1.O God, th' eternal Father, Thou,10Lyrics
2.Thou, Father, who art Spirit true,11Lyrics
3.O God, Thou art the source of life,12Lyrics
4.Thou art love and Thou art light, Lord,13Lyrics
5.O God, Thou art transcendent,15Lyrics
6.Our Father, as the evergreen,16Lyrics
7.My Father God, when on Thy vast creation.17Lyrics
8.How faithful and trustworthy too,18Lyrics
9.God our Father, we adore Thee,20Lyrics
10.We praise Thee for Thy righteousness;21Lyrics
11.Holy Father, we adore Thee,22Lyrics
12.In all Thy wisdom, Father God,23Lyrics
13.O God, in Christ all focused is24Lyrics
14.Father, to us Thy mercy Thou hast shown,25Lyrics
15.God, we praise Thee for Thy mercy,26Lyrics
16.What love Thou hast bestowed on us,30Lyrics
17.We bow and worship, Father, here32Lyrics
18.Dear Lord, Thou art the Word of God,56Lyrics
19.The image of the Father God,57Lyrics
20.Thou art the living Word, O Lord,58Lyrics
21.O Lord, Thou art the Son of man,61Lyrics
22.Dear Lord Jesus, we adore Thee,62Lyrics
23.Lord, Thy Name is callèd Jesus,68Lyrics
24.Gracious Lord, Thy name "I AM" is,78Lyrics
25.O Lord, Thy being is of old,81Lyrics
26.Though Thou art God, most glorious, high,86Lyrics
27.Lord, we treasure with affection93Lyrics
28.How wonderful redemption is,116Lyrics
29.Praise Him! Praise Him! Christ is Victor!124Lyrics
30.Lo! In heaven Jesus sitting,132Lyrics
31.Lord Jesus, Thou art Lord of all,133Lyrics
32.Lord, Thou art God's anointed,147Lyrics
33.Lord, the King of kings art Thou,148Lyrics
34.O how deep and how far-reaching152Lyrics
35.Thou, Lord, to God art precious,169Lyrics
36.Lord, Thou art the lovely Bridegroom,170Lyrics
37.Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet171Lyrics
38.O Lord, how rich Thou art to us,187Lyrics
39.Dear Lord, Thou art the Son of God,188Lyrics
40.Thou art the Son beloved,189Lyrics
41.O Lord, as we consider Thee,190Lyrics
42.Lord, Thou art the "Seed of woman,"191Lyrics
43.Dear Lord, Thou art so much to us193Lyrics
44.Thou art God's testimony, Lord,194Lyrics
45.Lord, Thou art all the offerings195Lyrics
46.Lord, the ancient types and symbols196Lyrics
47.How all-inclusive, Lord, Thou art;197Lyrics
48.Dear Lord, Thou art the Tree of Life,198Lyrics
49.Thou art the Rock everlasting,199Lyrics
50.Thou art the Sun of righteousness200Lyrics
51.O Lord, Thou art our Paraclete,201Lyrics
52.O Lord, Thou art the Alpha202Lyrics
53.In the bosom of the Father,203Lyrics
54.When on Thy table, Lord, we gaze,220Lyrics
55.Lord, we thank Thee for the table,221Lyrics
56.Dear Lord, we thank Thee for this bread,222Lyrics
57.On the table of Thy love,223Lyrics
58.As we're sharing of the cup,224Lyrics
59.Through the bread and cup, Lord Jesus,227Lyrics
60.O what a miracle, my Lord,233Lyrics
61.The Spirit of God today242Lyrics
62.God's Spirit is of Christ today,243Lyrics
63.The Holy Spirit is today244Lyrics
64.Spring up, well, with water;250Lyrics
65.Oh, blow upon us, Lord, while here we wait on Thee;256Lyrics
66.Lord, may Thy Wind of heaven blow257Lyrics
67.Where the sprinkling of the blood is,265Lyrics
68.Divine anointing in me dwelleth,266Lyrics
69.Of the Spirit born in spirit,271Lyrics
70.Christ indeed was born of Spirit272Lyrics
71.Lord, we come to Thee, and with liberty273Lyrics
72.O Lord, we seek the power we need;274Lyrics
73.What a blessed fact! What a tiding glad!276Lyrics
74.Christ the Savior hath ascended277Lyrics
75.The Spirit of life is within us today,278Lyrics
76.Grace! 'Tis a charming sound.312Lyrics
77.Savior, lead me, this I pray,390Lyrics
78.Changed into His likeness!399Lyrics
79.Remove my covering, Lord,426Lyrics
80.How can I ever stay away471Lyrics
81.What a wondrous fact, I'm crucified with Christ;487Lyrics
82.O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now493Lyrics
83.Christ is the testimony true494Lyrics
84.Christ is God's centrality495Lyrics
85.Christ is the one reality of all,496Lyrics
86.Grace in its highest definition is497Lyrics
87.Oh, what a life! Oh, what a peace!499Lyrics
88.Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength!500Lyrics
89.O glorious Christ, Savior mine,501Lyrics
90.A flowing river and a tree,509Lyrics
91.I've found the One of peerless worth,510Lyrics
92.Objective and subjective Christ is to us,536Lyrics
93.Christ to me is so subjective,537Lyrics
94.It is God's intent and pleasure538Lyrics
95.O Lord, Thou art in me as life539Lyrics
96.What release the Savior gave me!540Lyrics
97.Not the law of letters,541Lyrics
98.O the riches of my Savior,542Lyrics
99.Earthen vessel I was made,548Lyrics
100.Enter the veil and go without the camp,549Lyrics
101.I come to His presence afresh554Lyrics
102.Thy name is sweet as ointment pourèd forth;556Lyrics
103.Go to Him "without the camp,"583Lyrics
104.All I have in Adam is but sin and death,593Lyrics
105.Christ my very peace is594Lyrics
106.O how glorious! O how holy!602Lyrics
107.What mystery, the Father, Son and Spirit,608Lyrics
108.I praise Thee for Thy mystery,609Lyrics
109.God's Spirit His transmission is,610Lyrics
110.God's glorious substance Spirit is,611Lyrics
111.God intends that all His being612Lyrics
112.If we take the cross, will we but suffer pain?622Lyrics
113.If I'd know Christ's risen power,631Lyrics
114.Death cannot hold the resurrection life,639Lyrics
115.Watch, for the night is ending!666Lyrics
116.Fresh as the dew of the morning,708Lyrics
117.In Eden's garden fair we see733Lyrics
118.The law of God is holy, good,734Lyrics
119.The law of letters God defines,735Lyrics
120.In ancient times the law of God736Lyrics
121.Life eternal brings us737Lyrics
122.There is a certain sense of life738Lyrics
123.In those regenerated by the Lord739Lyrics
124.The principle of incarnation740Lyrics
125.God ordained us unto sonship,741Lyrics
126.Man is a being of three parts,742Lyrics
127.God created us His vessels743Lyrics
128.In dealings with the Lord as life744Lyrics
129.O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now745Lyrics
130.Lord, teach us to discern the spirit746Lyrics
131.The holiest of God's temple is747Lyrics
132.By the cross discern the spirit,748Lyrics
133.The Spirit of the triune God749Lyrics
134.God's intention is to have us750Lyrics
135.It is not by struggling,751Lyrics
136.Lord, in Thy presence silent I would be,764Lyrics
137.To the holiest place I'd come,769Lyrics
138.In the holiest place, touch the throne of grace,770Lyrics
139.The veil is rent and opened is771Lyrics
140.Lord, we meet to seek Thy face772Lyrics
141.Pray with one accord in spirit,779Lyrics
142.Praying always in the spirit,780Lyrics
143.Exercise the spirit,781Lyrics
144.How mysterious, O Lord,782Lyrics
145.Pray to touch the throne of God,783Lyrics
146.Pray to fellowship with Jesus,784Lyrics
147.Praying to express the Lord,785Lyrics
148.Pray to labor with the Lord,786Lyrics
149.The priest's position holy is;791Lyrics
150.Waiting on Thee, Lord, waiting on Thee;792Lyrics
151.My soul, be silent, wait upon the Lord!793Lyrics
152.All Scripture is the very breath of God,799Lyrics
153.God the Lord has spoken, God has been unveiled;800Lyrics
154.O living Word of God, God's image true,801Lyrics
155.Thou art the Word and Spirit, Lord;802Lyrics
156.My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst;811Lyrics
157.I come to Thee, dear Lord,812Lyrics
158.I come before Thy throne of grace813Lyrics
159."Man shall not live by bread alone,814Lyrics
160.Christ is the Word and Spirit too,815Lyrics
161.God's own Word must not be taken816Lyrics
162.Christ is the mystery of God;818Lyrics
163.As the body is the fulness819Lyrics
164.Riches of Christ we should enjoy820Lyrics
165.The Church the vessel is to Christ,821Lyrics
166.The Church the lampstand is to Christ,822Lyrics
167.God before the world's foundation823Lyrics
168.The Church is Christ's own Body,824Lyrics
169.The Church's seed is nought by Christ Himself829Lyrics
170.The unity of the Church is but831Lyrics
171.Christ the Son of God and His redemptive deed832Lyrics
172.The chief Cornerstone Thou art, Lord,834Lyrics
173.We praise Thee, Lord, for Thy great plan837Lyrics
174.Thy blueprint, Lord, I treasure dear,838Lyrics
175.Lord, Thou art a potter skilled839Lyrics
176.Freed from self and Adam's nature,840Lyrics
177.Thou art all my life, Lord,841Lyrics
178.Breathe Thou, O Lord, on me,842Lyrics
179.Lord, breathe Thy breath of life upon me,843Lyrics
180.Lord, speak Thy Word, upon us breathe;844Lyrics
181.Release my spirit! This is what I need:845Lyrics
182.Oh, may my spirit flow,846Lyrics
183.I long for fellowship in spirit,847Lyrics
184.What a blessing, what a priv'lege!848Lyrics
185.Holy priests are living stones849Lyrics
186.How lovely is Thy dwelling-place!851Lyrics
187.Thy dwelling-place, O Lord, I love;852Lyrics
188.All the saints of Christ are854Lyrics
189.Behold, how good, how pleasant 'tis855Lyrics
190.In daily walk and in our meetings too,863Lyrics
191.Whene'er we meet with Christ endued,864Lyrics
192.In spirit and in truth, O Lord,865Lyrics
193.Exercise the spirit!866Lyrics
194.As members of the Body867Lyrics
195.Ere from our gathering we're dismissed, dear Lord,868Lyrics
196.Ere we depart, we praise Thee, Lord, again869Lyrics
197.Fight the battle in the Body,885Lyrics
198.By the blood of Christ the Victor889Lyrics
199.Will you be an overcomer?894Lyrics
200.Not of letters, but of spirit,908Lyrics
201.In the stream! In the stream! Let us work for the Lord,909Lyrics
202.The overflow of life is work,910Lyrics
203.O how blessed is the priest's life,911Lyrics
204.Christ to minister is service912Lyrics
205.Serve and work within the Body,913Lyrics
206.For the Church should be our service,914Lyrics
207.To the lost world minister Christ,922Lyrics
208.Go to collect materials for the House,923Lyrics
209.Outreach of the glorious gospel925Lyrics
210.In death's waters I am buried,936Lyrics
211.Lord, when by baptism we confess937Lyrics
212.Already dead! And buried too!938Lyrics
213.God's kingdom is God's reigning,941Lyrics
214.God's Kingdom on the earth is now942Lyrics
215.Requirements of the Kingdom are943Lyrics
216.The essence of the Kingdom is944Lyrics
217.The Son of God has come to sow945Lyrics
218.Lo, the glory! Lo, the splendor!946Lyrics
219.God's Kingdom today is a real exercise,947Lyrics
220.Myst'ry hid from ages now revealed to me,948Lyrics
221.Christ is the hope of glory, my very life is He,949Lyrics
222.Soon our Lord will come, the day is drawing nigh,956Lyrics
223.Oh, how long before my Lord comes back,962Lyrics
224.O hope of glory, our Christ will return!966Lyrics
225.For the glorious revelation970Lyrics
226.God's eternal purpose971Lyrics
227.Lo, the central thought of God972Lyrics
228.It was a garden in the primal age,975Lyrics
229.O Lord Jesus, Thy redeemed ones976Lyrics
230.In new heaven and new earth978Lyrics
231.How glorious, how bright it shines,979Lyrics
232.Throughout the whole of Holy Writ980Lyrics
233.In His Christ to head up all things981Lyrics
234.River of living water,984Lyrics
235.Christ has become one with sinners,998Lyrics
236.What can keep the wanderers from going all astray?1013Lyrics
237.O glory, glory, what a life1015Lyrics
238.Christ has put on human nature and become a man like me,1017Lyrics
239.All sinners are the slaves of sin,1021Lyrics
240.Christ the Savior is just the One you need,1024Lyrics
241.Give up the world, Christ to obtain,1025Lyrics
242.Are you ready God to meet?1044Lyrics
243.I am sinful, I am helpless,1055Lyrics
244.Hark, here is a hidden myst'ry,1073Lyrics
245.O what a mystery, the Savior1074Lyrics
246.What profit all the labor here?1080Lyrics
247.What miracle! What mystery!1349Lyrics
248.God's eternal economy is to make man the same as He is1350Lyrics