24:1 And when Saul returned from following the Philistines, some told him, saying, David is now in the wilderness of En-gedi.
24:2 And Saul took three thousand choice men from all Israel and went to seek David and his men upon the Rocks of the Wild Goats.
24:3 And he came to the sheepfolds along the way, and a cave was there. And Saul went in to relieve himself. Now David and his men were sitting in the innermost part of the cave.
24:4 And David's men said to him, The day is here of which Jehovah said to you, I am about to give your enemy into your hand. Do then to him according to what seems good in your sight. So David rose up and cut off a corner of Saul's cloak without being noticed.
24:5 But afterward David's heart smote him because he had cut off a corner of Saul's cloak.
24:6 And he said to his men, Jehovah forbid that I should do such a thing to my lord, Jehovah's anointed, as stretch out my hand against him; for he is Jehovah's anointed.
24:7 So David checked his men with these words and would not allow them to rise up against Saul. And Saul rose up out of the cave and went on his way.
24:8 Then David rose up afterward and came out of the cave. And he called after Saul, saying, My lord the king. And when Saul looked behind him, David bowed with his face to the ground and paid him homage.
24:9 And David said to Saul, Why do you listen to men's words that say, David now seeks your harm?
24:10 Just this day your eyes have seen that Jehovah gave you into my hand today in the cave. And though some told me to kill you, I spared you and said, I will not stretch out my hand against my lord, for he is Jehovah's anointed.
24:11 Now my father, look, indeed, look at the corner of your cloak in my hand; for in that I cut off the corner of your cloak and did not kill you, know and see that there is no harm or transgression in my hand. And though I have not sinned against you, you hunt after my life in order to take it.