
第八篇 荣耀超越的基督作神无上的宝贝之异象、经历与享受,为着真正的召会生活

The Vision, Experience, and Enjoyment of the Glorious and Excellent Christ as the Supreme Preciousness of God for the Genuine Church Life



壹 以赛亚在沮丧中看见在荣耀里之基督的异象─赛六1~8,参五20,二二1,代下二六1~5:

I. The vision of Christ in glory was seen by Isaiah in his depression—Isa. 6:1-8; cf. 5:20; 22:1; 2 Chron. 26:1-5:

一 以赛亚所在的时期乃是邪恶的时代,这可见于主警告的话─“祸哉,那些称恶为善,称善为恶,以暗为光,以光为暗,以苦为甜,以甜为苦的人!”─赛五20。

A. The evil time during Isaiah's days is seen by the Lord's warning word—"Woe to those who call evil good, / And good evil; / Who put darkness for light, / And light for darkness; / Who put bitter for sweet, / And sweet for bitter!"—Isa. 5:20.

二 尽管神所拣选、所爱的百姓背叛,满有罪孽和败坏,基督作为主、君王、和万军之耶和华,仍在荣耀里坐在高高的宝座上─六1~5,哀五19,启二二1。

B. In spite of the rebellion, iniquities, and corruptions of God's chosen and beloved people, Christ, as the Lord, the King, Jehovah of hosts, is still sitting on a high and lofty throne in glory—6:1-5; Lam. 5:19; Rev. 22:1.

三 以赛亚所见的一位乃是基督─赛六5下,约十二38~41:

C. The One who was seen by Isaiah was Christ—Isa. 6:5b; John 12:38-41:

1 约翰叙述基督在地上的生活工作时,说以赛亚“看见了祂的荣耀,就指着祂说”─41节。

1. John, in his account of Christ's living and working on earth, said that Isaiah "saw His glory and spoke concerning Him"—v. 41.

2 我们要看见登宝座之荣耀基督的异象,就需要注意以赛亚警告的话(赛六9~10),操练我们的灵祷告,求主开启我们里面的眼睛,柔软我们的心,使我们的心转向祂,好接受祂内里的医治,除去我们的瞎眼和疾病(约十二40,太十三14~17,徒二八25~27,启三18,四2,林后三16~18)。─引用经文

2. In order to see the vision of the glorious enthroned Christ, we need to take heed to Isaiah's warning word (Isa. 6:9-10) by exercising our spirit to pray that the Lord would open our inner eyes, soften our heart, and keep our heart turned to Him so that we may receive His inner healing of our blindness and sickness (John 12:40; Matt. 13:14-17; Acts 28:25-27; Rev. 3:18; 4:2; 2 Cor. 3:16-18).

四 基督的长袍,表征基督在祂美德上的荣美;这荣美主要是在祂的人性里,并借着祂的人性彰显出来;基督穿着长袍,指明祂是以人的形像向以赛亚显现;基督是登宝座的神人,有神圣的荣耀彰显在祂人性的美德里─赛六1,参结一26、22,徒二36,来二9上。

D. Christ's long robe signifies His splendor in His virtues, expressed mainly in and through His humanity; that Christ was wearing a long robe indicates that He appeared to Isaiah in the image of a man; Christ is the enthroned God-man with the divine glory expressed in His human virtues—Isa. 6:1; cf. Ezek. 1:26, 22; Acts 2:36; Heb. 2:9a.

五 以赛亚看见圣别里的基督,那圣别乃是基于祂的公义─赛六2~3:

E. Isaiah saw Christ in His holiness based on His righteousness—Isa. 6:2-3:

1 撒拉弗表征或代表那作三一神具体化身之基督的圣别;他们是为着基督的圣别站立在那里。

1. The seraphim signify or represent the holiness of Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God; they were standing there for Christ's holiness.

2 基督的圣别是基于祂的义;基督一直是公义的,所以祂是圣别的,与凡俗的人有分别─五16。

2. Christ's holiness is based on His righteousness; because Christ was always righteous, He was sanctified, separated, from the common people—5:16.

六 以赛亚看见这异象,结果就被了结、被结束了,领悟他是嘴唇不洁的人,又住在嘴唇不洁的民中─六5:

F. As a result of seeing this vision, Isaiah was terminated, finished, realizing that he was a man of unclean lips, dwelling in the midst of a people of unclean lips—6:5:

1 按新约的意义说,看见神等于得着神;得着神就是在神的元素、生命和性情上接受神,使我们被神构成─参创十三13~14,加三14,太五8。

1. In the New Testament sense, seeing God equals gaining God; to gain God is to receive God in His element, in His life, and in His nature so that we may be constituted with God—cf. Gen. 13:13-14; Gal. 3:14; Matt. 5:8.

2 看见神使我们变化,因为我们看见神时,就得着神,把祂的元素接受到我们里面,我们旧的元素也被排除了;这新陈代谢的过程就是变化─林后三15~四1,罗十二2,腓三8。

2. Seeing God transforms us, because in seeing God we gain God and receive His element into us, and our old element is discharged; this metabolic process is transformation—2 Cor. 3:15—4:1; Rom. 12:2; Phil. 3:8.

3 我们越看见神、认识神并爱神,就越厌恶自己,越否认自己─伯四二5~6,太十六24,路九23,十四26。

3. The more we see God, know God, and love God, the more we abhor ourselves and the more we deny ourselves— Job 42:5-6; Matt. 16:24; Luke 9:23; 14:26.

七 以赛亚看见自己是不洁的,之后就由一位撒拉弗,用来自坛上的红炭使他得了洁净;撒拉弗表征神的圣别:

G. After Isaiah realized that he was unclean, he was purged by one of the seraphim, signifying the holiness of God, with an ember from the altar:

1 撒拉弗应用这红炭,表征在十字架上所完成,并借着“那灵那圣的”在其审判、焚烧并圣别之大能里所应用之基督救赎的功效─赛六6~7,四4,参路十二49,启四5。

1. The application of this ember by the seraphim signifies the effectiveness of Christ's redemption accomplished on the cross and applied by "the Spirit the Holy" in His judging, burning, and sanctifying power—Isa. 6:6-7; 4:4; cf. Luke 12:49; Rev. 4:5.

2 看见神,结果乃是被神炼净并洁净;被神洁净,结果乃是受神差遣,要将祂所拣选的人带到一种活基督的光景里,使他们在祂的荣耀里彰显祂,被祂的圣别浸透,并活在祂的义里─赛六6~8,约壹一7~9,徒十三47,腓一21上。

2. Seeing God issues in being purged and cleansed by God, and being cleansed by God issues in being sent by God to bring His chosen people into a state of living Christ so that they might express Him in His glory, be saturated with His holiness, and live in His righteousness—Isa. 6:6-8; 1 John 1:7-9; Acts 13:47; Phil. 1:21a.

贰 超越的基督在祂无上的宝贵里向但以理显现为一个人,这异象供但以理珍赏,叫他得着安慰、鼓励和坚定─但十4~9:

II. The vision of the excellent Christ, who appeared to Daniel in His supreme preciousness as a man, was for Daniel's appreciation, consolation, encouragement, and stabilization—Dan. 10:4-9:

一 基督在人性里显现为祭司(由细麻衣袍所表征),照顾祂被掳的选民─5节上,出二八31~35。

A. Christ appeared as a Priest in His humanity, signified by the linen robe, to care for His chosen people in their captivity—v. 5a; Exo. 28:31-35.

二 基督在神性里显现为君王(由精金带所表征),为要掌管万民─但十5下。

B. Christ appeared in His kingship in His divinity, signified by the girdle of gold, for ruling over all the peoples—Dan. 10:5b.

三 基督在祂的宝贵和尊荣里显现(由祂身体如水苍玉所表征),供祂的子民珍赏;“水苍玉”原文可指一种蓝绿色或黄色的宝石,表征基督在祂的具体化身里是神圣的(黄色),满了生命(绿色),并且是属天的(蓝色)─6节上。

C. For His people's appreciation, Christ appeared in His preciousness and dignity, as signified by His body being like beryl; the Hebrew word for beryl could refer to a bluish-green or yellow precious stone, signifying that Christ in His embodiment is divine (yellow), full of life (green), and heavenly (blue)—v. 6a.

四 基督也在祂的光明里显现,为要光照人(由祂的面貌如闪电所表征),并在祂光照的眼光里显现,为要搜寻并审判(由祂眼目如火把所表征)─6节中。

D. Christ also appeared in His brightness for shining over the people, as signified by His face being like the appearance of lightning (v. 6b), and in His enlightening sight for searching and judging, signified by His eyes being like torches of fire (v. 6c).

五 基督在祂工作和行动的闪耀里向但以理显现(由祂的手和脚如闪耀发亮的铜所表征)─6节下。

E. Christ appeared to Daniel in the gleam of His work and move, as signified by His arms and His feet being like the gleam of polished bronze—v. 6d.

六 基督在祂刚强的说话里显现,为要审判人(由祂说话的声音如大众的声音所表征)─6节末:

F. Christ appeared in His strong speaking for judging people, as signified by the sound of His words being like the sound of a multitude—v. 6e:

1 整个世界局势都在天上之神的诸天掌权之下,好叫基督在万有中居首位,使祂在凡事上得着首位─二34~35,七9~10,四34~35,西一15、18,启二4~5。

1. The entire world situation is under the rule of the heavens by the God of the heavens in order to give Christ the preeminence in all things, to cause Christ to have the first place in everything—2:34-35; 7:9-10; 4:34-35; Col. 1:15, 18; Rev. 2:4-5.

2 在我们个人的宇宙中,基督必须是第一位,必须居首位;今天,基督这居首位者必须是我们召会生活、家庭生活、和日常生活的中心与普及─西一17下、18下,三17,林前十31。

2. Christ must have the first place, the preeminence, in our personal universe; today Christ, the preeminent One, must be the centrality and universality in our church life, family life, and daily life—Col. 1:17b, 18b; 3:17; 1 Cor. 10:31.

3 在神属天的掌权下,祂正在使用环境,使基督成为我们的中心(第一位)与普及(一切)─罗八28,西一18、27,三4、10~11。

3. Under His heavenly rule God is using the environment to make Christ the centrality (the first) and the universality (everything) to us—Rom. 8:28; Col. 1:18, 27; 3:4, 10-11.

4 我们蒙神拣选作祂的子民,为叫基督居首位;我们乃是在神属天的掌权之下,使基督得以居首位,使祂在万有中居第一位─但四26下、35,西一18,三4、10~11,诗二七4。

4. As those who have been chosen by God to be His people for Christ's preeminence, we are under God's heavenly rule to make Christ preeminent, to cause Him to have the first place in everything—Dan. 4:26b, 35; Col. 1:18; 3:4, 10-11; Psa. 27:4.

叁 约翰在灵里,得着荣耀的基督作为在金灯台中间行走之大祭司的异象(启一9~二1),他看见升天的基督作为人子,“身穿长袍,直垂到脚,胸间束着金带”(一13、参10,四2,十七3,二一10):─引用经文

III. The vision of the glorious Christ walking in the midst of the golden lampstands as the High Priest (Rev. 1:9—2:1) was given to John in his spirit for him to see the ascended Christ as the Son of Man "clothed with a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle" (1:13, cf. v. 10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10):

一 人子是基督在祂的人性里,金带表征祂的神性,胸是爱的表号:

A. The Son of Man is Christ in His humanity, the golden girdle signifies His divinity, and breasts are a sign of love:

1 在但以理十章,基督是腰间束带,为着神圣的工作得加力(出二八4,但十5),以产生众召会,但在启示录一章,祂是胸间束带,借着祂的爱照顾祂所产生的众召会。─引用经文

1. In Daniel 10 Christ is girded at the loins, strengthened for the divine work (Exo. 28:4; Dan. 10:5) to produce the churches, but in Revelation 1 He is girded about at the breasts, caring for the churches that He has produced by His love.

2 金带表征基督的神性成了祂神圣的力量,胸表征这金的力量是由祂的爱并凭祂的爱来运用并推动的,好喂养众召会。

2. The golden girdle signifies Christ's divinity as His divine energy, and the breasts signify that this golden energy is exercised and motivated by and with His love to nourish the churches.

二 基督作为人子,在祂的人性里照顾众召会,为要顾惜众召会─13节上:

B. Christ takes care of the churches in His humanity as the Son of Man to cherish them—v. 13a:

1 祂收拾灯台的灯,使灯正确合宜,就是在顾惜我们,使我们快乐、愉快、舒适─出三十7,参诗四二5、11:

1. He dresses the lamps of the lampstands to make them proper, cherishing us so that we may be happy, pleasant, and comfortable—Exo. 30:7; cf. Psa. 42:5, 11:

a 主的同在带来一种柔细、温暖的气氛,顾惜我们的全人,给我们安息、安慰、医治、洁净和鼓励。

a. The Lord's presence provides an atmosphere of tenderness and warmth to cherish our being, giving us rest, comfort, healing, cleansing, and encouragement.

b 我们在召会里能享受主同在的顾惜气氛,得着生命的滋养供应─弗五29,参提前四6,弗四11。

b. We can enjoy the cherishing atmosphere of the Lord's presence in the church to receive the nourishing supply of life—Eph. 5:29; cf. 1 Tim. 4:6; Eph. 4:11.

2 祂修剪灯台的灯芯,把一切拦阻我们照耀的消极事物剪掉─出二五38:

2. He trims the wicks of the lamps of the lampstand, cutting off all the negative things that frustrate our shining—Exo. 25:38:

a 灯芯烧焦的部分,灯花,表征必须剪除的那些不照着神定旨的事物,就如我们的肉体、天然的人、己和旧造。

a. The charred part of the wick, the snuff, signifies things that are not according to God's purpose and need to be cut off, such as our flesh, our natural man, our self, and our old creation.

b 祂把众召会中间一切的不同(过错、短处、失败、缺点)修剪掉,使众召会在素质、样子和彰显上完全相同─参林前一10,林后十二18,腓二2。

b. He trims away all the differences among the churches (the wrongdoings, shortages, failures, and defects) so that they may be the same in essence, appearance, and expression—cf. 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Cor. 12:18; Phil. 2:2.

三 基督在祂的神性里,以祂胸间金带所表征的神圣之爱照顾众召会,为要喂养众召会─启一13下:

C. Christ takes care of the churches in His divinity with His divine love, signified by the golden girdle at His breasts, to nourish the churches—Rev. 1:13b:

1 祂在祂三个时期(成肉体、总括、加强)的丰满职事中,以祂自己这包罗万有的基督来喂养我们,使我们在神圣的生命中长大成熟,成为祂的得胜者,以完成祂永远的经纶。

1. He nourishes us with Himself as the all-inclusive Christ in His full ministry of three stages—incarnation, inclusion, and intensification—so that we may grow and mature in the divine life to be His overcomers to accomplish His eternal economy.

2 作为行走的基督,祂知道每一个召会的情形;作为说话的灵,祂修剪灯台并用新油,就是那灵的供应,充满灯台─二1、7,参亚四12~14。

2. As the walking Christ, He gets to know the condition of each church, and as the speaking Spirit, He trims and fills the lampstands with fresh oil, the supply of the Spirit—2:1, 7; cf. Zech. 4:12-14.

四 主的七眼如同火焰,是为着注视、鉴察、搜寻、借光照而审判、以及灌输;基督的眼目是为着神在地上的行动与工作,因为七是神行动中完整的数字─启一14,五6,但十6,七9~10,启二18,十九11~12。

D. The Lord's seven eyes are like a flame of fire for watching, observing, searching, judging by enlightening, and infusing; Christ's eyes are for God's move and operation on earth, since seven is the number for completion in God's move—Rev. 1:14; 5:6; Dan. 10:6; 7:9-10; Rev. 2:18; 19:11-12.

五 基督是活到永永远远的一位;我们认识主是活到永永远远的神,才能在灵中不断地感觉主确实的同在;没有一样东西比感觉主的确实同在更能坚固我们─一17~18,提后四22,太一23,二八20,出三三14~16。

E. Christ is the One who lives forever and ever; by knowing the Lord as the God who lives forever and ever, we can be assured of His presence in our spirit all the time; nothing establishes us more than the assured presence of the Lord— 1:17-18; 2 Tim. 4:22; Matt. 1:23; 28:20; Exo. 33:14-16.

肆 彼得在他的书信中论到无上宝贵的基督,以及那些在生机上与祂有关联的项目:

IV. Peter speaks in his Epistles about the supremely precious Christ and the items organically related to Him:

一 基督自己在信祂的人是宝贵的─彼前二7。

A. Christ Himself is the preciousness to His believers—1 Pet. 2:7.

二 为着神建造之宝贵的石头,乃是基督自己─4、6~8节。

B. The precious stone for God's building is Christ Himself—vv. 4, 6-8.

三 基督的宝血已救赎我们脱离虚妄的生活─一14、18~19。

C. The precious blood of Christ has redeemed us from our vain manner of life— 1:14, 18-19.

四 我们的神和救主,耶稣基督,已将那又宝贵又极大的应许赐给我们─彼后一1、4。

D. The precious and exceedingly great promises have been granted to us by our God and Savior, Jesus Christ—2 Pet. 1:1, 4.

五 神已将同样宝贵的信,分给所有的信徒─1节。

E. God has allotted to all the believers equally precious faith—v. 1.

六 我们信心所受宝贵的试验,乃是借着苦难而来的诸般试炼─彼前一7。

F. The precious proving of our faith is by trials that come through sufferings—1 Pet. 1:7.

伍 我们必须赎回光阴,享受基督作神无上的宝贝,使我们能被祂构成,成为珍贵的人,甚至就是珍贵的本身,作祂自己的珍宝,使我们成为新耶路撒冷这奇妙的珍宝结构,使祂得着荣耀─但九23,十11、19:

V. We must redeem the time to enjoy Christ as the supreme preciousness of God so that we can be constituted with Him to be men of preciousness, even preciousness itself, as His personal treasure for us to become the New Jerusalem as a miraculous structure of treasure for His glory—Dan. 9:23; 10:11, 19:

一 我们需要求主给我们亮光,叫我们的价值观有彻底的改变,叫我们不断地拣选基督并祂一切的所是,作我们绝佳的分─可九7~8,腓三7~8,林后二10,四7,彼前一8。

A. We need to ask the Lord to grant us the light to have a thorough change in our concept of value so that we will continually choose Christ and all that He is as our super-excelling portion—Mark 9:7-8; Phil. 3:7-8; 2 Cor. 2:10; 4:7; 1 Pet. 1:8.

二 我们尽职供应神的话时,要留意耶利米的警戒─“你若将宝贵的从低贱的分别出来,你就可以作我的口”─耶十五19、16。

B. When we minister God's word, we need to take heed to Jeremiah's admonition— "If you bring out the precious from the worthless, / You will be as My mouth"—Jer. 15:19, 16.

三 我们必须看重主的话,过于一切地上的财富,使我们能讲神的谕言,将基督那追测不尽的丰富作为神诸般的恩典,分赐到祂的子民里面─诗一一九72、9~16,弗三2、8,林后六10,彼前四10~11。

C. We must treasure the Lord's words more than all earthly riches so that we can speak oracles of God to dispense the unsearchable riches of Christ as the varied grace of God into His people—Psa. 119:72, 9-16; Eph. 3:2, 8; 2 Cor. 6:10; 1 Pet. 4:10-11.

四 我们需要看见一个异象,新耶路撒冷乃是三一神,神圣的三一,作为三种基本的因素,作到蒙祂救赎的人里面,并与他们结构在一起;这是整本圣经的总结─作为城之基础的金预表父神,作为城门的珍珠预表子神,城的碧玉墙预表灵神─启二一18~21。

D. We need a vision to see that the New Jerusalem is the Triune God, the Divine Trinity, as three basic factors wrought into and structured together with His redeemed as the conclusion of the whole Bible—the gold as the base of the city typifies God the Father; the pearls as the gates of the city typify God the Son; and the jasper wall of the city typifies God the Spirit—Rev. 21:18-21.

五 当我们活在基督宝贵、现今的同在里,享受祂作我们的分,正如祂享受我们作祂的珍宝,祂就将自己建造到我们里面,把我们作成祂属灵的殿和祂圣别、君尊的祭司体系,以完成祂心头的渴望─彼前二1~9,三4,林后二10,诗十六5,出十九4~6,彼后三8、11~12。

E. As we live in Christ's precious and present presence, enjoying Him as our portion, even as He enjoys us as His treasure, He builds Himself into us to make us His spiritual house and His holy and royal priesthood for the accomplishment of His heart's desire—1 Pet. 2:1-9; 3:4; 2 Cor. 2:10; Psa. 16:5; Exo. 19:4-6; 2 Pet. 3:8, 11-12.
