
第四篇 为着主即将第二次来临,在主的托付及祂的恩赐上忠信服事

Being Faithful in Service in the Lord's Commission and in His Gifts for His Second and Imminent Coming



壹 马太二十四章四十五至五十一节启示,我们必须在主的托付上忠信地服事,将神当作食物分赐给祂的家人,使我们得以在要来的国度中,赢得基督作我们的奖赏:─引用经文

I. Matthew 24:45-51 reveals that we must be faithful in service in the Lord's commission to give God as food to the members of His household so that we may win Christ as our reward in the coming kingdom:

一 神有一个家庭和一个家庭行政,一个经纶,要将祂自己当作食物分赐给祂的家人,好使祂得着彰显─提前一4,三15,弗二19。

A. God has a household and a household administration, an economy, to dispense Himself as food to the members of His household for His expression—1 Tim. 1:4; 3:15; Eph. 2:19.

二 神派那些忠信又精明的奴仆作家庭管理者、管家、供应的管道,管理祂的家人,按时分粮给他们─太二四45,林前九17,弗三2,林前四1,彼前四10,腓一25。

B. God has set faithful and prudent slaves over His household as household administrators, stewards, channels of supply, to give His people food at the proper time—Matt. 24:45; 1 Cor. 9:17; Eph. 3:2; 1 Cor. 4:1; 1 Pet. 4:10; Phil. 1:25.

三 “分粮给他们”,意指在召会里,将神的话和基督当作生命的供应,供应信徒;作为赐生命之灵的基督是我们的食物,祂具体化并实化在生命的话里─太二四45,约六57、63、68,徒五20,约壹五16:

C. Give them food refers to ministering the word of God and Christ as the life supply to the believers in the church; Christ as the life-giving Spirit is our food, embodied and realized in the word of life—Matt. 24:45; John 6:57, 63, 68; Acts 5:20; 1 John 5:16:

1 我们若要享受主作我们属灵的食物,使我们能喂养别人,就必须祷告、默想主的话,借着仔细揣摩而品尝并享受它─弗六17~18,诗一一九15,结三1~4。

1. In order to enjoy the Lord as our spiritual food so that we can feed others, we must pray over and muse on His word, tasting and enjoying it through careful consideration—Eph. 6:17-18; Psa. 119:15; Ezek. 3:1-4.

2 我们必须专注于祷告,并尽话语的职事─徒六4,林后三6、8,约七37~39,参来七25,八2。

2. We must devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word—Acts 6:4; 2 Cor. 3:6, 8; John 7:37-39; cf. Heb. 7:25; 8:2.

四 我们若是心里说,我们的主人必来得迟,就是爱现今邪恶的世代,不爱主的显现─太二四48,提后四8、10,参徒二六16:

D. To say in our heart that our Master delays is to love the present evil age and not to love the Lord's appearing—Matt. 24:48; 2 Tim. 4:8, 10; cf. Acts 26:16:

1 我们必须提防贪婪,不为自己积财,乃要对神富足─路十二16~21,林后六10,弗三8。

1. We must beware of covetousness, not storing up treasure for ourselves but being rich toward God—Luke 12:16-21; 2 Cor. 6:10; Eph. 3:8.

2 “你们要回想罗得的妻子”(路十七32),意即我们不该贪爱并宝贝神即将审判并彻底毁灭的邪恶世界;这对贪爱世界的信徒,是个严肃的警告─28~32节,参罗一21、25。

2. "Remember Lot's wife" (Luke 17:32) means that we should not love and treasure the evil world that God is going to judge and utterly destroy; this is a solemn warning to the world-loving believers—vv. 28-32; cf. Rom. 1:21, 25.

3 我们需要儆醒并祈求,免得主来临的那日子如同网罗忽然临到我们─路二一34~36,参太二3。

3. We must be watchful and beseeching so that the day of the Lord's coming would not come upon us suddenly as a snare—Luke 21:34-36; cf. Matt. 2:3.

五 动手打那些和我们同作奴仆的,乃是虐待作我们同伴的信徒─二四49上,徒九4:

E. To beat our fellow slaves is to mistreat fellow believers—24:49a; Acts 9:4:

1 我们不该审判、定罪作我们同伴的信徒,乃要以恩慈待他们,心存慈怜,饶恕他们,如同神在基督里饶恕了我们一样─路六37,弗四31~32,参帖前五14。

1. We must not judge and condemn our fellow believers but be kind to them, tenderhearted, forgiving them, even as God in Christ forgave us—Luke 6:37; Eph. 4:31-32; cf. 1 Thes. 5:14.

2 我们不该毁谤(辱骂)或批评我们的弟兄,乃要看他们比我们强─提后三1~2,彼前三8~10,犹10,林前六9~10,腓二2~4、29,罗十二3:

2. We must not revile or criticize our brothers but consider them more excellent than ourselves—2 Tim. 3:1-2; 1 Pet. 3:8-10; Jude 10; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Phil. 2:2-4, 29; Rom. 12:3:

a 毁谤(辱骂)是指我们借着侮辱性的语言,粗鲁地批判和批评圣徒,而使他们内里受苦或受伤。

a. Reviling is when we cause the saints to inwardly suffer pain or to be inwardly wounded by assailing and criticizing them harshly with abusive language.

b 主的方式是包裹我们的伤处(医治我们),把油和酒倒在我们的伤处(赐给我们圣灵和神的生命)─路十33~34。

b. The Lord's way is to bind up our wounds (healing us) and to pour oil and wine on our wounds (giving us the Holy Spirit and the divine life)—Luke 10:33-34.

c 召会分裂、被破坏,其中一个原因乃是因为人毁谤的话;听毁谤的话,与说毁谤的话一样要负责任;召会要维持合一,我们就需要抵挡毁谤的话语。

c. One of the reasons the church is divided and damaged is that there are reviling words; those who take in reviling words bear the same responsibility as those who speak reviling words; in order for the church to maintain the oneness, we have to withstand reviling words.

d 罪的感觉是由认识神而来的;照样,对于毁谤的话的感觉,乃是由认识身体而来的;毁谤的话乃是与身体的见证相反的。

d. The consciousness of sin comes from knowing God; in the same way, the consciousness of reviling words comes from the knowledge of the Body; reviling words are opposed to the testimony of the Body.

e 主警告我们,辱骂者在来世不能承受神的国作为给得胜圣徒的赏赐─林前六10。

e. The Lord warns us that revilers will not inherit the kingdom of God in the next age as a reward to the overcoming saints—1 Cor. 6:10.

3 我们不该作主辖管作我们同伴的信徒,乃要作奴仆服事他们,以复活的基督,就是赐生命的灵,喂养他们─彼前五3,太二十25~28,参民十七8。

3. We must not lord it over our fellow believers but serve them as slaves to feed them with the resurrected Christ as the life-giving Spirit—1 Pet. 5:3; Matt. 20:25-28; cf. Num. 17:8.

六 和酒醉的人一同吃喝,乃是与沉醉在属世事物里的世人为伴─太二四49下,参弗五18:

F. To eat and drink with the drunken is to keep company with worldly people, who are drunk with worldly things—Matt. 24:49b; cf. Eph. 5:18:

1 因着信徒神圣的性情和圣别的地位,他们不该跟不信者同负一轭;这不只该应用在信徒与不信者之间的婚姻和事业上,也该应用在他们各种亲密的关系上─林后六14,林前十五33,参箴十三20。

1. Because of their divine nature and holy standing, the believers should not be yoked together with the unbelievers; this should be applied to all intimate relationships between believers and unbelievers, not only to marriage and business—2 Cor. 6:14; 1 Cor. 15:33; cf. Prov. 13:20.

2 我们需要逃避青年人的私欲,同那清心呼求主的人,竭力追求包罗万有的基督─提后二22。

2. We must flee youthful lusts and pursue the all-inclusive Christ with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart—2 Tim. 2:22.

七 在国度的实现里,忠信精明的奴仆要得着管理的权柄为赏赐;但恶仆要从荣耀的基督,和祂国度的荣耀,并祂国度中荣耀的同在被割断─太二四47、51。

G. The faithful and prudent slave will be rewarded with the authority to rule in the manifestation of the kingdom, whereas the evil slave will be cut off from the glorious Christ, from the glory of His kingdom, and from His glorious presence in His kingdom—Matt. 24:47, 51.

贰 马太二十五章十四至三十节启示,我们必须在主所给的恩赐上忠信服事,为祂赚取利润,使我们得以在要来的国度中进入主的快乐:─引用经文

II. Matthew 25:14-30 reveals that we must be faithful in service in the Lord's gifts to make a profit for Him so that we may enter into the joy of the Lord in the coming kingdom:

一 主将自己比喻为一个人要往外国去(到诸天之上去),把他的家业交给他的奴仆们;“他的家业”象征召会(弗一18)同所有的信徒,他们乃是神的家人(太二四45)。─引用经文

A. The Lord likened Himself to a man going abroad (into the heavens) and delivering to his slaves his possessions; his possessions signifies the church (Eph. 1:18) with all the believers, who constitute God's household (Matt. 24:45).

二 主人按照奴仆各人的才干,个别地给了一个五他连得银子,一个二他连得,一个一他连得─二五15:

B. To one of his slaves the master gave five talents, to another two, and to another one—to each according to his own ability—25:15:

1 银子表征属灵的恩赐(属灵的技巧和才干)─罗十二6,林前十二4,彼前四10,提后一6。

1. Talents signify spiritual gifts (spiritual skills and abilities)—Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 12:4; 1 Pet. 4:10; 2 Tim. 1:6.

2 基督身体所有的肢体都有恩赐,也都是恩赐─罗十二6上,弗四7~8。

2. All the members of the Body of Christ are gifted, and all are gifts—Rom. 12:6a; Eph. 4:7-8.

3 “各人的才干”表征我们天然的才能,由神的创造和我们的学习所构成─太二五15,参徒七22:

3. Own ability signifies our natural ability, which is constituted of God's creation and our learning—Matt. 25:15; cf. Acts 7:22:

a 在我们服事主的事上,天然的力量和才干在复活里就成为有用的,要使我们成为柱子和建造柱子的人,以完成神永远的定旨─林前十五10、58,参林后六1~2,王上七13~22与注,弗四8、11~12、16,加二9,启三12。

a. The natural strength and ability become useful in resurrection for our service to the Lord in order to make us both pillars and pillar builders for the fulfilling of God's eternal purpose—1 Cor. 15:10, 58; cf. 2 Cor. 6:1-2; 1 Kings 7:13-22 with footnotes; Eph. 4:8, 11-12, 16; Gal. 2:9; Rev. 3:12.

b 摩西、彼得和保罗的天然才干经过十字架,就在复活里起来为主所用,为着建造祂的身体─徒七22~36,路二二32~33,彼前五5~6,徒二二3,腓三5~8、14,加二20,林后四10~12,提后二11。

b. Moses, Peter, and Paul's natural ability passed through the cross and came up in resurrection to be used by the Lord for the building up of His Body—Acts 7:22-36; Luke 22:32-33; 1 Pet. 5:5-6; Acts 22:3; Phil. 3:5-8, 14; Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 4:10-12; 2 Tim. 2:11.

三 用银子作买卖,表征运用主所给我们的恩赐;另外赚了银子,表征我们已经完全用上从主所领受的恩赐,没有任何的损失或浪费─太二五16~17,提前四14,提后一6,四5下。

C. Trading with talents signifies using the gift that the Lord has given us; gaining other talents signifies that the gift we received from the Lord has been used to the fullest extent, without any loss or waste—Matt. 25:16-17; 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6; 4:5b.

四 那领一他连得的,与那领五他连得和那领二他连得的相反,他去掘开地,把他主人的银子埋藏了;这表征没有运用主的恩赐去拯救人,也没有将祂的丰富供应给人─太二五18、27:

D. In contrast to the five-talented and two-talented ones, the one-talented one went off, dug in the earth, and hid his master's money; this signifies not using the Lord's gift to save people and to minister His riches to them—Matt. 25:18, 27:

1 地乃是象征世界,所以“掘开地”是表征钻进世界,而埋藏主所给我们的恩赐。

1. The earth signifies the world; thus, dug in the earth signifies becoming in volved in the world to bury the gift we have received from the Lord.

2 “把他主人的银子埋藏了”,表征将主的恩赐弃之不用,以属地的借口为掩饰,任其荒废;任何不运用主恩赐的借口,都是把恩赐埋藏起来。

2. Hid his master's money signifies rendering the Lord's gift useless, letting it lie waste under the cloak of certain earthly excuses; to make any excuse for not using the Lord's gift is to hide the gift.

五 主人对那又恶又懒的奴仆说,当把主人的银子放给兑换银钱的人(银行业者),到主人来的时候,可以连本带利收回─27节:

E. The master says to the evil and slothful slave that he should have deposited the master's money with the money changers (the bankers), and when he came, he would have recovered what was his with interest—v. 27:

1 在某种意义上,我们可以说,兑换银钱的人(银行业者)就是所有的新人、年幼者以及退后者;使用我们的银子最好的路就是照顾别人,对别人有兴趣并关心他们,为要将基督分赐到他们里面。

1. In a sense, we may say that the money changers (the bankers) are all the new ones, young ones, and backsliding ones; the best way for us to use our talent is to take care of others, to become interested in others and concerned for them in order to dispense Christ into them.

2 我们花时间和主同在,向祂敞开,问祂该照顾哪些人时,祂就会给我们负担;我们接触别人,与他们交通时,与主是一,以祂的同在顾惜他们,并以祂的丰富喂养他们,我们自然就使用我们的银子。

2. As we spend time with the Lord and open to Him regarding whom we should take care of, He will burden us; as we contact and have fellowship with others by being one with the Lord in cherishing them with His presence and nourishing them with His riches, we will spontaneously use our talent.

3 这样,当主来的时候,祂就可以连本带利收回我们使用主的恩赐,为主工作所获得的有利结果。

3. Then when the Lord comes, He will recover what was His with interest as the profitable result that we gain for the Lord's work by using His gift.

六 当主回来时,祂要和我们算账;这表征主在空中(祂的巴路西亚里)审判台前的审判(林后五10,罗十四10);在那里,信徒的生活、行为、工作都要受到审判,或得赏赐,或受惩罚(林前四5,太十六27,二五19,林前三13~15)。─引用经文

F. When the Lord comes back, He will settle accounts with us; this signifies the Lord's judging at His judgment seat (2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10) in the air (within His parousia) where the believers' living, conduct, and work will be judged for reward or punishment (1 Cor. 4:5; Matt. 16:27; 25:19; 1 Cor. 3:13-15).

七 主的赏赐与我们工作的大小和分量无关,但与我们是否忠信地完全使用祂的恩赐有关;基督自己要作我们生命的冠冕、公义的冠冕以及荣耀的冠冕,成为我们的奖赏,在要来的国度里给我们享受─太二五23,启二10,雅一12,提后四8,彼前五4。

G. The Lord's reward is not related to the size and quantity of our work but to our faithfulness in using His gift to the fullest extent; Christ Himself will be our crown of life, crown of righteousness, and crown of glory as a reward to us for our enjoyment in the coming kingdom—Matt. 25:23; Rev. 2:10; James 1:12; 2 Tim. 4:8; 1 Pet. 5:4.

八 在要来的国度里,主的恩赐要从懒惰的信徒夺去,并且他们要被扔在外面黑暗里;但忠信信徒的恩赐要增加,并且他们要进到他们主人的快乐里(太二五21、23);有分于主的快乐,乃是国度里最大的赏赐,比国度里的荣耀和地位更好─21、30节。

H. In the coming kingdom the Lord's gift will be taken away from the slothful believers, and they will be cast into outer darkness, but the faithful believers' gift will be increased, and they will enter into the joy of their master (Matt. 25:21, 23); to participate in the Lord's joy is the greatest reward, better than glory and position, in the kingdom—vv. 21, 30.
