
第五篇 答应神的呼召作祂时代的凭借,就是祂的得胜者,以转移时代

Answering God's Call to Be His Dispensational Instrument, His Overcomers, to Turn the Age



壹 每当神要有一个时代的行动,一个转移时代的行动,祂必须得着祂时代的凭借;我们对神必须是有时代价值的人─启十二5~11,一20,但十二3,太十三43:

I. Every time God wants to make a dispensational move, an ageturning move, He must obtain His dispensational instrument; we must be those who have dispensa-tional value to God—Rev. 12:5-11; 1:20; Dan. 12:3; Matt. 13:43:

一 我们需要来看,我们要作的是什么,好带进下一个时代;这是一个特别的时候,所以需要有特别的基督徒作特别的工作─十六18,启十九7,林前一9,启二4~7,西一18下,约十七21,林前十四4下,弗四16,西二19。

A. We need to consider what we are doing to bring in the next age; this is a special time, so there is the need of special Christians to do a special work—16:18; Rev. 19:7; 1 Cor. 1:9; Rev. 2:4-7; Col. 1:18b; John 17:21; 1 Cor. 14:4b; Eph. 4:16; Col. 2:19.

二 主恢复的原则见于但以理(“神是我的审判者”)、哈拿尼雅(“耶和华曾以恩慈赐与”或“蒙耶和华恩宠”)、米沙利(“谁是神所是的”)以及亚撒利雅(“耶和华曾帮助”);“但以理和他的同伴”在胜过撒但的诡计上完全与神是一;他们是转移时代的人,将神的百姓从被掳的时代转移到归回以马内利之地的时代,为着建造神的殿和神的城,使神得着彰显并掌权─但二13、17,赛八8,参启十七14:

B. The principle of the Lord's recovery is seen with Daniel ("God is my judge"), Hananiah ("Jah has graciously given," or "favored of Jah"), Mishael ("Who is what God is?"), and Azariah ("Jah has helped"); "Daniel and his companions" were absolutely one with God in their victory over Satan's devices; they were men who turned the age of the captivity of God's people to the age of their return to the land of Immanuel for the building of God's house and God's city for God's expression and authority—Dan. 2:13, 17; Isa. 8:8; cf. Rev. 17:14:

1 在神眼中,得胜者乃是“珍贵的人”,甚至就是“珍贵的本身”,就是神所用以转移时代的人─彼前二7,但九23,十11、19(大蒙眷爱的,直译,珍贵)。─引用经文

1.  In God's sight, an overcomer is a "man of preciousness," even "preciousness itself," a person whom God can use to turn the age—1 Pet. 2:7; Dan. 9:23; 10:11, 19.

2 基督这独一的得胜者包括了所有的得胜者;这独一的得胜者住在我们灵里,使我们成为祂的得胜者─约十四30,但二34~35,启十九7~21,约壹五4、18~19,启三21。

2.  Christ as the unique Overcomer includes all the overcomers; the unique Overcomer dwells in our spirit to make us His overcomers—John 14:30; Dan. 2:34-35; Rev. 19:7-21; 1 John 5:4, 18-19; Rev. 3:21.

三 主需要兴起转移时代的人,以恢复神的彰显和权柄;在堕落的人类中间,神的彰显被人破坏,祂的权柄被人否认;但以理和他的同伴真实让神借着他们得着彰显,并且真实在神的权柄之下─创一26,但三14~30,四17、26,启二二1~2。

C. The Lord needs to raise up men who turn the age for the recovery of God's expression and authority; among fallen mankind God's expression is torn down and His authority is denied; Daniel and his companions truly allowed God to be expressed through them and were truly under God's authority—Gen. 1:26; Dan. 3:14-30; 4:17, 26; Rev. 22:1-2.

贰 但以理有同伴,能一同绝对奉献给神,并从跟随撒但的世代分别出来归给神─但一4~8,五12、22,六10:

II. Daniel had companions with whom he was absolutely consecrated to God and separated unto God from an age that follows Satan—Dan. 1:4-8; 5:12, 22; 6:10:

一 凡能给神使用来转移时代的人,都必须是拿细耳人─自愿奉献的人,绝对且彻底地圣别归给神─民六1~8、22~27,诗一一〇3,路九62,腓三13~14。

A.  All those who are used by God to turn the age must be Nazarites—voluntarily consecrated ones who are sanctified absolutely and ultimately to God—Num. 6:1-8, 22-27; Psa. 110:3; Luke 9:62; Phil. 3:13-14.

二 但以理和他的同伴虽然仍很年轻,但他们却作为“相反的见证”站住,与安提帕在别迦摩召会中所作的相似─启二13。

B.  Although Daniel and his companions were still very young, they stood up as an anti-testimony, similar to the way that Antipas did in the church in Pergamos—Rev. 2:13.

叁 但以理借着神的话语,联于神的心意─但九1~4,申十七18~20,提后三16~17,弗六17~18,诗一一九11、24:

III. Daniel joined himself to God's desire through God's Word—Dan. 9:1-4; Deut. 17:18-20; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Eph. 6:17-18; Psa. 119:11, 24:

一 但以理不仅是常读神话语的人,而且还是与神的话联得起来的人:

A.  Daniel was not only a person who read God's Word regularly but also a person who was joined to God's Word:

1 当但以理从耶利米书读出来,神定规以色列人被掳七十年,到了七十年期满,神就要回头恩待以色列人,就立刻禁食祷告;他从圣经里一摸着神的心意,就把自己联在这个心意上─但九2~3。

1.  When Daniel read from the book of Jeremiah that God had ordained seventy years of captivity for the Israelites and that after seventy years God would turn back to bless them, he immediately fasted and prayed; as soon as he touched God's desire through the Word, he joined himself to that desire—Dan. 9:2-3.

2 但以理读到利未记之后,就不能吃不洁的食物(但一8~21);他读到耶利米书之后,就不能不禁食为着神百姓的复兴祷告(二九10~14)。─引用经文

2.  After Daniel read the book of Leviticus, he could no longer eat the unclean food (Dan. 1:8-21); after he read the book of Jeremiah, he could not help but fast and pray for the restoration of God's people (29:10-14).

二 我们必须在祷告的灵和气氛中读神的话,而从神的话摸着神的心意;然后,我们必须马上把自己联在那个心意上;圣经应该影响我们的生活,我们也应该联于圣经─参诗一一九11、15~16、133、140,林后六14~18。

B.  We must read God's Word in a spirit and atmosphere of prayer and touch God's desire from His Word; then we must immediately join ourselves to that desire; the Bible should affect our living, and we should be joined to the Bible—cf. Psa. 119:11, 15-16, 133, 140; 2 Cor. 6:14-18.

肆 但以理是祷告的人,有美好的灵,他是在诸天之国(诸天管治)的实际里,活在神的管治之下的人─但二17~19、28,六10,九1~4、17,五12、14,六3,五22~23,四25~26、32:

IV. Daniel was a man of prayer with an excellent spirit, a man living under God's rule in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens, the ruling of the heavens—Dan. 2:17-19, 28; 6:10; 9:1-4, 17; 5:12, 14; 6:3; 5:22-23; 4:25-26, 32:

一 但以理六章的中心乃是人的祷告以执行神的经纶;人的祷告好像轨道,为神的行动铺路;除了祷告之外,没有别的路可以把神的经纶带到完满和完成;这是本章的内在秘诀。

A.  The center of Daniel 6 is man's prayer for the carrying out of God's economy; man's prayers are like the rails that pave the way for God's move to go on; there is no other way to bring God's economy into fullness and into fulfillment except by prayer; this is the inner secret of this chapter.

二 人与神合作最高的表现就是祷告;神是借着人作祂忠信祷告的管道,在地上执行祂的经纶─太二六41,徒六4,弗六17~18,西四2。

B.  The highest expression of a man who cooperates with God is in prayer; God carries out His economy on the earth through His faithful channels of prayer—Matt. 26:41; Acts 6:4; Eph. 6:17-18; Col. 4:2.

三 祷告乃是主恢复的命脉;撒但越要阻挠我们的祷告,我们越该祷告─但六10,参4~9:

C.  Prayer is the lifeline in the Lord's recovery; the more Satan tries to frustrate our prayer, the more we should pray—Dan. 6:10, cf. vv. 4-9:

1 但以理是活在神面前的人,他倚靠祷告来作人所不能作的事,倚靠祷告来明白人所不能明白的事─二17~19,九1~4,十1~3、11~13。

1.  Daniel was a person living before God; he depended on prayer to do what man could not do, and he depended on prayer to understand what man could not understand— 2:17-19; 9:1-4; 10:1-3, 11-13.

2 但以理的祷告完全是为着神而祷告,不是为着他自己;他借着祷告给神最高的合作─九2下,耶二五11,但九17,王上八48。

2.  Daniel's prayer was totally for God and not for himself; through prayer he afforded God the highest cooperation—9:2b; Jer. 25:11; Dan. 9:17; 1 Kings 8:48.

3 因着但以理是祷告的人,他是神所印证的,是能给神使用的,是能把神的奥秘说出来的─参徒六4。

3.  Because Daniel was a man of prayer, he was acknowledged by God, qualified to be used by God, and capable of speaking forth the mystery of God—cf. Acts 6:4.

4 但以理的祷告达到了最高峰;他求神为神自己作事;他祷告说,“我们的神啊,现在垂听你仆人的祷告恳求,为主的缘故使你的脸光照你荒凉的圣所”─但九17。

4.  Daniel's prayer reached the highest peak; he asked God to do something for Himself; he prayed, "Now hear, O our God, the prayer of Your servant and his supplications, and cause Your face to shine upon Your sanctuary that has been desolated, for the Lord's sake"—Dan. 9:17.

5 只有像但以理这样专一向神作转移时代祷告的人,才能给神用来转移时代。

5.  Only a person like Daniel, who prayed to God single-heartedly with an age-turning prayer, can be used by Him to turn the age.

伍 但以理是一个牺牲自己,有殉道之灵的人─六10~11:

V. Daniel was a self-sacrificing person with the spirit of martyrdom—6:10-11:

一 但以理的同伴有真实殉道的灵;他们以性命为代价,为主这独一的神站住,抵挡偶像敬拜,被尼布甲尼撒下令扔在烈火的窖中─三19~23。

A.  Daniel's companions had a true spirit of martyrdom; they stood for the Lord as the unique God and against idol worship at the cost of their lives, being thrown at the command of Nebuchadnezzar into a blazing furnace—3:19-23.

二 但以理冒着性命的危险祷告;总长和总督意图毁灭但以理,而他们背后之撒但的意图,乃是要切断神用以执行祂经纶的祷告管道─六4~24。

B.  Daniel prayed at the risk of his life; the intention of the chief ministers and satraps was to destroy Daniel, but the intention of Satan, who was behind them, was to cut off the channel of prayer that God was using for the carrying out of His economy—6:4-24.

三 凡是给神用来转移时代的人,只怕一件事,就是怕得罪神,怕失去神的同在─三17~18,林后五9~10,参诗五一11,书七4。

C.  Everyone whom God uses to turn the age is afraid of only one thing, that is, of offending God and losing His presence—3:17-18; 2 Cor. 5:9-10; cf. Psa. 51:11; Josh. 7:4.

陆 我们要作今天的得胜者成为神时代的凭借,以转移时代,就必须赎回光阴;歌罗西四章五节说,“要赎回光阴”,以弗所五章十六节也说,“要赎回光阴”:─引用经文

VI. In order to be today's overcomers as God's dispensational instrument who turn the age, we must redeem the time; Colossians 4:5 says, "Redeeming the time," and Ephesians 5:16 says, "Redeeming the time":

一 我们可以把这两节译为“赎回机会”;我们学习事奉主的人,绝不能让元首感觉我们对祂的指示和引导是麻木的;我们需要让主训练我们属灵的感觉和属灵的眼光,使我们一有机会,就有感觉,并充分利用。

A.  One could translate the word time in these passages as redeeming the "opportunity"; we who are learning to serve the Lord must not let the Head have a sense that we are dull to His direction and numb to His leading; we need to allow the Lord to train our spiritual sense and our spiritual sight to sense the opportunities whenever they come and make the most of them.

二 在主所定规我们的日子中,也许昨天乃是我们一生最大的日子,但昨天还是平平常常地过去了;这个叫作失去了机会;没有一天神没有为我们有所安排的。

B.  Of the days that the Lord has ordained for us, perhaps yesterday should have been the greatest day of our life, but we may have lived yesterday in an ordinary way; this is what it means to miss the opportunity; there is never a day without God's arrangement for us.

三 也许主给我们一个意思,要我们去寻找某个人;这个人也许是主能大用的人(参徒九10~19,二二12~16);但是那一天我们因怕热、懒惰,竟没有去。─引用经文

C.  Perhaps the Lord gave us a thought that we should seek out a certain person who could potentially be very useful to the Lord (cf. Acts 9:10-19; 22:12-16), but on that day we did not go, because we were afraid the weather was too hot, and we were too lazy.

四 我们有一天到主的面前,我们一生一世所认为满意的,那一天我们可能要变作懊悔;我们赶不上神的定规,我们是一个愚昧的人;我们没有忠信地活基督,长基督,彰显基督,并在各方面繁殖基督,为着祂身体的建造─林后五10,太二五21~23、25~26、30,西一9~10,太七26,二五2~3、8。

D.  One day we will face the Lord; perhaps we will regret the things in our life that now provide us with satisfaction; many times we have come short of God's will and have acted foolishly; we have not been faithful to live Christ, to grow Christ, to express Christ, and to propagate Christ in every respect for the building up of His Body—2 Cor. 5:10; Matt. 25:21-23, 25-26, 30; Col. 1:9-10; Matt. 7:26; 25:2-3, 8.

五 但以理十一章三十二节下半说,“唯独认识神的子民,必刚强行事”;这意思就是说,神的子民必定开疆拓土;我们越认识神的旨意,就越能抓住机会;认识神的人,绝不奉行故事─参申四25与注1。

E.  Daniel 11:32b says, "The people who know their God will show strength and take action"; this means that the people of God will open up new horizons; the more we know God's will, the more we will seize the opportunities; those who know God will never live in a habitual way day after day—cf. Deut. 4:25 and footnote.

六 “你们看见神祝福常受弟兄作工,他的长处就是不放松每一个机会,难得有一个机会不被他用的。一有机会他就应用”─倪柝声弟兄讲于一九五〇年七月十九日(倪柝声文集第三辑第九册,二三四页)。

F.  "We have seen how God has blessed Brother Witness's work. His strong point is that he does not allow any opportunity to slip by. It is hard to find him missing an opportunity. Once the opportunity arises, he takes advantage of it"—speaking from Brother Watchman Nee on July 19, 1950 (The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 55, p. 199).

七 我们的事奉,如果是合乎神的心意的话,也可以一日顶得许多日的,但如果是在神旨意之外,所花去的时日祂都不算;在神的国之外,没有一个人是神所雇用的(太二十6~7);尼布甲尼撒满意于自己所作的(但四30、37下)─这是巴比伦的原则。─引用经文

G.  If our service is according to God's will, one day will equal many days, but the days spent outside the will of God are not counted; outside the kingdom of God, no human beings are employed by God (Matt. 20:6-7); Nebuchadnezzar was satisfied with his own work (Dan. 4:30, 37b)—this is the principle of Babylon.

八 但是感谢主,祂还给我们一个安慰,就是约珥书二章二十五节所说,蝗虫所吃去的那些年,神要补还我们;我们如果旷废年日,那么十年也许只能算一天,但我们如果赎回光阴,也可能一日抵上十年。─引用经文

H.  However, thank the Lord for His word of comfort, the words of Joel 2:25—the years that the locust has eaten will be restored to us; if we waste our days, ten years may be equal to one day, but if we redeem the time, one day may equal ten years.

九 诗篇九十篇十二节说,“求你指教我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心”;八十四篇十节说,“在你的院宇住一日,胜似在别处住千日”;天上的日子不是以二十四小时来计算的;神的算法是另一种的算法。

I.  Psalm 90:12 says, "Teach us then to number our days / That we may gain a heart of wisdom," and 84:10 says, "A day in Your courts is better than a thousand"; the days in heaven are not counted by a cycle of twenty-four hours; God has a different way of count-ing days.

柒 今天要成为有活力的路,乃是答应主的呼召,作得胜者;得胜者乃是有活力的人,有活力的人(活而有活动的人)乃是祷告的人─一一九88、159,但十一32下:

VII. Today the way to become vitalized is to answer the Lord's call to be an overcomer; an overcomer is a vital person, and a vital person (one who is living and active) is a praying person—119:88, 159; Dan. 11:32b:

一 我们形成新排的目的,乃是要得着成群的得胜者;这就是为何我们称这些排为“活力排”;全时间训练也是为着产生得胜者,他们拼上去,要征服撒狄的死沉(启三1),老底嘉的不冷不热(15~16),以及主在约翰十五章论到萄葡树与枝子所对付的不结果子(1~8、16)。─引用经文

A.  Our intention in forming the new groups is to have groups of overcomers; this is the reason that the groups are called the "vital groups"; the full-time training is also for the producing of the overcomers, those who are desperate to conquer the deadness of Sardis (Rev. 3:1), the lukewarmness of Laodicea (vv. 15-16), and the barrenness dealt with by the Lord in John 15 concerning the vine and the branches (vv. 1-8, 16).

二 我们若要有活力,就需要与主并与有心寻求的圣徒,有亲近、亲密且彻底的交通;我们需要主引导我们到一些同伴那里,我们可以和他们一同劳苦,正如但以理有三个同伴一样─但一6。

B.  If we are going to be vitalized, we need to have close, intimate, and thorough fellowship with the Lord and with the seeking saints; we need the Lord to lead us to some companions, with whom we can labor, just as Daniel had three companions—Dan. 1:6.

三 在今日的召会生活(由耶路撒冷所预表)中,我们必须作主的得胜者(由锡安所预表);这就是根据主的呼召,在得胜者的时代里(启二7、11、17、26~28,三5、12、20~21,二一7);在召会生活中是一回事,在召会生活中作得胜者是另一回事(十四1~5)。─引用经文

C.  Within today's church life (typified by Jerusalem), we must be the Lord's overcomers (typified by Zion); this is to be in the age of the overcomers according to the Lord's calling (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 20-21; 21:7); it is one thing to be in the church life, but it is another thing to be an overcomer in the church life (14:1-5).

四 我们必须立志作得胜者,就是有活力的人;得胜者要胜过一切顶替基督,或反对基督的事物─士五15~16,约壹二18~20、27。

D.  We have to make a resolution to be the overcomers, the vitalized ones; an overcomer is one who overcomes anything that is replacing Christ or that is against Christ—Judg. 5:15-16; 1 John 2:18-20, 27.

捌 我们要作今天的得胜者就该像以萨迦的子孙,“通达时务,知道以色列人所当行的”(代上十二32上);见下述李弟兄应用上的经历:

VIII. As today's overcomers, we should be like the children of Issachar, "men who understood the times that they might know what Israel should do" (1 Chron. 12:32a); see Brother Lee's applicable experience on the next page.


On the eve of the revival in Chefoo, when the Japanese had invaded China and had made life in China, which was hard enough, to be even harder, rother Lee wrote the following in his personal notes in Chefoo, 1942:


People on earth are suffering calamities, and the churches are in hardship; this is not the age of God's heart's desire but the age of God's procedures. God is using His procedures to fulfill His heart's desire. To turn from the age of procedures to the age of God's heart's desire, man must pray the age-turning prayer. Daniel was such a man.


The earth is suffering calamities because people on the earth do not want God and do not care for God's affairs. Therefore, if the saints are to pray to end the time of calamities, they must answer God's demands and care for God and His needs. Oh! These many calamities today should wake us up to no longer live to the earth! Oh! Today we should truly consecrate ourselves to answer God's demands on behalf of the church so that God may have a way to come in and to turn this age of procedures into the age of His heart's desire. (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1932–1949, vol. 2, p. 27)
