• 27:1 And Moses, with the elders of Israel, commanded the people, saying, Keep the whole commandment which I am commanding you today.
  • 摩西和以色列的众长老吩咐百姓说,你们要遵守我今日所吩咐的一切诫命。
  • 27:2 And in the day when you cross over the Jordan into the land which Jehovah your God is giving you, you shall erect for yourself large stones; and you shall coat them with plaster.
  • 你们过约但河,进入耶和华你神所赐给你的地,当天要为自己立起几块大石头,墁上石灰;
  • 27:3 And you shall write upon them all the words of this law when you cross over, in order that you may enter the land which Jehovah your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, as Jehovah, the God of your fathers, promised to you.
  • 你过了河,得以进入耶和华你神所赐你流奶与蜜之地,正如耶和华你列祖之神所应许你的,就要把这律法的一切话写在石头上。
  • 27:4 And when you cross over the Jordan, you shall erect these stones, concerning which I am commanding you today, on Mount Ebal; and you shall coat them with plaster.
  • 你们过了约但河,就要在以巴路山上照我今日所吩咐的,将这些石头立起来,墁上石灰。
  • 27:5 And you shall build there an altar to Jehovah your God, an altar of stones; you shall not use an iron tool upon them;
  • 在那里要为耶和华你的神筑一座石坛;在石头上不可动铁器。
  • 27:6 With unhewn stones you shall build the altar of Jehovah your God. Then you shall offer up burnt offerings upon it to Jehovah your God;
  • 要用没有凿过的石头筑耶和华你神的坛,然后在坛上将燔祭献给耶和华你的神。
  • 27:7 And you shall sacrifice peace offerings and eat there, and you shall rejoice before Jehovah your God.
  • 又要献平安祭,且在那里吃,在耶和华你的神面前欢乐。
  • 27:8 Then you shall write upon the stones all the words of this law very clearly.
  • 你要将这律法的一切话清清楚楚的写在石头上。
  • 27:9 And Moses, with the Levitical priests, spoke to all Israel, saying, Be silent and hear, O Israel; this day you have become the people of Jehovah your God.
  • 摩西和祭司利未人告诉以色列众人说,以色列阿,要静默细听;你今日成了耶和华你神的子民。
  • 27:10 Therefore you shall listen to the voice of Jehovah your God, and do His commandments and His statutes, which I am commanding you today.
  • 所以你要听从耶和华你神的话,遵行祂的诫命和律例,就是我今日所吩咐你的。
  • 27:11 And Moses commanded the people on that day, saying,
  • 当日,摩西吩咐百姓说,
  • 27:12 These shall stand upon Mount Gerizim to bless the people when you cross over the Jordan: Simeon and Levi and Judah and Issachar and Joseph and Benjamin;
  • 你们过了约但河,西缅、利未、犹大、以萨迦、约瑟、便雅悯这些支派的人,要站在基利心山上为百姓祝福。
  • 27:13 And these shall stand upon Mount Ebal for cursing: Reuben, Gad, and Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.
  • 流便、迦得、亚设、西布伦、但、拿弗他利这些支派的人,要站在以巴路山上宣布咒诅。
  • 27:14 And the Levites shall respond and say to all the men of Israel with a loud voice,
  • 利未人要向以色列众人高声宣告说,
  • 27:15 Cursed is the man who makes an idol or a molten image, an abomination to Jehovah, the work of the craftsman's hands, and puts it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen.
  • 有人制造耶和华所憎恶的雕像或铸像,就是工匠的手所作的,在暗中设立,那人必受咒诅。百姓都要答应说,阿们。
  • 27:16 Cursed is he who dishonors his father or his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 轻慢父母的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:17 Cursed is he who moves his neighbor's boundary marker. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 挪移邻舍地界的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:18 Cursed is he who leads astray a blind man on the way. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 使瞎子走错路的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:19 Cursed is he who distorts justice due a sojourner, an orphan, or a widow. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 向寄居的和孤儿寡妇屈枉公理的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:20 Cursed is he who lies with his father's wife, for he uncovers the skirt of his father's garment. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 与父亲的妻子行淫的,必受咒诅,因为掀开他父亲的衣边。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:21 Cursed is he who lies with any animal. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 与兽淫合的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:22 Cursed is he who lies with his sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 与异母同父,或异父同母的姊妹行淫的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:23 Cursed is he who lies with his mother-in-law. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 与岳母行淫的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:24 Cursed is he who slays his neighbor secretly. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 暗中杀害邻舍的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:25 Cursed is he who takes payment to slay someone of innocent blood. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 受贿赂杀害人,流无辜人之血的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
  • 27:26 Cursed is he who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • 不坚守遵行这律法言语的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。