L (139 total)
1. Laboring on Jesus, the good land so real, #1168
2. Laboring on the good land, laboring in the morning, #1167
3. Lamb of God so pure and spotless, #1089
4. Lamb of God! our souls adore Thee, #236
1. Lead me higher up the mountain, [C] #378
2. Lead me, lead me, [C] #390
3. Leaning, leaning, [C] #558
4. Lest I forget Gethsemane; [C] #160
5. Let Him in! Let Him in! [C] #1040
6. Let it blow! the rushing mighty wind; [C] #1200
7. Let me come closer to Thee, Lord Jesus, #404
8. Let me love Thee, Savior, [C] #369
9. Let me love Thee, Thou art claiming #369
10. Let me sing, for the glory of heaven #164
11. Let party names no more #859
12. Let us contemplate the grape vine, #635
13. Let us eat Jesus every day, #1146
14. Let us exhibit Christ, [C] #864
15. Let us praise Him! Let us praise Him! [C] #7
16. Let us reckon, reckon, reckon, [C] #692
17. Let us stand up in Jesus [C] #1172
18. Let us the incense burn [C] #791
19. Let's take the land! O Christian brothers, [C] #1287
20. Let's take the land! The land that God has given us; #1287
1. Lie still, and let Him mould thee! #450
2. Life at best is very brief, #1043
3. Life eternal brings us #737
4. Life is God the Father in Christ Jesus #1193
5. Life is mysterious, life is God Himself, #1195
6. Life out of death — dear Master, is it spoken #640
7. Life! Life! Eternal life! [C] #1016
8. Lift that Name high! That glorious Name, #77
9. Lift up your heart, lift up your voice; [C] #146
10. Light after darkness, #727
11. Like a river, glorious #719
12. Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me, #403
13. Living for Jesus a life that is true, #456
14. Living for Jesus, oh, what peace! #458
15. Living in Thee, Lord, and Thou in me, [C] #766
16. Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me; [C] #987
1. Lo! In heaven Jesus sitting, #132
2. Lo, from vessels, earthen only, #590
3. Lo, God's image it doth bear, [C] #978
4. Lo, the central thought of God #972
5. Lo, the conflict of the ages #1172
6. Lo, the glory! Lo, the splendor! #946
7. Lo, the holy city, [C] #976
8. Lo, the holy table! [C] #221
9. Lo, the kingdom of the world is now the kingdom of the Lord! #1101
10. Lo, the nations all assemble #1094
11. Lo, the table spread before us #1105
12. Long plunged in sorrow, I resign #726
13. Look away! O look away! [C] #1206
14. Look to Jesus, weary one, #1036
15. Look! Look! Look and live! [C] #1035
16. Look! The Lord is lifted high, [C] #1036
17. Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious; #140
18. Looking unto Jesus, #644
19. Looking unto Jesus, [C] #644
20. Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet #171
21. Lord Jesus Christ, we seek Thy face; #773
22. Lord Jesus Christ, we would remember Thee, #219
23. Lord Jesus! when we think of Thee, #207
24. Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee? #157
25. Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express #212
26. Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live, #389
27. Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole, #408
28. Lord Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine; #544
29. Lord Jesus, in Thy precious name, #230
30. Lord Jesus, Thou art Lord of all, #133
31. Lord Jesus, Thou dost keep Thy child #574
32. Lord of all being, throned afar, #516
33. Lord of all hope, O how [C] #708
34. Lord of glory, we adore Thee! #144
35. Lord of light, with light divine, #282
36. Lord, accept our feeble song! #90
37. Lord, breathe Thy breath of life upon me, #843
38. Lord, day by day I view Thy wondrous Cross #627
39. Lord, hast Thou not one word for me #810
40. Lord, how can man e'er preach Thy Word? #901
41. Lord, how we treasure Thy value, [C] #199
42. Lord, I believe a rest remains #424
43. Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessing #259
44. Lord, I treasure the sweet flow of life, [C] #1191
45. Lord, I was blind; I could not see #599
46. Lord, I would give them the Bread of Life, [C] #924
47. Lord, I would have Thyself in all Thy beauty, #363
48. Lord, in Thy presence silent I would be, #764
49. Lord, in Thy Spirit, take and fill my heart; #270
50. Lord, lay some soul upon my heart, #932
51. Lord, lift me up, and let me stand [C] #396
52. Lord, like the pretty henna*-flower, [C] #171
53. Lord, may Thy blood now cleanse me, #280
54. Lord, may Thy Wind of heaven blow #257
55. Lord, reveal Thyself to me, #412
56. Lord, speak Thy Word, upon us breathe; #844
57. Lord, speak to me, that I may speak #903
58. Lord, teach us how to pray, #1132
59. Lord, teach us to discern the spirit #746
60. Lord, teach us to use #768
61. Lord, the ancient types and symbols #196
62. Lord, the King of kings art Thou, #148
63. Lord, the Spirit, Truth divine, #281
64. Lord, Thou art a potter skilled #839
65. Lord, Thou art all the offerings #195
66. Lord, Thou art God's anointed, #147
67. Lord, Thou art our consecration, #1138
68. Lord, Thou art our peace offering; #1104
69. Lord, Thou art our Person, [C] #1181
70. Lord, Thou art the "Seed of woman," #191
71. Lord, Thou art the lovely Bridegroom, #170
72. Lord, Thou art with me! #685
73. Lord, Thou art worthy: Lord, Thou art worthy; [C] #180
74. Lord, Thou didst know when in the flesh, #491
75. Lord, Thou hast made Thyself to me #526
76. Lord, Thou hast shown the mystery, #488
77. Lord, Thou hast won, at length I yield; #434
78. Lord, Thou knowest all the hunger #283
79. Lord, Thou wilt soon appear, #1314
80. Lord, Thy love has sought and found us #158
81. Lord, Thy Name is callèd Jesus, #68
82. Lord, Thy word of old to David #1253
83. Lord, to know Thee as our Person, #1181
84. Lord, to know Thee as the Body, #1225
85. Lord, transform us to Thine image [C] #750
86. Lord, we come to Thee, and with liberty #273
87. Lord, we meet to seek Thy face #772
88. Lord, we see Thy glory, [C] #62
89. Lord, we thank Thee for the table, #221
90. Lord, we treasure with affection #93
91. Lord, we've heard the call, "Come forward," #1217
92. Lord, when by baptism we confess #937
93. Lord, when the Father ne'er was known, #490
94. Love Divine, all love excelling, #358
95. Love lifted me! [C] #1070
96. Loved with everlasting love, #284
97. Low in the grave He lay — #123
98. Lower and lower, dear Lord, at Thy feet, #416
99. Lower and lower, down at Thy cross, [C] #416