• 11:1 And I, in the first year of Darius the Mede, stood up to support and strengthen him.
  • 我在玛代王大利乌元年,曾起来扶助他,使他坚强。
  • 11:2 And now I will tell you the truth. There will yet arise three kings in Persia; then the fourth will gain great riches, more than all of them; and once he becomes strong because of his riches, he will stir up the whole empire against the realm of Javan.
  • 现在我将真情告诉你。波斯还有三王要兴起,第四王必取得财富,远胜诸王,他因富足成为强盛,就必激动全国攻击雅完国。
  • 11:3 And a mighty king will arise there, and he will rule with great dominion and do as he pleases.
  • 必有一个有能力的王兴起,执掌大权,随意而行。
  • 11:4 But once he arises, his kingdom will be broken and divided toward the four winds of heaven, but not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion with which he ruled; for his kingdom will be plucked up and given to others besides his descendants.
  • 但他一兴起,他的国就破裂,向天的四方分开,却不归他的后裔,治国的权势也都不及他;因为他的国必被拔出,归与他后裔之外的人。
  • 11:5 And the king of the south will become strong, as well as one of his princes, who will grow in strength above him and have dominion; his dominion will be a great dominion.
  • 南方的王必强盛,他将帅中必有一个权势渐渐超过他,并要执掌权柄,他的权柄甚大。
  • 11:6 And at the end of some years they will join themselves together. And the daughter of the king of the south will go to the king of the north and make a treaty; but she will not retain the strength of her arm, nor will he and his arm stand; but she will be given up, along with those who brought her into the alliance and him who begot her and supported her in those times.
  • 过些年后,他们必互相联合。南方王的女儿,必就了北方王来立盟约;但这女子的势力存留不住,王和他的势力,也不能存立;这女子和引导她来联盟的,并生她的,以及当时扶助她的,都必交与死地。
  • 11:7 But a shoot from her roots will arise in his place, and he will come against the army and enter into the fortress of the king of the north; and he will deal with them and show his strength.
  • 但这女子的根必另兴起一嫩枝继续王位,他必攻击北方王的军队,进入北方王的保障,攻打他们,而且得胜。
  • 11:8 And also their gods with their cast images, with their precious vessels of silver and gold, he will carry off into captivity in Egypt; and for some years he will refrain from the king of the north.
  • 他要将他们的神像、铸成的像、与金银的宝器,掠到埃及去;数年之内,他不去攻击北方王。
  • 11:9 And the king of the north will come to the kingdom of the king of the south, but he will return to his own land.
  • 北方王必进入南方王的国,却要仍回本地。
  • 11:10 But his sons will stir themselves up to war and will gather a multitude of great forces; and one will come unrelentingly and will overflow and pass through and will return and wage war, even up to the fortress of the king of the south.
  • 他的二子必动干戈,招聚许多军兵;这一军兵必凶猛前来,如洪水冲没泛滥,又必再去争战,直到南方王的保障。
  • 11:11 And the king of the south will be enraged and will come forth to fight with him, with the king of the north. Then the king of the north will raise up a great multitude, but the multitude will be given into the hand of the king of the south.
  • 南方王必发烈怒,出来与北方王争战,北方王必兴举大军,但他的军众必交付南方王的手。
  • 11:12 When the multitude is carried away, the heart of the king of the south will be lifted up; and he will cast down tens of thousands, but he will not prevail.
  • 他的军众被掳去,南方王的心也必高傲,他虽使数万人仆倒,却不能得胜。
  • 11:13 For the king of the north will return, and he will raise up a multitude greater than the first; and at the end of some years he will come unrelentingly with a great army and with much materiel.
  • 北方王必回来,他必兴举大军,比先前的更多;过了数年,他必率领大军,带着极多的辎重,凶猛而来。
  • 11:14 And in those times many will rise up against the king of the south; and the violent ones of your people will lift themselves up to establish the vision, but they will fall.
  • 那时必有许多人起来攻击南方王,并且你本民中的强暴人必高抬自己,成就那异象,他们却要败亡。
  • 11:15 Then the king of the north will come and cast up a siege mound and capture the fortified city; and the forces of the south will not stand, nor his choice people, for there will be no strength to stand.
  • 北方王必来,筑垒攻取坚固城;南方的军兵必站立不住,就是精选的人也无力站住。
  • 11:16 But he who comes against the king of the south will do as he pleases; and no one will stand before him. And he will stand in the beautiful land, and destruction will be in his hand.
  • 来攻击南方王的,必任意而行,无人在北方王面前站立得住。他必站在荣美之地,用手施行毁灭。
  • 11:17 And he will set his face to come with the strength of his whole kingdom, and with him there will be terms of peace that he will act upon. And he will give the king of the south a youthful daughter, to destroy it; yet she will not be able to stand for him, but will be of no use to him.
  • 他必定意用全国之力而来,与南方王立和平的约,并要照约而行,将年少的女子给南方王为妻,想要败坏他的国。女子却不能为他站立,对他毫无用处。
  • 11:18 Then he will turn his face to the coastlands and will capture many. But a leader, for his own sake, will put an end to the reproach caused by him; indeed, he will turn his reproach back on him.
  • 其后他必转回,面向众海岛,夺取许多岛屿。但有一首领必为自己使他造成的羞辱止息,并且使这羞辱归他本身。
  • 11:19 Then the king of the north will turn his face to the fortresses of his own land, but he will stumble and fall and will not be found.
  • 北方王就必转回,面向本地的保障,却要绊跌仆倒,归于无有。
  • 11:20 Then there will arise in his place one who will cause an oppressor to pass through the splendor of the kingdom; yet within a few days he will be broken, but not while venting his anger nor pursuing battle.
  • 那时必有一人兴起接续他的王位,使一暴虐的人通行国中的荣美地;这王不多日就必破灭,却不是因忿怒,也不是因争战。
  • 11:21 Then there will arise in his place a despicable person, to whom the honor of a kingdom will not be given; but he will come in a time of security and will seize the kingdom by smooth and cunning words and actions.
  • 必有一个卑鄙的人兴起接续他的王位,人必不将国的尊荣给他,他却趁人安稳的时候,用狡猾奸诈的言语行动夺了国。
  • 11:22 And the overflowing forces will be flooded over before him and broken, even also the prince of the covenant.
  • 势如洪水泛滥的军兵,必在他面前被冲没、败坏,连与他同盟的君也必如此。
  • 11:23 And once he has made an alliance with him, he will practice deceit and will go up and become mighty with a small group of people.
  • 他与那君结盟之后,必行诡诈;他必上来,以微小的民成为强盛。
  • 11:24 In a time of security he will enter even the richest parts of the kingdom and will do that which his fathers never did, nor his fathers' fathers; prey, spoil, and riches will he scatter among them, and against strongholds he will devise strategies, but only for a while.
  • 他趁人安稳的时候,必进到国中极肥美之地,行他列祖和他列祖之祖所未曾行的;他必将掳物、掠物和财宝,散给众人;又设计攻打保障,然而这都是暂时的。
  • 11:25 And he will stir up his power and his heart against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south will stir himself up to wage war with an extremely great and mighty army of his own; but he will not stand, for strategies will have been devised against him.
  • 他必奋力鼓勇,率领大军攻击南方王;南方王也必以极大极强的军兵与他争战,却站立不住,因为有人设计谋害南方王。
  • 11:26 And those who eat of his choice provision will destroy him; and his army will overflow, and many will fall down slain.
  • 那些吃王膳食的,必毁坏他;他的军队必如洪水泛滥,多人必被杀仆倒。
  • 11:27 And as for both of these kings, their hearts will be to do evil, and they will speak lies across one table; but what they do will not succeed, for the end is still at the appointed time.
  • 至于这二王,他们心怀邪恶,同席说谎;但所行的必不成功,因为到了定期,结局才来到。
  • 11:28 Then the king of the north will return to his land with great riches; but his heart will be set against the holy covenant, and he will take action and will return to his land.
  • 北方王必带许多财宝回往本地;他的心却反对圣约,任意而行,回到本地。
  • 11:29 At the appointed time he will return and come against the south; but this latter time will not be like the former time.
  • 到了定期,他必返回,来攻南方;但这后一次,却不如前一次,
  • 11:30 For ships of Kittim will come against him; therefore he will be disheartened and will turn away; and he will be enraged at the holy covenant and will take action. When he turns away, he will focus his attention on those who forsake the holy covenant.
  • 因为基提战船必来攻击他,他就丧胆而回;又要恼恨圣约,任意而行;他必回来,特别留意背弃圣约的人。
  • 11:31 And forces from him will arise and profane the sanctuary, establishing the fortress and removing the daily sacrifice; and they will set up the abomination that desolates.
  • 他必起兵亵渎圣所,就是保障,且要除掉日常的献祭;他们必设立那造成荒凉的可憎之物。
  • 11:32 And with his smooth words he will cause those who act wickedly toward the covenant to be profane. But the people who know their God will show strength and take action.
  • 作恶违背圣约的人,他必用花言巧语使他们被玷污;惟独认识神的子民,必刚强行事。
  • 11:33 And those with insight among the people will cause the many to understand; yet they will fall by sword and by flames, by captivity and by plundering for some days.
  • 民间的通达人,必训诲多人,然而他们多日必倒在刀下,或被火烧,或被掳掠抢夺。
  • 11:34 And when they fall, they will be helped with a little help; and many will join themselves to them in word only.
  • 他们跌倒的时候,稍得扶助;有许多人只用谄媚的话依附他们。
  • 11:35 And some of those with insight will fall, in order to refine the people and to purify and cleanse them, until the time of the end, for the end is still at the appointed time.
  • 通达人中有些跌倒的,为要熬炼百姓,使他们纯净洁白,直到末时,因为到了定期,结局才来到。
  • 11:36 And the king will do as he pleases; and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, and against the God of gods he will speak extraordinary things; and he will prosper until the indignation is complete; for what has been determined will be done.
  • 王必任意行事,自高自大,超过所有的神,又用奇异的话攻击万神之神;他必行事亨通,直到忿怒完毕,因为所定的事,必然成就。
  • 11:37 And he will not regard the gods of his fathers or the desire of women, nor will he regard any other god; for he will magnify himself above all.
  • 他必不顾他列祖的神,也不顾妇女所羡慕的神,无论何神他都不顾,因为他必自大,高过一切。
  • 11:38 But he will honor instead the god of fortresses; indeed a god whom his fathers did not know he will honor with gold, silver, precious stones, and treasures.
  • 他倒要尊崇保障的神,用金银宝石和珍宝,敬奉他列祖所不认识的神。
  • 11:39 And he will take action against the most fortified of fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will increase the honor of those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over many, and he will divide the land to them as a reward.
  • 他必靠外邦神明的帮助,攻击最坚固的保障;凡承认他的,他必将荣耀加给他们,使他们管辖许多人,又分地赏给他们。
  • 11:40 And at the time of the end the king of the south will push against him, and the king of the north will storm back at him with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and he will enter the countries and overflow and pass through.
  • 到了末时,南方王要与他交战,北方王必用战车、马兵、和许多战船,势如暴风来攻击他,也必进入列国,如洪水冲没泛滥;
  • 11:41 He will also enter the beautiful land, and many countries will fall; but these will slip away from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the foremost of the children of Ammon.
  • 又必进入荣美之地,有许多国就被倾覆;但以东人、摩押人、和亚扪人中为首的,必脱离他的手。
  • 11:42 Then he will stretch forth his hand against the countries, and for the land of Egypt there will be no escape.
  • 他必伸手攻击列国;埃及地也不得逃脱。
  • 11:43 And he will have control over the hidden stores of gold and silver and over all the precious things of the Egyptians; and the Libyans and Cushites will follow in his steps.
  • 他必把持埃及人隐藏的金银财宝,和各样的宝物;吕彼亚人和古实人,都必跟从他的脚步。
  • 11:44 But news from the east and from the north will trouble him, and he will go forth with great wrath destroying and exterminating many.
  • 但从东方和北方必有消息扰乱他,他就大发烈怒出去,将多人杀灭净尽。
  • 11:45 And he will pitch the tents of his palace between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain; but he will come to his end, and there will be no one to help him.
  • 他必在海和荣美的圣山之间,支搭他如宫殿的帐幕;然而到了他的结局,必无人帮助他。