第五篇 鹰翅、人手和牛腿

The Wings of an Eagle, the Hands of a Man, and the Feet of a Calf



壹 鹰翅表征基督复活的大能,神生命的大能应用在我们身上,成了我们的恩典─结一6下、9、11下,出十九4,赛四十31,林后四7,一12,十二9,林前十五10:

I. The wings of an eagle signify the resurrection power of Christ, God's power in life applied to us and becoming our grace— Ezek. 1:6b, 9, 11b; Exo. 19:4; Isa. 40:31; 2 Cor. 4:7; 1:12; 12:9; 1 Cor. 15:10:

一 圣经说到能力的灵,是以鹰为那灵的表号─赛四十31。

A. The Bible uses the eagle as a symbol of the Spirit when it speaks about the Spirit of power—Isa. 40:31.

二 当神把以色列人从埃及救出来,带他们到西乃山归祂自己时,对他们说,祂如鹰将他们背在翅膀上;这是恩典的话,让他们知道,祂对他们满了恩典─出十九4。

B. When God saved the Israelites out of Egypt and brought them to Himself at Mount Sinai, He told them that He bore them like an eagle, carrying them upon His wings; this was a word of grace to let them know that He was full of grace toward them— Exo. 19:4.

三 诗篇一百零三篇五节说,神能使我们满足,以致我们如鹰反老还童;借着接受基督作我们的生命,我们有可能如鹰反老还童─西三4。

C. Psalm 103:5 says that God can satisfy us so that our youth is renewed like the eagle; it is possible for us to have our youth renewed like the eagle by taking Christ as our life—Col. 3:4.

四 “那等候耶和华的必重新得力;他们必如鹰展翅上腾;他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏”─赛四十31:

D. "Those who wait on Jehovah will renew their strength; / They will mount up with wings like eagles; / They will run and will not become weary; / They will walk and will not faint"—Isa. 40:31:

1 等候耶和华永远的神,意即我们了结自己,就是停下我们自己的生活、工作和行动,接受神在基督里作我们的生命、人位和顶替─八17,加二20,来十二2,西四2。

1. To wait on Jehovah, the eternal God, means that we terminate ourselves, that is, that we stop ourselves with our living, our doing, and our activity, and receive God in Christ as our life, our person, and our replacement—8:17; Gal. 2:20; Heb. 12:2; Col. 4:2.

2 这样等候的人,必重新得力,甚至到一个地步,必如鹰展翅上腾;他这样一个变化过的人,不仅行走奔跑,更在诸天之上翱翔,远超每一属地的阻挠。

2. Such a waiting one will be renewed and strengthened to such an extent that he will mount up with wings like eagles; as a transformed person, he will not only walk and run but also soar in the heavens, far above every earthly frustration.

五 我们所是的和我们所作的,不该照着自己的智慧、力量和才能,乃该凭着神的恩典,因为我们不凭自己或任何别的事夸口,而只在主里夸口─林后一12,十17,林前三21,加六14,腓三3,耶九23~24。

E. What we are and what we do should not be according to our own wisdom, strength, and ability but by the grace of God, for we have no boast in ourselves or in anything else but only in the Lord—2 Cor. 1:12; 10:17; 1 Cor. 3:21; Gal. 6:14; Phil. 3:3; Jer. 9:23-24.

六 主的恩典、能力和力量是为着行动,也是为着遮盖我们:

F. The grace, power, and strength of the Lord are both for moving and for covering us:

1 一面,主的恩典是我们行动的能力;另一面,主的能力是我们的保护,我们的藏身之处─林前十五10,林后十二9,诗十七8,五七1,六三7,九一4。

1. On the one hand, the Lord's grace is the power for us to move; on the other hand, the Lord's power is our protection, our hiding place—1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 12:9; Psa. 17:8; 57:1; 63:7; 91:4.

2 四活物前面的脸乃是人的脸,但身体是鹰的身体─结一10上、11下:

2. The front face of the four living creatures is the face of a man, but the body is that of an eagle—Ezek. 1:10a, 11b:

a 活物看起来像人,行动却像鹰。

a. The living creatures look like a man but move like an eagle.

b 两个翅膀为着行动,两个翅膀为着遮盖,指明我们有些奥秘,给别人一个印象,就是那神圣者的印象。

b. The two wings for moving and the two wings for covering indicate that there is something mysterious about us and that this gives others the impression of the Divine Being.

贰 人的手的属灵意义是:正常的基督徒该一直作恰如人所当作的事─8节上,徒二十34:

II. The spiritual significance of the hands of a man is that a normal Christian should always do things exactly like a man—v. 8a; Acts 20:34:

一 保罗的著作指明,即使他经历鹰翅,他在生活中仍然非常有人性,走人性的路,并且尽人的本分作事─帖前二5~8,提前五23,提后四20。

A. Paul's writings indicate that although he experienced the eagle's wings, he was still very human in his living, taking the human way and doing things in a human way—1 Thes. 2:5-8; 1 Tim. 5:23; 2 Tim. 4:20.

二 无论神的恩典多么与我们同在,无论主多么加我们能力,我们仍必须尽我们作人的本分:

B. No matter how much the grace of God is with us and no matter how much the Lord is empowering us, we must nevertheless do things in a human way:

1 在鹰翅以下该有人手,这些手该一直作工─弗四28,徒二十35,十八3,帖后三6~12。

1. Under the eagle's wings there should be human hands, and these hands should always be working—Eph. 4:28; Acts 20:35; 18:3; 2 Thes. 3:6-12.

2 我们需要有主加力的恩典作翅膀,也需要有人手,以人的方式与神合作。

2. We need both the wings of the Lord's empowering grace and the hands of a man, cooperating with God in a human way.

三 最高的人性乃是神性加上人性,并且神的属性从人的美德里彰显出来─林前十二31下~十三8上,太五44,腓四5~7,路二三34上,太十八21~22,林前四2,七25下,诗三七3,彼前五5~6,约十三3~5,彼前三8,腓二3,弗四2。

C. The highest humanity is one in which divinity is added to our humanity and in which the divine attributes are expressed in our human virtues—1 Cor. 12:31b—13:8a; Matt. 5:44; Phil. 4:5-7; Luke 23:34a; Matt. 18:21-22; 1 Cor. 4:2; 7:25b; Psa. 37:3; 1 Pet. 5:5-6; John 13:3-5; 1 Pet. 3:8; Phil. 2:3; Eph. 4:2.

四 基督徒的人性不是指我们原有的长处,乃是活在我们里面,并且从我们里面活出来的基督─加二20,腓一19~21上,林后十二2。

D. Christian humanity does not refer to our natural virtues; rather, it is the Christ who lives in us and out of us—Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21a; 2 Cor. 12:2.

五 我们都必须学习作有人性的基督徒,按照耶稣的人性,就是祂在复活中的人性生命,过耶稣那样的人性生活─四10~11:

E. We all need to learn to be human Christians, living in a Jesusly human way according to the humanity of Jesus, which is His human life in resurrection— 4:10-11:

1 破坏人性就是毁坏神为着祂的经纶所创造的凭借和管道。

1. To damage humanity is to ruin both the means and the channel created by God for His economy.

2 我们越属灵,就越有人性。

2. The more spiritual we are, the more human we will be.

3 我们若要活基督,就必须学习真正地有人性:

3. If we would live Christ, we need to learn to be human in a genuine way:

a 一面,我们有神的性情(彼后一4);另一面,我们是正常的人。─引用经文

a. On the one hand, we have the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4); on the other hand, we are normal human beings.

b 我们有神的性情和神的生命,这不是说我们就不再需要有人性。

b. The fact that we have the divine nature with the divine life does not mean that we no longer need to be human.

c 我们需要凭神的生命和性情过真实的为人生活;这样我们就能过最高的为人生活,像主耶稣的人性生活一样─弗四20~21。

c. We need to live a genuinely human life by the divine life and nature; in this way we will be able to live the highest human life, a life like that of the Lord Jesus— Eph. 4:20-21.

六 基督到我们里面来作生命时,祂是永远的生命带着神圣的生命和性情,也带着属人的生命和性情;现今我们奇妙的救主在我们里面作生命,安静、正常、平常并且以非常合乎人性的方式生活、行事、行动并作工─西三4、12~14。

F. When Christ comes into us as life, He is the eternal life with both the divine life and nature and the human life and nature; now our wonderful Savior lives, acts, moves, and works as life within us in a quiet, normal, ordinary way and also in a very human way—Col. 3:4, 12-14.

七 因着耶稣尚未在复活里得着荣耀而还没有的那灵,乃是带有耶稣之人性的那灵;今天那灵已由耶稣那得着荣耀的人性所构成─路二四26,约七37~39。

G. The Spirit, who was not yet because Jesus had not yet been glorified in resurrection, is the Spirit with the humanity of Jesus; the Spirit today has been constituted with the glorified humanity of Jesus—Luke 24:26; John 7:37-39.

八 我们必须经历神的灵作为耶稣的灵─徒十六7:

H. We need to experience the Spirit of God as the Spirit of Jesus— Acts 16:7:

1 耶稣的灵是指成为肉体之救主的灵,这灵作为在人性里的耶稣,经过了人性生活和十字架上的死。

1. The Spirit of Jesus refers to the Spirit of the incarnated Savior who, as Jesus in His humanity, passed through human living and death on the cross.

2 这指明在耶稣的灵里不仅有神的神圣元素,也有耶稣的人性元素,以及祂为人生活并受死的元素。

2. This indicates that in the Spirit of Jesus there is not only the divine element of God but also the human element of Jesus and the elements of His human living and His suffering of death as well.

叁 牛腿的属灵意义是:我们行事为人该像牛一样有正直的腿;我们不该照着我们人弯曲的脚行事为人,乃该用牛腿行事为人─结一7,林后一12:

III. The spiritual significance of the feet of a calf is that we should walk like a calf, having straight feet; we should walk not according to our crooked human feet but with the feet of a calf—Ezek. 1:7; 2 Cor. 1:12:

一 使徒保罗说到用正直的牛腿行事为人─二17,帖前二3~4、12,弗四1。

A. The apostle Paul speaks of walking with the straight feet of a calf—2:17; 1 Thes. 2:3-4, 12; Eph. 4:1.

二 牛腿不仅是直的,而且也分瓣,分蹄;分蹄表征在我们基督徒的行事为人中,我们需要能分辨在神眼中什么是对的,什么是错的─利十一4~6,腓一9,林前二14~15:

B. The calf 's feet are not only straight but also cloven, divided; the divided hoof signifies that in our Christian walk we need discernment of what is right and what is wrong in the eyes of God—Lev. 11:4-6; Phil. 1:9; 1 Cor. 2:14-15:

1 鉴别力的养成乃是根据学习和经历─来四12,五14,林前二15:

1. The development of the ability to discern is based upon learning and experience—Heb. 4:12; 5:14; 1 Cor. 2:15:

a 我们在神面前学到什么程度,经历到什么地步,我们的鉴别力就达到什么地步。

a. The degree of the learning and experience we have before God is the degree of the discernment we will have.

b 最厉害的鉴别力是出于最厉害的对付。

b. The most profound discernment comes from the most profound dealings.

2 “我所祷告的,就是要你们的爱,在充足的知识并一切的辨识上,多而又多地洋溢”─腓一9:

2. "This I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in full knowledge and all discernment"—Phil. 1:9:

a 辨识就是感觉事物的能力;希腊文的“辨识”意指“敏锐的知觉,道德的机智”。

a. Discernment is the ability to sense things; the Greek word for discernment means "sensitive perception, moral tact."

b 根据保罗的话,我们该用满有知识和辨识的心思来爱:

b. According to Paul, we should love with a mind full of knowledge and discernment:

㈠ 这知识和辨识就是基督自己;当我们经历基督,祂就成了我们的知识和辨识,就是洞察事物的能力。

1) This knowledge and discernment are Christ Himself; when we experience Christ, He becomes our knowledge and discernment, our perceptive power.

㈡ 我们越经历基督,就越不会凭着自己的聪明辨识事情,乃是凭着住在我们里面的基督辨识事情─加二20。

2) The more we experience Christ, the more we will discern matters not by our cleverness but by the Christ who lives within us—Gal. 2:20.

3 我们需要分辨伦理与基督之间的不同,因为伦理的教训不是出于基督、那灵、复活或新造─六15。

3. We need to discern between ethics and Christ, for ethical teachings are not of Christ, of the Spirit, of resurrection, or of the new creation—6:15.

4 罗马八章启示,辨识一件事最好的路─辨识的秘诀─就是按着生命或死亡来辨识。

4. Romans 8 reveals that the best way to discern a matter— the secret of discernment—is to discern according to life or death.

三 牛犊之腿“灿烂如明亮的铜”(结一7);这指明我们的行事为人需要被主试验并焚烧,使其能像照耀的铜,光照并试验人─启一15上。

C. The calf 's feet "sparkled like the sight of burnished bronze" (Ezek. 1:7); this indicates that we need a walk that has been tested and burned by the Lord so that it will be like shining bronze, enlightening and testing others—Rev. 1:15a.

四 在圣经里,牛犊表征新鲜、活泼、有活力:

D. In the Bible a calf signifies freshness, livingness, and vigor:

1 牛犊是年轻、满了活力、满了精力的;这指明我们基督徒的行事为人该是“跳跃的行事为人”,满了生命的行事为人─诗二九6,玛四2。

1. A calf is young, vigorous, and full of energy; this indicates that our Christian walk should be a "skipping walk," a walk that is full of life—Psa. 29:6; Mal. 4:2.

2 我们若享受恩典并活在神面前,我们就总是新的、新鲜的,在我们身上没有老旧。

2. If we enjoy grace and live in the presence of God, we will always be new and fresh, and with us there will be no oldness.

肆 作为四活物,我们若有鹰翅、人手和牛腿,我们就能配搭,并成为一个团体的实体,以完成神的经纶。

IV. If as living creatures we have the wings of an eagle, the hands of a man, and the feet of a calf, we can be coordinated and become one corporate entity for the carrying out of God's economy.
