
第五篇 凡所作的,都要在主耶稣的名里

Doing All Things in the Name of the Lord Jesus



壹 宇宙间最高、最大的名,乃是耶稣的名─腓二9~10:

I. The highest name in the universe, the greatest name, is the name of Jesus— Phil. 2:9-10:

一 主倒空自己,显为人的样子,祂降卑自己到极点,但神将祂高举到极峰─7~8节。

A. The Lord emptied Himself, and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself to the uttermost, but God exalted Him to the highest peak—vv. 7-8.

二 主借着被高举,得着了超乎万名之上的名,远超过一切受称之名─弗一20~21。

B. By His exaltation, the Lord has been given the name which is above every name, far above every name that is named—Eph. 1:20-21.

三 从基督升天以来,历史上从未有一名比主耶稣的名更高─腓二10~11。

C. From the time of Christ's ascension, there has never been a name in history higher than the name of the Lord Jesus—Phil. 2:10-11.

四 这名乃是主耶稣在祂身位和工作上,一切所是之总和的表明─弗一21。

D. The name is the expression of the sum total of what the Lord Jesus is in His person and work—Eph. 1:21.

贰 “在主耶稣的名里”实际上是指“在主自己里面”,因为名是指人位─西三17:

II. In the name of the Lord Jesus actually means "in the Lord Himself," for the name denotes the person—Col. 3:17:

一 在主耶稣的名里,意思是神将祂的儿子托给我们,也是我们有分于祂的名,并且主将祂自己赐给了我们,同时祂肯承认我们在祂的名里所作的一切─林前一30,约三16,十四12,林后十二2,西三17。

A. Being in the name of the Lord Jesus means that God has committed His Son to us, that we partake of His name, and that the Lord has given Himself to us and is willing to acknowledge everything that we do in His name—1 Cor. 1:30; John 3:16; 14:12; 2 Cor. 12:2; Col. 3:17.

二 我们要看见,在主耶稣的名里,意思就是我们与祂是一,并且我们在祂里面,祂也在我们里面;这是很要紧的─罗八10,林后十三5,加三27~28,西一27:

B. It is vital for us to see that to be in the name of the Lord Jesus means that we are one with Him, that we are in Him and He is in us—Rom. 8:10; 2 Cor. 13:5; Gal. 3:27-28; Col. 1:27:

1 在主的名里,就是在祂的人位里,也就是在祂自己里,并在祂一切所是的范围和元素里─罗八2,林前一30。

1. To be in the Lord's name is to be in His person, in Himself, and to be in the sphere and element of all that He is—Rom. 8:2; 1 Cor. 1:30.

2 在主的名里,乃是凭主而活,并让主活在我们里面─加二20。

2. To be in the Lord's name is to live by the Lord and to let the Lord live in us— Gal. 2:20.

3 当我们在主耶稣的名里,我们就是在基督里,基督也在我们里面,并且我们与基督是一─西一27,三1、3,约十五4~5。

3. When we are in the name of the Lord Jesus, we are in Christ, Christ is in us, and we are one with Christ—Col. 1:27; 3:1, 3; John 15:4-5.

叁 正如约翰福音所启示的,我们在主耶稣的名里与神圣的三一有关─五43,十25、30,十四26,十五26:

III. As revealed in the Gospel of John, our being in the name of the Lord Jesus involves the Divine Trinity—5:43; 10:25, 30; 14:26; 15:26:

一 约翰五章四十三节说子在父的名里来,十四章二十六节说父在子的名里差灵来;在这两节经文里,启示出神圣的三一:─引用经文

A. John 5:43 says that the Son came in the name of the Father, and 14:26 says that the Father sent the Spirit in the name of the Son; in these two verses the Divine Trinity is revealed:

1 说子在父的名里来,指明子与父是一─五43。

1. To say that the Son came in the name of the Father indicates that the Son and the Father are one—5:43.

2 说父在子的名里差灵来,指明父与子是一─十四26。

2. To say that the Father sent the Spirit in the name of the Son indicates that the Father is one with the Son—14:26.

二 子在父的名里来,并在父的名里行事─五43,十25:

B. The Son came in the name of the Father and did things in the name of the Father—5:43; 10:25:

1 主在父的名里来,意思是祂同着父并在父里面来。

1. The fact that the Lord came in the name of the Father means that He came with the Father and in the Father.

2 子与父是一,凭父活着,并且父在祂里面作事─六57,十四10。

2. The Son was one with the Father and lived by the Father, and the Father worked in Him—6:57; 14:10.

三 父在子的名里差灵来,并且子从父差灵来─26节,十五26:

C. The Father sent the Spirit in the Son's name, and the Son sent the Spirit from the Father—v. 26; 15:26:

1 灵是父在子的名里差来的,这含示父和子都是灵的差遣者─十四26。

1. The Spirit being sent by the Father in the Son's name implies that both the Father and the Son are the Sender of the Spirit—14:26.

2 按照约翰十五章二十六节,子从父差灵来。─引用经文

2. According to John 15:26, the Son sent the Spirit from the Father.

3 子从父差灵来,父在子的名里差灵来,是指同一件事。

3. The Son sending the Spirit from the Father and the Father sending the Spirit in the Son's name refer to the same thing.

4 父和子都差灵来;这指明父与子是一─十30。

4. Both the Father and the Son send the Spirit; this indicates that the Father and the Son are one—10:30.

肆 在我们的日常生活和召会事奉中,凡我们所作的,都要在主耶稣的名里─西三17:

IV. In our daily life and our service in the church, we need to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus—Col. 3:17:

一 因为名是指人位,在主耶稣的名里作事,意思是在祂的人位里作一切事─17节,罗六3,八1,林前四15,林后五17:

A. Because the name denotes a person, to do things in the name of Jesus means to do all things in His person—v. 17; Rom. 6:3; 8:1; 1 Cor. 4:15; 2 Cor. 5:17:

1 在主耶稣的名里作每一件事,是我们基督徒生活基本的一面─弗五20,西三17。

1. Doing all things in the name of the Lord Jesus is the basic aspect of our Christian life—Eph. 5:20; Col. 3:17.

2 我们应当能说,我们是在主的名里作我们日常普通的事─林前十31。

2. We should be able to say that we do the ordinary things of our daily life in the name of the Lord—1 Cor. 10:31.

二 我们在召会中事奉,需要凡事在主耶稣的名里作─罗一9,六6,七6,十二1、7,西三17:

B. Our service in the church requires that we do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus—Rom. 1:9; 6:6; 7:6; 12:1, 7; Col. 3:17:

1 我们的事奉必须是主发起的,也必须照着祂的心意─太七21,腓二13,弗一9、11,三2、7~11。

1. Our service must be initiated by the Lord and be according to His desire— Matt. 7:21; Phil. 2:13; Eph. 1:9, 11; 3:2, 7-11.

2 建造召会的事奉乃是供应生命的事奉─将神圣生命供应给人的事奉─林后四12,罗十二1、7:

2. The service for the building up of the church is a life-ministering service— the service of supplying others with the divine life—2 Cor. 4:12; Rom. 12:1, 7:

a 召会的事奉乃是供应生命,因为这事奉是生命的事奉─八2、6、10~11。

a. Church service is to supply life, for it is a service of life—8:2, 6, 10-11.

b 作为事奉的人,我们需要深深铭记,我们必须能供应生命─约壹五11~16。

b. As serving ones, we need to be deeply impressed with the necessity of being able to minister life—1 John 5:11-16.

伍 我们的说话─我们所有的话语─都必须在主耶稣的名里─西三17,弗四25、29,太十二36~37:

V. Our speaking—all our words—should be in the name of the Lord Jesus— Col. 3:17; Eph. 4:25, 29; Matt. 12:36-37:

一 败坏的话一句都不可出口,只要说实话,将恩典供给听见的人─弗四25、29。

A. No corrupt word should proceed out of our mouth but only that which is truthful and gives grace to those who hear—Eph. 4:25, 29.

二 “人所说的每句闲话,在审判的日子,都必须供出来”─太十二36:

B. "Every idle word which men shall speak, they will render an account concerning it in the day of judgment"—Matt. 12:36:

1 闲话就是没有作用、无效的话,是没有积极功用的、无用的、无益的、不结果的、不生育的。

1. An idle word is a non-working word, an inoperative word, having no positive function and being useless, unprofitable, unfruitful, and barren.

2 闲话就是多余的话、不相干的话、不必说的话、播弄是非的话─36节。

2. Idle words are redundant words, incongruous words, unnecessary words, and gossiping words—v. 36.

3 说这种话的人,在审判的日子,必须把所说的都供出来─36~37节。

3. In the day of judgment those who speak such words will render an account concerning every one of them—vv. 36-37.

陆 约翰福音清楚指明我们应当在主的名里祷告─十四13,十五16,十六24、26:

VI. The Gospel of John makes it clear that we should pray in the name of the Lord—14:13; 15:16; 16:24, 26:

一 许多基督徒不知道信徒应该在主的名里祷告─十四13,十五16,十六24、26。

A. There are a great number of Christians who do not know that it is necessary for believers to pray in the name of the Lord—14:13; 15:16; 16:24, 26.

二 在主的名里祷告,意思是我们联合着主而活,与主联合,让神从我们身上彰显出来─十五4~5、7,十三31~32。

B. Praying in the Lord's name means that we are living in union with the Lord, are united with Him, and allow God to be manifested through us—15:4-5, 7; 13:31-32.

三 当我们在主的名里祷告,主就和我们一同祷告─十五7。

C. When we pray in the name of the Lord, the Lord prays together with us—15:7.

四 在约翰十四至十六章里,主耶稣明明地点出来,那些在祂里面活着的人在祂的名里所作的祷告,就是成全神旨意的祷告─十四13,十五16,十六24、26,四34,五30,六38:

D. In John 14 through 16 the Lord Jesus clearly pointed out that prayers in the name of the Lord by those who live in the Lord are prayers that accomplish God's will— 14:13; 15:16; 16:24, 26; 4:34; 5:30; 6:38:

1 所有真实在主名里的祷告,都是合乎神旨意的─太六10,十二50,二六39、42。

1. All real prayers in the name of the Lord are in accordance with God's will— Matt. 6:10; 12:50; 26:39, 42.

2 在主的名里祷告,就等于遵行神的旨意并成功神的旨意─约十四13,十五16,十六24、26,六38。

2. Praying in the name of the Lord is equal to doing God's will and accomplishes God's will— John 14:13; 15:16; 16:24, 26; 6:38.
