第六篇 帐幕所预表在三一神里的一

The Oneness in the Triune God Typified by the Tabernacle



壹 基督身体的一乃是约翰十七章主的祷告里所启示在三一神里的一;基督身体的一乃是神圣三一扩大的一─11、21~23节。

I. The oneness of the Body of Christ is the oneness in the Triune God, revealed in the Lord's prayer in John 17; the oneness of the Body of Christ is the enlarged oneness of the Divine Trinity—vv. 11, 21-23.

贰 主在约翰十七章所祷告的一,乃是出埃及二十六章里的帐幕所预表的一;因着帐幕的四十八块竖板预表信徒建造在一起作神的居所,所以帐幕是三一神里的一清楚的图画:─引用经文

II. The oneness for which the Lord prayed in John 17 is the oneness typified by the tabernacle in Exodus 26; because the forty-eight boards of the tabernacle typify the believers built together to be the dwelling place of God, the tabernacle is a clear picture of the oneness in the Triune God:

一 在三一神里的一的第一方面,见于三个金环(联结之闩的套环);这三个金环表征起初的灵,就是重生并盖印的灵,也就是在复活里三一神包罗万有的灵,为着联结信徒─15、24~25、29节,约三6,弗一13,四3、30,参创二四22,路十五22。

A. The first aspect of the oneness in the Triune God is seen with the three gold rings (the receptacles for the uniting bars), which signify the initial Spirit, the regenerating and sealing Spirit, the all-inclusive Spirit of the Triune God in resurrection for the uniting of the believers—vv. 15, 24-25, 29; John 3:6; Eph. 1:13; 4:3, 30; cf. Gen. 24:22; Luke 15:22.

二 在三一神里的一的第二方面,见于金子(表征神同其神性)包裹竖板(表征信徒同其人性)出二六29:

B. The second aspect of the oneness in the Triune God is seen in the overlaying of the boards (signifying the believers with the human nature) with gold (signifying God with the divine nature)—Exo. 26:29:

1 帐幕竖板的一不在于皂荚木,乃在于包裹木头的金子;这描绘召会中的一不在于我们的人性,乃在于三一神同祂的神圣性情─约十七21。

1. The oneness of the boards of the tabernacle was not in the acacia wood but in the gold that overlaid the wood; this portrays that the oneness in the church is not in our humanity but in the Triune God with His divine nature—John 17:21.

2 竖板的一不仅在于金子(表征神),也在于金子的照耀,金子的彰显(表征神的荣耀);今天我们的一乃是在三一神里,并在祂的荣耀、照耀和彰显里─22~24节。

2. The oneness of the boards was not only in the gold, signifying God, but also in the shining of the gold, the expression of the gold, signifying the glory of God; our oneness today is in the Triune God and in His glory, His shining, His expression—vv. 22-24.

3 起初的灵,就是由金子所预表的三一神,乃是那灵的一(弗四3);包裹的金子实际上乃是一的扩展:─引用经文

3. The initial Spirit, who is the Triune God typified by the gold, is the oneness of the Spirit (Eph. 4:3); the overlaying of the gold is actually the spreading of the oneness:

a 我们越被金子包裹,就越有一;我们越有神,我们的一就越强─参西二19。

a. The more we are overlaid with gold, the more oneness we have; the more we have of God, the stronger our oneness is—cf. Col. 2:19.

b 我们可能没有被金子包裹,反而只是镀了金,象启示录十七章里的大巴比伦;我们金子的分量,可能不够将我们保守在真正的一里─4节。

b. Instead of being overlaid with gold, we may be merely gilded with gold, like Babylon the Great in Revelation 17; the amount of gold we have may not be enough to keep us in the genuine oneness—v. 4.

c 惟有当竖板充分的用金子包裹,这些竖板才被成全成为一;这指明被成全成为一,就是得着更多的神─约十七23。

c. Only when the boards were adequately overlaid with gold were they perfected into one; this indicates that to be perfected into one is to gain more of God—John 17:23.

d 要得着足够的金子厚厚的包裹十五英呎长,二十七英吋宽的皂荚木板,不是一件容易的事;金子(表征神)必须又重又厚,足够支撑一块沉重的竖板(信徒),并使它与别的竖板合在一起─出二六16。

d. It is not an easy matter to acquire enough gold to thickly overlay a board of acacia wood fifteen feet long and twenty-seven inches wide; the gold (signifying God) must be weighty, thick, and sufficient to support a heavy board and hold it together with other boards (the believers)—Exo. 26:16.

e 一不是在我们的人性里,这一完全是在三一神里面;被成全成为一,意思是得着更多的神─约十七21、23。

e. The oneness is not in our humanity; it is altogether in the Triune God; to be perfected into one means to gain more of God—John 17:21, 23.

4 “没有足量的神,会造成一的严重问题。主的恢复不是一种运动;我们不盼望得着许多人。在恢复里我们关心的乃是金子的真实重量。重要的问题是:你有多少神?主的恢复乃是在于神以自己包裹祂所恢复的人。”(真理信息,一〇一页)

4. "Not having an adequate amount of God can create a serious problem with the oneness. The Lord's recovery is not a movement. We do not desire to gain a large number of people. In the recovery we are concerned for the genuine weight of gold. The important question is this: How much of God do you have? The Lord's recovery consists of God overlaying His recovered people with Himself" (Truth Messages, p. 84).

5 “一”是一件深深浸润在三一神里,直到我们完全被金子包裹的事;我们的问题在于我们缺少神,我们的需要乃是更多得着祂─西二19下,腓三8下:

5. Oneness is a matter of sinking deeply into the Triune God until we are fully overlaid with gold; our problem is that we are short of God, and our need is to gain more of Him—Col. 2:19b; Phil. 3:8b:

a 每一件事都在于我们有多少金子;我们若是缺少金子,就都可能变得有异议。

a. Everything depends upon how much gold we have; we all can become dissenting if we are short of gold.

b 今天主需要这真正的一;我们若没有这一,就不能在恢复里往前。

b. Today the Lord needs this genuine oneness; if we do not have this oneness, we cannot go on in the recovery.

c 保守在这扎实、真实的一里惟一的路,就是有足量经历过的神─10节。

c. The only way to be kept in this solid, real oneness is to have an adequate amount of the experienced God—v. 10.

6 神精金的性情绝不包裹我们堕落的性情,只包裹我们由皂荚木所表征之重生并变化过的性情:

6. The golden nature of God will never overlay our fallen nature but will overlay only our regenerated and transformed nature, signified by acacia wood:

a 金子的包裹与这变化同时发生;哪里有变化,哪里也就有金子的包裹。

a. The overlaying of gold occurs simultaneously with this transformation; wherever transformation is, there the overlaying of the gold is also.

b 变化乃是在于我们的爱主,接触祂,听祂的话,向祂祷告,以及照着灵而行;只要我们有这五样,就是活基督─罗八4,腓一19~21上。

b. Transformation depends upon our loving the Lord, our contacting Him, our listening to His word, our praying to Him, and our walking according to the spirit; as long as we have these five things, we are living Christ—Rom. 8:4; Phil. 1:19-21a.

c 惟有我们都被变化,都被金子包裹了,我们中间才可能不再有异议;惟一的保护乃是被金子包裹─林后三16~18,罗十二1~5。

c. Only when we all have been transformed and overlaid with gold will it no longer be possible for there to be dissension among us; the only safeguard is to be overlaid with gold—2 Cor. 3:16-18; Rom. 12:1-5.

三 在三一神里的一的第三方面,见于联结的闩,将四十八块竖板联结在一起,使其成为一;这些联结的闩表征起初的灵成为联结的灵,将基督所有的肢体联结成为一个身体─出二六26~29,弗四3:

C. The third aspect of the oneness in the Triune God is seen with the uniting bars, which held the forty-eight boards together and brought them into oneness; these uniting bars signify the initial Spirit becoming the uniting Spirit to join all the members of Christ into one Body—Exo. 26:26-29; Eph. 4:3:

1 联结的闩是皂荚木作的,为着连接的力量;并且用金子包裹,为着联结;闩是用皂荚木作的,指明那灵的一不仅与基督的神性有关,也与基督的人性有关─参2节第一注。

1. The uniting bars were made of acacia wood for connecting strength and overlaid with gold for uniting; that the bars were made of acacia wood indicates that the oneness of the Spirit involves not only Christ's divinity but also His humanity—cf. v. 2, footnote 1.

2 联结的闩实际上不单表征圣灵,也表征调着人灵的圣灵(罗八16)调和的灵,包括神性与人性。

2. In actuality, the uniting bars signify not the Holy Spirit alone but the Holy Spirit mingled with our human spirit (Rom. 8:16)—the mingled spirit, which includes both divinity and humanity.

3 帐幕竖板的联结在于闩通过每块竖板上的环,将竖板联结一起;这表征当信徒的灵与那灵合作,因而让联结的灵通过他们,将他们与其他信徒联结一起时,在基督里的信徒就能联结为一。

3. The uniting of the boards of the tabernacle involved the passing of the bars through the rings on each board to join the boards together; this signifies that the believers in Christ are united when their spirit cooperates with the Spirit, thus allowing the uniting Spirit to pass through them to join them to other believers.

4 为使联结的灵通过我们,而将我们和别人联结一起,我们需要接受十字架,因为联结的灵总是横过竖板的─太十六24:

4. In order for the uniting Spirit to pass through us and thus join us with others, we need to receive the cross, for the uniting Spirit always crosses the standing boards—Matt. 16:24:

a 借着我们的灵(同着我们的心思、意志和情感)与横过的灵合作,我们就被联结成为一;每当我们的灵与横过的灵是一,我们就经历联结的灵。

a. We are joined into one by our spirit (with our mind, will, and emotion) cooperating with the crossing Spirit; whenever our spirit is one with the crossing Spirit, we experience the uniting Spirit.

b 起初的灵必须成为在我们里面联结的灵,然后我们就会有一和建造,并会蒙保守脱离异议和分裂。

b. The initial Spirit must become the uniting Spirit within us; then we will have the oneness and the building and will be safeguarded from dissension and division.

c “本篇信息不是查经的成果;乃是极度受苦的结果。因着这样的受苦,我在主面前极力寻求,想要领会这种光景。渐渐的,主给我看见,某些亲爱的圣徒除了三个金环之外,什么都没有。对他们来说,因着没有变化,就没有金子的扩展。没有变化的原因,在于这些有异议之人的经历里没有十字架的对付。”(真理信息,一一五页)

c. "This message is not the result of Bible study; it is the result of intense suffering. Because of this suffering, I have been greatly exercised before the Lord in an attempt to understand the situation. Gradually, the Lord showed me that certain dear ones had nothing more than the three rings. With them, there was no spreading of the gold because there was no transformation. The reason there was no transformation was that in the experience of these dissenting ones there was no dealing of the cross" (Truth Messages, p. 95).

d 我们是借着基督复活的大能而模成祂的死─腓三10,歌二8~14。

d. We are conformed to Christ's death through the power of His resurrection—Phil. 3:10; S. S. 2:8-14.

e 我们所作并所说的一切,都必须经过十字架并凭着那灵,为着建造基督的身体,将基督分赐给人。

e. Everything that we do and say must be through the cross and by the Spirit to dispense Christ into others for the building up of the Body of Christ.
