A (89 total)
1. A debtor to mercy alone, #292
2. A flowing river and a tree, #509
3. A lamp in the night, a song in time of sorrow, #952
4. A little bird I am, #724
5. A mighty flowing-out is God, #1198
6. A mighty Fortress is our God, #886
7. A mind at perfect peace with God; #299
8. A new commandment #1343
9. A ruler once came to Jesus by night, #1019
10. A victor, a victor! [C] #877
11. A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, #334
1. Abba, Father! We adore Thee, #45
2. "Abba, Father," we approach Thee #43
3. Abide in Thee! in that deep love of Thine, #563
4. Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide; #370
5. Abiding in the vine, [C] #1162
6. Abiding, abiding, [C] #562
7. Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet, #562
1. According to Thy gracious word, #214
1. Alas! And did my Savior bleed? #104
2. Alas, and did my Savior bleed? #999
3. All fair within those children of the light, #598
4. All for Jesus! All for Jesus! #444
5. All God's being, all His riches [C] #612
6. All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! #139
7. All I have in Adam is but sin and death, #593
8. All in all forever, [C] #513
9. "All in His hands" — what confidence it brings #680
10. All is in Christ; #515
11. All my doubts I give to Jesus; #570
12. All my life long I had panted #325
13. "All pow'r is given unto me, [C] #917
14. All praise to Him who reigns on high, #79
15. All praise to our redeeming Lord, #858
16. All Scripture is the very breath of God, #799
17. All sinners are the slaves of sin, #1021
18. All sufficient grace! [C] #312
19. All that we were — our sin, our guilt, #31
20. All the building of the Body [C] #848
21. All the guilt has to go [C] #1214
22. All the meetings Christ appointed #1281
23. All the saints of Christ are #854
24. All the signs point to the end, #1302
25. All the way my Savior leads me; #701
26. All the way to Calvary He went for me, [C] #994
27. All the way to Calvary, [C] #481
28. All things are possible to him #535
29. "All things are ready," come to the feast! #1330
30. All thy griefs by Him are ordered, #676
31. All to Jesus, I surrender, #441
32. "Almost persuaded" now to believe; #1046
33. Alone, alone, [C] #91
34. Along the shores of Galilee, #924
35. Already dead! And buried too! #938
1. Am I a soldier of the Cross — #468
2. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound, #313
3. Amazing words! — He 'gave Himself for me,' #237
4. Amid the trials that I meet, #698
5. Amidst us our Beloved stands, #231
1. An uplifted gospel have we, #1292
2. And above the rest this note shall swell, [C] #168
3. And can it be that "He loved me, [C] #502
4. And can it be that I should gain #296
5. And crown Him, crown Him, [C] #139
6. And I shall see Him face to face, [C] #316
7. And it is so! I shall be like Thy Son? #950
8. And take me as I am! [C] #1056
9. And we know whom we have believèd [C] #1285
10. And we're now in the final stages, [C] #1319
11. And wouldst thou live on earth as "more than conqu'ror"? #633
12. Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go, #584
13. Anywhere! Anywhere! Fear I cannot know. [C] #584
1. Are you ready God to meet? #1044
2. Are you washed in the blood, [C] #1007
3. Arise, my soul, arise! #300
4. Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus, #935
5. Around Thy table, holy Lord, #216
6. Art thou hung'ring for the fulness #641
7. Art thou sunk in depths of sorrow #677
1. As gathered in Thy precious name, #218
2. As members of the Body #867
3. As pants the hart for cooling streams #349
4. As the body is the fulness #819
5. As this life flows through me, I'm supplied abundantly. [C] #1351
6. As we're sharing of the cup, #224
7. "Ask in faith," the Name of Jesus #776
1. At even when the sun was set, #757
2. At the cross, at the cross where [C] #999
3. At the end of Luke's gospel, chapter twenty and two, #1291