
第二篇 借真理得以圣别,从我们自己里面迁出来,进入三一神里面而真正成为一

Being Sanctified by the Truth to Move out of Ourselves and into the Triune God for the Genuine Oneness



壹 真理乃是神圣的光,照亮圣经的事实,将这些事实属天、属灵的异象传送到我们里面;在新约里,真理是指着这种“属天的电视”:

I. Truth is the divine light shining on the facts of the Bible and televising a heavenly, spiritual vision of these facts into our being; in the New Testament, truth denotes this kind of "heavenly television":

一 所有神圣的事实都包含在主的话里,并借着主的话传达给我们;当那灵照亮话时,我们就有了属天的电视;光照亮话中的事实,并将这些事实的属天异象传达到我们里面,我们就认识真理─徒二六16、19,弗一17~18上。

A. All the divine facts are contained in the Word and conveyed to us through the Word; when the Spirit shines upon the Word, we have the heavenly television; the light shines upon the facts in the Word and conveys a heavenly vision of these facts into our being, and we know the truth—Acts 26:16, 19; Eph. 1:17-18a.

二 那灵被称为真理的灵,实际的灵(约十四17);实际的灵乃是“属天的电”,借此属灵的事物得以传送到我们里面;祂引导我们“进入一切的实际”(十六13),使子所是并所有的一切对我们成为实际的(一14、17,十四6)。─引用经文

B. The Spirit is called the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of reality (John 14:17); the Spirit of reality is the "heavenly electricity" by which spiritual things are televised into our being; He guides us "into all the reality" (16:13), making all that the Son is and has real to us (1:14, 17; 14:6).

三 当真理的灵,实际的灵,照亮圣经中所记载并包含的属灵事实时,我们就接受了真理,实际;我们若读主的话而没有那灵的光照,就可能只有道理或“新闻报导”,却没有真理、实际或异象─参伯四二5,约五39~40,林后三6。

C. When the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of reality, shines upon the spiritual facts recorded and contained in the Bible, we receive the truth, reality; if we read the Word without the shining of the Spirit, we may have doctrine or "news reports" but not the truth, the reality, or the vision—cf. Job 42:5; John 5:39-40; 2 Cor. 3:6.

四 真理是光的照耀,光的显出;换句话说,真理乃是显出来的光;因着光是真理的源头,而真理是光的流出,所以当我们在光中行,我们就实行真理─约一4~5、7~9、12~13,八12,十四6,约壹一5~6,约贰4,约叁3~4。

D. Truth is the shining of the light, the expression of the light; in other words, truth is light expressed; because light is the source of truth, and truth is the issue of light, when we walk in the light, we are practicing the truth—John 1:4-5, 7-9, 12-13; 8:12; 14:6; 1 John 1:5-6; 2 John 4; 3 John 3-4.

五 主是光,是真理,也是话;话就是真理,这话会发出亮光,因为话里有光─约八12,十四6,十七17,诗一一九105、130。

E. The Lord is the light, the truth, and the Word; the Word, which is also the truth, gives light, for in the Word there is light—John 8:12; 14:6; 17:17; Psa. 119:105, 130.

六 因着真理是光的照耀,而这光是生命的光,所以真理、光和生命是不能分开的;当神圣的光照耀在我们里面,这光在我们里面就成为真理,并将生命分赐到我们里面─约八12、32、40,十二35~36、46,十四6。

F. Because the truth is the shining of the light—which is the light of life—truth, light, and life are inseparable; when the divine light shines into us, it becomes the truth in us, and it imparts life into our being—John 8:12, 32, 40; 12:35-36, 46; 14:6.

贰 真理有两种功用:

II. There are two functions of the truth:

一 真理叫我们从罪的辖制中得以自由,使我们从一切消极的事物中得以自由─八32、36。

A. The truth sets us free from the bondage of sin, freeing us from all the negative things—8:32, 36.

二 真理在地位上和性情上圣别我们,使我们被神的元素所浸透─十七17,弗五26。

B. The truth sanctifies us positionally and dispositionally, saturating us with the element of God—17:17; Eph. 5:26.

叁 三一神在祂的话中被我们实化,并且分赐、注入到我们里面,就是那叫我们得以自由并圣别我们的真理:

III. The Triune God in His word realized by us and being imparted and infused into our being is the truth that sets us free and sanctifies us:

一 当我们灰心、下沉,里面感觉虚空时,我们可以敞开自己来到主的话跟前;读了一些时候,有些东西会在我们里面升起,我们就享受了主的同在─诗一一九25、37、40、50、88、93、107、149、154、156、159。

A. When we are disappointed or depressed, feeling empty within, we can open ourselves and come to the Word; after reading for a while, something within us rises up, and we enjoy the presence of the Lord—Psa. 119:25, 37, 40, 50, 88, 93, 107, 149, 154, 156, 159.

二 借着这样接受主的话,就有一些出于主的东西作到我们里面;这乃是三一神的实际在生活、运行、工作,并分别我们。

B. By taking the Word in this way, something of the Lord is wrought into us; this is the reality of the Triune God living, moving, working, and separating us.

三 每天早晨我们可以在写成的话里接触活的话,而得着神圣的实际,就是经过过程的三一神作为应用的话,注入我们里面─约一1,十35,五39~40,六63,弗五26,六17~18,诗一一九15:

C. Every morning we can touch the living Word in the written Word and have the divine reality, the processed Triune God, as the applied word, infused into our being—John 1:1; 10:35; 5:39-40; 6:63; Eph. 5:26; 6:17-18; Psa. 119:15:

1 神的元素这样灌注到我们里面,释放我们脱离脾气、嫉妒、仇恨和骄傲等消极的事物,并释放我们脱离一切的虚假,我们就有真正的释放,真正的自由。

1. This transfusion of the element of God into our being frees us from such negative things as temper, jealousy, hatred, and pride; it sets us free from every kind of falsehood, and we have real liberation, real freedom.

2 我们被释放的同时,也被圣别、分别,成为圣别归给神,这不仅是地位上的圣别,也是性情上的圣别;因着神的素质作到我们里面,我们就与神成为一。

2. As we are being set free, we are also sanctified, separated, made holy to God, not only positionally but also dispositionally; we become one with God because His very essence is wrought into us.

四 我们天天需要这样来到主的话跟前;我们每天早晨都需要来到主的话跟前;若是可能,其他的时间也该如此。

D. Daily we need to come to the Word in this way; we need to come to the Word every morning and, if possible, at other times as well.

五 当话在我们的灵里与活的灵调和时,我们就被神的素质圣别了。

E. When the word is mingled with the living Spirit in our spirit, we are sanctified with the essence of God.

六 借着这样接触主的话,神就一天天加添到我们里面;结果,我们就被神浸透,与祂成为一。

F. By contacting the Word in this way, God is added into us day by day; as a result, we are permeated with God and made one with Him.

七 我们极其需要借着神写成的话、活的话与应用的话,让三一活神注入并作到我们里面。

G. Our crucial need is to have the living Triune God infused and wrought into us through the written Word, the living Word, and the applied word of God.

肆 真理的话所带来的圣别,对付分裂的因素,结果就产生一;真理圣别人,而圣别产生一─约十七14~24:

IV. Sanctification through the word of the truth results in oneness by dealing with the factors of division; truth sanctifies, and sanctification issues in oneness—John 17:14-24:

一 主耶稣,就是子,乃是真理;那灵是真理的灵;父的话也是真理─一14、17,十四6、17,十七17,约壹五6:

A. The Lord Jesus, the Son, is the truth; the Spirit is the Spirit of truth; and the Father's word is the truth—1:14, 17; 14:6, 17; 17:17; 1 John 5:6:

1 父具体化身在子里,子实化为真理的灵,而那灵与话乃是一─西二9,约十四17,十六13,弗六17~18。

1. The Father is embodied in the Son, the Son is realized as the Spirit of truth, and the Spirit is one with the Word—Col. 2:9; John 14:17; 16:13; Eph. 6:17-18.

2 每当我们带着敞开的心和敞开的灵来到主的话跟前,就立刻摸着了作为真理的话和那灵。

2. Whenever we come to the Word with an open heart and an open spirit, we immediately touch both the Word and the Spirit as the truth.

二 圣别人的话、圣别人的灵、圣别人的生命以及圣别人的神全都是一;因此,我们若被圣别,因着所有分裂的因素全被除掉,我们就自然而然是一了。

B. The sanctifying word, the sanctifying Spirit, the sanctifying life, and the sanctifying God are all one; therefore, if we are being sanctified, we are one spontaneously because all the factors of division are taken away.

三 在约翰十七章十七至二十三节,我们看见圣别产生真正的一,因为这圣别保守我们在三一神里面;二十一节说,“使他们都成为一;正如你父在我里面,我在你里面,使他们也在我们里面”:─引用经文

C. In John 17:17-23 we see that sanctification issues in the genuine oneness because this sanctification keeps us in the Triune God; verse 21 says, "That they all may be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us":

1 为着要成为一,我们需要在二十一节的“我们”里面,就是在三一神里面。

1. In order to be one, we need to be in the "Us," that is, in the Triune God.

2 要在三一神里面,唯一的路是借着圣别人的真理,对付所有分裂的因素。

2. The only way to be in the Triune God is by the sanctifying truth that deals with all the factors of division.

3 借着蒙保守在三一神里面,我们就成为一,但是何时我们从三一神里面出来,立刻就产生分裂。

3. By being kept in the Triune God, we are one, but whenever we are out of the Triune God, we are divided immediately.

4 每天早晨我们需要接触主,摸着活的话,并且得着神圣的实际注入我们里面;当我们这样接触主时,分裂的因素就被克服了。

4. We need to contact the Lord every morning, touch the living Word, and have the divine reality infused into our being; as we contact the Lord in this way, the factors of division are overcome.

5 当我们里面分裂的因素为圣别人的真理所治死,我们就被带进真正的一里,因为圣别保守我们在三一神里面。

5. When the factors of division in us are put to death by the sanctifying truth, we are brought into the genuine oneness, for sanctification keeps us in the Triune God.

6 借真理的话而得圣别,就产生基督身体的一,就是三一神扩大的一─21节。

6. Sanctification through the word of the truth results in the oneness of the Body of Christ, which is the enlarged oneness of the Triune God—v. 21.

伍 分裂的因素有四:

V. There are four factors of division:

一 这些因素中的头一个就是世界;只要我们在某方面还是爱世界,那方面的世界就要成为分裂的原因─14~16、18节,约壹二15~17,五19。

A. The first of these factors is worldliness; as long as we love the world in a certain aspect, that aspect of worldliness becomes a cause of division—vv. 14-16, 18; 1 John 2:15-17; 5:19.

二 分裂的另一个因由是野心;当我们借着话接触主,并让祂将祂自己注入我们里面时,真理就分赐到我们里面,杀死我们的野心─参赛十四13。

B. Another cause of division is ambition; when we contact the Lord through the Word and allow Him to infuse Himself into us, the truth thus imparted into our being kills our ambition— cf. Isa. 14:13.

三 分裂的第三个因由是自高;我们应当愿意一无所是而高举基督这独一的重要人物,祂是在宇宙中居首位者─西一18,林后四5,约叁9~11。

C. A third cause of division is self-exaltation; we should be willing to be nobody and to exalt Christ as the only Somebody, the One who has the universal preeminence—Col. 1:18; 2 Cor. 4:5; 3 John 9-11.

四 分裂的第四个因素是意见和观念;我们不该坚持自己的意见,而该单纯地追求主的目标,就是恢复基督作生命和一切,为着召会的建造─太十六21~24,参启三14。

D. The fourth factor of division is opinions and concepts; we should not hold on to our opinion but simply pursue the Lord's goal: the recovery of Christ as life and as everything for the building up of the church—Matt. 16:21-24; cf. Rev. 3:14.

陆 当我们从自己里面迁出来,进入三一神里面时,我们就是一,甚至被成全成为一─约十七11、17、21~23:

VI. When we move out of ourselves and into the Triune God, we are one and are even perfected into one—John 17:11, 17, 21-23:

一 在我们自己里面有四个分裂的因素;我们若留在自己里面,就无法逃避这四件东西。

A. In ourselves we have the four factors of division; we cannot escape from these four things if we stay in the self.

二 被圣别就是从我们自己里面迁出来,进入三一神里面,并让基督活在我们里面;这样我们就被成全成为一─21~23节。

B. To be sanctified is to move out of ourselves and into the Triune God and to allow Christ to live in us; in this way we are perfected into one—vv. 21-23.

三 这圣别是借着话,就是借着真理;也是借着灵,就是借着真理的灵:

C. This sanctification takes place by the word, which is the truth, and by the Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth:

1 当我们每天早晨来到主的话跟前,在外面我们是接触话,但在里面是灵摸着我们;话和灵都是实际,借着这二者,我们就得以圣别。

1. As we come to the Word every morning, outwardly we touch the Word, but inwardly the Spirit touches us; by the word and by the Spirit, both of which are the reality, we are sanctified.

2 我们越接触话,灵越摸着我们,我们就越从自己里面迁出来;我们就从一个住处─己─迁移到另一个住处─三一神。

2. The more we touch the Word and the more the Spirit touches us, the more we move out of ourselves; we move from one dwelling place, the self, to another dwelling place, the Triune God.

3 我们天天需要这种迁移,因为在己里面有世界、野心、自高、意见和观念。

3. Every day we need to make this move, for in the self there are worldliness, ambition, self-exaltation, and opinions and concepts.

4 我们若是不断接触话,并让灵天天摸着我们,我们就要被圣别;那就是说,我们要从自己里面,从我们的老家搬出来,搬进三一神,搬进我们的新居去。

4. If we continually touch the Word and allow the Spirit to touch us day by day, we will be sanctified; that is, we will move out of ourselves, our old lodging place, and into the Triune God, our new lodging place.

5 一旦我们从自己里面出来,我们就被圣别,从分裂的因素中分别出来,不仅分别归神,更是进入神里面。

5. Once we are out of ourselves, we are sanctified, separated from the factors of division and separated not only unto God but also into God.

6 要有真正的一,首先,我们必须从自己里面迁出来,进入三一神里面(17、21);然后,我们需要让基督活在我们里面(23上):─引用经文

6. To have the genuine oneness, we must first move out of ourselves and into the Triune God (vv. 17, 21); then we must allow Christ to live in us (v. 23a):

a 这个被成全的一就是真实的建造;这是在生命里的长大─弗四16。

a. This perfected oneness is the real building; it is the growth in life—Eph. 4:16.

b 在生命里长大,意思就是我们从自己里面迁出来,进入三一神里面,并让基督活在我们里面;我们若迁入三一神里面,并让基督活在我们里面,我们无论在哪里,都能与当地的圣徒是一。

b. To grow in life means that we move out of ourselves and into the Triune God and allow Christ to live in us; if we move into the Triune God and allow Christ to live in us, we can be one with the saints in any locality.

四 “我在他们里面,你在我里面,使他们被成全成为一”─约十七23:

D. "I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected into one"—John 17:23:

1 被成全成为一,意思就是从世界、野心、自高、意见和观念中蒙拯救。

1. To be perfected into one means to be rescued from worldliness, ambition, self-exaltation, and opinions and concepts.

2 “我在他们里面”─意思是子在我们里面生活并运行。

2. "I in them"—this means that the Son is living and moving in us.

3 “你在我里面”─意思是父在子里面生活并运行。

3. "You in Me"—this means that the Father is living and moving in the Son.

4 换句话说,当子在我们里面生活并运行时,父就在祂里面生活并运行;借着这双重的生活并运行,我们就被成全成为一,并且在荣耀中彰显父。

4. In other words, while the Son lives and moves in us, the Father lives and moves in Him; by this twofold living and moving, we are perfected into one, and we express the Father in glory.

五 野心含示在约翰十七章二十一节,自高在二十二节,而观念和意见在二十三节:─引用经文

E. Ambition is implied in John 17:21; self-exaltation, in verse 22; and concepts and opinions, in verse 23:

1 在三一神里没有野心,在父的荣耀里没有自高,在基督生活并掌权的地方没有意见。

1. In the Triune God there is no ambition, in the glory of the Father there is no self-exaltation, and in the place where Christ lives and reigns there are no opinions.

2 在经过过程之三一神这神圣奥秘的范围里,野心被吞灭,自高消失,观念和意见也都消杀了;这里没有撒但系统化世界(15)中分裂的邪恶,却有真正的一。─引用经文

2. In the divine and mystical realm of the processed Triune God, ambition is swallowed up, self-exaltation disappears, and concepts and opinions are killed; here there is no evil of division in the Satan-systematized world (v. 15); instead, there is genuine oneness.

六 真正的一乃是活在父里面,让基督活在我们里面,并活在父的荣耀、父的彰显里─22、24节:

F. Genuine oneness is living in the Father, allowing Christ to live in us, and living in the Father's glory, His expression—vv. 22, 24:

1 我们需要从自己里面迁出,进入三一神里面,并且留在祂里面,为着父的彰显,父的荣耀。

1. We need to move out of ourselves and into the Triune God and remain in Him for the Father's expression, His glory.

2 只有在三一神里,才可能有真实的建造,真实的一,而且只有当基督活在我们里面时,这建造才能兴盛;如此我们就能在荣耀中彰显父,并经历真正的一。

2. The real building, the oneness, is possible only in the Triune God, and it is prevailing only when Christ lives in us; then we can express the Father in glory and experience the genuine oneness.
