2:1 Woe to those who devise wickedness And who prepare evil upon their beds! In the light of the morning they do it Because it is in the power of their hand to do so.
2:2 And they covet fields and seize them, And houses, and take them away; And they oppress a person and his house, And a man and his inheritance.
2:3 Therefore thus says Jehovah, I am now devising evil against this family, From which you will not remove your necks; And you will not go about haughtily, For it is an evil time.
2:4 In that day they will take up a proverb concerning you, And they will lament a lamenting lament; they will say, We are utterly ruined; He has changed the portion of my people. How He removes it from me! He has apportioned our fields to the rebellious.
2:8 But recently My people Have risen up as an enemy; You strip away the mantle From off the garment Of those who pass by securely, Those who turn away from conflict.
2:9 The women of My people you cast out, From their pleasant houses; From their young children you take away My splendor forever.
2:10 Arise and go, For this is not your resting place, Because of the uncleanness That brings destruction, indeed grievous destruction.
2:11 If a man going about After wind and falsehood lies, saying, I will prophesy to you Concerning wine and liquor; He would indeed become a prophet of this people.
2:12 I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob; I will surely assemble the remnant of Israel. I will place them together like the sheep of Bozrah, Like the flock in the midst of its pasture; They will make much noise because of the many men.
2:13 He who breaks through goes up before them; They break through and pass through the gate, And they go forth through it. And their King goes forth before them; Indeed Jehovah is at their head.