
第四篇 恢复约翰福音中的主观真理

The Recovery of the Subjective Truths in the Gospel of John



壹 主渴望恢复圣经中的主观真理─约一14,十四16~20,提前三15~16上,提后四22,三15~16:

I. The Lord desires to recover the subjective truths in the Holy Scriptures—John 1:14; 14:16-20; 1 Tim. 3:15-16a; 2 Tim. 4:22; 3:15-16:

一 圣经中的真理都是两面的─客观的一面和主观的一面─罗八34、10,西三1,一27:

A. The truths in the Holy Scriptures are always of two aspects—the objective aspect and the subjective aspect—Rom. 8:34, 10; Col. 3:1; 1:27:

1 神的救恩有两面:上好的袍子所表征外面客观的一面,以及肥牛犊所表征里面主观的一面;基督作我们客观的义,是我们外面的救恩;基督作我们主观的生命给我们享受,是我们里面的救恩─路十五22~24,参罗五10。

1. God's salvation has two aspects: the outward, objective aspect, signified by the best robe, and the inward, subjective aspect, signified by the fattened calf; Christ as our objective righteousness is our salvation outwardly, whereas Christ as our subjective life for our enjoyment is our salvation inwardly—Luke 15:22-24; cf. Rom. 5:10.

2 一切客观的道理都是为着主观的经历;客观的基督是“上好的袍子”,就是那满足神的义,遮盖悔改的罪人(耶二三6,林前一30);而主观的基督是“肥牛犊”,就是丰富的基督(弗三8),在十字架上被杀,为在复活里作信徒的生命供应与享受(约十10,六63,十一25,十二24,四10、14,二十22)。─引用经文

2. All the objective doctrines are for the subjective experience; the objective Christ is "the best robe" of the God-satisfying righteousness to cover the penitent sinner (Jer. 23:6; 1 Cor. 1:30), whereas the subjective Christ is "the fattened calf" as the rich Christ (Eph. 3:8), killed on the cross for the believer's life supply and enjoyment in resurrection (John 10:10; 6:63; 11:25; 12:24; 4:10, 14; 20:22).

3 基督作我们客观的义,使我们能满足公义之神的要求,而基督作我们主观的义,使我们能满足得胜之基督的要求─诗四五13~14,腓三9,启十九7~9。

3. Christ as our objective righteousness enables us to meet the requirement of the righteous God, whereas Christ as our subjective righteousness enables us to meet the requirement of the overcoming Christ—Psa. 45:13-14; Phil. 3:9; Rev. 19:7-9.

4 称义乃是使人“得生命”,因为生命是神救恩的目标;我们与主并在主里主观生机地联结,乃是我们客观称义的结果─罗五10、17~18,十一17、24,约十五4~5,林前六17。

4. Justification is "of life" because life is the goal of God's salvation; our organic union of life with and in the Lord subjectively is an issue of our justification objectively—Rom. 5:10, 17-18; 11:17, 24; John 15:4-5; 1 Cor. 6:17.

二 主观的真理是联于那灵和生命,并且是用那灵和生命构成的─约六63,林后三6:

B. The subjective truths are linked to the Spirit and life and are constituted with the Spirit and life—John 6:63; 2 Cor. 3:6:

1 那灵和生命就是主观真理的本质;因此,我们若没有那灵和生命,就没有任何的主观真理。

1. The Spirit and life are the substance of the subjective truths; thus, without the Spirit and life we do not have any subjective truths.

2 当我们凭那灵和生命活着,我们就有主观真理的经历,这就产生召会生活─罗八2、4,十六1、4~5。

2. When we live by the Spirit and life, we have the experience of the subjective truths, and this issues in the church life—Rom. 8:2, 4; 16:1, 4-5.

贰 约翰福音─一卷讲主观真理的书─启示我们应当对基督有主观的经历─四14,六57,二十22:

II. The Gospel of John—a book on the subjective truths—reveals that we should have subjective experiences of Christ—4:14; 6:57; 20:22:

一 约翰福音是论到对基督作生命之主观经历的一卷书─一4,三15~16,十10,十一25,十四6上:

A. The Gospel of John is a book on the subjective experience of Christ as life—1:4; 3:15-16; 10:10; 11:25; 14:6a:

1 父是生命的源头,子是生命的具体化身,那灵是生命的赐与者─五26,一4,六63。

1. The Father is the source of life, the Son is the embodiment of life, and the Spirit is the Giver of life—5:26; 1:4; 6:63.

2 基督身体的建造与扩增乃是生命的长大与涌流─七37~38,十五1~8。

2. The building up and increase of the Body of Christ are the growth and overflow of life— 7:37-38; 15:1-8.

3 得胜者乃是基督这生命之青嫩草场的接受者、享受者与分赐者─一12~13、16,十9~10,二一15~17。

3. The overcomers are the receivers, enjoyers, and dispensers of Christ as the green pasture of life—1:12-13, 16; 10:9-10; 21:15-17.

4 父是源,作为生命的源头,子是泉,作为生命的涌出,那灵是河,作为生命的涌流;这涌流的三一神乃是“涌入永远的生命”,就是我们成为新耶路撒冷,作为永远生命的总和(有神作生命的荣耀,父作生命的光,子作生命树,那灵作生命河)─四14下,启二一9下~11、23,二二1~2、5。

4. The Father is the fountain as the source of life, the Son is the spring as the gushing up of life, the Spirit is the river as the flowing out of life, and this flowing Triune God is "into eternal life," which is our becoming the New Jerusalem as the totality of the eternal life (with God as the glory of life, the Father as the light of life, the Son as the tree of life, and the Spirit as the river of life)—4:14b; Rev. 21:9b-11, 23; 22:1-2, 5.

二 基督作为神永远的话,启示于约翰一章─1节:

B. Christ as the eternal Word of God is revealed in chapter 1 of John—v. 1:

1 基督作为神的话,借着祂的创造为神说话─3节。

1. Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His creation—v. 3.

2 基督作为神的话,借着成为肉体作神的帐幕,为神说话─14节。

2. Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His incarnation as the tabernacle of God—v. 14.

3 基督作为神的话,在为着救赎成为神的羔羊的事上,为神说话─29节。

3. Christ as the Word of God speaks for God in His becoming the Lamb of God for redemption—v. 29.

4 基督作为神的话,借着成为施膏的灵为神说话;祂成为施膏的灵,是为着新约在生机上使蒙神救赎的人变化成为石头,以建造神的家(伯特利)─32~42、51节,参创二八11~22。

4. Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the anointing Spirit for the transformation of God's redeemed people into stones for the building of God's house (Bethel) organically for the New Testament—vv. 32-42, 51; cf. Gen. 28:11-22.

三 话成为肉体,使神成为可接触、可摸着、可接受、可经历、可进入并可享受的,好使祂将自己作到我们里面─约一14,十四16~17。

C. The Word became flesh to make God contactable, touchable, receivable, experienceable, enter-able, and enjoyable so that He might work Himself into us—John 1:14; 14:16-17.

四 基督成了那灵作为气息,使我们可以呼吸祂;祂成了活水,使我们可以喝祂;祂成了生命的粮,使我们可以吃祂─四10、14,六32~33、35、51、54~57,七37~39,二十22。

D. Christ became the Spirit as the breath that we may breathe Him, the living water that we may drink Him, and the bread of life that we may eat Him—4:10, 14; 6:32-33, 35, 51, 54-57; 7:37-39; 20:22.

五 基督是真葡萄树,我们是祂的枝子─十五1~8:

E. Christ is the true vine, and we are His branches—15:1-8:

1 葡萄树的生命、本质和性质,就是枝子的生命、本质和性质─约壹五11~12,彼后一4。

1. The life, the substance, and the nature of the vine are the life, the substance, and the nature of the branches—1 John 5:11-12; 2 Pet. 1:4.

2 子是葡萄树,是神经纶的中心,也是父一切丰富的具体化身;父借着栽培子,将祂自己连同祂一切的丰富,都作到这葡萄树里面;至终,这葡萄树借着在基督里的信徒作为其枝子,团体地彰显父。

2. The Son as the vine is the center of God's economy and the embodiment of all the riches of the Father; the Father, by cultivating the Son, works Himself with all His riches into the vine, and eventually, the vine expresses the Father in a corporate way through the believers in Christ as its branches.

六 对基督主观的经历,实际上就是基督自己进到我们里面,作我们的生命和我们这人的构成成分─西三4、10~11。

F. The subjective experience of Christ is actually Christ Himself entering into us to be our life and the constituent of our being—Col. 3:4, 10-11.

叁 约翰福音启示关于召会的主观真理:

III. The Gospel of John reveals the subjective truths concerning the church:

一 我们把主接受到里面,结果使我们成为召会的构成分子─十二24,二十17,十五4~5,三29~30。

A. The issue of our receiving the Lord into us is that we become constituents of the church— 12:24; 20:17; 15:4-5; 3:29-30.

二 主的恢复乃是恢复对基督主观的经历,为着实行召会生活─加一15~16,二20,四19,一2:

B. The Lord's recovery is to recover the subjective experience of Christ for the practice of the church life—Gal. 1:15-16; 2:20; 4:19; 1:2:

1 我们对基督主观的经历所产生的召会,乃是基督构成到祂的信徒里面─弗三16~19。

1. The church, which is the issue of our subjective experience of Christ, is Christ constituted into His believers—Eph. 3:16-19.

2 死而复活的基督已经作到我们里面,以产生召会,就是祂的身体─西一27、18,二19,三15。

2. The Christ who died and resurrected has been wrought into us to produce the church, which is His Body—Col. 1:27, 18; 2:19; 3:15.

3 基督在祂自己里面乃是元首,基督构成到我们里面乃是身体─弗一22~23,三17,四15~16,西一18、27,三4,二19,三15。

3. Christ in Himself is the Head, and Christ constituted into us is the Body—Eph. 1:22-23; 3:17; 4:15-16; Col. 1:18, 27; 3:4; 2:19; 3:15.

三 约翰福音里虽然没有特别用到“召会”这字眼,对于召会的存在以及召会的构成分子这事实却有清楚的说明;有七种说法提及召会:

C. Although the word church is not specifically used in the Gospel of John, the fact of the existence of the church and the constituents of the church are clearly defined, and the church is referred to in seven ways:

1 召会是由许多子粒组成,这许多子粒乃是借着基督的死与复活所产生的许多信徒─十二23~24。

1. The church is composed of many grains, which are the many believers produced through Christ's death and resurrection—12:23-24.

2 召会是由主的许多弟兄组成的─二十17。

2. The church is composed of the Lord's many brothers—20:17.

3 召会是父的家─十四2、23。

3. The church is the Father's house—14:2, 23.

4 召会是子的葡萄树连同许多枝子─十五5、7。

4. The church is the Son's vine with many branches—15:5, 7.

5 召会是由终极完成的那灵所生之那灵的新孩子,新人─十六20~22。

5. The church is the Spirit's new child, the new man, born by the consummated Spirit— 16:20-22.

6 召会是新妇,有基督作新郎─三29~30。

6. The church is the bride with Christ as the Bridegroom—3:29-30.

7 召会是一个羊群,有基督作牧人─十14~16。

7. The church is the one flock with Christ as the Shepherd—10:14-16.

四 实际的召会生活乃是出于我们对于主观真理的经历;我们经历主观的真理时,召会自然就产生出来─罗八10~11,十二4~5,十六1、4~5,林前一9、30,十五45下,六17,一2,十二27。

D. The practical church life is an issue of our experience of the subjective truths; when we experience the subjective truths, the church is spontaneously produced—Rom. 8:10-11; 12:4-5; 16:1, 4-5; 1 Cor. 1:9, 30; 15:45b; 6:17; 1:2; 12:27.

五 我们主观地经历基督作生命,结果就是召会生活作为筵宴之家─约十二1~11:

E. The issue of our subjective experience of Christ as life is the church life as a house of feasting—John 12:1-11:

1 在召会生活中,我们都必须作召会的三角肢体─“马大─拉撒路─马利亚”。

1. In the church life we all must be a triangular member of the church—a "Martha-Lazarus-Mary."

2 在真实的召会生活中,有对主殷勤的服事,能看见主活的见证,并且有绝对的爱向主倾倒出来;这是主身体真正的彰显,这身体乃是盛装主并彰显主的器皿。

2. In the real church life the diligent service to the Lord is rendered, the living testimony of the Lord is seen, and the absolute love toward the Lord is poured out; this is the real expression of the Body of the Lord, which is a vessel to contain the Lord and express Him.
