21:1 The burden concerning the wilderness of the sea: Like storm winds In the Negev passing through, It comes from the wilderness From an awesome land.
21:2 A harsh vision Has been announced to me; The unfaithful one deals unfaithfully, And the destroyer destroys. Go up, Elam; Lay siege, Media; I have put an end To all her groaning.
21:3 Therefore my loins Are full of anguish; Pangs have taken hold of me Like the pangs of a woman in labor. I am bent over at the hearing of it;I am terrified at the seeing it
21:4 My heart reels; Shuddering overwhelms me. The twilight that I love Has become a source of trembling to me.
21:5 Setting the table! Spreading out the rug! Eating! Drinking! Rise, princes; Oil the shields.
21:6 For thus says The Lord to me, Go, set a watchman; Let him report what he sees.
21:7 And he saw riders, A team of horsemen; Riders of donkeys, Riders of camels; And he attends with attention, With much attention.
21:8 And he calls out like a lion: On the watchtower, Lord, I stand continually by day; At my guardpost I am stationed Every night.
21:9 And now there come Riding men, A team of horsemen. And one answers and says, Fallen, fallen is Babylon! And all the idols of her gods Has he shattered to the earth.