以为能为主作这作那,觉得什么都能。

4. The hair of the whole body signifies man's natural strength and ability; as human beings, we are full of natural strength, natural methods and opinions, thinking that we can do this or that for the Lord and that we are capable of doing all things.

三 这些己的难处必须“用剃刀剃去”,意思是必须借着十字架被对付:

C. These problems of the self must be "shaved with a razor," which means that they must be dealt with by the cross:

1 我们要对付己,就必须是背十字架的人,一直让十字架在我们身上作工,将我们的己治死。

1. In order to deal with the self, we must be those who bear the cross, allowing the cross to work on us continually in order to put our self to death.

2 我们需要留在十字架上,天天将自己留在十字架的了结之下─路十四27,罗六6,加二20,腓三10,林前十五31。

2. We need to remain on the cross, keeping our self under the termination of the cross day by day—Luke 14:27; Rom. 6:6; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10; 1 Cor. 15:31.

3 我们借着操练灵,就能应用那在复合之灵里基督的死(流质的没药表征基督宝贵的死,香肉桂表征基督之死的甜美与功效),好主观的经历己被钉十字架─出三十23~25。

3. By exercising our spirit, we can apply the death of Christ in the compound Spirit (flowing myrrh signifies the precious death of Christ, and fragrant cinnamon signifies the sweetness and effectiveness of Christ's death) for the subjective crucifixion of our self—Exo. 30:23-25.

四 诗歌六百二十八首第五至六节给我们看见,我们如何在操练灵时就从己得释放:

D. Stanzas 5 and 6 of Hymns, #866 show how we are freed from the self when we exercise our spirit:

1 “灵中得着释放,脱开了自义;脱开自觉、自责,不再理自己。”

1. "Freed within the spirit / From self-righteousness, / From self-condemnation / And self-consciousness."

2 “灵中得着释放,脱开了己意;自爱、自骄、自荣,全都被贬抑。”

2. "Freed within the spirit / From self-will and pride, / From self-love and glory, / All to override."

五 我们需要跟随保罗的榜样,他说,“我是天天死”(林前十五31);当我们天天向己死时,我们不传自己,为着使自己得荣耀,乃向主活,为着祂神圣的荣耀;并且当基督安家在我们心里时,我们就进一步被变化,从荣耀到荣耀,使基督在真正的召会生活中得荣耀(林后三18,四5,五14~15,弗三16~17、21上)。─引用经文

E. We need to follow the pattern of Paul, who said, "I die daily" (1 Cor. 15:31); as we die to ourselves daily, we do not preach ourselves for our glory, but we live to the Lord for His divine glory; furthermore, we are being transformed from glory to glory as Christ is making His home in our hearts for His glory in the genuine church life (2 Cor. 3:18; 4:5; 5:14-15; Eph. 3:16-17, 21a).

六 让神得荣耀,乃是我们生活和事奉的目的;我们对神最高的生活和事奉,就是“一切都要为荣耀神而行”,使神得着团体的彰显─林前十31,赛四三7,约七18,八50上,十七4,罗十一36。

F. The glorification of God is the purpose of our living and our service; the highest living and service that we can render to God is to "do all to the glory of God" for the corporate expression of God—1 Cor. 10:31; Isa. 43:7; John 7:18; 8:50a; 17:4; Rom. 11:36.
