
第一篇 认识真理,对真理绝对,维持真理的绝对,并在现今邪恶的世代给真理作见证

Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth and for Upholding the Absoluteness of the Truth, and Testifying to the Truth in the Present Age of the World



壹 主的恢复乃是恢复神话语中所启示的神圣真理─提后三16:

I. The Lord's recovery is the recovery of the divine truths as revealed in the Word of God—2 Tim. 3:16:

一 真理乃是三一神连同祂的话─约一1、14~17,十四6、16~17,十五26,十六13,十七17,十八37下。

A. Truth is the Triune God with His word—John 1:1, 14-17; 14:6, 16-17; 15:26; 16:13; 17:17; 18:37b.

二 神话语中的许多真理,已经被遗失、误会并错误的应用,因此需要有主的恢复─提后二15。

B. Many truths in the Word have been lost, misunderstood, and wrongly applied; thus, there is the need of the Lord's recovery—2 Tim. 2:15.

三 主的恢复有最高的真理,就是在已过历世纪中所恢复一切真理的终极完成─2、15节。

C. The recovery has the highest truth—the truth that is the consummation of the truths recovered during the past centuries—vv. 2, 15.

贰 在约翰的著作中,真理这辞的原文(aletheia,阿利提亚)指神圣经纶的一切实际,作神圣启示的内容,由神的话传输并揭示─约十七17,十八37下:

II. In John's writings the Greek word for truth (aletheia) denotes all the realities of the divine economy as the content of the divine revelation, conveyed and disclosed by the holy Word—John 17:17; 18:37b:

一 真理乃是神,是光也是爱,成为肉体,作神圣事物的实际,给我们得着─一1、4、14~17。

A. Truth is God, who is light and love, incarnated to be the reality of the divine things for our possession—1:1, 4, 14-17.

二 真理乃是基督,就是成为肉体的神,神格一切的丰满都有形有体地居住在祂里面,好成为神与人的实际,旧约一切预表、表号、影儿的实际,和一切神圣、属灵事物的实际─西二9、16~17,约四23~24。

B. Truth is Christ, who is God incarnated and in whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily, as the reality of God and man, of all the types, figures, and shadows of the Old Testament, and of all the divine and spiritual things—Col. 2:9, 16-17; John 4:23-24.

三 真理乃是那灵,就是变化形像的基督,是基督的实际,也是神圣启示的实际─十四16~17,十五26,十六13~15。

C. Truth is the Spirit, who is Christ transfigured, as the reality of Christ and of the divine revelation—14:16-17; 15:26; 16:13-15.

四 真理乃是神的话,作神圣的启示,启示并传输神与基督的实际,以及一切神圣、属灵事物的实际─十七17。

D. Truth is the Word of God as the divine revelation, which reveals and conveys the reality of God and Christ and of all the divine and spiritual things—17:17.

五 真理乃是信仰(相信)的内容,即我们所信之事的具体元素,成了完满福音的实际─弗一13。

E. Truth is the contents of the faith (belief), which are the substantial elements of what we believe, as the reality of the full gospel—Eph. 1:13.

六 真理乃是关于神、宇宙、人、人与神的关系,以及人与人彼此的关系、人对神的责任等的实际,这些都是借着受造之物和圣经所启示的─罗一18~20,二2、8、20。

F. Truth is the reality concerning God, the universe, man, man's relationship with God and with his fellow man, and man's obligation to God, as revealed through creation and the Scriptures—Rom. 1:18-20; 2:2, 8, 20.

七 真理乃是真实、可信、真诚、诚实、可靠、信实;就着神说,是神圣的美德,就着人说,是人性的美德,并且是神圣流出─三7,十五8,林后十一10,约壹三18。

G. Truth is the genuineness, truthfulness, sincerity, honesty, trustworthiness, and faithfulness of God as a divine virtue and of man as a human virtue, and as an issue of the divine reality—3:7; 15:8; 2 Cor. 11:10; 1 John 3:18.

八 真理指实在或真实的事物、事情(事实)的真相或实情、实际、真确;与虚假、欺骗、伪装、伪善、错谬相对─可十二32,约十六7,罗一25。

H. Truth denotes things that are true or real, the true or real state of affairs (facts), reality, veracity, as the opposite of falsehood, deception, dissimulation, hypocrisy, and error—Mark 12:32; John 16:7; Rom. 1:25.

叁 神圣的真理是绝对的,我们必须对真理绝对,并维持神圣真理的绝对─约叁3~4、8:

III. The divine truth is absolute, and we must be absolute for the truth and for upholding the absoluteness of the divine truth—3 John 3-4, 8:

一 对真理绝对,就是不顾情感,就是不讲关系,就是不为着个人─太十六24~25,彼前一22:

A. To be absolute to the truth means to set aside feelings, to ignore personal relation-ships, and to not stand for the self—Matt. 16:24-25; 1 Pet. 1:22:

1 真理是唯一的标准,我们必须站在真理一边反对自己;唯有当我们从自己里面得蒙拯救,才有可能维持真理的绝对─约八32,约贰2,约叁3~4。

1. The truth is the unique standard, and we must stand on the side of the truth to oppose ourselves; upholding the absoluteness of the truth is possible only when we are delivered from ourselves—John 8:32; 2 John 2; 3 John 3-4.

2 真理对我们若不是绝对的事,我们就是不认识神,也不认识神的话─帖后二10,约壹五20。

2. If the truth is not something absolute for us, we do not know God, and we do not know God's word—2 Thes. 2:10; 1 John 5:20.

3 我们对真理若不绝对,就会为我们自己或自己的愿望,牺牲神的真理─箴二三23。

3. If we are not absolute for the truth, we will sacrifice God's truth for our-selves or our own desires—Prov. 23:23.

4 我们需要尊重神的真理,走真理的路,一点不委屈真理─彼后二2。

4. We should honor God's truth, take the way of the truth, and not compromise the truth in any way—2 Pet. 2:2.

二 我们应当对客观的真理和主观的真理绝对─约八32,十四6:

B. We should be absolute for both the objective truths and subjective truths— John 8:32; 14:6:

1 圣经中的真理有客观的一面和主观的一面;客观的一面是为着主观的一面─罗八34、10,西三1,一27。

1. The truths in the Bible have both an objective aspect and a subjective aspect; the objective aspect is for the subjective aspect—Rom. 8:34, 10; Col. 3:1; 1:27.

2 客观的道理是为着主观的真理,主观的真理是为着产生召会─约贰1~2、4,约叁3~4、7~9上。

2. The objective doctrines are for the subjective truths, and the subjective truths are for the producing of the church—2 John 1-2, 4; 3 John 3-4, 7-9a.

3 主渴望恢复圣经中的主观真理,特别是关于三一神和召会之真理的主观一面─约一14,十四16~20,提前六15~16,提后四22,三15~16。

3. The Lord desires to recover the subjective truths in the Holy Scriptures, especially the subjective aspect of the truth concerning the Triune God and the church—John 1:14; 14:16-20; 1 Tim. 6:15-16; 2 Tim. 4:22; 3:15-16.

4 许多重要的主观真理埋没了,但在主的恢复里,这些真理又复活过来,成为得恢复、得复活的真理─约十七17,十八37下。

4. Many crucial subjective truths have been buried, but in the Lord's recovery these truths have been resurrected to become recovered, resurrected truths— John 17:17; 18:37b.

肆 当我们在“这世界的世代”中,给真理作见证,我们是与得胜的基督是一,争战敌挡魔鬼撒但,说谎者的父,“这世界的王”,“这世代的神”,他“弄瞎了……不信者的心思”─弗二2,约八44,十二31,林后四4:

IV. When we testify to the truth in "the age of this world," we are one with the victorious Christ in fighting against Satan, the devil, the father of lies, "the ruler of this world," "the god of this age" who "has blinded the thoughts of the unbelievers"—Eph. 2:2; John 8:44; 12:31; 2 Cor. 4:4:

一 魔鬼的本性是虚谎,并且带来死亡和黑暗;有黑暗就有虚谎,虚谎与真理相对─约八44:

A. The devil's nature is a lie and brings in death and darkness; with darkness is falsehood, the opposite of truth—John 8:44:

1 魔鬼“不站在真理中,因为在他里面没有真理”─44节。

1. The devil "does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him"— v. 44.

2 撒但的黑暗与神圣的光相对,撒但的谎话与神圣的真理相对─约壹一6。

2. The satanic darkness is versus the divine light, and the satanic lie is versus the divine truth—1 John 1:6.

3 神圣的真理是神圣之光的彰显;照样,撒但的谎话乃是撒但黑暗的彰显─约八12、44。

3. As the divine truth is the expression of the divine light, so the satanic lie is the expression of the satanic darkness—John 8:12, 44.

二 “这世代的神”乃是那迷惑者撒但,现今世代的管辖者;他统治着今天的世界,弄瞎不信者的思想和心思,猎取人的敬拜─林后四4:

B. "The god of this age" is Satan, the deceiver, the ruler of this present age; he dominates today's world and hunts for man's worship by blinding the thoughts, the minds, of the unbelievers—2 Cor. 4:4:

1 林后四章四节的“弄瞎”,意思是蒙蔽人的悟性。

1. Blinded in 2 Corinthians 4:4 means to veil a person's understanding.

2 这节的“心思〔直译,思想〕”,意指心思的悟性。

2. Thoughts in this verse denotes the understanding of the mind.

三 “整个世界都卧在那恶者里面”─约壹五19下:

C. "The whole world lies in the evil one"—1 John 5:19b:

1 整个撒但的世界系统,和世界上的人,就是堕落的人类,被动地卧在那恶者撒但霸占并操纵的手下。

1. The entire satanic world system and the people of the world, the fallen human race, are lying passively under the usurping and manipulating hand of Satan, the evil one.

2 在原文里“那恶者”乃是指致命、有害的邪恶,影响别人成为邪恶的;这样的恶者,就是整个世界都卧在他里面的魔鬼撒但─19节下。

2. In Greek the evil one refers to one who is pernicious, harmfully evil, one who influences others to be evil; this evil one is Satan, the devil, in whom the whole world lies—v. 19b.

3 当主的肉体被钉十字架,而把世界的王撒但赶出去,这邪恶的体系,黑暗的国度,也就受了审判─约十二31,十四30,十六11。

3. This evil system, the kingdom of darkness, was judged when its ruler, Satan, was cast out by the Lord's crucifixion in the flesh—John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11.

四 以弗所二章二节里的“这世界”,指由许多世代所组成的撒但系统:─引用经文

D. This world in Ephesians 2:2 refers to the satanic system, which is composed of many ages:

1 一个世代是指世界这撒但系统的一部分。

1. An age is a part of the world, the satanic system.

2 以弗所二章二节的“世代”是指撒但系统现今时髦的表现,为撒但所利用,篡夺并霸占人,使人远离神和神的定旨。─引用经文

2. The age in Ephesians 2:2 refers to the present and modern appearance of the system of Satan, which is used by him to usurp and occupy people and keep them away from God and His purpose.

3 加拉太一章四节的“现今这邪恶的世代”,是指宗教世界,世界的宗教系。─引用经文

3. The present evil age in Galatians 1:4 refers to the religious world, the religious course of the world.

五 我们若要在现今的世代中给真理作见证,就必须顺从保罗在罗马十二章二节的嘱咐:“不要模仿这世代,反要借着心思的更新而变化”:─引用经文

E. If we want to testify to the truth in the present age, we must obey Paul's command in Romans 12:2: "Do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind":

1 模仿这世代,就是采取既非从我们重生之神儿女里面而出,也非我们内里之人代表的外在彰显─约一12~13。

1. To be fashioned, conformed, is to assume an outward expression that does not come from within us nor is representative of our inner being as a regenerated child of God—John 1:12-13.

2 我们不要被这世代同化,使我们这些从世界被圣别归神的人,又变成和这世代同形状。

2. We should not be assimilated by the world to the extent that we who have been separated from the world unto God have the same image as this age.

3 我们需要在心思的灵里得以更新,让调和的灵扩展到我们的心思,而成了心思的灵,使我们的心思、情感和意志,因着有新的元素作到我们这人里面,而得以更新─弗四23,林前六17,罗十二2。

3. We need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind, allowing the mingled spirit to spread into our mind, thus becoming the spirit of the mind and causing our mind, emotion, and will to be renewed by a new element being wrought into our inner being—Eph. 4:23; 1 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 12:2.

六 “所以要站住,用真理束你们的腰”;用真理束腰是要加强我们全人─弗六14上。

F. "Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth"; being girded with the truth is for the strengthening of our entire being—Eph. 6:14a.

七 我们能给神圣的真理作见证,因为我们借着与那位真实的成为一,而认识真理─约壹五20:

G. We can testify to the divine truth because we know the truth by being in the true One—1 John 5:20:

1 神的儿子主耶稣已经来到,且将悟性赐给我们,使我们可以认识那位真正、实际的神─约一14、18,约壹五20。

1. The Lord Jesus, the Son of God, has come and has given us an under-standing that we might know the genuine and real God—John 1:14, 18; 1 John 5:20.

2 约壹五章二十节两次说到“那位真实的”,那真实者,那真实:─引用经文

2. First John 5:20 twice speaks of "Him who is true," the true One, the True:

a “那位真实的(那真实者)”这辞是指神对我们成了主观的,指客观的神在我们的生活和经历中成了那真实者。

a. The term the true One refers to God becoming subjective to us, to the God who is objective becoming the true One in our life and experience.

b 那真实者就是神圣的实际;认识那真实者,意即借着经历、享受并拥有这实际,而认识这神圣的实际。

b. The true One is the divine reality; to know the true One means to know the divine reality by experiencing, enjoying, and possessing this reality.

c 这节指明神圣的实际,就是神自己,已经在经历中成为我们的实际;那曾经对我们是客观的神,已经成为我们主观的实际─6节。

c. Verse 20 indicates that the divine reality, which is God Himself, has become our reality in our experience; the God who was once objective to us has become our subjective reality—v. 6.

八 因着我们认识那真实者和真理的灵(20,四6),又因为基督这真理活在我们里面,并且三一神在我们里面运行,把我们作成神人,就是基督这第一个神人的复制,我们就能给真理作见证,正如主自己所作的,祂说,“我为此而生,也为此来到世间,为要给真理作见证;凡属真理的人,就听我的声音。”(约十八37下)─引用经文

H. Because we know the true One and the Spirit of truth (v. 20; 4:6) and because Christ, the truth, is living in us and the Triune God is operating in us to make us God-men—the reproduction of Christ, the first God-man—we can testify to the truth as the Lord Himself did when He said, "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I would testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice" (John 18:37b).
