• 2:1 Thus says Jehovah, Because of three transgressions of Moab, Indeed, because of four, I will not turn away the punishment; Because he burned the bones Of the king of Edom into lime.
  • 耶和华如此说,因摩押三番四次的犯罪,我必不免去他的刑罚;因为他将以东王的骸骨焚烧成灰。
  • 2:2 And I will send fire upon Moab, And it will devour the palaces of Kerioth; And Moab will die amid tumult, With shouting, with the sound of a trumpet.
  • 我却要降火在摩押,烧灭加略的宫殿;摩押必在哄嚷、呐喊、角声中死亡。
  • 2:3 And I will cut off the judge from the midst of it And will slay all its princes with him, Says Jehovah.
  • 我必剪除摩押中的审判者,将其中的一切首领,和他一同杀戮,这是耶和华说的。
  • 2:4 Thus says Jehovah, Because of three transgressions of Judah, Indeed, because of four, I will not turn away the punishment; Because they have rejected the law of Jehovah And have not kept His statutes; And their lies have caused them to err, The lies which their fathers walked after.
  • 耶和华如此说,因犹大三番四次的犯罪,我必不免去他们的刑罚;因为他们厌弃耶和华的律法,不遵守祂的律例;他们列祖所随从的虚假偶像使他们走迷了。
  • 2:5 And I will send fire upon Judah, And it will devour the palaces of Jerusalem.
  • 我却要降火在犹大,烧灭耶路撒冷的宫殿。
  • 2:6 Thus says Jehovah, Because of three transgressions of Israel, Indeed, because of four, I will not turn away the punishment; Because they have sold the righteous for silver And the needy for a pair of sandals -
  • 耶和华如此说,因以色列三番四次的犯罪,我必不免去他们的刑罚;因他们为银子卖了义人,为一双鞋卖了穷人。
  • 2:7 They who pant after the dust of the earth upon the heads of the poor, And turn aside the way of the meek. And a man and his father go in unto the same young woman, In order to profane My holy name.
  • 他们见穷人头上所蒙的尘土也都垂涎,阻碍谦卑人的道路;父子同去亲近一个少年女子,以致亵渎我的圣名。
  • 2:8 And upon garments taken as pledge they lay themselves down Beside every altar, And in the house of their God they drink The wine of those who have been fined.
  • 他们在各坛旁铺人所抵押的衣服,卧在其上;又在他们神的庙中,喝受罚之人的酒。
  • 2:9 But I destroyed the Amorite before them, Whose height was like the height of the cedars, And he was as strong as the oaks; Yet I destroyed his fruit from above And his roots from beneath.
  • 我从以色列人面前除灭亚摩利人;他虽高大如香柏树,坚固如橡树,我却毁坏其上的果子,灭绝其下的根本。
  • 2:10 And I brought you up from the land of Egypt And led you in the wilderness for forty years, To possess the land of the Amorites.
  • 我也将你们从埃及地领上来,在旷野引导你们四十年,使你们得亚摩利人之地为业。
  • 2:11 And I raised up some of your sons as prophets And some of your young men as Nazarites. Is it not indeed so, O children of Israel? Declares Jehovah.
  • 我从你们子孙中兴起申言者,又从你们少年人中兴起拿细耳人。以色列人哪,不是这样么?这是耶和华说的。
  • 2:12 But you made the Nazarites drink wine And commanded the prophets, saying, Do not prophesy.
  • 你们却给拿细耳人酒喝,嘱咐申言者说,不要说预言。
  • 2:13 Indeed I will press on you, As a cart that is full of sheaves presses.
  • 看哪,我必压你们,如同装满禾捆的车压物一样。
  • 2:14 And flight will perish from the swift, And the strong will not strengthen his force, Nor will the mighty deliver his soul;
  • 快跑的不能逃走,强壮的不能加力,刚勇的也不能救自己;
  • 2:15 And he who wields the bow will not stand, And he who is swift of foot will not deliver himself, And he who rides the horse will not deliver his soul.
  • 拿弓的不能站立,腿快的不能逃脱,骑马的也不能救自己。
  • 2:16 And he who is stout-hearted among the mighty men Will flee away naked in that day, Declares Jehovah.
  • 到那日,勇士中最有胆量的,必赤身逃跑,这是耶和华说的。