O (252 total)
1. O blessed life — the heart at rest #588
2. O blessed, living Lord, #355
3. O blessèd Savior, is Thy love #153
4. O Bread to pilgrims given, #380
5. O Calvary! Dark Calvary! [C] #307
6. O child of the Kingdom in doubt and distress! #689
7. O Christ, He is the fountain, #206
8. O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found, #522
9. O Christ, what burdens bow'd Thy head! #94
10. O come, all ye faithful! Joyfully triumphant, #85
11. O come, let us adore Him, [C] #85
12. O day of resurrection, #939
13. O dearest Lord, what law hast Thou e'er broken #92
14. O do not let the Word depart, #1045
15. O doubting, struggling Christian, #650
16. O Everlasting Light, #360
17. O Father of glory, now grant unto me #1133
18. O Father, Thou art unchanging, [C] #16
19. O for a thousand tongues to sing #163
20. O glorious Christ, Savior mine, #501
21. O glory, glory, what a life #1015
22. O God and Father, we our praises bring, #54
23. O God of burning altar fire, #927
24. O God our Father, we would come to Thee #55
25. O God! We see Thee in the Lamb #37
26. O God, in Christ all focused is #24
27. O God, our help in ages past, #607
28. O God, th' eternal Father, Thou, #10
29. O God, Thou art the source of life, #12
30. O God, Thou art transcendent, #15
31. O God, unblessing and unblest, #419
32. O gracious God, Thy pleasure #46
33. O hallelujah, yes, 'tis joy! [C] #348
34. O happy day that fixed my choice #347
35. O Head once full of bruises, #95
36. O Holy Father, who in tender love #44
37. O home in the church, #1233
38. O hope of glory, our Christ will return! #966
39. O how blessed is the priest's life, #911
40. O how blessed is the priest's life, [C] #911
41. O how deep and how far-reaching #152
42. O how glorious! O how holy! #602
43. O how great His salvation! #1065
44. O how I love Him! How I adore Him! [C] #82
45. O how nigh the Lord is unto all who call on Him! #1083
46. O how sweet the glorious message, #993
47. O I'm a man — #1293
48. O it is wonderful that He should care for me [C] #289
49. O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me, #395
50. O Jesus Lord, we come to Thee, #1126
51. O Jesus Lord, when present at Thy table, #1110
52. O Jesus! You're God's good land [C] #1168
53. O Jesus, blest Redeemer, [C] #375
54. O Jesus, I have promised #465
55. O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord! #208
56. O Jesus, Lord and Savior, [C] #456
57. O Jesus, Lord, 'tis joy to know #131
58. O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; [C] #208
59. O Jesus, my Lord and Savior, [C] #362
60. O Lamb of God, still keep me #567
61. O let Him grow, O let Him grow; [C] #1301
62. O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore, #717
63. O Light of light, shine in! #359
64. O Light, all light excelling, [C] #359
65. O living Word of God, God's image true, #801
66. O Lord Jesus, Amen! [C] #1312
67. O Lord Jesus, Thy redeemed ones #976
68. O Lord of life, breathe on us now, #254
69. O Lord! Amen! Hallelujah! [C] #1308
70. O Lord! When we the path retrace #87
71. O Lord, appear to us today; [C] #1190
72. O Lord, as we consider Thee, #190
73. O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me, #255
74. O Lord, how rich Thou art to us, #187
75. O Lord, O Lord, You are the man for me! [C] #1177
76. O Lord, our Lord, how excellent #1097
77. O Lord, Thou art in me as life #539
78. O Lord, Thou art our Paraclete, #201
79. O Lord, Thou art the Alpha #202
80. O Lord, Thou art the Son of man, #61
81. O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now #745
82. O Lord, Thou art the Spirit! [C] #539
83. O Lord, Thy being is of old, #81
84. O Lord, Thy boundless love to me #428
85. O Lord, to conflict new #891
86. O Lord, we have loved her fair beauty, #850
87. O Lord, we seek the power we need; #274
88. O Lord, we've seen Your purpose to bring the many sons #1290
89. O Lord, with Thy Holy Ghost, #269
90. O Lord, You've called to us, and Canaan we would win, #1190
91. O Love divine, by Christ revealed, #361
92. O Love divine, how sweet Thou art, #427
93. O love of God, how rich and pure! [C] #28
94. O Love, that wilt not let me go, #432
95. O Master, let me walk with Thee #905
96. O Morning Star, how fair and bright, #174
97. O my Savior, glorified! #135
98. O now I see the cleansing wave! #1010
99. O our Bridegroom! O our Bridegroom! [C] #1160
100. O praise the Lord, God has a plan — #1231
101. O settle it all with Jesus, [C] #650
102. O solemn hour! O hour alone, #110
103. O soul, are you weary and troubled? #645
104. O soul-inspiring story — #64
105. O suffering one, stretch forth your hand, [C] #756
106. O surely I will not come in #1250
107. O teach me what it meaneth: #1076
108. O the children of the Lord have a wondrous song to sing, [C] #41
109. O the crowning day is coming, [C] #953
110. O the riches of my Savior, #542
111. O the riches, O the riches, [C] #542
112. O there's pow'r, pow'r, overcoming pow'r, [C] #1215
113. O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, [C] #343
114. O Thou, in whose presence my soul takes delight, #687
115. O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer; #398
116. O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee! [C] #398
117. O troubled soul, beneath the rod #652
118. O walk about, walk about Zion, #1223
119. O what a miracle, my Lord, #233
120. O what a mystery, the Savior #1074
121. O why not tonight? [C] #1045
122. O Word of God incarnate, #803
123. O yes, He cares, I know He cares, [C] #695
1. O, Cross of Christ, I take thee [C] #477
1. Objective and subjective Christ is to us, #536
1. Of all the gifts Thy love bestows, #38
2. Of Him whence grace and truth did spring, #1149
3. Of Jesus' love that sought me, #286
4. Of the Father's love begotten, #60
5. Of the Spirit born in spirit, #271
6. Of the Spirit, born of Spirit — #1123
1. Oh! Christ, expression of God, the Great, [C] #501
2. Oh! It is so sweet to die with Christ, [C] #482
3. Oh! precious is the flow [C] #1008
4. Oh, blow upon us, Lord, today! [C] #256
5. Oh, blow upon us, Lord, while here we wait on Thee; #256
6. Oh, Christ in all His glory put on humanity #1177
7. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus! [C] #1060
8. Oh, come to the Fountain of Life, [C] #523
9. Oh, dearly, dearly has He loved, [C] #995
10. Oh, for a heart to praise my God, #410
11. Oh, from myself deliver, [C] #280
12. Oh, get ready! Evening shadows fall, [C] #1318
13. Oh, hallelujah, what a death #1087
14. Oh, He's the wonderful Spirit in us, [C] #1113
15. Oh, how dark the night that wrapt my spirit round! #994
16. Oh, how glorious is Thy table, Lord, #1112
17. Oh, how I love Jesus, [C] #70
18. Oh, how I love this blessed Book! #805
19. Oh, how long before my Lord comes back, #962
20. Oh, how lovable, how precious #1258
21. Oh, how the thought of God attracts #606
22. Oh, Jesus, Lord, when Thou on earth #489
23. Oh, listen to the wanderer #1235
24. Oh, Lord, grant us revelation, #1136
25. Oh, make me understand it, [C] #159
26. Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of [C] #1352
27. Oh, may my spirit flow, #846
28. Oh, may Thy living light, Lord, [C] #426
29. Oh, mighty Lord, on us descend, [C] #257
30. Oh, peace of God that passeth thought, [C] #601
31. Oh, sacred union with the Perfect Mind, #476
32. Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I, #566
33. Oh, sanctify us, Lord, today; [C] #1135
34. Oh, sanctify us, Lord; now add Thyself to us, #1135
35. Oh, spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found, #245
36. Oh, strengthen my spirit, Lord Jesus, #1134
37. Oh, tame me, Lord! Rebellious nature calm, #385
38. Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow, #435
39. Oh, the church of Christ is glorious, and we are part of it — #1226
40. Oh, the depth of the riches and the #1344
41. Oh, the Lord is quickly coming, #1276
42. Oh, the love that sought me! [C] #1068
43. Oh, the peace the Savior gives! [C] #573
44. Oh, the wedding day is coming, [C] #1316
45. Oh, to be nothing, nothing! #900
46. Oh, to be nothing, nothing! [C] #900
47. Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord, [C] #591
48. Oh, touch the hem of His garment! [C] #1072
49. Oh, touch the hem of His garment, [C] #760
50. Oh, trust thyself to Jesus #646
51. Oh, we'll stay on God's life line, never turning aside. [C] #1194
52. Oh, what a life! Oh, what a peace! #499
53. Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength! #500
54. Oh, what a miracle that we could be His Bride! [C] #1228
55. Oh, what a Savior that He died for me! #1014
56. Oh, what a wonderful place #479
57. Oh, wondrous day! Oh, glorious morning, [C] #1315
1. Olives that have known no pressure #626
1. On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, #618
2. On Calvary's brow my Savior died #307
3. On Christ, salvation rests secure; #835
4. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; [C] #298
5. On His Father's throne is seated #143
6. On that night of nights most solemn, #217
7. On that same night, Lord Jesus, #213
8. On the Cross of Calvary the Lord and I [C] #487
9. On the Lord's day, John, in spirit, #1183
10. On the table of Thy love, #223
11. On Thee my heart is resting, #581
12. On Thee my heart is resting, [C] #581
13. On to victory! On to victory! [C] #1286
14. "On toward the goal!" Press on! #662
15. Once by nature we were dead in sin, #1232
16. Once far from God and dead in sin, #507
17. Once for all — oh, sinner, receive it; [C] #1001
18. Once I stood in condemnation, #478
19. Once I thirsted for a fountain, #1327
20. Once I thought I walked with Jesus, #573
21. Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters, #310
22. Once I was dead in sin, #502
23. Once it was the blessing, #513
24. One day when heaven was filled with His praises, #987
25. One new man is the Father's plan; #1230
26. One sat alone beside the highway begging, #1078
27. One there is above all others, #1011
28. One thing I of the Lord desire, #409
29. One with Thee, one with Thee. [C] #474
30. One with Thee, Thou Son eternal, #475
31. Only a sinner saved by grace! [C] #311
32. Only believe, only believe; [C] #649
33. Only trust Him! Only trust Him! [C] #1031
34. Onward Christian soldiers! #871
35. Onward Christian soldiers! [C] #871
1. Open my eyes that I may see #807
1. Our Beloved, how we love Him, [C] #1155
2. Our blest Redeemer ere He breathed #247
3. Our Bridegroom soon is coming #1316
4. Our eyes have seen the vision: #1284
5. Our faith to God-ward must in these days spread abroad. #1305
6. Our Father, as the evergreen, #16
7. Our goal — the holy city with the Lord, #973
8. Our God and Father, we respond anew #53
9. Our God and Father, we respond to Thee #51
10. Our God is a God of purpose, #1324
11. Our God is living — say, Hallelujah! #1196
12. Our hands empow'r, [C] #891
13. Our hearts are full of Christ and long #178
14. Our hearts are overflowing #1098
15. Our Lord God Jehovah called a corporate man, [C] #1269
16. Our Lord is now rejected, #953
17. Our Lord, that One of peerless worth #1227
18. Our old man has been crucified with Christ; #1140
19. Our times are in Thy hand; #681
20. Our work of faith must grow exceedingly, [C] #1305
21. Our worship in reality #1169
22. Ours is a fellowship in the gospel #1295
23. Out in the darkness, #931
24. Out in the highways and byways of life, #929
25. Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night, #1050
26. Outreach of the glorious gospel #925
1. Overcome! Overcome! [C] #1273