• 8:1 Thus the Lord Jehovah showed me, and there was a basket of summer fruit.
  • 主耶和华又指给我看:有一筐夏天的果子。
  • 8:2 And He said, What do you see, Amos? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then Jehovah said to me, The end has come upon My people Israel; I will not pass them by again any more.
  • 祂说,阿摩司阿,你看见什么?我说,一筐夏天的果子。耶和华对我说,我民以色列的结局到了;我必不再放过他们。
  • 8:3 And the songs of the temple will be wailings In that day, declares the Lord Jehovah. The corpses will be many; In every place They will cast them. Hush!
  • 主耶和华说,那日殿中的诗歌必变为哀号。必有许多尸首在各处被人抛弃。你们不要作声!
  • 8:4 Hear this, you who pant after the needy To destroy the wretched of the earth,
  • 你们这些渴求夺取穷乏人,要除灭地上困苦人的,当听这话。
  • 8:5 Saying, When will the new moon be over, that we may sell grain? And the Sabbath, that we may lay open the wheat? In order to make the ephah small and the shekel large And to falsify the balances for deceit;
  • 你们说,月朔几时过去,我们好卖粮?安息日几时过去,我们好摆开麦子,把卖出用的量器弄小,把收银用的法码弄大,用诡诈的天平欺哄人;
  • 8:6 That we may buy the poor for silver And the needy for a pair of sandals, And sell the refuse of the wheat.
  • 好用银子买贫寒人,用一双鞋换穷乏人,将坏了的麦子卖给人。
  • 8:7 Jehovah has sworn by the excellency of Jacob, I shall by no means forget any of their deeds forever.
  • 耶和华指着雅各的超绝起誓,说,他们的一切行为,我必永远不忘。
  • 8:8 Will the land not quake because of this, And will all who dwell in it not mourn? Indeed all of it will rise up like the River, And it will be driven and will sink like the river of Egypt.
  • 地岂不因这事震动,住在其上的不也都悲哀么?地必全然像尼罗河涨起,如同埃及河涌上落下。
  • 8:9 And in that day, Declares the Lord Jehovah, I will cause the sun to go down at noon, And I will darken the land in the light of day.
  • 主耶和华说,到那日,我必使日头在午间落下,使地在白日的光中变暗。
  • 8:10 And I will turn your feasts into mourning And all your songs into lamentation; And I will bring up sackcloth upon all the loins And baldness upon every head; And I will make it like the mourning for an only child And the end of it like a bitter day.
  • 我必使你们的节期变为悲哀,一切歌曲变为哀歌;我必使众人腰束麻布,头上光秃;也必使这场悲哀如丧独生子,至终如痛苦的日子一样。
  • 8:11 Indeed days are coming, Declares the Lord Jehovah, When I will send a hunger into the land, Not a hunger for bread Nor a thirst for water, But for hearing the words of Jehovah.
  • 主耶和华说,日子将到,我必打发饥荒临到这地;人饥饿非因无饼,干渴非因无水,乃因听不见耶和华的话。
  • 8:12 And they will totter from sea to sea, And from the north even to the east; They will rove about, seeking the word of Jehovah, But they will not find it.
  • 他们必飘流,从这海到那海,从北边到东边;往来奔跑寻求耶和华的话,却寻不着。
  • 8:13 In that day the beautiful virgins and the young men Will swoon because of thirst.
  • 当那日,美貌的处女和少年的男子,必因干渴发昏。
  • 8:14 They who swear by the trespass of Samaria And say, As your god lives, O Dan! And, As the way of Beer-sheba lives! Indeed they will fall and not rise up again.
  • 那指着撒玛利亚罪愆起誓的,说,但哪,我们指着你那里永活的神起誓!又说,我们指着别是巴永活的道起誓;这些人都必仆倒,不再起来。