• 9:1 Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord?
  • 我不是自由的么?我不是使徒么?我不是见过我们的主耶稣么?你们不是我在主里所作之工么?
  • 9:2 If to others I am not an apostle, yet surely I am to you; for you in the Lord are the seal of my apostleship.
  • 若是对别人我不是使徒,对你们我总是使徒,因为你们在主里正是我使徒职分的印记。
  • 9:3 My defense to those who examine me is this.
  • 我对那查问我的人,就是这样分诉。
  • 9:4 Do we not have a right to eat and to drink?
  • 难道我们没有权利吃喝么?
  • 9:5 Do we not have a right to take along a sister as a wife, even as the rest of the apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas?
  • 难道我们没有权利带着为妻子的姊妹往来,仿佛其余的使徒,和主的兄弟,并矶法一样么?
  • 9:6 Or do only I and Barnabas not have the right not to work?
  • 独有我与巴拿巴没有权利不作工么?
  • 9:7 What soldier ever serves by his own wages? Who plants a vineyard and does not partake of its fruit? Or who shepherds a flock and does not partake of the milk of the flock?
  • 有谁当兵,曾自备粮饷?有谁栽种葡萄园,不吃园中的果子?有谁牧养羊群,不吃羊群的奶?
  • 9:8 Am I speaking these things according to man? Or does the law not also say these things?
  • 我说这话,岂是照着人的看法么?律法不也是这样说么?
  • 9:9 For in the law of Moses it is written: "You shall not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain.'' Is it for oxen that God cares?
  • 在摩西的律法上记着:“牛踹谷的时候,不可笼住它的嘴。”难道神所关心的是牛么?
  • 9:10 Or does He say it altogether for our sake? Yes, for our sake it was written because the plowman should plow in hope, and he who threshes, in hope of partaking.
  • 还是全为我们说的?的确是为我们写的,因为耕种的当存着指望去耕种,打场的也当存着分享的指望去打场。
  • 9:11 If we have sown to you the spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap from you the fleshly things?
  • 我们若把属灵之物撒给你们,就是从你们收割肉身之物,这还算大事么?
  • 9:12 If others partake of this right over you, should not rather we? Yet we did not use this right, but we bear all things that we may not cause any hindrance to the gospel of Christ.
  • 若别人在你们身上分享这权利,何况我们?然而我们没有用过这权利,倒凡事忍受,免得基督的福音受到任何拦阻。
  • 9:13 Do you not know that those who labor on the sacred things eat the things of the sacred temple, that those who attend to the altar have their portion with the altar?
  • 你们岂不知为圣事劳碌的,就吃殿中之物么?伺候祭坛的,就同祭坛分领坛上的祭物么?
  • 9:14 So also the Lord directed those who announce the gospel to live from the gospel.
  • 主也是这样命定,叫宣传福音的靠福音养生。
  • 9:15 But I myself have not used any of these things; and I have not written these things that it may be so with me; for it is good for me rather to die than -- No one shall make my boast void.
  • 但这些权利我全没有用过;我写这些话,并非要你们这样待我,因为我宁可死,也不─没有人能使我所夸的落了空。
  • 9:16 For if I preach the gospel, I have no boast, for necessity is laid upon me; for woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.
  • 我若传福音,于我原没有可夸的,因为我是不得已的。若不传福音,我便有祸了。
  • 9:17 If I do this of my own will, I have a reward; but if not of my own will, I am entrusted with a stewardship.
  • 我若甘心作这事,就有赏赐;若不甘心,管家的职分却已经托付我了。
  • 9:18 What then is my reward? That in preaching the gospel I may present the gospel without charge, so as not to use to the full my right in the gospel.
  • 这样,我的赏赐是什么?就是在传福音上,我免费供应福音,免得用尽我在福音上的权利。
  • 9:19 For though I am free from all, I have enslaved myself to all that I might gain the more.
  • 我虽从众人得了自由,却自愿奴役于众人,为要多得人。
  • 9:20 And to the Jews I became as a Jew in order that I might gain Jews; to those under law, as under law (though I myself am not under law), that I might gain those under law.
  • 向犹太人,我就作犹太人,为要得犹太人;向律法之下的人,我就作律法之下的人,(虽然我自己不在律法之下,)为要得律法之下的人;
  • 9:21 To those without law, as without law (though I am not without law to God but within law to Christ), that I might gain those without law.
  • 向律法之外的人,我就作律法之外的人,(对神,我不是在律法之外,反而对基督,我是在律法之内,)为要得律法之外的人。
  • 9:22 To the weak I became weak that I might gain the weak. To all men I have become all things that I might by all means save some.
  • 向软弱的人,我就成为软弱的,为要得软弱的人。向众人,我成了众人所是的;无论如何,总要救些人。
  • 9:23 And I do all things for the sake of the gospel that I may become a fellow partaker of it.
  • 凡我所行的,都是为福音的缘故,为要与人同享这福音。
  • 9:24 Do you not know that those who run on a racecourse all run, but one receives the prize? Run in this way, that you may lay hold.
  • 岂不知在场上赛跑的都跑,但得奖赏的只有一人?你们应当这样跑,好叫你们得着奖赏。
  • 9:25 And everyone who contends exercises self-control in all things; they then, that they may receive a corruptible crown, but we, an incorruptible.
  • 凡较力争胜的,诸事都有节制;他们不过是要得能坏的华冠,我们却是要得不能坏的华冠。
  • 9:26 I therefore run in this way, not as though without a clear aim; I box in this way, not as though beating the air;
  • 所以我这样奔跑,不像无定向的;我这样斗拳,不像打空气的;
  • 9:27 But I buffet my body and make it my slave, lest perhaps having preached to others, I myself may become disapproved.
  • 我乃是痛击己身,叫身为奴,免得我传给别人,自己反不蒙称许。