第十二篇 经过过程的三一神、祂的工作、以及祂工作的结果

The Processed Triune God, His Work, and the Result of His Work



壹 利未记二十六章一至二节说到不可制造偶像、谨守耶和华的安息日、敬畏神的圣所;我们需要认识这三点的内在意义─经过过程的三一神、祂的工作以及祂工作的结果。

I. Leviticus 26:1 and 2 speak of not making idols, keeping Jehovah's Sabbaths, and reverencing His sanctuary; we need to understand the intrinsic significance of these three points—the processed Triune God, His work, and the result of His work.

贰 我们不该有偶像;这表征我们不可在神之外有其他的寻求目标,免得失去我们享受神圣产业的地位─1节:

II. We should not have idols; this signifies that besides God we should have no other goals that we are seeking after, so that we may not lose the position to enjoy our divine inheritance—v. 1:

一 神自己必须是我们独一的目标;我们是神的儿女,不可在祂以外还有所追求─诗七三25~26。

A. God Himself must be our unique goal; as God's children, we should not seek anything other than Him—Psa. 73:25-26.

二 “偶像”指那些是异端的代替品,顶替了真神─约壹五21:

B. Idols refers to the heretical substitutes for the true God—1 John 5:21:

1 偶像是一切顶替真神的东西;真神就是我们所经历作我们生命的三一神─21节。

1. An idol is anything that replaces the true God, the Triune God experienced by us as our life—v. 21.

2 我们这些真神的真儿女,应当儆醒、保守自己,远避异端的代替品,以及一切顶替我们那真实、实际之神的虚空之物;我们与这位神在生机上是一,并且祂对我们是永远的生命─三1,五11~13、20~21。

2. As genuine children of the genuine God, we should be on the alert to guard ourselves from heretical substitutes and from all vain replacements for our genuine and real God, with whom we are organically one and who is eternal life to us—3:1; 5:11-13, 20-21.

三 新约启示,我们的神是经过过程并终极完成的三一神,就是经过了成为肉体、人性生活、钉十字架并复活这些过程的一位─约一14,六57上,来九14,罗一3~4:

C. The New Testament reveals that our God is the processed and consummated Triune God, the One who has passed through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection—John 1:14; 6:57a; Heb. 9:14; Rom. 1:3-4:

1 “经过过程”指三一神在神圣经纶里所经过的步骤;“终极完成”指明这过程完成了─约一14,二22,七39,加三14。

1. Processed refers to the steps through which the Triune God has passed in the divine economy; consummated indicates that the process has been completed—John 1:14; 2:22; 7:39; Gal. 3:14.

2 虽然神在祂的性质和本质上是永远且不改变的,但在祂的经纶里祂经过了一个过程─约一14,林前十五45下。

2. Although God is eternal and unchanging in His nature and substance, He has passed through a process in His economy—John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

3 在成为肉体之前,神没有经过过程,只有神性,但借着成为肉体、人性生活、钉十字架和复活,三一神经过了过程,终极完成为那灵─约七39。

3. Before His incarnation God was unprocessed, having only the divine nature, but through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, the Triune God was processed and consummated to become the Spirit—John 7:39.

四 那灵乃是经过过程之三一神的终极完成─加三2、5、14,五5、16、18、25,六8:

D. The Spirit is the consummation of the processed Triune God—Gal. 3:2, 5, 14; 5:5, 16, 18, 25; 6:8:

1 经过过程并终极完成的三一神乃是“那灵”─三2、5、14:

1. The processed and consummated Triune God is the Spirit—3:2, 5, 14:

a 我们都需要接受一个异象,看见那灵就是三一神、那人耶稣、祂的人性生活、祂的死与复活的复合品─约七39,徒十六7,罗八9~11,腓一19,加三14。

a. We all need to receive a vision of the Spirit—the compound of the Triune God, the man Jesus, His human living, His death, and His resurrection—John 7:39; Acts 16:7; Rom. 8:9-11; Phil. 1:19; Gal. 3:14.

b 那灵是经过过程、复合、包罗万有、赐生命、内住、七倍加强、终极完成的灵,作经过过程之三一神终极的完成,成为祂所拣选、救赎、重生、更新、变化、模成并荣化之三部分人永远的分,作他们的生命、生命的供应和一切。

b. The Spirit is the processed, compound, all-inclusive, life-giving, indwelling, sevenfold intensified, consummated Spirit as the ultimate consummation of the processed Triune God to be the eternal portion of His chosen, redeemed, regenerated, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified tripartite people as their life, life supply, and everything.

2 主耶稣钉十字架并复活以前,还没有终极完成的灵─约七39:

2. Before the Lord Jesus was crucified and resurrected, the consummated Spirit was "not yet"—John 7:39:

a 神的灵从起初就有了(创一2),但那灵作为基督的灵(罗八9),耶稣基督的灵(腓一19),在约翰七章三十九节的时候还没有,因为主耶稣尚未得着荣耀。─引用经文

a. The Spirit of God was there from the beginning (Gen. 1:2), but the Spirit as "the Spirit of Christ" (Rom. 8:9), "the Spirit of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:19), was "not yet" at the time of John 7:39, because He was not yet glorified.

b 主耶稣在祂复活时得着荣耀,借这得荣耀,神的灵就成了那成为肉体、钉十字架、复活之耶稣基督的灵─路二四26,腓一19。

b. The Lord Jesus was glorified when He was resurrected, and through this glorification the Spirit of God became the Spirit of the incarnated, crucified, and resurrected Jesus Christ—Luke 24:26; Phil. 1:19.

c 末后的亚当,也就是在肉体中的基督,在复活里成了赐生命的灵;从此以后,耶稣基督之灵兼有神圣和属人的元素,包括基督成为肉体、钉十字架和复活的实际─林前十五45下,徒十六7,罗八9。

c. The last Adam, who was Christ in the flesh, became the life-giving Spirit in resurrection; since then, the Spirit of Jesus Christ has both divine and human elements, including the reality of the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ—1 Cor. 15:45b; Acts 16:7; Rom. 8:9.

3 “终极完成的灵”一辞,指明那灵经过了过程,因而成了终极完成的灵─约七39,加三14:

3. The term the consummated Spirit indicates that the Spirit has been processed and thus has become the consummated Spirit—John 7:39; Gal. 3:14:

a 那灵是经过成为肉体、人性生活、钉十字架和复活之过程后的三一神─约七39。

a. The Spirit is the Triune God after He has passed through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection—John 7:39.

b 三一神经过了这过程的每一步,如今是终极完成的灵,作神新约经纶的福─创一1~2,加三14。

b. Having passed through all the steps of the process, the Triune God is now the consummated Spirit as the blessing of God's New Testament economy—Gen. 1:1-2; Gal. 3:14.

c 终极完成的灵,复合的灵,乃是在基督里的信徒今天能进入的神圣奥秘之范围─约十四20。

c. The consummated Spirit, the compound Spirit, is the divine and mystical realm into which the believers in Christ may enter today—John 14:20.

叁 我们要谨守神的安息日;这表征我们该知道神的工作完全是由祂自己完成的,使我们可以享受;我们不需要作什么工─利二六2上:

III. We should keep God's Sabbaths; this signifies that we should know that the work of God was done entirely by Himself that we might enjoy it, and that there is no need for us to do any work—Lev. 26:2a:

一 我们需要学习接受、重视、尊重并享受神所作成的,而不试图为自己作什么─约一16,二十22,林前三21~23,四7:

A. We need to learn to receive, regard, respect, and enjoy what God has done and not try to do something for ourselves—John 1:16; 20:22; 1 Cor. 3:21-23; 4:7:

1 我们该否认自己的工作,只尊重神的工作,并安息在祂里面─太十一28~29。

1. We should deny our work but honor God's work and rest in Him—Matt. 11:28-29.

2 神要我们停下自己的作为,被基督所顶替,并且避免品尝任何基督以外的东西─加二20,约六57,赛五五1~2,五八3。

2. God wants us to stop our doing, be replaced by Christ, and keep away from the taste of anything other than Christ—Gal. 2:20; John 6:57; Isa. 55:1-2; 58:3.

3 享受那追测不尽丰富之基督的路,乃是以祂作我们真安息日的安息,停下我们自己同我们的生活、工作和行动,并接受祂作我们的生命、人位和顶替;这样我们就经历基督作复活的大能,使我们被变化,并在诸天之上翱翔,远超每一属地的阻挠─太十一28~30,赛四十28~31。

3. The way to enjoy the unsearchably rich Christ is to take Him as our real Sabbath rest, stopping ourselves with our living, doing, and activity, and receive Him as our life, person, and replacement; then we will experience Christ as the power of resurrection to be transformed and to soar in the heavens far above every earthly frustration—Matt. 11:28-30; Isa. 40:28-31.

二 我们需要知道三一神为我们作了什么,并且高度尊重父、子、那灵的工作─太二八19,林后十三14:

B. We need to know what the Triune God has done for us and highly regard the work of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14:

1 父的工作包括:

1. The work of the Father includes:

a 在创立世界以前拣选信徒─弗一4。

a. Choosing the believers before the foundation of the world—Eph. 1:4.

b 预定信徒得儿子的名分─5节。

b. Predestinating the believers unto sonship—v. 5.

c 在罪之肉体的样式里,差来了祂的儿子─罗八3。

c. Sending His Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin—Rom. 8:3.

d 在子里来并在子里作工─约五17、24、30。

d. Coming in the Son and working within the Son—John 5:17, 24, 30.

e 在子里经过死─来九12,徒二十28,约壹一7。

e. Passing through death in the Son—Heb. 9:12; Acts 20:28; 1 John 1:7.

f 叫基督从死人中复活─徒二24。

f. Raising up Christ from the dead—Acts 2:24.

g 叫基督坐在诸天界里,将万有服在祂的脚下,并使祂向着召会作万有的头─弗一20~23。

g. Seating Christ in the heavenlies, subjecting all things under His feet, and giving Him to be Head over all things to the church—Eph. 1:20-23.

h 呼召、赦免、称义信徒,与信徒和好,并接纳、重生、洗净、圣别、荣耀信徒─罗八30、33,五10,十四3,帖前二12,五23,来八12,彼前一3,约壹一9。

h. Calling, forgiving, justifying, reconciling, receiving, regenerating, washing, sanctifying, and glorifying the believers—Rom. 8:30, 33; 5:10; 14:3; 1 Thes. 2:12; 5:23; Heb. 8:12; 1 Pet. 1:3; 1 John 1:9.

i 差出祂儿子的灵,进入信徒的心─加四6。

i. Sending forth the Spirit of His Son into the believers'hearts—Gal. 4:6.

j 使万有互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按祂旨意被召的人─罗八28。

j. Causing all things to work together for good to those who love God and who are called according to His purpose—Rom. 8:28.

k 将撒但践踏在信徒脚下─十六20。

k. Crushing Satan under the believers'feet—16:20.

l 将许多信徒带进荣耀─来二10。l. Bringing many believers into glory—Heb. 2:10.>

2 基督的工作包括:

2. The work of Christ includes:

a 将神带进人里面,并使神与人成为一─约一1、14。

a. Bringing God into man and making God one with man—John 1:1, 14.

b 服事人─太二十28。

b. Serving people—Matt. 20:28.

c 撒国度的种子─十三19、24、37。

c. Sowing the seed of the kingdom—13:19, 24, 37.

d 消除魔鬼的作为─约壹三8。

d. Undoing the works of the devil—1 John 3:8.

e 作神的羔羊,除去世人之罪─约一29。

e. As the Lamb of God, taking away the sin of the world—John 1:29.

f 废除那掌死权的魔鬼─来二14。

f. Destroying the devil, who has the might of death—Heb. 2:14.

g 重建神的殿,使其成为团体的殿─约二19~22。

g. Rebuilding God's temple, making it a corporate one—John 2:19-22.

h 成了赐生命的灵─林前十五45下。

h. Becoming the life-giving Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b.

i 是主,运用祂在万有之上的主宰权柄,以完成神圣的经纶─徒二36。

i. As the Lord, exercising His sovereignty over all for the accomplishment of the divine economy—Acts 2:36.

j 建造召会─太十六18。

j. Building the church—Matt. 16:18.

k 照着麦基洗德的等次作我们的大祭司,为我们代求─来五10,七24~26。

k. As our High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, interceding for us—Heb. 5:10; 7:24-26.

l 是地上君王的元首,治理全世界,使福音得以广传,召会得以产生─启一5。l. As the Ruler of the kings of the earth, ruling the whole world that the gospel may spread and the church may be produced—Rev. 1:5.>

3 那灵的工作包括:

3. The work of the Spirit includes:

a 使世人知罪自责─约十六8~11。

a. Convicting the world—John 16:8-11.

b 重生信徒─三5~6。

b. Regenerating the believers—3:5-6.

c 用全备的供应供应信徒─腓一19。

c. Supplying the believers with His bountiful supply—Phil. 1:19.

d 圣别信徒─帖后二13。

d. Sanctifying the believers—2 Thes. 2:13.

e 变化信徒─林后三18。

e. Transforming the believers—2 Cor. 3:18.

f 引导信徒进入一切的实际─约十六13。

f. Guiding the believers into all the reality—John 16:13.

g 将神的爱浇灌在信徒心里─罗五5。

g. Pouring out God's love in the believers'hearts—Rom. 5:5.

h 膏信徒─林后一21,约壹二20、27。

h. Anointing the believers—2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:20, 27.

i 是基督身体的一─弗四3~4。

i. Being the oneness of the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:3-4.

j 向众召会说话─启二7、11、17、29,三6、13、22。

j. Speaking to the churches—Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22.

肆 我们需要敬畏神的圣所;这表征我们该对神在那作祂居所、具体化身并彰显的基督里,并在那是基督的扩大、作神居所并永远彰显的召会里,所是并所完成的一切,有所敬畏─利二六2中,约一14,十四2~3,西二9,林前十二12,弗二21~22,提前三15~16:

IV. We need to reverence God's sanctuary; this signifies that we should regard with reverence all that God is and has accomplished in Christ as God's dwelling, embodiment, and expression and in the church as the enlargement of Christ for God's dwelling and eternal manifestation—Lev. 26:2b; John 1:14; 14:2-3; Col. 2:9; 1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 2:21-22; 1 Tim. 3:15-16:

一 首先是经过过程的三一神,并祂那使我们得安息的工作;接着是祂工作的结果,就是那作基督的彰显与扩大的召会─利二六1~2。

A. First, we have the processed Triune God and His work for our rest, and then, as the result of His work, we have the church as the expression and the enlargement of Christ—Lev. 26:1-2.

二 “他们当为我造圣所,使我可以住在他们中间”─出二五8:

B. "Let them make a sanctuary for Me that I may dwell in their midst"—Exo. 25:8:

1 出埃及记启示,神拯救的目标,乃是在地上建造神的居所─8~9节,二九45~46,四十1~2、34~38。

1. The book of Exodus reveals that the goal of God's salvation is the building of God's dwelling place on earth—vv. 8-9; 29:45-46; 40:1-2, 34-38.

2 利未记二十六章二节里的圣所,含示神在基督里的居所、具体化身并彰显,以及神在召会里的居所并永远的彰显─弗二21~22,启二一10。

2. The sanctuary in Leviticus 26:2 implies God's dwelling, embodiment, and expression in Christ and God's dwelling and eternal manifestation in the church—Eph. 2:21-22; Rev. 21:10.

三 召会乃是神的家,神的居所─提前三15,来三6,彼前四17:

C. The church is God's house, the dwelling place of God—1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:6; 1 Pet. 4:17:

1 召会作神的家,乃是神的居所─是神能得着安息并寄托的所在─弗二21~22。

1. As the house of God, the church is the dwelling place of God—the place where God can have His rest and put His trust—Eph. 2:21-22.

2 神的召会乃是活神的家─提前三15:

2. The church of God is the house of the living God—1 Tim. 3:15:

a 神的家就是神的家人─弗二19:

a. The house of God is the household of God—Eph. 2:19:

㈠ 居所(家)和家庭(家人)都是一个实体,也就是一班蒙召、重生并由神自己内住的人─彼前一3,二5,林前三16。

1) The dwelling place (the house) and the family (the household) are one entity—a group of called, regenerated ones indwelt by God Himself—1 Pet. 1:3; 2:5; 1 Cor. 3:16.

㈡ 基督与祂身体上的肢体不是分开的,乃是住在他们里面;照样,父不是在祂家人中分开的一员,乃是在祂所有的儿女里面─罗八10,十二4~5,林后六16。

2) Just as Christ is not separate from the members of His Body but dwells in them, the Father is not a separate member of His household but is in all the children—Rom. 8:10; 12:4-5; 2 Cor. 6:16.

b 神的家在神圣的生命上是生机的,在神圣的性情上是生机的,在三一神里是生机的;因为召会是生机的,所以召会能生长─弗二21。

b. The house of God is organic in the divine life, organic in the divine nature, and organic in the Triune God; because the church is organic, the church grows—Eph. 2:21.

c 在说到召会是神的家时,保罗说到神是活神─提前三15:

c. In speaking of the church as the house of God, Paul refers to God as the living God—1 Tim. 3:15:

㈠ 活在召会里的活神,对召会必是主观的,不是仅仅客观的─林前三16。

1) The living God, who lives in the church, must be subjective to the church and not merely objective—1 Cor. 3:16.

㈡ 因为神是活的,召会作神的家也就在祂里面、凭祂并同祂活着;活的神与活的召会,同活着、同行动、同工作。

2) Because God is living, the church as the house of God is also living in Him, by Him, and with Him; a living God and a living church live, move, and work together.

3 召会是神的家,父的家,乃是扩大、宇宙、神人二性的合并,作为基督为父用神圣的荣耀所荣耀的结果─约十二23,十三31~32,十四2。

3. The church as the house of God—the Father's house—is the enlarged, universal, divine-human incorporation as the issue of Christ's being glorified by the Father with the divine glory—John 12:23; 13:31-32; 14:2.

4 提前三章十五至十六节指明,召会作神的家乃是神显现于肉体:─引用经文

4. First Timothy 3:15-16 indicates that the church as the house of God is the manifestation of God in the flesh:

a 这两节经文含示,不仅作头的基督自己是神显现于肉体,连作基督身体的召会也是神显现于肉体。

a. These verses imply not only that Christ as the Head is the manifestation of God in the flesh but also that the church as the Body is the manifestation of God in the flesh.

b 神显现于召会、基督的身体和活神的家,作祂在肉体里扩大的团体彰显。

b. God is manifested in the church, the Body of Christ, and the house of the living God, as His enlarged, corporate expression in the flesh.

伍 看见了经过过程的三一神同祂的工作,以及祂工作之结果的异象,会将我们构成顺从者,接受神的祝福─利二六3~13。

V. Seeing the vision of the processed Triune God with His work and the result of His work will constitute us into obedient ones who will receive God's blessing—Lev. 26:3-13.
