第三篇 生命的结果——召会生活作为筵宴之家,为着神的建造

The Issue of Life—the Church Life as a House of Feasting for God’s Building



壹 生命应付人各种情况的需要,以建造神的家——约二18~22:

I. Life meets the need of every man’s case to build the house of God—John 2:18-22:

一 道德人的需要是生命的重生——三3、6、14~16、29~30、34。

A. The need of the moral is life’s regenerating—3:3, 6, 14-16, 29-30, 34.

二 不道德人的需要是生命的满足——四4~7、10、13~18、24、28~29、34。

B. The need of the immoral is life’s satisfying—4:4-7, 10, 13-18, 24, 28-29, 34.

三 垂死人的需要是生命的医治——46~47、50~53节。

C. The need of the dying is life’s healing—vv. 46-47, 50-53.

四 软弱人的需要是生命的点活——五2~3、5~9、17、19、25~26、30、39~40。

D. The need of the impotent is life’s enlivening—5:2-3, 5-9, 17, 19, 25-26, 30, 39-40.

五 饥饿人的需要是生命的喂养——六5~13、32~33、35、48~51、57、63。

E. The need of the hungry is life’s feeding—6:5-13, 32-33, 35, 48-51, 57, 63.

六 干渴人的需要是生命的解渴——七37~39。

F. The need of the thirsty is life’s quenching—7:37-39.

七 为罪奴役之人的需要是生命的释放:

G. The need of those under the bondage of sin is life’s setting free:

1 谁是没有罪的——八1~9?

1. Who is without sin?—8:1-9.

2 谁能定人的罪并赦免人的罪——10~11节?

2. Who can condemn and forgive sin?—vv. 10-11.

3 谁能使人从罪得自由——12、24、28~30、32、36节?

3. Who can set people free from sin?—vv. 12, 24, 28-30, 32, 36.

4 谁是罪的源头?谁是罪的繁衍——37~44节?

4. Who is the source of sin, and who is the multiplication of sin?—vv. 37-44.

5 耶稣是谁——45~46、57~58节?

5. Who is Jesus?—vv. 45-46, 57-58.

八 宗教中瞎眼人的需要是生命的视力与生命的牧养——九1、6~7、24~25、35~41,十9~16、27~30。

H. The need of the blind in religion is life’s sight and life’s shepherding—9:1, 6-7, 24-25, 35-41; 10:9-16, 27-30.

九 死人的需要是生命的复活——十一1~6、8~16、21~28、32~33、38~44。

I. The need of the dead is life’s resurrecting—11:1-6, 8-16, 21-28, 32-33, 38-44.

贰 生命的结果是召会生活作为筵宴之家——十二1~11:

II. The issue of life is the church life as a house of feasting—12:1-11:

一 这筵宴之家乃是由复活的生命所产生;召会是这复活生命的产物——十一43~44,西二13,弗一19~23。

A. The house of feasting is produced by the resurrection life; the church is the produce of the resurrection life—11:43-44; Col. 2:13; Eph. 1:19-23.

二 这筵宴之家乃是在宗教之外,在伯大尼患麻风的西门家——约十二1,可十四3,参约十一53、57,十二10~11:

B. The house of feasting is outside of religion; it was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper—John 12:1; Mark 14:3; cf. John 11:53, 57; 12:10-11:

1 主若怜悯我们,祂的灵若开我们的眼睛,我们就会看见,神在宇宙中所作的,并不是仅仅使人敬拜祂或事奉祂;在这世代中,神的愿望和心意乃是在子里,凭着祂的灵,并借着祂的话,进到人里面,作人的生命,使人可以凭祂活着。

1. If the Lord has mercy on us and if His Spirit opens our eyes, we shall see that what God is doing in the universe is not merely to make people worship Him or serve Him; in this age God’s desire and intention are to come into man in the Son, by His Spirit, and through His Word to be man’s life so that man might live because of Him.

2 这与宗教和宗教的观念迥然不同;宗教连同其道理、形式、仪文和规条没有基督的同在,并且是生命的仇敌。

2. This is absolutely different from religion and from the religious concept; religion with its doctrines, forms, rituals, and regulations does not have the presence of Christ and is the enemy of life.

三 在伯大尼有一个家,主能住宿、安息、筵宴并得着满足;在犹太教弃绝了祂之后,祂总是离开耶路撒冷,到伯大尼去住宿——1~2节,太二一17~18。

C. In Bethany there was a home where the Lord could stay, rest, feast, and be satisfied; after the Jewish religion had rejected Him, He always left Jerusalem to stay in Bethany—vv. 1-2; Matt. 21:17-18.

四 召会是由患麻风的西门所代表之蒙洁净的罪人所组成的;他必定得了主的医治——可十四3,太二六6:

D. The church is composed of cleansed sinners as represented by Simon the leper; he must have been healed by the Lord—Mark 14:3; Matt. 26:6:

1 他感激主、爱主,便在家中为主和祂的门徒摆设筵席,以享受祂的同在;得救的罪人总会这样作。

1. Being grateful to the Lord and loving Him, he spread a feast in his house for the Lord and His disciples in order to enjoy His presence; a saved sinner would always do this.

2 主已经使我们从死人中复活,也洁净了我们的罪;现今我们所在之处成了召会聚会的地方。

2. The Lord has raised us from the dead and cleansed us from our sins; now where we are becomes the meeting place of the church.

五 从外表看,召会也许是贫穷的、困苦的;然而,从里面看,召会里样样都是宝贵、甘甜又可爱的,因为我们对主同在的享受是丰富的;我们与主同在,主也与我们同在——参一23,结四八35下。

E. Outwardly, the church may be poor and afflicted; inwardly, however, everything in the church is precious, sweet, and dear because we are rich with the enjoyment of the Lord’s presence; we are with the Lord, and the Lord is with us—cf. 1:23; Ezek. 48:35b.

六 从里面看,召会生活是在主的同在中与主同筵的生活——约十二2,诗十六11,徒三19下:

F. Inwardly, the church life is a life of feasting in and with the presence of the Lord—John 12:2; Psa. 16:11; Acts 3:20a:

1 在召会生活中,我们所需要的第一件事就是主的同在;没有主的同在,召会生活就是虚空的——诗二七4。

1. In the church life the first thing that we need is the Lord’s presence; without the Lord’s presence the church life is empty—Psa. 27:4.

2 乃是在召会中,我们和主才有安息、享受和满足;在这里,一直有筵席为主和祂的子民预备。

2. It is in the church that we and the Lord have rest, enjoyment, and satisfaction; here there is always a feast prepared for the Lord and His people.

3 召会是主能与祂的子民一同享受的地方,也是祂子民能享受祂同在的地方;召会是主和祂的子民聚在一起,彼此一同坐席,也彼此享受的所在。

3. The church is a place where the Lord can enjoy Himself with His people and where His people can enjoy being with Him; it is a place where the Lord and His people come together to feast with one another and enjoy one another.

七 原则上,在活的召会中,姊妹比弟兄多——约十二2~3。

G. In principle, a living church has more sisters than brothers—John 12:2-3.

八 在召会生活中有不同的功用:服事,作见证与爱主:

H. In the church life there are different functions: the functions of serving, testifying, and loving:

1 服事的功用是由马大所代表(2);我们都必须改变我们对马大的观念,而不轻看她:——引用经文

1. The serving function is represented by Martha (v. 2); we all must change our concept of Martha and not look down on her:

a 我们必须有一些在主里殷勤、能干、主动、活的并实际的马大。

a. We must have some Marthas who are diligent, capable, active, living, and practical in the Lord.

b 在召会事奉中,首要的功用是照料一些实际的事务。

b. In the church service the first function needed is to serve by taking care of certain practical affairs.

2 作见证的功用是由拉撒路所代表——2、9~11节:

2. The testifying function is represented by Lazarus—vv. 2, 9-11:

a 拉撒路是主复活生命之大能活的见证和见证人。

a. Lazarus was a living testimony and a witness to the power of the Lord’s resurrection life.

b 这见证使人感受到复活的大能,复活生命的显出,以及对主这生命的享受。

b. This testimony gives people the feeling of resurrection power, the manifestation of resurrection life, and the enjoyment of the Lord as life.

3 爱主的功用是由马利亚所代表(2~3);她代表那些爱主到极点的人,将他们所持有最宝贵的东西倾倒在主身上:——引用经文

3. The loving function is represented by Mary (vv. 2-3); she represents the dear ones who love the Lord to the uttermost and who pour out what they hold most precious upon the Lord:

a 在她的估价里,主比任何东西都更有价值、更可爱。

a. Her estimate of the Lord was that He was more valuable and lovable than anything else.

b 用我们上好的爱来膏主,乃是召会生活主要的彰显、方面和特征。

b. Anointing the Lord with our best love is the main expression, aspect, and characteristic of the church life.

c “屋里就满了膏的香气”(3下);召会在这里被比喻为屋子,香膏倒在主耶稣身上,屋里就满了宝贵、甘甜、悦人的香气——参王下四9,林后二15,利一13。

c. "The house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment" (v. 3b); the church here is likened to a house that is filled with the preciousness, the sweetness, and the pleasantness of the aroma of the ointment poured upon the Lord Jesus—cf. 2 Kings 4:9; 2 Cor. 2:15; Lev. 1:13.

d 犹大和其他门徒认为马利亚向主爱的奉献是枉费——太二六8~13,约十二4~6:

d. Judas and the other disciples considered Mary’s love offering to the Lord a waste—Matt. 26:8-13; John 12:4-6:

㈠ 已过二十世纪以来,千千万万宝贵的性命、心爱的奇珍、崇高的地位以及灿烂的前途,都曾“枉费”在主耶稣身上。

(1) Throughout the past centuries thousands of precious lives, heart treasures, high positions, and golden futures have been "wasted" upon the Lord Jesus.

㈡ 对这些爱主的人,祂是全然可爱,配得他们献上一切。

(2) To those who love Him in such a way, He is altogether lovely and worthy of their offering.

㈢ 他们浇在主身上的不是枉费,乃是馨香的见证,见证祂的甘甜。

(3) What they have poured upon Him is not a waste but a fragrant testimony of His sweetness.

e 在基督里的信徒,该有价值观的改变;基督自己在信祂的人是宝贵的——彼前二7,腓三8~9,太二三16~26,撒上十六7,路十六15,九54~56,彼前三4:

e. The believers in Christ should have a change in their concept of value; Christ Himself is the preciousness to His believers—1 Pet. 2:7; Phil. 3:8-9; Matt. 23:16-26; 1 Sam. 16:7; Luke 16:15; 9:54-56; 1 Pet. 3:4:

㈠ 信徒正确的价值观,可见于他们对基督和祂完满救恩以下各方面的估计和评价:

(1) The proper concept of value for the believers can be seen in their estimation and assessment of the following aspects of Christ and His full salvation:

(1) 对于主耶稣的估价——诗一一八22,彼前二7。

(a) Their valuation of the Lord Jesus—Psa. 118:22; 1 Pet. 2:7.

(2) 对于十字架之话的估价——林前一18,彼前二24,三18。

(b) Their valuation of the word of the cross—1 Cor. 1:18; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18.

(3) 对于神的国和神的义与人日用所需之间的估价——太六32~33,彼后一1、11,二5,三13。

(c) Their valuation of God’s kingdom and righteousness in comparison to a man’s daily necessities—Matt. 6:32-33; 2 Pet. 1:1, 11; 2:5; 3:13.

(4) 对于主耶稣与他们亲人之间的估价——太十37~38,路十八26~30,彼前一1、17,二11上。

(d) Their valuation of the Lord Jesus in comparison to their relatives—Matt. 10:37-38; Luke 18:26-30; 1 Pet. 1:1, 17; 2:11a.

(5) 对于人的魂与全世界之间的估价——太十六26,四8~11,启十八13,彼前四19。

(e) Their valuation of a man’s soul in comparison to the whole world—Matt. 16:26; 4:8-11; Rev. 18:13; 1 Pet. 4:19.

(6) 对于他们身体与罪的严重及结局之间的估价——太十八8~9,彼后三10~13。

(f) Their valuation of their body in comparison to the seriousness and consequence of sin—Matt. 18:8-9; 2 Pet. 3:10-13.

(7) 对于宗教阶级地位与作主奴仆并彼此作奴仆之间的估价——太二十25~27,彼前二16,彼后一1。

(g) Their valuation of hierarchical position in comparison to being slaves of the Lord and to one another—Matt. 20:25-27; 1 Pet. 2:16; 2 Pet. 1:1.

(8) 对于基督为义的珍宝与属地珍宝之间的估价——伯二二23~28,太十二18~21,赛四二1~4,彼前一18~20。

(h) Their valuation of Christ as the treasure of justice in comparison to earthly treasure—Job 22:23-28; Matt. 12:18-21; Isa. 42:1-4; 1 Pet. 1:18-20.

(9) 对于罪的享受与看不见的赏赐之间的估价——来十一24~27,彼前一8~12,彼后一8~11,二20~22。

(i) Their valuation of the enjoyment of sin in comparison to the unseen reward—Heb. 11:24-27; 1 Pet. 1:8-12; 2 Pet. 1:8-11; 2:20-22.

(10) 对于基督的认识与万事之间的估价——腓三7~8,彼前一8,彼后一2~3、8,二20,三18。

(j) Their valuation of the knowledge of Christ in comparison to all things—Phil. 3:7-8; 1 Pet. 1:8; 2 Pet. 1:2-3, 8; 2:20; 3:18.

㈡ 我们需要求主给我们亮光,叫我们的价值观有彻底的改变,使我们不断地拣选基督并祂一切的所是,作我们绝佳的分——可九7~8,林后二10,四7,彼前一8。

(2) We need to ask the Lord to grant us the light to have a thorough change in our concept of value so that we will continually choose Christ and all that He is as our super-excelling portion—Mark 9:7-8; 2 Cor. 2:10; 4:7; 1 Pet. 1:8.

㈢ “你若将宝贵的从低贱的分别出来,你就可以作我的口”——耶十五19,参16节:

(3) "If you bring out the precious from the worthless, / You will be as My mouth"—Jer. 15:19; cf. v. 16:

(1) 我们必须看重主的话,过于派定给我们的饮食,在主的话里品尝主作涌流着滋养的奶和新蜜之美地的实际,使我们将其分赐给神的子民,为着他们完满的救恩——伯二三12,彼前二2~5,诗一一九103,出三8,申八8,歌四11上。

(a) We must treasure the Lord’s words more than our apportioned food, tasting the Lord in His word as the reality of the good land flowing with nourishing milk and fresh honey for us to dispense to God’s people for their full salvation—Job 23:12; 1 Pet. 2:2-5; Psa. 119:103; Exo. 3:8; Deut. 8:8; S. S. 4:11a.

(2) 我们必须看重主的话,过于一切地上的财富,使我们能讲神的谕言,分赐基督那追测不尽的丰富,作为神诸般的恩典——诗一一九72、9~16,弗三8,林后六10,彼前四10~11。

(b) We must treasure the Lord’s words more than all earthly riches so that we can speak oracles of God to dispense the unsearchable riches of Christ as the varied grace of God—Psa. 119:72, 9-16; Eph. 3:8; 2 Cor. 6:10; 1 Pet. 4:10-11.

4 我们都必须作召会中三个角色的肢体——“马大——拉撒路——马利亚”;这是我们众人当有的名字:

4. We all must be a triangular member of the church—a "Martha-Lazarus-Mary"; this is the proper name for all of us to have:

a 在召会生活中,必须有对主殷勤的服事、主复活生命活的见证以及倾倒在主身上绝对的爱。

a. In the church life there must be the diligent service for the Lord, the living testimony of the resurrection life of the Lord, and the absolute love poured out upon the Lord.

b 在真实的召会生活中,该摆上对主的服事,给人看见主的见证,并倾倒出对主的爱;这是主身体真正的彰显,这身体乃是盛装主并彰显主的器皿。

b. In the real church life the service to the Lord is rendered, the testimony of the Lord is seen, and the love toward the Lord is poured out; this is the real expression of the Body of the Lord, which is a vessel to contain the Lord and to express Him.
